Digital X
Beep Beep!
May 22nd, 2020 Corporate Overlord A new tyrannical tycoon has emerged from the dust of the Wasteland! Well, perhaps not so new, but certainly with a new attitude and a new coat of paint. What drove this corporate giant to become a force for evil? Is it all just a big misunderstanding? You'll need to work fast to defeat this foe and prevent his latest scheme from decimating Delta V! New Missions The first two of this 3 part chain are available now! Secure Frysteland and the Barrens from the threat of Iron Husk before it's too late! We mean that this time, because all of this mission content is flagged to go permanently rare! Corporate Overlord Part 1 Reaper Revolt Feeble Freelancers Unwanted Innovation A Price for Everything Yeti Hulk Havoc Networking Opportunities Pipeline Disruption Construction Crackdown Speak to the Manager Royal Beast Mode Executive Suite Corporate Overlord Part 2 Poor Synergy Faulty AI Another Signal It's a Living Extended Contracts Dragonoid Defection Hidden Signal Network Outage Complaints Department Lucrative Partnership Five Year Plan New Achievements With this update you can get not one, not two, but three new achievements! Collector Cleanser (mission) Corporate Espionage (mission) Husk Buster (boss) Changes This update brings a bit of reshuffling around the storyline. Iron Husk Arcade rebranded Iron Husk Items rebranded Ultraloop mission chain removed Grinding Gourds mission chain removed Creative Carving Winners moved to RabbleFroth Piston Punch moved to Vendbot Critical Heal moved to Vendbot Flight Module moved to Charfade SolarWorld Factory Cores moved to VendBot Critical Heal Piston Punch Chairman's Fury Model L with remain on SolarWorld Factory for a few weeks then go rare Iron Husk with remain on SolarWorld Factory for a few weeks then go rare Bug Fix Static Grenade: Should no longer freeze battle when used while rooted by skills such as Tentacle Prison Tags: Nightwraith