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=ED= August 14th, 2021 - Heroic Housing 2021 Winners

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8/16/2021 11:06:03   
Digital X
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August 14th, 2021

Heroic Housing 2021 Winners

First of all, I want to once again extend my appreciation and thanks to everyone who participated in the EpicDuel Heroic Housing Contest 2021! I also want to thank our judges who took their time to collect all the entries and tally the votes. We had a tremendous response to this contest with dozens of festive, bizarre, and cozy entries to review. It was very difficult to narrow down the list the 25 final winners. We considered many factors when selecting winners including interpretation of the theme, concept, color schemes, patterns, function, and overall creative effort put into the house design. As always, humor, though not required, didn't hurt.

Winners will receive 5,000 ArtixPoints, a rare Achievement, and a rare Home Item! This time around I decided to increase the pool of Grand Prize winners to 6. 3 were chosen strictly based on best interpretation of a theme, while 3 more were chosen based on vote tallies and merit. Grand Prize Winners will receive a rare Achievement and home items, plus 10,000 ArtixPoints!

If you weren't among the winners, please be good sports to the winners and judges, even if you disagree strongly with our decisions. Contests should be a joyful, fun experience for the community to celebrate creativity and their love of the game. Spamming with hate won't change any decisions. After all, there will always be more contests to enter!

Without further ado, presented in no particular order, here are your GRAND PRIZE WINNERS!


Parties don't get much more festive than .Darkness Rose.'s Christmas party. Good company, good gifts, good eats, and fireworks -- everything a proper holiday party needs!


This entry by TwoFaced Illusion is equal parts eerie and epic, depicting the release of Dage by the power of Delta V's moon.

Cozy and Comfortable

Pull up a chair and have a seat in xMalebox's Luxury Mine Suite, well appointed with color-coordinated décor. Even the hosts have matching attire!

Other Grand Prize Winners chosen based on vote count and merit.

SencY's cozy entry expertly decorates this inviting living space, seamlessly integrating the decorations into the environment.

I enjoy commitment to a bit, and this entry from Mc Chicken demonstrates this perfectly with Fortune City's most well-stocked burger restaurant.

This excellent entry from HoezHongHan depicts the dilemma of choice all newcomers to EpicDuel Face: Blue or Red, Exile or Legion.

The rest of the Heroic Housing 2021 winners are shown below in no particular order. For images of the entries, visit the full post here:

.Romanian Hunter.
Living Weirdo
The Butcher OO7
King Of Angels
Legro Inmortuorum
I God of Death I
.Seaf Max.

Congratulations! Judging these contests is always a challenge, but there were so many quality entries that narrowing it down was harder than usual. Ultimately we had to choose a cutoff for the entries somewhere! Thank you again for all who participated and helped judge! As with last year, we ask that winners of the contest please not change your house ( other than maybe adding your trophies ) for a few weeks, so that visitors may see your epic house creation! Also as a heads up, since we need to add prizes manually onto your characters, it may take a few hours or so before you receive your achievement, trophies, and Artix points. All prizes should be awarded within a few hours!

Once again we thank our EpicDuel community, and we hope to see your creativity shine again in the next contest!

Tags: Nightwraith
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