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Meet the Archknights-Killer (Yes, I started this late)

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6/10/2005 14:21:46   

Well, this is where you are supposed to ask me questions or something like that... I apologize for being late, and if you like you can ask me why I was so late, but I would hate to go into the story right now (heck, I would hate to go into it all... I like keeping my personal life out of my forum life). Anyways...

Accipitris - OOC board
Afina - Clans and RP
Ancient One - Help and Support
Chii - Encyclopedia
Coronet - Encyclopedia
DarkForest - General Game Discussion
Durroth - Help and Support
Jergal - Encyclopedia
KazgrothX - Help and Support
Killer - RP
Pzycho - OOC Board
Sarah_Renee - General Game Discussion
Smashycomman - Gallery of Creative Adventurers
Spellfire - Strategy and Ratings
talwraith - Suggestions
Tharg Bloodaxe - Legends & Lore
The One Wolf - Suggestions
Wallo - Encyclopedia

As you know I am Killer, and I will answer any questions you have... Again, I apologize for the lateness of this, but at least you will have a few days to ask questions. So shoot away...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/18/2005 15:17:03 >
AQ  Post #: 1
6/10/2005 14:24:41   

O ooo! First post!
Good for you.
Okay, first off
How did you get to be an AK?
To make a long story short, I was good at rping and I had admin experience on a rping board with Cyrus. Since he knew I was capable, he recomended me and I got it.
What's your favorite color?
hmm... I don't really care. I guess silver.
Dogs or cats?
Cats! They are just so much better in my eyes... More independant, and funner to play with (because they don't constantly badger you). I have nothing against dogs, but I deffinately like cats better.
Favorite Sport?
Hmm... This one is tough... I will have to say baseball, but football comes close second.
Do you RP?
I love rping! Haven't had as much time recently, but I still rp when I can. I've only rped twice on these boards I believe, or maybe three times. I actually started on the old AQ boards...
A. Would you mind if I hit you with a mullet?
Uhh... If you really want to you are more than welcome to...
B. Why? Why not?
Like me title? I just realized I had it, and that was because someone pointed it out!
I love it! Good to see people who know how to rp around here.

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 14:36:27 >
AQ  Post #: 2
6/10/2005 14:24:59   

How's life?
Tough... I would lie and say great, but I can never seem to get an easy break. But, as long as you are happy, I am too...
I'm on a holy quest to find a mod/AK/admin that likes all rap. Are you my first one?
Can I lie and say yes?
Favorite video game?
Hmm... That's a tough one... One of the Final Fantasy games; probably 7.
In light of Alexia's question, is it possible to be hit with a hairstyle? =
Sure, at least a mullet...
If so, can I beat you down with my innovative hairstyle idea, the mofro(mix between afro and mohawk)?
If you wish...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 14:39:07 >
Post #: 3
6/10/2005 14:29:56   
Chibi Coronet

Hola, Killer! Time to bombard you with a buncha questions!
Hey... That's what I am here for.
Firstly... do you like snuggles?
I don't like nor dislike them. I am not the kinda guy you will see snuggling someone.
Regardless of answer... ¤tacklesnuggles Killer¤
*Is tacklesnuggled*
Do you like Pineapples?
Hmm... I don't dislike them.
How did you come across Battleon? What brought you here, in other words?
Well, I just started looking into Rpgs when I stumbled across "topwebgames" or something like that. Adventurequest was listed as having just been created like a month ago, so I decided I would check it out. Of course, this was before I was into rping on message boards, but after about six months of the game (around the time launch nights started), I came to the forums... These were the first forums I became a member of, just as Adventurequest was one of my first rpgs.
What has made you stay in Battleon?
The thought that I can actually contribute to something. On top of that, the community is great (for the most part).
What is your favourite part of Battleon, that is, the community in the Forums and IRC?
Hmm... I don't really go to the main channel in IRC because it is too crowded there. Otherwise, I love using IRC. I guess my favorite part would have to be everywhere where there are people, but not too many of them at once.
What is your favourite part of AQ, the game?
New stuff... Anymore, I don't really play unless something new has been realesed.
Do you have a pet?
Yes, two cats... I love cats...
Do you like weapons? If so, is there a particular class of weapon you like? I myself like the Longspear class of weapons.
I like katanas, or any other oriental weapons, but specifically katanas.
In terms of socialness and your preferred environs, are you an Animal person, a Plant person, or a People person?
Hmm... Animal person?
In terms of diet and eating, are you an Animal person, a Plant person, or a People person?
Uhh... Not sure if I am answering correctly... Well I don't eat people... I really don't like eating plants either... I mostly eat meats, cheese and candy.
That's it for now. ^-^;
Hasta Luego...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 14:50:44 >
AQ  Post #: 4
6/10/2005 14:34:00   
Demon warrior

