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=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Nameless (left up for lookage)

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8/14/2007 19:28:43   
The Nameless

A lot of you guys probably know me by know, but I have to do this anyway. =P

Go ahead, throw your questions at me and I'll go grab an overly large straw for air. =) If you don't know how this works, then you can look at past examples here.

I've got a max of 20 questions, and I aim to end this in a week (8/21).

I shall edit in this glorious navy...I think it is...

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 9/2/2007 19:41:35 >
Post #: 1
8/14/2007 19:32:03   

Looks rather black to me, mate. try thees:
You cannot separate me and my slightly black navy!

Anyway, suprised, much?
Yes, it was like the Earth blowing up, only in a good way.

Is there any truth to all this shackles talk?
Well, we hear voices, but I don't think it's the shackles...

Do you have a secret hit list of members to stalk until they quit the forums?
Pf, now wai...I've got it all memorized. =)

Why not? o_O
Why not not?

Still doing DFCR?
I fear my time is now limited, but I'll try to keep going...

How are you/will you be different than Mr. Irish?
I have no clue, although I do have a different color...and name...and cell...


< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/14/2007 19:40:48 >
Post #: 2
8/14/2007 19:32:31   
Flash Runner-Up 10

Woot. Second Post! (First Woot ever!)
Ha! I got the first post! =P
1. What do you like best about being an AK?
I used the new-found energy to cure cancer.
2. Do you like dogs?
Dogs are always fun.
3. Cats?
Even better!
4. Do you like anime?
5. What are your skills/hobbies?
I like to skydive in black holes and climb back out...
6. Any talents?
I can grow extra arms...
7. B-day?
8. U.S.?
9. Do you like locking threads?
Only if they need to be locked, as it turns out, it's quite a conversation killer. =P
10&11. Do you get a lot more buttons as an AK? If so, is it fun?
I've got tons of new buttons, and it's especially fun to use the "Spontaniously Combust" button...
That is all for now. I will edit with more when I think of them.
I might not see 'em, you might as well post again. Otherwise, Bye!

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/14/2007 19:53:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
8/14/2007 19:33:57   
Elemental Leviathon

spot holder so i get the third spot, I'm editing in mah questions!
You cheatz! =O

/me attacks TN's Thread!
/me runs in phere.
What was your reaction to being asked to be an AK?
I seemed dead on the inside and jumped around on the outside.
Can i be an AK?
You must give me your soul, first. Souls aren't allowed to be in AKs...
Can i have a cookie?
*gives cookie*
Do you like Dragons?
Why not?
How about Zombies?
Yes again.
What about Zombie Dragons?
Twice as much as zombies or dragons. =P
do you know what my avvy is of? (I doubt it, no one seems to know)
*me takes a number*
Having fun here in DF?
Yup, it's got the majority of people I know (and some I don't). =P
How many questions are we allowed to ask?
Oh, Watch out for boomies, he asks you a lot of questions!
/me runs in phere.
Well, I better get going now.

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 13:38:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
8/14/2007 19:38:22   

Hello, TN!
Hey Tag!
I like Chocolate, do you?
I like strawberry, do you?
Not a lot...
Favourite food?
Pizza, I think...
Do you like being an AK?
How long do you think you will be an AK?
Until I'm not one. =P
Favourite AK?
I've got a list somewhere...ah, here it is.
How much AK's do you know?
A lot
Have you tagged a thread yet?
I've tagged this one...
Do you know me? -Ahaha... Don't anwser if you already do
No. Never. =P
Favourite Staff member?
I can't decide...
Favourite Colour?
Favourite Show?
I can't decide again...
If you got to choose between AQ and DF, what would you choose?
DF, of course.
Favourite non-AE Game?
There are games that aren't made by AE? o.O
Any other game you play other than MQ, AQ, and DF, And the mini-games?
Some Burnout games, for one...
That's all!
That's all for me, too. =P

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/14/2007 22:27:48 >


AQ DF  Post #: 5
8/14/2007 19:47:39   

BTW, thanks for the help... i have a sig under construction. thanks again!
oh ya... questions.... okay

1) what are you (rogue, mage, DL, warrior)?
2) how did you get to be a mod?
I'm actually just an AK, and I got there by helping out around here and followed all the rules, etc.
3) what lvl are you (DF and AQ)?
I think 30...
4) what are your hobbies?
Go on here, or just play other games, not much...=P
5) do you consider us peasants?
That'd be an odd thing to call you guys since I'm the one that doesn't get to see the sun...

