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Looking for some help starting a Pokemon RPG.(Edited wiht ideas)

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8/12/2007 20:51:10   

Hi.. I'm trying to make a pokemon RPG, PTCRPG (Pokemon Trainer's Challenge RPG). Right now I neeed coders... I'm having trouble with a MySQL database.. So I need some help.. Please... PM me about helping, thanks. I will post link once I figure out how to make a database, to finish register, and add layout! Oh yes, you'll get auto-staff.

HEre's what I need..

Well, coders of course PHP, MySQL, Javascript, and amny other typs of Codes, Perl would be nice..

Let's see...

First things, my register script is nearly done, I can handle register and login easily... The layout is done..
We need updates on the database.. I have male and female, and Email now... I can add pokemon, but I wont until I finish the pokemon stats database, I need helpers on that.. We'll need things like promos.. Which wont take very long, but might take a while to be able to add them t your party.. This will NOT be flashbased, or anything like AQ/DF.. It'll be more like PNN/TPPC/TPPA, ect. Trades will be the LASTt hing we have. .We also nee map creators and many other things.. For now, let's not worry about catching pokemon and watnot, for it'll be one of the last things added... Same as battle.. We'll work on basics, view profle, ect, ect. Please, help, join my team.. I have 2 otherr people helping, a amzing coder, Cless. He's making his own RPG, he's just helping a tiny bit with mine.. And Crawn, a new coder like me.. We'll be webmasters.. But.. You guys will be game designers, and other things.. Please, help, PM me, or post here!

< Message edited by Xyphon -- 8/14/2007 15:46:58 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
8/12/2007 22:40:24   

Why are there no replys?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
8/12/2007 23:23:25   

Because all the coders are probably offline, man.

Give it some time, you'll get some help.

Personally, I'd suggest putting up some screenshots (if you have any) so people can see the game so far. And if you have screenshots, you might want to make a thread for your game in the GoCA main thread. You can put what positions you need to fill on the first post along with other stuff about the game.
AQ  Post #: 3
8/12/2007 23:28:13   

I just started.. Can't..

< Message edited by Grafh -- 8/14/2007 22:03:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
8/12/2007 23:30:45   

that's okay then.

In that case, try fleshing out your idea, like what you're going to need the most in the game. That way, the coders that are on these forums can decide if they want to do it. Because some parts of the coding process are immensely more difficult than others.
AQ  Post #: 5
8/13/2007 0:17:18   


A coder is online.
And _Depression, your last sentence couldn't be closer to the truth.

So here's a brief breakdown of what you'd need to make a pokemon CLONE (as in, basically identical)

-Battle system --> basically like that of AQ, with limits on each move and animations for all attacks. Turn based.
-Health/Mana = HP/PP
-Move system with moves that can be attached...like spells in AQ basically.
-Animations built into each pokemon. Death, EnterBattle, etc

-Inventory system --> Once again like that of AQ, organizes various items into categories and stacks similar items.
-Item stacking is very important. Check if items have similar names
-Limits on size and number of items.

-Shop system --> basic, buy and sell items. Goes hand in hand with inventory.
-Assign buy/sell prices to each item
-Different stock in different shops

-Tileset Engine --> Can be complex to do well. This is where you walk around.
-Load maps dynamically from arrays of numbers (0 corresponds to a tile, 1 corresponds to another tile)
-Tiles must blend into one another (transitions...difficult)
-Tiles must have either 'walkable' or 'not walkable' status
-Must side-scroll for some areas and contain smooth area transitions
-Direct link into battle engine
-You're going to want a map editor program (that you have to make) to make this easier than typing numbers

-Talking system --> Um, speech? Quite important.
-Overlay speech bubbles on either top or bottom of screen, like pokemon games
-Question answers (ie, "Yes", "No") send information to the game to make decisions
-Works with tileset engine (where the actual people are)

-Capture/Party system --> Dude, you gotta catch 'em! Organize pokemon, see status, etc
-Pokemon information stored here
-Catch pokemon system using balls, probability roll for caught/not caught. Not too hard
-Read stats from stat engine, coming up next

-Stat/Exp engine --> Once again like AQ/DF, except you program in how certain pokemon grow.
-Different stats contribute different things, your choice really
-All information readable by party system to keep things organized.

-Map engine --> Not hard at all, just gets your relative location and puts a symbol on the map
-Limited maps in-game, so it can be pre-drawn
-Color shows where you've been/not been

This is just the basics, I'm happy to further elaborate on each of these subjects as well as how to get started on each.
Don't worry if you don't get some things, but if you don't understand a lot, you might want to start simpler.

