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=AQ= Grenwog Festival 2021 - To Spring A Trap

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3/29/2021 11:21:54   
Bu Kek Siansu

Home Page: http://www.battleon.com


Spring Sales Event!
Z-Token packages give up to an extra 25% bonus Z-Tokens!


Grenwog Festival 2021 - To Spring A Trap:
Bandits and Dryads alike have grown more active since the passing of War. The increasing outlaw outposts in particular are becoming a serious concern for people visiting Battleon for Grenwog. In setting out to deal with them, the Chosen stands to learn an important lesson about the call of nature.



Limited-Time Shop - Choco-Light of Destiny:
The famed axe of Artix, now in high quality chocolate form! Leaving the tempering to magical smiths made it tough on the teeth, but tougher on your foes! This weapon swaps between Melee and Magic, and also lets you break out of immobilising statuses by spending SP.



Tag! //D.U.M

< Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 3/29/2021 11:44:51 >
Post #: 1
3/29/2021 11:50:07   

Looks like someone bit the axe before the smith tempered them.
Post #: 2
3/29/2021 12:15:35   
And Pun-isher


Smiths need sugar too. That or they have scary, scary teeth.
Post #: 3
3/29/2021 12:22:58   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

Folks can you believe we first released the Grenwog Festival in 2006?! That means this is the 15th year of the Grenwog Festival! Along with another eggcellent quest written by Cray, there is a special event shop update coming later this month as well.
AQ  Post #: 4
3/29/2021 12:46:13   
And Pun-isher


Bahahaha, yes. Let the eggcessive, cruel and unusual punishment begin.
Post #: 5
3/29/2021 13:16:45   

What's with all these Lights of Destiny weapons recently? How close are we to having 1 of every element?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
3/29/2021 17:28:56   

You could ask the same for why we are also close to having all 8 elements of bloodmage/zerker/mason.

@Crayon: don’t get too cray-z on us with those puns.

I’ll see myself out
Post #: 7
4/1/2021 14:37:56   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

This will be a Friday release folks!
AQ  Post #: 8
4/2/2021 14:46:31   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Kurtz96, In all honesty, I would definitely be all in for one of each element.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/2/2021 15:17:24   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

We will have the 8 elemental variants of the Blinding Light axes covered eventually. The Choco-Light axes are now in the Limited-Time Shop - in both Milk (Water) and Dark chocolate flavors!

The Grenwog Festival event is still being worked on and should release this afternoon.

AQ  Post #: 10
4/2/2021 20:06:12   

It was, but it doesn't hurt for flavor - pretty sure we've also had fire twice. Think we've had nearly all eight covered, besides Energy. Water I could see being the most useful, especially against Energy and Paralysis.
AQ  Post #: 11
4/3/2021 0:02:35   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

The Grenwog Festival has returned!

For Cray's bday, Lorekeeper's Oath has returned to the Limited-Time Shop!
AQ  Post #: 12
4/3/2021 1:49:14   

Yay! Happy Birthday Cray!
Post #: 13
4/3/2021 2:12:10   

quick thoughts on the new gear:


Looks like this is the update for hybrids.

axe: this has some nice synergy with things like water bloodzerker/bloodmage. Although until the info subs are out the empowerment factor is unknown.

armor: interesting concept with the ability to heal from your attacks with the first skill with a standard second spell based skill that does water damage. It looks like you heal roughly 20-25% of your damage dealt from the normal attack? The first skill uses SP + MP for upkeep and stats too, and changes your lean from FD to FO. could have some utility with some weapons that have skills.

shield: Pretty nice, 41 SP for +30 STR/INT. Undoubtedly useful and might go into my main inventory.

spell: earth vuln! but the text looks like it's all the same effect if you keep using it over and over again and hogs all the real estate for the effect pane. But it lasts for the rest of the battle and also transforms your background! Very useful no doubt though.

I'm wondering if there's a FSB to all of this? Either way I love all the gear this release and everyone has a little bit of something that they will find uses for.

PS: Since it's cray's birthday I have a lot of cray puns that I will think about posting later in the day.

< Message edited by PD -- 4/3/2021 2:25:29 >
Post #: 14
4/3/2021 5:00:00   

Lol I laughed at some of the dialogues. It's a little funny too that my character's name is Renna and she's going against Senna
Post #: 15
4/3/2021 15:53:44   

Love the new items! Great release guys.

Some thoughts on the rewards:


Glad to see hybrid is starting to get some real support, with the hybrid stat toggle shield and the hybrid toggle armor! Would absolutely love to see more armors with hybrid stat toggles!

Quick question on the shield: why does it toggle (at max level) to give only +30 STR and INT when the prior hybrid stat toggle skills on Werepyre armors and the hybrid Paladin armor all gave +35 STR and INT?

Also, I love the new spell and am happy to see a non premium background change spell. However, I don't think the elevuln is stacking properly - it creates a new "line" for each stack.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 16
4/3/2021 20:09:28   

Does anyone know what the Shard of the Covenant shield from last year's Grenwog quest does? I'd forgotten about it, and now that I've looked I can't find anything on it's stats.

((EDIT: As I've never had and still don't have any interest in chat rooms, i subsequently have never used the Discord server, and have no idea how/if you could find that- i just tried searching up a couple of the hashtags for the channels and got no results. :| Thanks for trying to help, I guess? ugh I'm getting old lol))

< Message edited by Uskius -- 4/4/2021 1:39:19 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 17
4/4/2021 0:58:24   

Shard of the Covenant shield was mentioned in #aq_goggery (discord - The Gogg's Tavern).
AQ  Post #: 18
4/4/2021 6:20:44   
Ryu Draco

The spell seems reminiscent of the Absolute Darkness spell we got during the last saga. Wonder if they'll continue with others...
AQ  Post #: 19
4/4/2021 19:48:47   
Legendary Ash

Shard of the Covenant's effect was referenced in the info subs of Haunted Dragonlord's Will.
AQ  Post #: 20
4/4/2021 22:33:27   

^Thanks for the tip. I saw Haunted Dragonlord and just scrolled right past it the first time through.

And this year's quest was fun. Has some nifty gear in the rewards, too.
AQ Epic  Post #: 21
4/5/2021 15:39:40   
Macho Man

Finally I can get Lorekeeper's Oath! I foolishly waited to buy it last year and forgot to, so I waited all year for it to return. Happy birthday Cray!

< Message edited by Macho Man -- 4/5/2021 15:51:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
4/5/2021 17:01:01   

The egg pet shop and the egg sheild shop are missing from the Grenwog 2021 To spring a trap quest.
Can we see about getting these back in before the event is over. wanting to get the egg pets.
Thanx to the Devs if they could do this please.

They are from the 2020 Egg Trade shop.
TheGrenwog hooded face button is there but not the pet or sheild buttons.

< Message edited by doomas -- 4/5/2021 17:33:52 >
AQ  Post #: 23
4/5/2021 22:47:04   

Anyone else feel like the Shard of the Covenant shield is a little too weak? Needs to be beefed up a bit?
Post #: 24
4/5/2021 23:35:20   

Nah, we just need to nerf the dragonlord one and it'll all be good
AQ  Post #: 25
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