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/14/2007 22:45:08 >
DF  Post #: 6
8/14/2007 20:11:51   
Elemental Leviathon

I holds spot again because me thought up more questions!
You cheatz again! *me attacks Nix with his Stick of Whackage* =P
Alright, i thought up some more right after i realized you answered my other ones :P
Oh, darn Wonderful! =P
Well, is that 20 question limit cumulative?
Nope, go ahead.
d0 y0u |<n0w h0w 2 r34d 1337 5p34|<?
Barely, and I doubt I can speak it very well...
If you know how to read that them please translate it!
Does the fysh have lazuhs?
Do you speak any foreign languages (I mean like ones other than your native language)?
Um...I'm kind of good with spanish...
What is you favorite weapon in DF and AQ?
DOOM, I think...
Looking forward to the release of MQ?
I've got big plans for it...
oh yeah, the answer to what my avvy is: It is a Planaria.
*goes to dictionary*
Where did you get your avvy?
KLICSHAW made it for me. =)
Anyways, I guess it is bye for now.
It is?
I shall return... maybe later though.

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 10:51:09 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
8/14/2007 20:34:31   

WOOT !? It's teh Nameless ^_^
/me snuggles Nameless
/me snuggles Ricobabie
Yes ! I still made it for the first page :P
Really? Me too!
So how are you today ?
Pretty good
Ooo you picked a navy blue color :P
It called me...o.O
If I poked you with my Reign Bringer, what would you do ?
I'd poke you with my Stick of Whackage. =P
*le gaspie* Another joker avy from an AK.
Not anymore, but that might change in the future...
Are joo as 1337 as I R ?
Why yes, I am as leet as you are. XD
Do you like rice cakes ? I got minions now :P
*walks toward Rico with a knife and fork*
Favourite day of the week and why.
Saturday, nothin' to do but what I want. =)
Favourite day of the year and why (other than your b-day).
I can't decide...=P
Favourite toe :P
The one that's still on my foot. =P
1 or 0 ?
X or Z ?
9 or 6 ?
If you had a million dollars what would you do with it ?
I'd buy a golden statue of myself.
If you saw an elf in your room one morning what would you do ?
Oh, ignore it, it's always trying to get me to help them fight the Nymphs...>.>
Are you fast at answering questions like me ?
I answered this in just a split second (or that's just what you see =P).
I'll leave you alone now ;)
See ya!

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 11:01:45 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
8/14/2007 20:35:56   
krazy demon child

I'm gonna make this as quick and painless as possible.
=O Really?
domo arigato mr. roboto.
*does the robot*
1.what type music do you listen to?
Anything that I like, it spans to most of the different genres.
2. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
24 gallons
3.do you play any musical instruments?
I am able to, but I choose not to.
4. if you had a theme song what would it be?
5.do you own any pets?
I has a cat. =)
6.when you take over the forums can I be third in command?
That's reserved, but you can be 5835138354635321st in command. =)
7. what state/country/province do you live in.
The Milky Way.
8. how old are you in hamster years?
9. do you play any games other than DF?
10. do you like my sig?
well I guess I'm done.
if you're having a little trouble with what nixtrix said try this

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 13:29:09 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
8/14/2007 20:36:04   

heres some strange questionss
Here's some strange answers.
is there more then one of u seeing how ur the nameless not a nameless
Billions. o.O
how long did it take u to become an AK
Almost a year
whats ur favorite movie mines either Sin City, Anchorman, or A Knights Tale
I can't decide, I've seen plenty of good ones...
how old are u
do u play aq if so what level
I used to, and I'm around 61...
do u feed ur dragon everyday, i used to but havent in like a month
I keep forgetting, it's a good thing it's just a game...=P
whats pi cubed
An oddly shaped dessert.
favorite food
Whats your main characters name, and the dragons name
Salcron and Shadow
Are u tired of answering questions
Robots don't get tired, silly. =P
are u a strict AK
No wai
thx for answering my questions ahead of time
Well, I am ahead of schedule...=P You're welcome!