ok im usually a mod annoyer but ill make an exception for u
Glad to here that...

which do u prefer forks,kinives, or SPOONS!

How long have u been an ak?
I'm not sure... I'll have to check on that... A few months?

who is ur fav: mod,Ak(not ureself),admin,and normal member
Because I do not wish to make anyone upset, I will just say that my favorite Mod is all of them, Ak is also all of them, and same with admin. As for normal member, my favorite is the one who never spams, flames or does anything that I would not approve of.

which part do u patrol? clans,GGD,ooc,etc
OOC and RP.

do u classify urself as good or evil or nuetral
Good and evil are all in oppinion. One persons freedom fighter is anothers terrorist. I would say neutral, but I will always serve my country and family.

why did u wanna b an A.K.?
To get rid of people like you who use horrible grammer ^_^ (jk) Since back when I joined the old forums and made fruitless attempts to get a suggestion into the game, all I have wanted to do is help out the people that work on this game and forums. Since I realized my using flash was doing me nothing but getting me a bit better known on the old forums, I kinda went inactive here for a while. When Archknights came out, I realized that was the best position I could get.

did u have a title before u were an A.K.? if so what was it?
Advanced Rper.

care to battle me? *takes out spoon lightsaber which was used to slay pae*
If you slayed the great gecko Pae with that, then I better just hand over my head.

bye bye now
Hasta Lavista...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 14:58:27 >
AQ  Post #: 5
6/10/2005 14:38:14   

who cares that you were late?you know what they say better late than never.
Words of wisdom my friend...
Age of what? heh... I am 15...
where were you born?where do you live?
Born here in Florida, where I still live.
where would you want to live?why?
Washington DC. It is our nations capital.
who did you get your name?
How? You mean my real name I assume... Just in case, I will say I got Killer for lack of a better name and I have used it since. As for my real name, Joseph, I got is because both my grandfathers were named Joseph.
how fast of a typer are you?could you answer the mass amount of questions you are going to get the next few days?
Of course. I do not claim to be the fastest, but I type at a good speed, faster then most I know personally...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 15:02:16 >


AQ DF  Post #: 6
6/10/2005 15:03:07   
Strong Bad

Fork, Spoon, Knife, or Spork?
Any idea why I named myself Strongbad?
If you could give out custom title, and the though of giving me one arose, what would you give me?
No idea... Sorry, but I do not know you well enough.
Have you seen Star Wars Episode 3? I thought it was the best out of all 6!
I won't see it until it comes out on DVD.
Why don't you make yourself a cooler undead avatar?
I am too lazy to bother with it... Avatars don't matter that much to me.
Ever seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force? I think that that is THE funniest TV show out there...
Never even heard of it. What channel is it on?
I like this color so much, in every MTM/MTAK's I post in, I will use this color! Creepy isn't it?
I've seen creeper...
Who is your favorite Mod/ArchKnight, other than yourself? Mine is both Pae and Spellfire ^__^.
I would have to say that I am not at liberty to answer that.
Being an Archknight of RP, you have rights to see the ARP section, correct? That must be fun getting to see the new member whatch lists!
Uhh... Sure... Before I was an archknight, I was an ARPer though, so I was used to it.
That will be all for now... FOR NOW!!! Muahhahahahhhahahhahahhaha*cough wheeze* I really should stop laughing like that, its hurting my throat...

