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Ultimate Ultra Boss Fights Guide

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10/12/2021 17:53:33   

Ultimate Ultra Boss Fights Guide
Compiled by Cyrenius
Work in Progress, will be updated as time progresses

To this date I have:
4 Champion Drakath victories (and the Empowered Blade of Chaos, 3 for insignias, 1 just to help people out)
17 Ultra Avatar Tyndarius victories (and the Infernal Flame Pyromancer armor and Infernal Flame Khopesh weapon)
16 Ultra Engineer victories
22 Ultra Warden victories
22 Ultra Ezrajal victories

Personal Roles in Ultra Fights (what I feel most comfortable / adept at):
Primary role: Legion Revenant
Secondary roles: Stonecrusher / Infinity Titan, Lightcaster
Tertiary roles: Lord of Order, ArchPaladin
Quaternary roles: Naval Commander (with Void Highlord Switch for Champion Drakath)

In level of difficulty, I’d rank Champion Drakath the most, then Ultra Avatar Tyndarius, then Ultra Engineer, then Ultra Ezrajal, then Ultra Warden

Ultra Ezrajal
Type of monster: Normal monster (best possible bonus damage is 151% extra with Necrotic Sword of Doom)
Ideal Classes Lineup: Legion Revenant, Lord of Order, ArchPaladin, Stonecrusher / Infinity Titan
Ideal Level: 80+
Ideal Minimum Gear Required: Burning Blade of Azebeth
Ideal Consumables Required: none needed really, this is easy enough it doesn't require tonics, elixirs, or potions
Strategy Summarized: Do not attack during counterattack (untarget, wait 3 – 5 seconds)

Ultra Warden
Type of monster: Normal monster (best possible bonus damage is 151% extra with Necrotic Sword of Doom)
Ideal Classes Lineup: Legion Revenant, Lord of Order, ArchPaladin, Stonecrusher / Infinity Titan
Ideal Level: 80+
Ideal Minimum Gear Required: Burning Blade of Azebeth
Ideal Consumables Required: none needed really, this is easy enough it doesn't require tonics, elixirs, or potions
Strategy Summarized: Archpaladin keep 4 active at all times, otherwise a chimpanzee can do it, easiest and fastest ultra boss fight there is, at least in my opinion (people may die if Archpaladin becomes petrified and cannot keep 4 active or simply is not paying attention, although that's not a big deal, people are usually willing to redo fight)

Ultra Engineer
Type of monster: Normal monster (best possible bonus damage is 151% extra with Necrotic Sword of Doom)
Ideal Classes Lineup: Legion Revenant, Lord of Order, Lightcaster, Stonecrusher / Infinity Titan
Ideal Level: 85+
Ideal Minimum Gear Required: Hollowborn Reaper’s Scythe
Ideal Consumables Required: none needed really, maybe a tonic and elixir (I am not sure what all tonics every class needs, I know Sage tonics for Legion Revenant) would help, although no potions
Strategy Summarized: Kill defense drone first, then attack drone, then nuke engineer as much as possible until drones appear again, cycle.

Preparation for below this point
Tonics and Elixirs: Available from Alchemy
Potent Honor Potions: Rank 10 Good, then available from Alchemy
Necrotic Sword of Doom: Quests in Shadowfall (I recommend you become a member and get Sepulchure's Doom Knight Armor first) or you can IoDA it (slightly superior to Exalted Apotheosis)
Exalted Apotheosis: 24 days of grinding the above three fights
Chaorrupter Unlocked: 10,000 Au for members, 300 AC's for free players
Infernal Flame Pyromancer: 20 Ultra Avatar Tyndarius Insignias and 75 Fire Avatar's Favor
Archfiend Doomlord: Nulgath item, quest from Oblivion, first NPC you see upon entering Nulgath's zone

Ultra Avatar Tyndarius
Type of monster: Normal monster (best possible bonus damage is 151% extra with Necrotic Sword of Doom)
Ideal Classes Lineup: Tank with taunt (Naval Commander or Death Knight Lord ideally, Chrono Commandant or Void Highlord also works with Scroll of Enrage), Legion Revenant, Lord of Order, ArchPaladin
Ideal Level: 90+ (preferably all level 95+)
Ideal Minimum Gear Required: Necrotic Sword of Doom or Exalted Apotheosis (Necrotic Sword of Doom is ever so slightly superior)
Ideal Consumables Required: Tonics and Elixirs (I am not sure what all tonics every class needs, I know Sage tonics for Legion Revenant), Potions (Potent Honor Potions for Legion Revenant and Lord of Order, Potion of Evasion for tank and ArchPaladin)
Strategy Summarized: Archpaladin keep 4 active at all times and spam heals, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT USE 5! Tank taunts to keep people alive. Lord of Order kill orbs as they appear, left orb first then right for first 4 million. Damage boss when orbs are not present. Legion Revenant can just stay on boss since he / she is AoE, especially if he / she and the Lord of Order are both using Potent Honor Potions and the Lord of Order is nuking the orbs fast enough. When under 2 million, ignore orbs and nuke boss.

Champion Drakath
Type of monster: Chaos monster (best possible bonus damage is 238% extra with Infernal Flame Pyromancer or Archfiend Doomlord and Empowered Blade of Chaos)
Ideal Classes Lineup: Tank with taunt (Naval Commander or Death Knight Lord ideally, Chrono Commandant or Void Highlord also works with Scroll of Enrage) to switch to Void Highlord (if not already using Void Highlord with Scroll of Enrage) at 3 million HP, Lord of Order, ArchPaladin, Stonecrusher / Infinity Titan
Ideal Level: 95+ (preferably all or most level 100)
Ideal Minimum Gear Required: Infernal Flame Pyromancer or Archfiend Doomlord and Chaorrupter Unlocked (requires 10,000 Au for members or 300 AC's for free players I THINK, I could be wrong, very easy to get, and not just worth it but NECESSARY if you intend to fight Champion Drakath, once you defeat Champion Drakath, immediately farm Champion of Chaos / Ultra Drakath (different boss, has only 900,000 HP) for the Blade of Chaos, which is a .2% (1 in 500) drop, to upgrade with your 5 insignias for an Empowered Blade of Chaos, will make future Champion Drakath fights MUCH easier)
Ideal Consumables Required: Tonics and Elixirs (I am not sure what all tonics every class needs), Potions (Potent Honor Potions for everyone! At least in final phase anyway.)
Strategy Summarized: This must be done in a private room due to the VHL switch. This one is indubitably the most challenging fight in game. It seems simple at first, although as time progresses, it gets more and more complex. Phase 1 (20 million – 10 million): The easy phase, gets boring, pretty much tank and spank, you may get complacent, DON’T! Phase 2 (10 million – 2 million): Tank really should die every approximately 2 million and Archpaladin keep group alive so group can damage boss otherwise boss becomes more resilient and he less damage, tank switches to VHL at 3 million, and do it FAST. This is also the phase he deals the most damage. Phase 3 (2 million – victory): THIS ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE 15 SECONDS OR LESS (used to be 30, although AE buffed it, making Potent Honor Potions and the VHL switch all the more crucial) OTHERWISE THE ENTIRE GROUP WILL WIPE! Pop potent honor potions if you haven’t already!

< Message edited by Cyrenius -- 10/18/2021 5:06:56 >
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