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 13:34:41 >


Post #: 10
8/14/2007 20:58:57   

How long did you have the title Helpful?
I had that exact title for a month, but I had a helpful title for about two months, maybe...
Were you surprised to become an AK?
Who do you think should have the title Helpful (that doesn't already have the title)?
Oh, I know someone...
Who do you think should be an AK (that isn't already an AK)?
Same someone...
Who's your favorite Mod/AK/Admin?
I've got a convenient list here.
Have you locked or deleted any threads yet?
I've locked some...

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 13:55:41 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
8/14/2007 21:14:33   


w0oOt! 11th reply! and 12th post!
W00t 1st post!

how'd u become an AK? er, AS as i may call it
They asked. =O

depeding on what the other guy said that you replied as your birthday being 13/37...does that mean your birthday is really 1/6?
Nope, my birthday is beyond your time and space...*mysterious hand motion*



does this mean you like lord barrius more than silverwing? what about me?
No wai, they are different kinds of pets. Although you are their chew toy. =O

can i make a sig/avatar for you? i'd be honored. pm me if so.
Me gots an avvy, and I'm working on a sig...

i will annoy to the ends of the earth (er, the end of this post) until you let me make you an avatar/sig! unless you said yes...
And I can edit, delete, lock, and merge your posts! >=D

do you think your more obsessed with something than cysero is with yoghurt? if so what is it?
The Joker

what would a couple new smiles be if you could choose? smiles being these things:

what s your favorite animal?
My two-headed centipedes with crab claws. =)

do you know what a tuatara is?

are you annoyed easily?

are you annoyed easily?
See above.

are you annoyed easily?
See above.

are you annoyed easily?
See above.

are you annoyed easily?
See above.

are you annoyed easily?
See above.

chow (er, ciao)for now! (emphasize on 'for now! i shall return as nixtrix has!!!muahahahhaha!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!111one!!!!!!)

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 19:47:26 >


DF  Post #: 12
8/14/2007 22:00:57   

Hey! The Nameless!
Hey princeof
Seen you around in the Q&A section. You're very helpful!
Gratz on becoming an AK!
Thanks again!
Does your name come from the slipknot song(not that I listen to slipknot, I just know the song)?
If you had a name, what would it be?
What's you're favourite type of music?
Just whatever makes my ears happy, it isn't limited to genre.
And your favourite artists?
Do you own game systems? If yes, which ones?
I've got a PS2.
Favourite meal?
Uh, can't decide on that...=P
Do you have the power to change my name?
Nope, that's only available for admins.
Cmon... Do that for a friend?
I'm unable. =P
Do that for someone you know?
Still can't
Do that for someone who posts on the same forum as you?
See above.
Who lives on the same continent?
See above.
Same planet?
See above.
Same Galaxy?
See above.

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 20:10:07 >
DF MQ  Post #: 13
8/14/2007 22:07:32   

Hola Hoka Hey nameless!
Hey Kuropoi!
Ever Been to For Sale by Mental Patient?
Once, when I was low on cash...
What's your favorite cheese?
The good one. =P
What is your name?
A combination of letters.
Do you have a name?
Maybe =O
What's the most evil thing you've done?
Punt Twilly, it's more evil than you think...
Who's that in your avatar?
It's a shadow in a mask.
Why navy?
Why not?
Are you in the navy?
Nope =P

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 20:17:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
8/14/2007 22:08:51   

Hey Vernon
How long did it take to for you to get Helpful under your avy
I tried to figure that out once, but it came out as 9 months since I joined...=P
How did you get Helpful under your avy
I was helpful. =D
Will you still be part of the Clan
Do you like Pie
Is it chocolate?
If so what kind
Chocolate pie, I think.
Do you think i could be an AK
If you get asked. =O
If so how
By being asked. =)
How long did it take to become an AK
Almost a year.
That is all for now
Maybe not
Do you play DF
If so what are your character(s) Name's
Do you have any Next-Gen consoles like PS3, 360, Wii, DS, PSP
I'm hoping to get a Wii, but I do have a DS...
If so what games do you like
No particular type...
What games are you looking foward to
I haven't heard of any coming out yet.
Wait here is my Soul, Me AK now
You have to be more (or less, depending on how you look at it) than a soulless shell to be an AK...

