Page two! Wewt! The Guthly Knight has returned! *green smokebomb* Now, onto the second round of interrogati- errr... I mean...Tortu- Ack! I mean...Questioning...yessss, thats the one.... Yay! The Guth is back! :D 1) What color are your shackles? Greenish blue! 2 A) If green, can I touch them? Yus! *lets Guth touch the shackles* 2 B) If purple or pink or any thing of the semblance, can I burn them? Nu! D: Mel would purplize you! 3) Do you watch Sword Art Online? No, not yet. 4 A) If yes, who is your favorite char, and why? 4 B) If no, why not!? Just never got around to it! 5) Cookie, or cake? Cake! :D 6) Pie, or cake? Cake! :D 7) Bacon, or cake? Cake! :D 8) Bacon, or bacon cake? Bacon! :D 9) Can you grant a wish for ten more questions? Sadly, no! D: 10) So....Can I have that cookie from before? Yush! *gives Guth a plate of cookies* Now, I am off! *smokebomb, and runs off like Batman, before tripping over a rock and faceplanting through Serenity's Inn(REFERENCE!)* Bye BatGuth!
< Message edited by raylas -- 1/3/2014 15:34:42 >