*Hands Strongbad a luasenger* Adios...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 15:09:35 >
Post #: 7
6/10/2005 15:07:47   

Is it spork or foon?
Foon! Foon sounds cooler...
What is thy age?
You like spiders(yay) or insects(yuck)?
I do not really like either... I hate insects, but I find spiders facinating... I still kill any of them that I see.
You like Dragonlance or Forgotten Realms more?
Never read either one... They are books, right?
You like Vephy or Reens more?
Honestly I like neither more than the other...
Whats ur fav batman movie(counting the new one)
Not much of a batman fan... Can't recall the name of my favorite one, but I have only seen maybe two or three...
Whats ur fav batman villain?
Penguin... I want a cool umbrella weapon...
Am I insane?
From what I gather here, I guess an 89% chance that you are indeed insane... Actually, I just made that up off the top of my head.

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 15:14:05 >
Post #: 8
6/10/2005 16:02:42   

If Yoda was to have a fight with you, who would win?
Me... I am on Death's good side, so I can't really die... I just get one good hit on him, and he is gone, but he could never get rid of me...

Are you being biased with that answer?

Did you know that Killer spelt backwards is Rellik? That's a pretty good handle, IMO...
Never thought about it... Kinda interesting...

Elephants or Giraffes?
Elephants... A good political party symbol...

Penguins or Seals?
Penguins... They can fly you know...

Qweshy or Qweshy?
Uh... Qweshyer?

That is all....
Hasta Luego...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 16:13:45 >
AQ  Post #: 9
6/10/2005 16:59:23   
Eternal Wanderer

*Waves back*
Hey, remeber me? We did a few RPs a while back...
Of course I remember you! I can never forget a good rper...
How long ago was that, it seems like a long time...
A few months at least...
I'm surprised to see your still alive.
I can't die...
Or should I say un-alive, you were a zombie, right?
Well, more complex than your average zombie, but you got the gist of it.
So, what's the square root of 376?
Are you sure you'd beat Yoda, I mean he's so small, how would you hit him?
The same way I swat flys out of the air and squish them with my hands...
Um, what exactly is Vephy?
What is Vephy? Hmm... Perhaps you should be asking who is Vephy...
Well, I have to go now. *Hands Killer some cookies.* Don't tell anyone I was here. *Runs off.*
*Eats the cookies and nods* Hasta lavista...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 22:41:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
6/10/2005 18:05:43   
general greivous

heya killer, do you now n00b talk?
Hi... Nope...
OMFG, YOU ARE SO UB3R, YOU R T3H GUY !!!!!!!!!!111shift+11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annoyng hu?
standart question
whats your favorite zard?
The regular Frogzard. You can't beat the original...
now the random
Wasn't the above random?
if a frogzilla start poking a oompalompa and the oompalompa throws the frogzilla in a tube full of chocolate, how much time does it taker to the frogzilla been spitting out
adeus, thats all the time we have, bye

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 22:44:05 >
AQ  Post #: 11
6/10/2005 18:06:34   
Wolf Boi

Can I have a snuggle?
Not much of a snuggler, but I can have this "Generic Snuggle Doll" give you one. *Generic Snuggle Doll snuggles Wolf Boi*
What do you think of Wolves?
They would make nice pets...
What do you think of wolf boys?
Well, I think Wolf man was pretty cool...
Do you read manga?
Can't say I do...
If so what is your fave one?
What do you think of this face? ---> :3
Uh... It's a face...
Do you have any idea who I am?
What is your fave book?
That is probably the hardest question yet... I enjoyed reading the Lord of the Rings series, as I also enjoy reading Magic the Gathering books... Yeah, not quite in the same boat as the Lord of the Rings, but I like them... I can't say for sure what my favorite is though.
If you could play any RPG that was only released in Japan what would it be?
No idea...
What do you think of movie remakes?
I always say stick the original, but there are some remakes that I like more than the original...
Are you looking foward to Land of the Dead?
Just look to the name...
Bye for now *snuggles*
Hasta Luego...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 22:52:28 >
AQ  Post #: 12
6/10/2005 22:32:50   

two more questions
first Whos ur fav female batman villain)^_^
Catwomen... The only other one I have heard of is that uhh... Posion Ivory one or something...
and second Batman or Superman?
Superman all the way... I don't even see how they compare. One knows some fighting and has expensive tools AND a sidekick. The other has X-ray vision, super strength and can fly! Also, he can only die by one method (well, basically)...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 22:55:03 >
Post #: 13
6/10/2005 23:17:15   
Wolf Boi

