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RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here

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7/3/2009 12:08:16   
sir zeke

Laser Screwdriver: who would use sonic

is a reference to doctor who the greatest show on earth!
Post #: 351
7/13/2009 13:11:33   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

I doubt it's really a reference, but eastern Greenguard is very reminiscent of Radiata Stories. The ravines around the edges of the regions that had bridges that were gradually built as the story continued... It's even somewhat nostalgic. Now if only there were massive trees to just cut steps into for the bridges...

< Message edited by Genoclysm -- 7/13/2009 13:13:41 >
Post #: 352
7/13/2009 13:15:51   
Legendary Loremaster


ORIGINAL: ArchMagus Orodalf

Golden Staph is evidently a reference to Staphylococcus aureus.

The Staphylococci genus as a whole more like. Staphylococcus aureus is bot one species therein.
Post #: 353
7/17/2009 15:56:00   

The war shovel 20k in aqw and the Nechrons in warpforce seem to be an obvious reference to warhammer 40k.
And staphylococcous aureus. Aureus means gold. so Golden Staph.


AQ  Post #: 354
7/18/2009 20:58:33   
Legendary AK!!!

Lt. Roddenberry and Ensign Fisher, the two people in the back of the Engineering room in WF, are presumably named after Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, and Carrie Fisher, who played Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy.
AQ DF  Post #: 355
7/19/2009 18:21:56   
sir zeke

trobble = Tribble(Star Trek)
42 & Beware the Lepoardzard(Upstairs of yulagrs in Door) = The Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy

Trumpeter flamingo = Trumpeter swan

Almost everything form the "Wanderland" quest is form Alice in wonderland by lewis carol

Double posting is against the rules. Use the "Edit" button next time. ~Rhowena

< Message edited by Rhowena -- 7/24/2009 22:55:34 >
Post #: 356
7/26/2009 0:08:20   
Legendary Loremaster


ORIGINAL: Caterpie

The war shovel 20k in aqw and the Nechrons in warpforce seem to be an obvious reference to warhammer 40k.
And staphylococcous aureus. Aureus means gold. so Golden Staph.

Touche I have been outpunned!
Post #: 357
7/27/2009 13:32:05   

The Star Knights are references to the Jedi Knights, the Uniforce is the Force, the second to last Star Knight is a reference to Obi-Wan. The Gathorans could be Jawas, and their names themselves are from another Star Wars species (name eludes me, but they're pigs).
AQ  Post #: 358
7/27/2009 13:36:28   
Still Alive~

Ken Benobi is obviously a reference to Obi-Wan as well(Ben Kenobi)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 359
8/2/2009 21:36:55   
sir zeke

The Bat guano quest is a reference to OOTS (The Order of the Stick)

Chaos Gemeralds is a reference to SONIC

< Message edited by sir zeke -- 8/2/2009 22:00:39 >
Post #: 360
8/3/2009 18:12:24   
goron link8

I think the Goo in WF and AQ
is alot like what happened to organisms
near the Die Glocke
because they decomposed into a black goo
plus it was stated that Dark Madder turned them into goo
it would be pretty hard to kill a planets worth of animals
AND then undeadify them

< Message edited by goron link8 -- 8/3/2009 18:13:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 361
8/3/2009 18:43:19   

It appears that most of Greenguard's new characters are a reference to Grimm's Tales. (I.E. The three little wolves and the fact that there is an evil pig is a swap of The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 362
8/4/2009 13:11:37   
ArchMagus Orodalf

I love Hennaooine... as opposed to Tattooine. :P
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 363
8/12/2009 6:58:21   
sir zeke

and the picture of the toilet in the Design notes is areference to the Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation

And Mick guivore the dwarf with a mullet is a reference to Mcguivere a great TV show

< Message edited by sir zeke -- 8/14/2009 20:14:55 >
Post #: 364
8/14/2009 20:26:59   

I just thought of something. Whilst looking at the Nechron Proteans, and the Nechron Exo's, I found an odd similarity to the Flood of the Halo series. Because of how the skin beneath their armor seems to bulge and pulse. It just somehow reminded me of the Flood.
AQ  Post #: 365
8/15/2009 16:34:27   

Here's a post of mine that I pulled from tflo's topic. These are a bunch of Sonic the Hedgehog possible references, parodies, and spoofs.

