Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!
GGB UltraRare: Call Gluttony. (no Summon version) Ianthe says... MC Wind guest. Click to toggle between: Hungry Mode: 5 hits, Magic Wind, +0 BTH lean. If your foe is Burning, then this consumes Burn to boost damage by the same amount. (Consumes Burn up to twice guest baseline; starts at 2*[45% Melee] and scales up to 2*[50% Melee] with 250 CHA, possibly up to 2*[100% Melee] with Ferocious Strikes.) Hangry Mode: 5 hits, Magic Wind, +0 BTH lean. Has both the following effects: a) The guest gains an additional HP cost (equal to guest baseline) and deals an additional +50% damage. After the 5th hit, the guest does another hit to the monster's [HP/MP/SP, chosen randomly] equal to (1/3 guest baseline) and you heal [the same stat] equal to half the damage done. This additional hit is a type "other" attack, not a guest attack. b) If your foe is Burning, then this consumes Burn to boost damage; the damage-y hits get 3/4 of this boost, and the "other"-y hit gets 1/4 this boost. (Consumes Burn up to four times guest baseline; starts at 4*[45% Melee] and scales up to 4*[50% Melee] with 250 CHA, possibly up to 4*[100% Melee] with Ferocious Strikes.) GGB UltraRare: Gluttony pet. Ianthe says... MC Wind pet. Click to toggle between: Hungry Mode: 5 hits, Magic Wind, +0 BTH lean. If your foe is Burning, then this consumes up to [80% Melee] worth of Burn to boost damage by the same amount. Hangry Mode: 5 hits, Magic Wind, +0 BTH lean. Has both the following effects: a) Pay [40% Melee] HP and deal an additional +50% damage. After the 5th hit, the pet does another hit to the monster's [HP/MP/SP, chosen randomly] equal to [13.3% Melee] and you heal [the same stat] equal to half the damage done. This additional hit is a type "other" attack, not a guest attack. b) If your foe is Burning, then this consumes up to [160% Melee] worth of Burn to boost damage; the damage-y hits get 3/4 of this boost, and the "other"-y hit gets 1/4 this boost.