Hello again *snuggles the Generic Snuggle Doll*
Hey... *Generic Snuggle Doll snuggles back*
hehe not the wolf man but do you like wolf boys? (as in a boy with the ears and tail of a wolf)
Sure... I have no reason to dislike them... Wait... Are you plotting on me? My oppinion could change if a hostile action is taken against me by Wolf Boy... <_<>_>
Do you watch Teen Titans?
Never seen it before...
What is your fave RPG game?
One of the Final Fantasys... Not sure which one...
Do you have a PS2?
Unfortunately no...
Do you prefere horror movies more like saW or Jason?
What are the re-makes that you like more the the originals?
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is "the Inlaws"... A good comedy...
If they did make the movie Ash vs Jason Vs Fredy, who do you think would win?
What do you think of Vincent Price?
God tells us not to judge others ^_^
Do you think that them re making movies like house of wax, and in such a bad way was a insult to Price?
Do you play the Silent Hill games?
Thanks for the snuggles doll again *snuggles it* byebye for now till I can think of more questions
Hasta Lavista... I think I might mass produce that little Snuggle Dolls...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 23:29:49 >
AQ  Post #: 14
6/10/2005 23:33:14   

Hello Killer. Long time no hear.
Who do you think will win? Spurs or Pistons? (NBA finals incase you dont know)
Do I look like I have lived in a cave my entire life? Of course I know... I have to go with the Spurs, but I do not like either of them.. Well, I guess that doesn't make a difference, or does it?
Whats your favorite video game?
Final Fantasy (Number goes here)
If you gave me a title, what would it be?
Master of Games? I'm not much with title giving... I can't even come up with a good title I want for myself...
Will you give me a not title, not?
Did you understand the above?
Can't say I did...
Do you remember me from long ago?
Should I ask more questions?
If you wish to...
I will be back, bye!

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 23:43:02 >
AQ  Post #: 15
6/10/2005 23:34:23   
Strong Bad

ATHF is on Adult Swim, cartoon network turns into Adult Swim at 10 PM...
Okay... I will check that out...
Anyways, to find out mine origin of my name, simply go to homestarrunner.com, and there ya go! Try to whatch some of my e-mails.
Perhaps I will...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 23:45:12 >
Post #: 16
6/11/2005 0:12:25   
Wolf Boi

hello and no I don't plan on taking hostile action on you becuse you gave me the Generic Snuggle Doll *snuggles it again*
Hi... *Watches the doll return the snuggle*
Have you sceen house of wax (the good old one with price)
Unfortunately no...
Do you like old horror movies?
I love them... Unfortunately, I have only seen a limited amount of them...
Who should make the next Jason movie?
Why don't you snuggle?
Not my thing... I mean, look at my name...
hehe am I the offical tester of the Snuggle doll?
Yes you are...You should be honored...
What is your fave movie?
Pretty tough question... I loved the Rambo movies, Rocky movies, and the Terminater movies... I also like the Night of the Living Dead, and the old Dracula movies... Also, I am a pretty big Star Trek fan, so I like all those movies... My favorite type of movie is horror, and my favorite movie is probably Silence of the Lambs...
Have you sceen the movie A Black Christmas?
If you could have a PS2 or PSP what would you chose?
PS3? I would choise a PS2 over PSP because they are just more "useable". Memory cards and stuff for PSP are so expensive. Plus, the movies for them have to be their specilized disk thingys...
Have you sceen Nosfuratu? (the silent vampire film)
If you could be killed in a horror movie who would you die?
How would I die? I would get bitten by a vampire and become one of them...If that isn't an option, I would BE a vampire and get stabbed with a wooden stake.
Do you have any King books?
I have a ton of books... I probably do, but I don't know where they are...
What do you think of my tail? isn't it fluffy?
It's nice... Yep it is very fluffy...
Do you prefere swords or guns?
Swords... Guns do not require as much skill to use in battle. Of course, if I would choise which to fight with I would say gun, but I would much rather collect swords... And I do...
Thats it for now, hehe I'm just in a question asking mood today *snuggles the snuggle doll again*
Hasta lavista...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 0:30:20 >
AQ  Post #: 17
6/11/2005 0:21:26   

