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=MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!!

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2/11/2009 14:00:50   
Evil Moo!!

Good day to you all. It appears I have been made an AK (no, I don't know what they were thinking either :P ) and as such this grants you an opportunity to say 'hi' and ask me all of your profound questions.

All the usual Universal and OOC rules apply, and also here are some guidelines and info:

1) No more than 10 questions per post.

2) No more than 1 post per page.

3) Try to keep to a reasonable number of total posts overall.

4) Try not to repeat previously asked questions.

5) I will edit in this pretty little font.

6) I'll keep this open for about a week, till around the 18th.

That should be everything... Fire away!
Post #: 1
2/11/2009 14:03:08   

Simply splendid, thanks.
Thank you!
Omnomnom or Gobble Gobble Gobble?
The Omnomnom wins every time.
Roflwaffle or Lollersk8s?
Mmm, waffles.
You seen me around?
Indeed I have. In fact I remember having some kind of debate with you at some point, though I don't recall what it was about. :P
I heard you liek teh mudkipz?
*gasps* Who told you?!
*taps knee with hammer*
Ow, mah knee!!
Where?! *dives for cover*
All done, you're free to leave.
Jolly good.

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/11/2009 14:11:57 >
MQ  Post #: 2
2/11/2009 14:03:17   

Hey Evil Moo!
What color are your shackles?
Incandescent black. So cold they are too.
Why your name?
Because I am the Evil Moo, Lord of all Moos!!! Incidentally a Moo is like a cow, but spherical and floaty.
Why your avatar?
Because I made it and it's all dark and glowy in an abstract kind of way.
Do you know who I am?
I've seen you around occasionally.
How many pegs can you clip to your face?
None. Unenthusiasm prevents me from doing such things. :/
Favorite breakfast cereal?
Cornflakes FTW!
Where is your cell?
Not a day passes that I don't ask myself the same question... v.v
If a tree falls in a forest, and lands on a mime, who really cares?
The tree, the tree always cares.
That's all.
See ya!

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/11/2009 14:26:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
2/11/2009 14:14:37   

OMG! They made you an AK?! Have they gone mad?! :P (Just joking, you really do deserve it! *tosses cookie into cell* )
Thanks! *omnoms cookie*
Muahahahaha...now for the torture...>:D
Oh goodie.
How can an innocent sound like "moo" be evil?
It's all in the execution. ;)
Are you gonna go mad with power now?
Well, I'm already mad and now I have the power... *giggles gleefully*
O, Rly?
Ya, Rly!
Oh no you didn't!
Well that's just prime.
If you could have an AE class armor in real life, what would it be?
NINJA! So I can sneakz around, all stealthy-like.
The Far Side or Calvin and Hobbes?
The Near Side, blatently.
...I'm out of good questions, i'll be back when/if I think of more. Congrats! *poof*
Have a nice day!

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/11/2009 14:37:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
2/11/2009 14:21:33   

NNNOOO NOT YOU!!!!! Congratz
>_< Thanks!
How were you captured?
Oversized butterfly nets = one captured Moo. :(
What do they feed you?
I don't know. I hear there's a buffet table... somewhere...
Can I have a cookie?
Sure. *Gives cookie*
Is Circe a nice Warden?
The best there is! ;P
Where is your cell located?
In the space between dimensions, to the left of uncertainty and to the right of ambiguity.
A respectable colour indeed.
Good fun to give to Vaka. ^_^
Thanks again!

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/11/2009 14:45:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/11/2009 14:48:08   

Ha sue.
Glad to see your an AK, what was your initial reaction when you got the PM?

I think it was a mix between 'They can't be serious' and 'I wonder who's AKship offer this is meant to be'
Have a fishy stick (Yey bethesda)
Thanks! *puts it with his collection*
What's your favourite smiley?
I've always liked this one: not sure why.
What on Earth is this smiley doing? It looks like it has paper coming out of its mouth.
I have no idea :P I've always thought of it as a surgeon's mask for some reason.


