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RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm

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6/1/2024 22:04:36   

It says I have max slots in the vault at 150 / 150.
Post #: 101
6/2/2024 1:27:37   
Strange Doctor

Active inventory slot too please. Like, just one additional slot.
Post #: 102
6/2/2024 7:09:09   

Same, it still does not increase beyond 150, saying that it's max even after clearing my cache.


It may seem to be a problem for those who have already hit 150(the old max)

< Message edited by Bolter -- 6/2/2024 9:10:57 >
AQ  Post #: 103
6/2/2024 10:34:37   
ming shuen

I think the issue is that for those that have already hit the threshold of 150 max slots in the vault, they are unable to purchase more. Meanwhile, for those with vault slots of 149 and below, they are able to purchase up to a maximum of 250.

Also, since we are currently focusing on the vault, is there any way to transfer Faces & Titles? Always wanted to transfer some faces from token packages to other characters but am always unable to do so.

< Message edited by ming shuen -- 6/2/2024 10:37:12 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 104
6/2/2024 13:39:24   
ming shuen


So, how can we decrease our Vault Slots from 150 to 149 in order to increase to 250?

I am not part of AQ staff so I wouldn't know. On the player's end of things, there's no way. But, I am sure that the team would fix it when they have the bandwidth.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 105
6/3/2024 13:53:09   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead


Yesterday for somehow I could increase my Inventory Slots from 150 to 151
which means I can increase my Inventory Slots to 250 right?

The number of inventory slots is limited to 150, plus any additional slots provided by your house. Increasing inventory storage slots is not as straightforward as expanding vault spaces, as it can significantly impact performance. Whenever players access a shop, their entire inventory must be loaded, whereas vault data only needs to be loaded when players choose to access it. Due to this technical constraint, we cannot simply increase inventory storage slots indefinitely.

Thank you for all of your reports folks! We have identified a bug that is preventing certain players from exceeding the 150 slot limit and we're working on a fix.
AQ  Post #: 106
6/4/2024 9:50:26   


Increasing inventory storage slots is not as straightforward as expanding vault spaces, as it can significantly impact performance. Whenever players access a shop, their entire inventory must be loaded, whereas vault data only needs to be loaded when players choose to access it.

Perhaps another sort of solution might be 10 additional character slots? I have all these old rares that I would like to offload or shuffle around that I rarely actually use because of their low level and lack of power. At the same time, there are a bunch of extra builds I would like to try out on the ranger side of things especially but also some mage things and a general evasion build.
Post #: 107
6/7/2024 15:36:01   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

We currently do not have plans to expand on the 10 available character slots, but we may explore the possibility of allowing players to link their accounts in the future. The bug preventing players from purchasing additional Shared Vault slots has been resolved!
AQ  Post #: 108
6/7/2024 16:10:59   

Thank you very much!
Post #: 109
6/8/2024 14:15:34   
King Darxonic

As far as transferring whole accounts to link together sounds splendid, my only use is to merge an account gifted to me by a bro that originally got me into AE/AQ in the first place back in 07', big nostalgia trip for me.

As for paying a flat rate for the transfer, I WAS going to suggest the first time being free then charging every time afterwards but I don't mind paying at all especially if it would help minimize people stealing other peoples accounts. I would also like to add a +1 for a passcode feature as well on top of paying the fee for an added security measure. This is a good change, I also would like to suggest a delete character feature specifically for adventurer characters and/or characters that have no purchase history on said character and for the purpose of getting rid of actual inactive users/users on a file.

I know you can't delete characters over Level 50, however I feel like the feature should be available at least for non-upgraded characters. Maybe even characters with a Z-Token purchase history, and if this change is implemented there should be a bolded confirmation message to ensure the person is certain about making said decision.


Black Naginashi/Darxonic stopping by to say "Hello!" to everyone!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 110
6/9/2024 4:22:26   

Considering that Captain Rhubarb supposedly started working on character transfer/account merging back in 2016, I really hope we can get it before the end of the year, or at the least very early next year. I really do not have the words to describe how much I look forward to this feature.
Post #: 111
6/9/2024 16:06:37   
ming shuen

Uhh . . . I just wanted to point out that Hollow used the words "may explore the possibility of allowing players to link their accounts". I don't quite know how y'all got so carried away to use terms like can or will. Just because something was worked on in the past, does not mean it will be implemented. Plans gets changed and things re-prioritized, and projects can be kept on the shelf for a very long time. Revisiting old code can also be very challenging. Given that Rhubarb assists across multiple AQ games and can only spare a limited amount of time for AQ, I am not convinced that this feature would be the best use of his time.

Pretty sure that most players would just use it once to transfer rares and never touch that mechanic again. Meanwhile, a small handful will use the functionality for Z-Token Farming or doing quaint activities like creating 100 characters, collect tokens from the summer donation contests, and then transferring characters as needed. Basically Token Farming on steroids. And if that functionality is patched, it is just going to be a mechanic that will be just used once, and then forgotten.

If the feature gets implemented, great. But I wanted to say that nothing is really confirmed at this point. Some of y'all seem to be acting like it is a guaranteed thing, when nothing like that was even stated. Or at least that is how it comes across when reading.

< Message edited by ming shuen -- 6/9/2024 16:29:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 112
1/24/2025 19:12:07   

Posted this message in the Top Giftmaster Prizes thread, which Hollow responded to.

A new tab was added to the victory scroll for gifting which is nice QoL. Based on what I've seen however it seems like it can only display a maximum of 7 or 8 digits (so you can't see the exact number of total gold you've donated or received if the number is too long).

With that said, I don't really understand why the fake combat achievements on the victory scroll are more visible compared to the details that are actually important on the victory scroll such as battle rewards, daily cap information, and donations received. I really wish it were the other way around and/or at least make the text for the important details have a darker color so that they're not hard to read.

@The Hollow
I was referring to the four Battle Commendations on the top of the victory scroll when I mentioned "fake combat achievements". Apologies, I should have used a better term. With that said, I found it odd that the said Battle Commendations stand out instead more compared to the information that people would actually want to know after a battle ends, especially when you actually achieve those battle commendations.

Currently, the actually important details on the new victory scroll use either (1) a light-ish brown text color or (2) use the same color as the victory scroll but with a background in a similar light-ish brown color as other text. Personally I think the light-ish brown backgrounds could be done away with, particularly with regard to the Daily Cap information, as it can be difficult to read at times especially when the game window is small. Not only does the light-ish brown background make the text harder to read, but as I mentioned in my original post, it makes it so that it can only display a maximum of 7 or 8 digits in the gifting tab, which means that you can't see the exact total number of gifts that you've received or donated if the number is too long. I also think the light-ish brown text color in general should be a bit darker to make it easier to read as well.
Post #: 113
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