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=ED= January 18th, 2021 - Farewell to Seasonal Arms

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1/18/2021 20:19:40   
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January 18th, 2021
Farewell to Seasonal Arms

Farewell to Seasonal Arms
With today's update, EpicDuel's seasonal rares have been returned to their usual schedule. Also leaving are several seasonal missions such as 'A Bold Bounty' and 'Party Business'. The next seasonal rares on the horizon are Australia Day, Heartbreaker, and Azrael weapons!

Also leaving is the bonus Varium that was a part of the 10,000 AP packages. The Epic Supporter 2020 achievements will also no longer be available. Massive "Thank Yous" to all who took part in this incredible sale and supported EpicDuel through the holiday season!

Million Gifter

To recognize the unprecedented level of gifting of the 2020 Gifting season, we're introducing new achievements to honor gifters who've surpassed the threshold of 1 million gifts giver in one season. So far 3, EpicDuel legends have attained this in the past 3 years.

Bandit J. (2018)
Poseidon (2020)
GodOfSanta (2020)

This achievement is only for those who've gifted over 1 million gifts in one Gifting season. It does not account for cumulative gifts over multiple years.

Because exceptional performance demands an exceptional reward, we decided that even though GodOfSanta didn't achieve the 1st place position, a special exception could be made to our Founder restriction. Alley Cat, our wise and powerful Lead Moderator, generously donated her Founder Armor to fulfill this prize. Going forward, anyone who exceeds the score of 1 million gifts per Gifting season may wish for Founder Armor. As we've said before, this Gifting event exceeded our wildest expectation, and we'll need reevaluate our rules more thoroughly before the next gifting season (it'll be here before you know it!).

I didn't think 2018 could ever be topped, and 2020 blew it away. I don't know if the records will be topped in 2021, but I've learned not to underestimate our most dedicated fans.

1. Poseidon
2. GodOfSanta
3. Machaon
4. Taiso
5. Dillbrazd
6. John
7. Roman
8. D Fense
10. Leo
11. Ivan
12. Lycan
13. Clown
14. Kuappo
15. runeknight4

If you are among this group and have not received an email yet, please check your spam folder. I know some prefer to communicate by Twitter or Discord, but email is the way. I look forward to working with you all to realize your visions for this year's round of prizes! As with previous years, this will be the primary focus of EpicDuel for a few weeks to make sure these rewards are delivered as quickly as possible.

If you have Secret and Silver Secret Packages, first of all, congratulations, and second of all don't worry if they're still just a box. They will transform into epic prizes at a future date! I know this is how it's worked in previous events, but you might be surprised by how many don't know this! Plus, the winners still have to allocate their extra packages to their lucky friends! Hang in there, the prizes will be worth the wait!

Titan's Loot

Legendary Titan will, for the first time ever, now drop a special mutating version of his personal staff. Will you be among the first to claim this weapon?

Player Appreciation

Since we're quickly approaching EpicDuel's anniversary, we wanted to do something extra special to commemorate 12 years of duels. If you're an Alpha, Founder, Beta, Gamma, or Delta player with rare phase gear, you've probably thought at one point, "Hmmm this Delta sword is cool and all but I wish it did Energy damage." Maybe you feel similarly about other coveted phase weapons. Maybe you wondered what Gamma weapons could look like. If you're in any of these groups, then today's release may excite you. Starting with Delta Gear, we're going offer rewards to players who've stuck with us all these year, but relegated their rare gear to storage because it didn't fit their build.

Starting today, existing Delta Gear will "evolve" into 4 new weapons:

  • Delta Destroyer P
  • Delta Destroyer E
  • Delta Devastator (mutating)
  • Delta Desolator (mutating)

    Our goal is to continue rolling out new variations of weapons to help "complete" sets of rare development phase gear for our most loyal players.


  • Reactive Armor:
    Stat Requirement Dexterity - Base 24 increase by 2 max 42
  • Berzerker:
    Stat Requirement Support - Base 19 increase by 2 max 37
  • Static Smash:
    Stat Requirement Technology - Base 14 increase by 2 max 32

    Wish Fulfillment

    Thus far, I'm in contact with all the 2020 Gifting winners and their prizes are underway. Progress has been slow but steady and a major batch should go out this Friday. Thank you for bearing with us during this post-gifting lull.

    Tags: Nightwraith

  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
    1/26/2021 16:02:38   


    I wish I could buy that Delta stuff.

    Post #: 2
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