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RE: =MtAK= What Dimension ?

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9/6/2009 22:50:03   

im back
Welcome back :D

1 is dimension p releated to you
It was *blushes*

2 do all mods get coustom avvys
Yes :/

3 there is no room to edit this HAHAHAHA
I have the all mighty *space* :D

4 how is the pie bomb
It is a bang !

6 where is 5
Here : 5

5 how is the box of togs
Rolith was too busy to show me the Box of Togs D:

7 bye (for now)
G-Bye :D

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/7/2009 3:10:54 >


Remember that time that everyone hated me?

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 51
9/7/2009 10:46:15   

Mew D:<

so if i raise an army of blue dragons, what color will you raise?
I'll call blues >_>. Who's blue now? :D

if you had a box of matches what would you do first?

with a flamethrower?
Lockhammer >:D

hmm, a nuke?
Deletehammer >:D

hmm, looks like im running out of questions, how am i going to post on every page?
You have to? Of course you have to !

well by

~your friendly neigourhood pyro,
~egg-sactly !



< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/7/2009 15:15:58 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 52
9/7/2009 11:28:32   

Hey :D

Congratz on the AK-ship!
Thanks n_n

Like my color?
I like the number :D

Do you like the Random Number Generator?





What would you do if I... made you King of the Cookies!?!
I'll eat my empire >:D

Well, I am! You are King of the Cookies!
*om nom nom*

I brought cookies and cake to celebrate!
Cake? In CookieTopia? D:< This is a lie !

~Gives Dimension a Cookie~
+1 to infinity

The cake is a lie.
I told you..

~Runs away before Dimension throws something at me~
At least give me the cake back D:<

Ok... thats all...

Seya! Gratz again on the AK-ship!
Same :D And thank you :P

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/7/2009 15:19:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
9/7/2009 14:27:56   

Dimension R.!!!
Late! I saw "ILmaster" here D:<. Hey V_J :D

Congratulations! :D
Thanks! >:D

What color are the shackles?
Going to be dark-blue with some black thingies :3 *points at Night Crawler*

Who is your cell-partner/neighbor (depending on the circumstances)? :o
I'm in a little box now, jumping in front of Armakuny :D sometimes I can see TLH =D Reni is hiding ;-;

Who's your favorite Viking? ;D
You don't know him >_> he's name is Jorun >:D

Well, congratulations, and I'm glad you're on the team! :D
Thanks :D And I am more than glad to be here ^_^


< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/7/2009 15:24:51 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 54
9/7/2009 14:45:41   
Dark Sergio

Hey Raul =D
Hey Sergio :D

Long time no see
Long time no chat n_n

Banana or tomato?
Banana >:D *Greystar's post in this MtAK*

I know...

Thanks :D I can see that Dx

P.S I was on your first AK party =D
Don't worry n_n I remember :D



< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/7/2009 15:26:49 >
Post #: 55
9/7/2009 15:03:42   

ILmaster! =P
*blames V_J* ;_;

Just kidding. Heya, Raul!
Versy :D

What's your second-favorite color?
A manly one n_n

Guess what MY favorite color is. =O
The manly one ? >:D

If you were to walk in a room, only to catch two of your best friends playing Monopoly with each other, what would be the first phrase you utter?
If these aren't real moneys, get out of there D:< but if they are real moneys let the game here when you leave n_n

Are you in any way related to Dimension X?
I was. So hungry.. ;-;

How do you find the integral of a function in the rth dimension?
R is for SIMPLE ! >:D so you need a cookie for that n_n

What Pokemon are you?
Growlithe :D

What Digimon are you?
I don't really know any of them xD .. Gazimon :D

What is your least favorite song, and why?
I don't have any song like that :/ but I don't like songs that are 100% about moneys v_v

Well, I'm out of questions. Bai!
See you :D

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/7/2009 15:41:23 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 56
9/7/2009 16:08:47   
Ebil Twilly

/me looks at face and says me back
Welcome Back :D

uh... I forgot

Oh wait I remember! Hi!
How can you forgot that ? D:<

What would you do if I took a song bout moneys and made you listen to it all day?
Open a dimensional gate under my legs >.<

*takes out Zorbak* I got you a present!

What did you have for breakfast this morning?
I have to get my breakfast in .. 10 minutes ? :D

What did you have for breakfast tomorrow?
Only Circe knows !

How many dimensions are there?
How many letters are in alphabet? + A.E. .. = two :D

How many dimensions are in your dimension?
I have the all mighty Dimension Bathroom :D

How many *I forgot* are in your dimension?
Only you can say that D:<

uh... Oh yeah! Chao
Nu !

C u -> paige
You see!

bye :D

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/8/2009 4:14:15 >
AQ DF  Post #: 57
9/8/2009 17:25:21   

Hello im Jhardy,with a capital J and the rest is lower case,now,onto the torture questions.
Umm..yes :/ Hello :D

1:you play DF?I use to play it,then it got boring.
I do n_n not boring for me :D

2:Do you like anime?i hate it.

3:what gender are you?so i don't mess up your gender.
Male :)

4:do you play AQW?
Yes n_n but just for chatting :)

5:if you play AQW,what is your username?

6:favorite AK?
All of them n_n

7:what music you listen to?
Mostly rap.