Hope this helps.

AQ  Post #: 6
8/13/2007 8:40:00   

*a novice programmer and artist enters*

Xyphon: Do you have a particular skill set? It's usually more encouraging for people to join if the project manager has something to offer instead of just ideas of what to do and what needs to get done. For something as large as this, you'll definitely need a team. Do you have any idea what programs you want to use to create this (ie Flash, XNA, etc.)?

Anyway, Althorne would probably know how to work your MySQL database. You should try asking him for some help if he's available.

EragonZZZZ: That's a lot of stuff. Like you said, not all of it, but that list of yours is already pretty extensive for things to consider. Most of it is pretty easy to do in a text-based game, though, so the hard part would be probably to convert to a GUI. The one thing I'm uncertain of is how to save the progress to the database, but it'll probably be easier to understand once I finish learning a little more about PHP and MySQL. Just thinking out loud.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
8/13/2007 20:55:50   

Excellent catch, Penndragon. You realized exactly what I intended everybody to realize, especially Xyphon.

That huge list was the most visual way I could emphasize a few things:
-A "Poke'mon RPG" is incredibly advanced to create
-It's also a very broad term, so I could describe anything from any pokemon game I've ever read about and put it into "the list"
-This is a large project; You will need a team
-You will also need to be very specific about what you want accomplished, because a massive list like that is very off-putting to both potential team members, and yourself.
AQ  Post #: 8
8/13/2007 23:35:18   

Hmm... I think it is possible to code a pokemon game. I know a little tool kit to make RPGs, you just need to replace the sprites with pokemon sprites, the character with a trainer... Attacks, items... Hmmm... I may work, but it isn't a walk in the park.


AQ  Post #: 9
8/14/2007 15:38:56   




A coder is online.
And _Depression, your last sentence couldn't be closer to the truth.

So here's a brief breakdown of what you'd need to make a pokemon CLONE (as in, basically identical)

-Battle system --> basically like that of AQ, with limits on each move and animations for all attacks. Turn based.
-Health/Mana = HP/PP
-Move system with moves that can be attached...like spells in AQ basically.
-Animations built into each pokemon. Death, EnterBattle, etc

-Inventory system --> Once again like that of AQ, organizes various items into categories and stacks similar items.
-Item stacking is very important. Check if items have similar names
-Limits on size and number of items.

-Shop system --> basic, buy and sell items. Goes hand in hand with inventory.
-Assign buy/sell prices to each item
-Different stock in different shops

-Tileset Engine --> Can be complex to do well. This is where you walk around.
-Load maps dynamically from arrays of numbers (0 corresponds to a tile, 1 corresponds to another tile)
-Tiles must blend into one another (transitions...difficult)
-Tiles must have either 'walkable' or 'not walkable' status
-Must side-scroll for some areas and contain smooth area transitions
-Direct link into battle engine
-You're going to want a map editor program (that you have to make) to make this easier than typing numbers

-Talking system --> Um, speech? Quite important.
-Overlay speech bubbles on either top or bottom of screen, like pokemon games
-Question answers (ie, "Yes", "No") send information to the game to make decisions
-Works with tileset engine (where the actual people are)

-Capture/Party system --> Dude, you gotta catch 'em! Organize pokemon, see status, etc
-Pokemon information stored here
-Catch pokemon system using balls, probability roll for caught/not caught. Not too hard
-Read stats from stat engine, coming up next

-Stat/Exp engine --> Once again like AQ/DF, except you program in how certain pokemon grow.
-Different stats contribute different things, your choice really
-All information readable by party system to keep things organized.

-Map engine --> Not hard at all, just gets your relative location and puts a symbol on the map
-Limited maps in-game, so it can be pre-drawn
-Color shows where you've been/not been

This is just the basics, I'm happy to further elaborate on each of these subjects as well as how to get started on each.
Don't worry if you don't get some things, but if you don't understand a lot, you might want to start simpler.

Hope this helps.


Eragon, this is not a "Flash" RPG.. Have you played a pokemon RPG? Nothing like AQ.. IT's more textbased...

Go on TPPC... You'll see how un Flash/AQ like it is.. Please, do not relate pokemon to AQ...

As for things I need...

Battle.. Let's see.. Attacks... You pick an attack of course, and you click attack, your oponent does aswell, no animation, just a simple textbased thing.. People dont "Talk" in a Pokemon RPG. .What I mean by a "Pokemon RPG" is PHP, MySQL, Ect..
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
8/14/2007 16:26:08   

Xyphon, you have to give more information. I'm sure your whole paragraph up there wasn't up until after Eragon said something, next time you start a topic, put more info into it.

