Chibi Coronet
Hola, Killer! Time to bombard you with a buncha questions! Hey... That's what I am here for. Firstly... do you like snuggles? I don't like nor dislike them. I am not the kinda guy you will see snuggling someone. Regardless of answer... ¤tacklesnuggles Killer¤ *Is tacklesnuggled* Do you like Pineapples? Hmm... I don't dislike them. How did you come across Battleon? What brought you here, in other words? Well, I just started looking into Rpgs when I stumbled across "topwebgames" or something like that. Adventurequest was listed as having just been created like a month ago, so I decided I would check it out. Of course, this was before I was into rping on message boards, but after about six months of the game (around the time launch nights started), I came to the forums... These were the first forums I became a member of, just as Adventurequest was one of my first rpgs. What has made you stay in Battleon? The thought that I can actually contribute to something. On top of that, the community is great (for the most part). What is your favourite part of Battleon, that is, the community in the Forums and IRC? Hmm... I don't really go to the main channel in IRC because it is too crowded there. Otherwise, I love using IRC. I guess my favorite part would have to be everywhere where there are people, but not too many of them at once. What is your favourite part of AQ, the game? New stuff... Anymore, I don't really play unless something new has been realesed. Do you have a pet? Yes, two cats... I love cats... Do you like weapons? If so, is there a particular class of weapon you like? I myself like the Longspear class of weapons. I like katanas, or any other oriental weapons, but specifically katanas. In terms of socialness and your preferred environs, are you an Animal person, a Plant person, or a People person? Hmm... Animal person? In terms of diet and eating, are you an Animal person, a Plant person, or a People person? Uhh... Not sure if I am answering correctly... Well I don't eat people... I really don't like eating plants either... I mostly eat meats, cheese and candy. That's it for now. ^-^; Hasta Luego...
< Message edited by Killer -- 6/10/2005 14:50:44 >