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1/26/2011 16:17:52   

how do you feel when people call/called you noob?

i get called noob frequently and i really get annoyed. i just started a merc account and all the players are assuming im a newbie and know nothing about the game and call me noob and other abusive names
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
1/26/2011 16:48:59   

Well, a lot of those players tend to think since their level is higher their better than you, and feel they have the right to call you whatever comes to mind. Thats why in the old Forums I made a suggestion about an in-battle ingore feature. All the advice I can give you is to report them and continue to play, their most likely immature kids getting their jollies off.


Legion > Exile
Post #: 2
1/26/2011 17:16:00   
Fay Beeee

or as they die
you could say
whos the noob now

try and ignore it.
Epic  Post #: 3
1/26/2011 17:18:47   

Lower level players who call you a noob simply means they're immature and probably around the age of 10 (whoever your facing is) they're mad because your stronger...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
1/26/2011 17:28:06   

when they die they call me a noob i say lol you just got beaten by a noob


Retired Again.
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/26/2011 17:41:57   

i just ignore them, though i have noticed a lot of people i respected starting to have a foul mouth
Post #: 6
1/26/2011 17:44:06   

Yes I also find it annoying when they call u names like one time I went against a lvl 27 BH and he block my Attks an delfected it then he crited me so he got cocky and start calling me noob and other stuff so I end up using boosters and I heal like four times just to annoy him but I still lost cause he rage crit me sigh that match had me a little upset for a while cause I wanted destroy him but failed
Post #: 7
1/26/2011 17:50:37   

It gets annoying but when they call me a noob and I use bunker buster and get 55 crit and kill them I say whos the noob now!
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
1/26/2011 18:07:27   

You would still be the noob if the was the only way you'd win.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
1/26/2011 18:09:16   

My build starts out slow, so usually I'm losing pretty bad at first, and they insult my build/play style.

7 turns later when their kneeling on the floor with their cookie cutter build, I just make a smile face give em a nice silent goodbye.
AQ MQ  Post #: 10
1/26/2011 18:20:46   
Zean Zapple

Just ignore them. Immaturity is inevitable in this game, sadly. Also if you feel extremely insulted just report them.

Epic  Post #: 11
1/26/2011 19:16:43   

*kills the real noob*
Post #: 12
1/26/2011 21:23:37   

How do I feel? Insults don't effect me negatively at all, in fact they make me laugh :P.


When a prince turns into a frog, he just sits around and waits for a princess to come and kiss him. When Glenn turns into a frog, he cuts a freaking mountain in half.
Epic  Post #: 13
1/26/2011 21:50:30   

Noobs often call me noob.
So when u pwn em,
Say U Got Pwned By A Noob
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
1/26/2011 22:42:18   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I just ignore it, i don't feel it is worth getting involved with the name calling. It doesn't benefit anyone when you do and it ruins the fun atmosphere of which the game provides. I let it all go over my head.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
1/27/2011 1:31:34   
Lord GaGa

I personly just go with it, then find a beter insult
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
1/27/2011 3:11:41   

If i have time to write before they die,i say "Yes i am"
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
1/27/2011 4:30:16   

I only get annoyed when i play with low lwl , when somebody say no heal and i do heal they say noob but at the end always i win and after he/she came again say noob again , isnt he/she learned something from previous battle

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 1/27/2011 4:32:09 >


Epic  Post #: 18
1/27/2011 15:35:22   
Giras Wolfe

It only annoys me when I'm playing my lower level players. My level 24 Mage fought a 28 Mjolnir merc who went first and critical bunker bustered. I did all I could and when I was about to win he fired another critcial bunker buster, killed me and called me a noob. I just dont see why people 5 levels above me feel the need to tell me how "weak" I am.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
1/27/2011 15:56:18   
Donny The Ultimate

Frequently i wouldnt be called noob, only by lower lvls who run around calling people noob and people i kick from my faction, usually i would reply with a THNX :) prevents things for going farther
DF  Post #: 20
1/27/2011 16:04:41   
Tiago X

Ignoring them is the way to go.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
1/27/2011 16:42:03   
Death Gigas

I get called a noob everyday. When my opponent says no heal, no matter my health I heal. Then they call me a noob even a level 27. It's funny and I say thanks you too!
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
1/27/2011 16:48:30   

Noobs call everyone else noobs. It's a fact. xD

If I get called noob, I just say "Yes you are ;)".

< Message edited by 8rlx0 -- 1/27/2011 16:49:12 >
Epic  Post #: 23
1/27/2011 17:25:24   
One Winged Angel1357

i type back the comment in the text box becuase that is the newbest thing someone can do(and you will see it once every three fights)

anyway if its getting to you just turn off the chatlog and focus on your half of the screen or have something else open in a different tab its rather easy to ignore
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 24
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