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 20:24:56 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
8/15/2007 3:42:36   

HEY _______!!!
=O Where!?
Congrats on becoming an AK. /me is happy for you!
Thanks! /me is happy for me, too. =P
I'm so glad I can use fullstops and exclamations here.
XD Yea, that is a plus...
Now to the questions which, as per your job description, you should have the answers to.

What country does thou cast its foul shadow upon?
Whats your opinion of the Mysterious Stranger in DF?
Well, he's very mysterious...
What exactly is an ArchShadow, and how does it differ form a regular shadow?
It's a word, and the spelling is different...=P
What question do you think you're gonna get so tired of answering in DF Q/A?
The ones that don't belong there.
As a shadow based entity do you intend to envelop the entire Q/A until there is nothing left or do you intend to just stay a certain size and envelop single threads thus providing a constant food source?
I think the second, I feed off of bad threadz! =O
Now that your now longer in need of a Helpful title do you intend to pass your old one on to anyone? *cough*me*cough*
Actually, I'm holding it hostage.
Do you own a Top Hat as per your Avvy?
If not, would you like too?
Does it glow?
Do you think my AZ monsters and Belts is prettyful?
I like your colour but if I type in bold like this is it possible to tell the difference between our two sentences?
Have you ever/would you like to ever visit New Zealand? We've got Hobbits ya know. Not great conversationalist mind you, but they do have a way of doing the most unexpected things.
Hobbits? Awesome! =P
Does the light burn your eyes?
Silly forumite, AKs don't get light...
If I said "I come from the Net. Through systems, peoples and cities To this place:" what would be the next word in the sentence?
My guess is...a real word.
Do you prefer slapping someone with a trout, snugging someone, or taking someone to the *shivers* backroom?
All of the above.
What music do you listen to usually?
Any that I like.
What do you think of my Sig, I made it all by myself ain't it neat?
It are prettyful.
Ugg, I think thats all I've got for now.
Me too.
Enzik Out.
/me 'splodes
/me not 'splodes

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 20:42:20 >


Post #: 16
8/15/2007 5:14:15   
Day Malrone

Congratulations! I had a feeling you would be kidnapped honoured next
Thanks, I'm being held hostage honored.
Your edit colour is very similar to Cubal's...
Yea, I didn't notice that at first, but we work in different boards.
How long did it take for you to go from Helpful to AK?
Oh, a month, maybe two...
Favourite musician/band?
Any that I like.
Favourite film?
There's too many...=P
Scariest film?
I can't decide...
Favourite AK? (note The Namelass or me is not a valid answer)
Favourite Mod?
See above.
Favourite Admin?
See above above.
Seen me on the forums before?
I think so...
That will be all, I may return to pester you later.
And I will return to answer! =O

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/15/2007 20:52:09 >
AQ  Post #: 17
8/15/2007 6:57:36   
Legendary AK!!!

Hi TN!
Hey pjc!
Congrats on becoming an AK. You deserve it.

1) Why did you get rid of your old Chef Brian avatar? It was psychedelic.
He's in the kitchen, cooking...
2) Are you left or right-handed?
3) Do you have any pets?
I has a cat.
4) Favourite music to listen to?
Just anything that I like...
5) Favourite TV show?
There are too many to decide...
6) Do you play any sports? And if so, what sports do you play?
7) How long did you have a Helpful title before you became an AK?
One or two months.
8) Is it fun being an AK?
Yup, we get volleyball game every Friday. =P
9) Have you ever posted in a thread not to lock it? (There's only a few I know like that)
A few times...=P
10) Your weakest school subject(s)?
It changes from time to time...
11) Your strongest school subject(s)?
12) Do you often get up early in the morning or do you like to have a lie in?
No wai, I hate sleeping...=P
13) Have you ever met any other AKs/Mods/Game staff?
14) Do you actually have a name? o.O
If I told you...I'd have to attack you with my Stick of Whackage...=)
15) If you could have one superhero power, what would it be?
Infinite wishes.
16) Just out of curiosity - can you change your title whenever you want? Is there like a box where you type your title into?
We can't do it ourselves, but it's easy for the mods to do.
OK, I'll leave it at 16 questions. I know you'll probably have a lot more to deal with.
Have fun AK-ing!
There is a line buildin'...=P See ya round!