hello *bows*
*Returns the bow* Hello great Gecko...
What's your favorite element after Earth?
Darkness... I am, after all, undead...
How do you like your new boards?
Love 'em...
What's the best cure for randomness? *lounges in a tree*
Hmm... The new Generic Snuggle Doll? No... Um... Perhaps a Glock 37 with a few hollow points, because you sure won't be random if you use that on yourself... Of course, I wouldn't dream of telling you to do that Great Gecko Goddess... I will have to say the best cure would be rping!

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 0:35:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 18
6/11/2005 0:56:58   

Zup! Hows it!
Hi... It's alright...
I got one really big question for you...
Do you like Eminem?
Know for the minion questions...
Have you ever seen the evil strawberry?
Can't say I have...
Can you burn into my arm *Killer waz here*?
If you wish... *Takes out a white hot piece of metal and writes "Killer waz here" on jimbo's arm.
Do you like my title?
Kinda scares me...
Isn't Summer great?
Of course it is! Summer is the greatest invention since the *****... Err... Since ever!
Have you seen 8 Legged freaks, because if you have, did you notice one guy looked like Jason in the mall fight... So really Jason finally actually died, or that is where it all began... Who knows...
I have seen 8 Legged Freaks, but did not notice Jason in the crowd. Perhaps you are right though...
Biaza! *bows off*

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 14:42:37 >
AQ  Post #: 19
6/11/2005 1:25:22   
Blue Dragon Star

I have a famous face, and it's your avatar!?
Well since I had it long before you, I think I have the right to use it as my avater...
I am the Darkness Elemental Lord
Are you sure?
Who amI >.> <.<?
Blue Dragon Star?
Like my sig?
It seems pretty nice...
Join my club?
I'm not much for clubbing... ^_^
Let me twist your answers to suit my own personal needs?
Favorite smilely ?
No... I will have to say that is my favorite-->
I like lycan Slasher what about you?
Lycan Slasher?
I elemental rp, did you know that?
I do now...
Darkness or light?
Why do I never say goodbye?
I have no idea... Why is my hair brown?

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 14:50:18 >


AQ  Post #: 20
6/11/2005 8:51:36   
Crystal Lion

Do you like lions?
I love all cats...
Do you like my name?
"What is in a name...?" Okay... I can't remember how that quote goes...Your name seems like a good one.
Are you lycan or vampire?
I'm neither... Well, in game I am currently a lycan, but I support vampires... Since I am undead, I have to stick with my general race...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 14:52:52 >
Post #: 21
6/11/2005 9:10:06   

Hi Killer!
*snuggles and cuddles for Killer*
*Returns the snuggles and cuddles*
That's it, really. Other than the usual randomness....
Randomness is not always bad... You know that the sun is yellow because... Oh... Wait...
It's a long story. Let's just say I'm not evil anymore... I am a nice good lifegiving undead that lives in the forest...
Are you one of the cool, enigmatic, secksay undead? Or one of the shambling, zombie like shedding stuff when you walk undead?
(Please note - I'm thinking option 1).
Well, I was never quite shambling, but at one time I was pretty darn ugly. No longer though, since I got new skin I am great normal looking... I just need to remember to breathe when I am around people... It's kinda wierd how all of this came from one rp board...
Uh... Bye?