8:favorite musical artist?
I don't really know :/

9:favorite video game series?
Anything related to Pokemon n_n

and last question.
10:who promoted you?
Circe :D

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/9/2009 6:43:56 >


Post #: 58
9/9/2009 11:31:07   

Boo! :D
Apple ! :D

I'm back..as you can probably see. XD
Where? :o Who? :o How? :o

How are you...today?
Here but not here n_n

Favourite DF weapon, for apprearances?
Fidelitas Aurus :D

Favourite meal...other than spam, or any variation on the word spam. :P
Chicken !! *blinks*

Likin' my awful questions?
Gimme moar awfl ! D:<

Favourite film?
Don't know why, but Little Man


Play any instruments?
Keyboard :D

Well, I give up. :P Bye. ;)
Ha! Who's the best? Who's the best? :D:D:D:D:D SPAM OWN MATTACK :D:D:D:D
Bye *blushes*

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/9/2009 13:41:08 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 59
9/9/2009 20:31:15   

I Have returned (again)
Sure? I don't see you here o_O


I have some more questions(notice i didnt say torture)
n_n let's see..

I decided i like you and thus have destroyed THE DEVICE
o_O O_o wut?

Do you still want to know what the device is was?
No :)

The Device is was the one and only dimensional vacuum that can take dimensions(like yourself) and stuff them into a tiny little space the size of a pixel and then proceeds to email me said pixel, dooming you to a live of never-ending EPIC FAIL-dom on my worthless computer hard drive.
I said no >.>

Ok, now that that's off my chest, time for some meaningless questions
Yay ! :D

Do u have a car?
I have to wait 3 years n_n

If yes, What kind?
Well, dream car :D

What is your dream car?
Light speed + teleporting functions :D:D:D:D

What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas :)

What is MY Favorite Holiday?
A MtAK ? >.>

Is there Dial-up in Dimension R?
Yes but the phone is a lot bigger than you =D

Knock Knock(will be continued after you edit)
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
You were suppsoed to say "who's there?"

< Message edited by j_dragon -- 9/10/2009 15:46:04 >


DF MQ  Post #: 60
9/9/2009 20:33:40   

Oh Em Gee...Gratz on AKship :P
:D Hey !

*Grabs V_J away Spray*
Favorite book?
to-be DragonFable ArtBook :D

Plushiness lvl for your plushie? :P
Infinity + 10 :D

Favorite color?
Blue n_n and the one used by Coyote some posts above :D

Anyways ,gratz on your AKship again.Keep it up.
Thanks ^_^ I will.

Cutest DF pet?(Sparklepony ftw :))
Two-Headed Puppy :3

What Anime Char are you like :P
Anime? Nothing :/ but if you talk about Marvel, Night Crawler or Spawn :3

Well bais,Raul :P
Bye :D

*Ninjat Poof*

*Dimension Stop*

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/10/2009 8:09:07 >
DF  Post #: 61
9/9/2009 23:36:16   

/me has ventured into a dimension! :o
I'll kick you out D:<

Gratz on the AK-ship!
Thanks :D

Haha, remember when I accidently stole your gallery name? Lol, my bad.
Heh, no problem n_n

So, what's it like to have powa? x_x
Hard to self-control xD

Where's your hammer? :o
In mah hands D:

¿Habla usted español?
No n_n

Did you use a translator for the question above?
No :/ but I was asked that so many times in AQW .. xD

Yes wai :o

Eh, well I'm bad at questions. Gratz again and good luck AK-ing.
Thanks :D

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/10/2009 8:11:10 >
Epic  Post #: 62
9/10/2009 7:28:21   
The lurking shadow

Demension! :o
Lurky :D

Congratulations and sorry I posted so late. I was savin' it up, you know?
Thanks :D and this WAS a forced post D:<

As stated many times before I suck with questions.
^_^ I'm not good at that anyway

Good luck, Dimension! :D
Thank you =3

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/10/2009 8:12:29 >
AQ  Post #: 63
9/10/2009 7:36:43   

hi raul
Hi, liang :)

how are you
Better than two minutes ago -_-"

i heard that u play aqw
I do, but mostly for the chat function :D

is it fun
Yes wai :D

why u house is not fully decorated with items
I don't really care about my house :/ I keep it for the Armor Closet :D

which is the best game u liek to play aqw or df
DragonFable :)



< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/10/2009 8:14:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 64
9/10/2009 15:55:46   
The Arcane


No wai!




Made You Look,
Wrong xD

Made You Stare,
Wrong Dx

Made You Loose,
Wrong D:<

Your Underwear!
Oh, that's right o_O

I know.. I know..

*Awkward Silence*
*typing tone*

Urm. *Blames V_J*
Hey ! D:<

How are chuu?
Sleepy :D

You told me you are gonna Lock this Thread tomorrow - Don't D:
For how long I should keep that ? o_O



Well, any last comments before I order a Hit Man on you XD
*portal open*


< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/11/2009 2:31:36 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 65
9/10/2009 16:38:24   
Killing time softly

Dimension R!
Mysterious StRanger! :D

Why do you hide your MtAK in the Q&A forum? I almost did not find it! ?
Well, I'm an ArchKnight for DF Q&A o_O

So ...

What is your name?

What is your quest?
Getting this forum in my own dimension >:D

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
42 :)

Is it pathetic to steal questions from Monty Python because you cannot come up with a good question on your own? ... Uh, don't answer that.
V_J used the same questions for me, ILmaster13, fabula and green_girl02 :D. And instead of Dimension R., first time his post was starting with ILmaster >.> . So, the answer is NO !:D:D:D

Congrats and have fun!
Thanks :D

~MR :D
~Dimension :D

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/11/2009 10:31:27 >
DF MQ  Post #: 66
9/10/2009 19:50:13   

Hello :D

do you have fun being a AK
Sure :3

< Message edited by Dimension R. -- 9/11/2009 2:42:05 >
DF MQ  Post #: 67
9/11/2009 18:23:24   

Well, this is over. n_n
Thanks to all who posted :D

Over-hammer! ~Dimension
AQW  Post #: 68
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