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 14:25:16 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 18
8/15/2007 7:40:52   

You listen to Nix...i do. 20 only? Answer as many as you can then...When you answer them, Ill be B4CKZ0RZ!
Hello. These are my preliminary questions, the ones I ask every AK. Here.

The sky?
What's your favorite color?
How did you get your name?
I typed it in the box.
What level is your best character?
31, I think...
What do you like better, AQ or DF?
Whats your fav console game?
I can't decide...
Am i an idiot?
Are you?
Do you have any plans to ban me?
No wai *hides plans*
Do you believe there are spies everywhere?
I don't believe, I know.
Are you more a old AQ guy (Ok graphics and punnier), or new AQ (Good graphics and less punny)?
New, I guess...
What is the max amount of questions you are allowed to put?
D0 U UND3RS7AND CYB3RSLANG ??? 1337 !1!
Do you like or hate GW Bush?
I don't get into politics.
Whats your opinion? Nerf UM or not?
Eh, probably.
Where do you get the time to answer all my idiotic questions?
I make time...
Am i stupid now?
Are you?
Is the computer made of donkeys or cows?
Cheese, just like everything is made of cheese...
Are you strict on rules?
Not strict, but I make you follow them. =O
Are you used to annoying people?

Do you have any siblings?

How many cupcakes do you eat in a day?

What do you spend your day doing?

If you where to make a monster in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a pet in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a guest in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a armor in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a weapon in AQ what would it be?

Same only in DF.

If you where to make a monster in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a pet in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a guest in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a armor in DF what would it be??

How often do you hit your gold and exp cap?

Am i stupid yet?

Did you do all the quests in AQ and DF?

Maybe I'll ask you some more questions now.

If you where to make a weapon in real life what would it be?

More questions.

Do you think im stupid yet?

Can you rate my char? http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=5149080


Do you like pie?

What about bran muffins?


How do you answer all these qusestions?

Are you in school? (Like me)?

Am I dumb yet?


How fast can you type?




And now even more questions. Lol, you must be insane now.

How are you?

Am I an idiot now?

How many questions must I ask for me to be a idiot?

Change your mind about any of those other questions?





Deja vu??

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

I'm finished that now.

Yes I know I'm mean.

Am I evil now?

These are stupid questions, time to get serious.

Who's your favorite AK?

Artix or Cy?

Who's your favorite non AQ/DF related person?

Howdy ho?

Why is the sky blue?

Could you explain the reason of the universe?

Now, for more questions.

How does this sound? The evil ninja smurfs of doom sporks?

Can I PM you questions when this is locked?

Favorite sport?

Favorite book?

Favorite band?

Favorite type of music?

Play any musical instruments?

Play any sports?

Favorite food?

Favorite Forum?

Anyways, I'm low in questions now, I need to find some way to spare you.


Shh, be careful. There are spies everywhere.

What is...I'm captured!1!

Now that I thought of a way to spare you, I thought Id leave now.

Be careful, and lock this up before i can strike again.


< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 14:35:58 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
8/15/2007 8:43:36   
PaperClip OF DOOM

Yaaaaay! The Nameless got AKship!
Really? Awesome!
OK before we go to the obligatory MtAK thread question... um.. glorious navy..?
Bask in its glory! BASK!
Obligatory MtAK thread question! Does your editing color fit the color of your shackels?
I don't know, it's too dark in here...=(
Mom or mum?
Person who feeds me. =D
Color or colour?
Armor or armour?
Name or no name? :D
Hey.. now that you are an AK and stuff... where is your cell located?
Straight down the hall, and take a left at oblivion. You can't miss it.
Also.. whisper the guys in the high seats (and the yogurty flavoured seats. You know, to keep Cysero busy in those boring staff meetings. ^^) that a Paperclip would be a great weapon as the 4th unknown Doom weapon! :D
You can't compete with paper-holding abilities...
If Nix get a cookie I want one too! >:(
That was my last one...
I cant finish a post in one of these threads if I dont say some words first, so: chaos, throw, balance, destructive buttons, prisoner, moon and sun, prison warden, and the stars.
OK, Im done. Have a nice day, shiny new AK!
It's so dark...