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 14:57:49 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
6/11/2005 12:26:11   


Yo sexy!
How can you be this much sexy?
I guess all the excercising is paying off... ^_^
Can i give a hug to you?*hugs without permission*
*Returns the hug*
Hmm then im wondering if it is possible that my teddy whcih is currently my avatar can hug you?
Umm... I would perfer that he not... If it makes you happy he can...
Can we(me and my teddy) get snuggled?
*Killer has a Generic Snuggle Doll snuggle both Scalpy and the teddy*
Ok now more seriours questions coming =P
If you had to rate Aq over 10 what would your rating be?And why?
10. The only reason I do not play the game that much anymore is because of the sheer fact that time is limited. It is a great game with a great staff and great memebers... The game continues to grow and improve in every way and I have yet to find a better one online anywhere...
What are the reasons behind your name choice,why did you choose "Killer" as your username?Are you a pyscho criminal?
Well, after I got out of the padded room and past the men in white suits... I... Err... No, actually I am not crazy or anything. I am perfectly sane... I guess I was not very creative when I made this name, but I have used it ever since... There is no reason beyond that... *Hides his bombing plans and smiles evily*
Whats your favourite band?For me good Charlotte for ever :)
My favorite band... Well, even though I was not alive when they were big, I love the Beatles. They would have to be my favorite group of them all.
How is your life going?You know sometimes it gets really annoying but sometimes when something happens whcih makes you feel happy life seems like pie!
Life isn't easy, but I can't complain too much... I take what I am delt and do what I can... I have high hopes for the future, but if life where easy and safe, it would be no fun...
Have you noticed saying "Boo!" can be so much fun?
Actually I have...
Do sometimes people call you *Killy* or *Killish* or something like those?To be honest i like bein called Scalpy :p
Well Scalpy, I don't recall being called either of those. I have been given the nickname "Smily" in a chatroom before, which was kinda an oxymoron since I didn't use smilies... That died out awhile ago though, but I don't recall any others...
How is it going with girls? *sniff* *sniff*
Unfortunately, I am not afriad to admit that I am a bit shy around girls... I can never quite say what I want to... In other words, I am having some trouble right now with them... You think someone who would confront armed terrorists by himself would not be affriad to ask someone on a date...
If you were there last creatures in the world with this thingy,would you marry him/her?
I think I might just die, since as you pointed out, is it a him or her?
Ok thats all for now,See yo and i luff you too! ^^
Hasta Luego...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 15:20:54 >
AQ  Post #: 23
6/11/2005 12:45:29   
Killer Croc

Do you like reptiles?
Are geckos reptiles? Well, reguardless I like reptiles... They are pretty cool, but I like mammals much better.
If so do you prefer crocodiles or alligators?
What is the difference again?
Am I insane?
Is Scalper insane?
I don't see any evidance that would support that...
Are you insane?
It depends who you ask...
Are you a guardian?
Just look at my character page... Of course I am a guardian...
Wheres Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 98?
Uhh... Over there?
Why am I named Killer Croc?
Not a clue... Are you by any chance a killer croc?
Do you like Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball GT more?
I would say Dragonball Z... When I watched it, Piccolo was always my favorite. I don't think he really did much in GT... I really haven't watched any of them for a few years... Who said that I like Dragonball anything at all?

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 15:26:55 >


--Having your throat ripped out not optional
Post #: 24
6/11/2005 14:38:21   
~Lion Eagle~

Apples or oranges?
Oranges... Apples are a communist conspiricy...
My laptop is crisping >:)
What kind of music do you listen to?
Rock, a lot of stuff from the 60's and 70's...
What's your favorite color?
I guess silver...
Griffin or Gryphon or Griffon or Griffen?
Griffin... I say it is spelled right that way...
Drakes or Dragons?
Why am I suicidal?
Maybe a chemical imbalance? You should ask a proffessional for help. I wish I could help you out more...
Do you like my sig even though it's done in paint?
It's better than I could do in paint.
My brother really annoys me, when we're playing a MMORPG together he always asks if he typed things, if I see anything suspicious on his screen, and the like. Everyone say's he's insane, and I'm hoarse from screaming at him. Is he crazy?
I'm not professional, but I would say it is possible.
If you were a Dragon would you prefer fire breath or acid breath?
Fire breath... I would imagine that it would shot further...
Melee weapons or spells or archery?
Ninja weapons!
Random) *click* *click* BOOM
*Sheilds himself from the evil explosion with a blade of grass*
Can you play AQ and another game at the same time? I can
Sure... I've done it before...
See ya for now, I might be back
Hasta Lavista...

< Message edited by Killer -- 6/11/2005 15:33:35 >


I don't break rules. I just bend them. A lot.
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