Sorry, I only really know HTML and some mIRC/AS, that's about my limit on code.
Post #: 11
8/14/2007 16:34:03   

Okay..thanks.. Wasnt sure what people thought when i said "Need help with pokemon RPG".

< Message edited by Grafh -- 8/14/2007 22:03:05 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
8/14/2007 16:46:10   


It was very unfair for you to say that to EragonZZZZ. First, like iChar said, you gave us little information to even know what you're doing; how would we know that you'd want to keep this mostly text based? Also, most of what EragonZZZZ listed are valid points for every Pokemon GB/GBA/DS game out there and you should still consider them.

Anyway, what I think you're doing is something similar to PhantasyRPG (never played any of the games you've listed) which is basically a PHP turn-based walkaround RPG (tiled). If so, the task isn't as daunting as I had originally thought (most people want to upgrade, not downgrade their favorite games). If not, you will have to excuse me for my ignorance.

BTW, do you know if there are copyright restrictions on Pokemon? If there is, you'd probably have to make it a little different to avoid legal issues.

Still can't help though. I don't have the skills necessary to work with a database let alone having different programming and scripting languages communicate with eachother without problems (all you really need is knowledge of PHP, how MySQL works, and HTML IMO).

< Message edited by Penndragon -- 8/14/2007 16:48:39 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
8/14/2007 16:49:28   

It's totaly legal.

< Message edited by Grafh -- 8/14/2007 22:02:49 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
8/14/2007 18:33:15   

My bad, I figured you meant a Pokemon RPG in the style of all the Pokemon GAMES, rather than something online.
Once again, you didn't give any reference.
But yes, you are right that I have never played nor heard of that game.

Also, I appreciate very much that you followed my advice (and everyone else's too) to add the basic info about your game. That makes it much easier to see what you are trying to accomplish.
If you could organize it in a slightly more efficient fashion, that would probably draw more people in.

For example, make headings of:
"What I want to accomplish"
"What can wait"
"Current Team Members"

I've read the information you posted, and I see ways you could divide it up, should you wish to do so.

/snuggles Ichar and his new avatar
AQ  Post #: 15
8/14/2007 20:07:33   

Nah, dont need to.. Just waiting for replys..
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
8/17/2007 13:09:21   

DF  Post #: 17
8/20/2007 3:05:51   
The Illusive Man

Er... This seems a really big step... I'll breakdown a bit of the PHP i think -

first you need your user logon system. You have it. That would be in a registration table or something. You definately need userID or something as the primary key. Then you'll need another table in the same database as pokemon. You'd have to have a pokemon in party table, a pokemon stats table (the two would be connecting all the time for attacks etc.). In the pokemon stats table, there would be a list of every pokemon. All of their attacks, and what damage they do. And even THEN there would be the problem of the 4 attacks rule in pokemon. That's just touching the tip of the iceberg. Seriously man, you need to get a pro coder for this. This isn't amateur level at all.

And i'm 99% sure this is not legal. Myself and Darklord517 tried to make a pokemon RPG once. Pokemon myazmir... Some may remember? - Darky emailed Nintendo asking for a license to make a fan game. This license was not given. I don't think that it will be given here too...

That's just my 2 pence lol
Post #: 18
8/20/2007 11:22:34   

About the license, you can make an online fan game, as long as you give almost all credits to nintendo (:P) and you don't make any money off of it (XP).

I know you said you are able to webmaster, but I might be able to help. Could you post a link to the site you have so far? Oh and for coding in PHP, check out the game I'm making:


You have to click on:

Play>>Register>>Then login twice (wierd bug for some reason. Just go back to main site page and go through this again so it loads stats and stuff. :P).

I pretty much have a battle system including stats and such, but for now it only applies to one character. I might be able to change it so that it works for multiple characters (ie, pokemon in your party).

If you want my help though, I'd much rather make the website, especially since my PHP expertise deals with files, not databases.


EDIT: Btw, there's some kinks in the battle system (caused by my host's php permissions :P) so it might not work right, depending on if I've updated it or not.

< Message edited by Malagrond -- 8/20/2007 11:25:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
8/21/2007 4:09:31   
The Illusive Man

Mala - aparently not. Myself and Darklord517 asked nintendo for permission after we were told that the game wouldn't be allowed here without it. Nintendo said no. Just passing it on.
Post #: 20
8/21/2007 7:35:04   

WOW. Nintendo has gotten stingier over the past few years. :P

Ok. Then you might want to either keep this under wraps, or um idk.

I'll still help if you need me to. I'm bored as hell.

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
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