Anti Rainbow Cannon: A.R.C. Cannon/ Space Colony ARK had a cannon that blew up the frigging moon. (Sonic Adventure 2)
Chaos Gemeralds/ Chaos Emeralds (Sonic in general)
Remember how in Shadow the Hedgehog (If you played it, which I did) on the final level, Black Doom uses the Emeralds to turn into Devil Doom, which was a giant, flying monster.
Vath is trying to use the Gemeralds to summon the Rock Roc. A Roc is a GIANT bird with three heads (in some stories) and can carry elephants in its claws. Barely a connection, but hey, two giant flying monsters.
In the Greenguard quests, you should catch a coincidental reference to Sonic and the Black Knight if you payed attention to the story. King Arthur's monsters are from the UnderWorld. In the Black Knight shop in Greenguard, you can buy the UnderWorld Cloak.
In the AC shop, there's a battle crown that resembles King Arthur's, too. Maybe I'm going overboard, but those are all of mine.
Oh, and while I'm at it, Imperial Armor just barely looks like Arthur's armor.

Wanna compare?
King Arthur: Black Knight
Imperial Armor
Battle Crown

If you have that combination, you could be looking like Sonic and the Black Knight's King Arthur in no time. Even though his armor's gold.

EDIT: Oh, and although WarpForce is full of Sci-Fi references, anyone else notice how in the Command room, when you click on the pilot's hand, you get ZAPPED? Star Trek reference?


When I first brought the issue of TV Tropes in AQ GGD, I said that I will edit the TV Tropes article from the point of view of an AQ gamer to more precisely reflect the game. Today, I'm bringing you guys the (partially completed) edited version, complete with link and all.

Disclaimer: The original article is owned by TV Tropes Wiki, http://www.tvtropes.org. I am not a Troper, nor do I lay claim to any part of the information supplied below, apart for sections I have added on myself.

Here you go. Please enjoy your read.

I added a few things to the AQW, AQ, MQ, and DF pages. I love TVTropes, awesome site.

< Message edited by AxelMechRaven -- 8/15/2009 17:30:14 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 366
8/26/2009 9:13:22   

The Mini Magmars and the Magmar Pokemon seem to be spoofs:

1. The Magmar (MQ) has Fire-Type attacks
2. Like Margar from Pokemon, there are Various Versions, or Evolutions of the Mini Magmar (MQ), like the Mini Magmar, Enraged Mini Magmar, Magmar, Pryoslord.
3. Like a Magmortar, it seems that the Magmars (MQ) shoot Fire out of there hands.

< Message edited by venturer90 -- 8/26/2009 9:17:37 >
Post #: 367
8/28/2009 21:38:29   
goron link8

in the new gryphon training mission in DF the griffin's ame is a reference to

family guy
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 368
9/1/2009 16:53:13   

I've been watching a show called "1000 ways to die" on spike TV. In one of the clips "funny boned" there's a guy named chuck who pretty much laughed himself to death. It triggered a thought on chuckles from AE, and i wondered... was it accidental or just coincidence?

(you can watch the clip if you look up "1000 ways to die: funny boned". the clip is on the spike tvs website aswell.)


Post #: 369
9/2/2009 13:49:33   

Naruto spoilers follow.


OK, is it just me or does Drakath STRONGLY resemble Sasuke?


Also, consider how Drakath killed Chuckles with an eye teqnique, how he hit Alteon with a "cursed seal", how he killed Sepulchure with "Chidori", and how he wrecked Fluffy with black flames (Amertarasu?).

Here's more resemblences:
-Both are dark, moody, and somewhat stoic.
-Both give dramatic/cool speeches about themselves.
-Both are chaos-alinged
-Both start out as noobs. As they gain power, they also gain minions (13 lords of chaos/Taka) and a cool sword.
-Both have a "released" form, where they gain a pair of creepy wings.
-Both use eye-based powers.
-Both are purple.
-Both, after obtaining power, killed their bosses (Sepulchure/Orochimaru)
-Both have changing eye colors(Drakth goes from green to red; Sasuke goes from black to red) when they use their power.
-Both go from an undering to a boss aligned with only themselves.


< Message edited by 135 -- 9/2/2009 13:50:07 >
AQ  Post #: 370
9/2/2009 14:24:02   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Both are also full of cliches (what characters aren't full of them anymore?), except for

those creepy flesh-hand-wings.

All those attacks are just as cliched if not more so.
Post #: 371
9/3/2009 20:10:02   

lol, yea, those are somewhat...unplesant.
AQ  Post #: 372
9/4/2009 17:59:52   
goron link8

shearhide the unmagic dragon is an opposite of puff the magic dragon
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 373
9/14/2009 12:31:40   
The Braken Bard

I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here but:

One of the quests in Dwarfhold, Rock Me Amadeus. A song called Rock Me Amadeus.
Holy Hand Grenade in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (keep going down until it says something about a rabbit and a Holy Hand Grenade)
The Scorpion King boss a reference to Dwayne Johnson and his role in the movie, The Scorpion King.
A dwarf and a show called McGuyver (sorry no link to the Wikipedia, none available). They also seem to have a similar 'do. Sorry if this is a little vague.
AQ MQ  Post #: 374
9/14/2009 13:06:14   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

This is exactly where that sort of thing belongs. I didn't know about that first one.
Post #: 375
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