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 14:43:58 >


*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
Oh good. My slow clap processor made it into this thing.
So we have that.
Post #: 20
8/15/2007 10:11:59   

Hey and Congrats!
Hey Burn!
This was bound to happen soon.
Your thoughts from IRC were half correct.
Which ones?
This special event made me write in all the way from russia.
Is it cold?
Would you want to be the brand of new AK we so often discuss on IRC, or are you going to stick to the battle tested version.
I've forgotten what we've talked about...
Is DF Q&A your main domain?
Are you still going to answer questions?
I'll probably leave that to you guys more now, since it takes longer for me to get to them...
Do you serve fries with that?
Cheese or ketchup?
Are you still going to be regularly on IRC, having the ol' discussions?
Now time for knowledge questions.

What do you call somebody who is annoyed by Power?
Anti-power hungry?
Cysero or Atrix? ( )
Burning or Drowning?
Meh got tired of boldyifying the 'or'
Me too...
Unusually Unusual or The Nameless?
The Nameless
You still going to be a rater?
I'm trying...
Are you the only new AK in town?
Would you consider Magic to be old?
Why did you choose navy blue?
Why not?
Are you still going to talk to us like the old TN or are you going to be the AK TN of DF Q&A on IRC. (Hehe, yay for those things where you shorten the words to form stuff like DF)
Depends on the situation...
Tis all for now.
See ya round!
Thanks again!

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 14:49:03 >


Post #: 21
8/15/2007 10:33:46   
Bone Head Emo Ranger Power!


What's up?
Paper airplanes

That's one question correct?
And this is two. =P

How are you liking the job?
How can I not like the job?

Made life easier on ya.
Yes, thanks a lot! =P

Favorite AK?
The one with three ears.

Favorite Mod?
The one that'll give me back my soul...=P

Favorite Member?
Y'know...that one...that one with the name...

Favorite <enter subject here>
<enter answer here>

That makes no sense.
Are you sure?

So what are you're shackles made out of?
Pain and misery...=P

Who pmed you?
Many people.

I knew it!
Me too!

I still gotta get around to mine

Only 162 Responces left!

Maybe it's because I'm lazy?

I hope to see you on IRC more.
I will be there...

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 14:56:10 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
8/15/2007 11:08:27   

[Expresses undying hatred for you] ... Ok, FINE... well done. That's the only time you'll hear that from me.
He he...
Srsly, I never expected to be asking YOU MtAK questions... So here goes. Spare me.
I'm still going to win...=P
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what its all about?
What if it isn't?
Is a metaphor like a simile?
How do “Do not walk on the grass” signs get there?
The question is, how do they not get there?
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
You need to stop getting scared.
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
What happened to the old man when it was raining and pouring? (Can it rain and pour at the same time?)
He snored.
And stop editing this and get back to rating. Mainly because I'm too lazy to do any (Don't tell TF xD) Once again, congrats -waves-
No wai! D=<
P.S. Put in a good word for me ;) xD
Only if you can get my soul back...

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 15:10:48 >
AQ DF  Post #: 23
8/15/2007 11:57:26   

Hiyas, TN. Knew it, we're all being inducted one by one (you know who are being inducted, those in the EGDS, just chnage each letter to the one before), so I only have one question to aske:
I can think of one who won't...=P

Why did you feel dead. Being an Ak is big, but no that bad. So, why?
I was just stunned...Being AK are gewd.

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 15:18:15 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
8/15/2007 13:00:39   

This may be a frequently asked question of AKs, but i figured this may be the only place I won't get in trouble for it.

I don't wanna be an AK right now, nor do I ever see the possibility being presented where I have time to be one. But I was wondering what happened to get you in the good graces of the staff, and for them to bestow upon you this most gracious honor?
Just follow the rules and help out.

< Message edited by The Nameless -- 8/16/2007 15:19:06 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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