< Message edited by Arzock -- 2/13/2009 12:35:19 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
2/11/2009 14:59:25   

Oh...my...gosh...So many MtAKs.Oh and Hi by the way.
Hiyas! There are quite a lot around these days.
I really have run out of questions due to all the other MtAKs lately *points to idea-o-meter* See?All gone.
*gasp* Never mind, I could do with a rest. :P
So just congratz really.Bye :D
Thanks! Bye. ^_^

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 13:03:18 >
DF MQ  Post #: 7
2/11/2009 15:00:10   
Ghostbuster #99

Has the world gone mad?!(just kidding, good job on becoming an AK.)
Yes, and thanks! :D

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 13:04:13 >
DF  Post #: 8
2/11/2009 15:26:49   

On with the torture methods interrogation:
1) I can haz cheezburgr?
If you must. But be quick about it!
2) Do you recognize me?
Yes. It's hard not to with the amount you post around here. :)
3) Who in their left mind would make you an AK?
Circe apparently.
4) What'll be your lockage logo?
Oh dear, I'll have to think of something sometime.
5) GIMME A COOKIE! Please?
Well, as you were so polite. <_< *gives cookie*
6) What god (any culture) do you most identify yourself with and why?
Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos and discord, because she is my cousin.
7) What color are your chains?
Hey look, someone painted them while I was sleeping. Now they are greyish blue.
8) Age and grade (if applicable)?
Age: 17 Grade: NA (Not in America)
10) Where'd question nine go?
I'm sowwy, I eated it. ;_;
11) Any last words?
Life is like an onion. You try to make something out of it, but it only causes tears along the way.

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 13:18:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
2/11/2009 15:34:41   
Blue Revenge

Why, hello!
Hi there!
I don't think we've been properly acquainted so I thought this would be a nice way to do so.
So we haven't, let the acquainting begin!
Anyway, on with the questions:

1.) Do you mind if I type in this font?
Not at all, it adds some colour and variety to the place.
2.) Favorite color?
Dark greyish bluey purple.
3.) Favorite band and/or singer?
Ai Otsuka! Her voice never fails to manipulate my emotions.
4.) What brought you to the OOC?
Boredom and the occasional interesting debates and topics that turn up.
5.) Least favorite beverage?
Probably coffee, though I've never really tried the stuff.
6.) Have you ever seen Monk (television show)?
If so, what'd you think of it?
I have seen a couple of episodes. It was weird, but very enjoyable.
7.) Evil Moo in the OOC with a lead pipe?
I thought I hid that pipe! *cough* I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about!! <_< >_>
8.) Marvel or DC comics?
No real preference to be honest.

I believe that's all for now.
Jolly good.
Congratulations, by the way!

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 15:36:16 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 10
2/11/2009 15:35:47   
Master Number 300

Congratz on becoming an ak. Hope you escape.
Thanks. Don't worry, I have a plastic spoon for tunneling! :D

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 15:38:01 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
2/11/2009 15:36:50   

'Just came to say congratulations and good luck. Oh, but just one question:
Thank you very much!
Yes... Or no?
Errrm... Maybe?

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 15:39:37 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
2/11/2009 15:40:34   

So AK now eh?
So it would seem.
Do you like The Killers?
I'm not a big fan, but they aren't bad.
Do you like mah siggy?
Do you like This song? It was a demo, never put on an album, but fits Vally Day perfectly (well, for the ones turned down)
It has a nice rhythm!
Can I have a cookie?
I'm going to be running out of cookies before long at this rate. Oh well. *gives another cookie*
No touchy mah radio! Well, you may only touchy on your b-day
I wouldn't dream of it! *sneakily pokes the radio*
* sneakily gives radioitis*, even AKs get it, only ones exempt: Circe, AE staff, and um, me

< Message edited by smallmbigm -- 2/12/2009 17:01:47 >
DF  Post #: 13
2/11/2009 15:40:36   
Legendary Artist!

Evil Moo!!
*sneaks in grass cookies*
*gasp* Cookies!
1.Why, WHY, whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy?
I know, it's just not fair is it?
2. How's them shackles?
Healthily tight and oh so cold.
3. Why don't people understand we're just like everyone else, but with more cages and shackles? ;_;
They haven't seen the horrors we have. ;_;
4. Brawl, ftw, no?
Most certainly!
5. What's your favorite item in AQ? :o
Bunny Jammies, they make everything more fun! XD
6. I think Circe is collecting an army, what do you think?
It does seem that way.
7. It's always _____'s fault?
It's always everbody elses fault.
8. Why did the Croncler cross the road?Copyright
Because I made him with mah mind powerz!
9. Do you read the Zardian? :O
I occasionally read a few articles.
10. More specifically will you be reading my articles?
*Adds another thing to his 'to read' list*
Anyways 'nuff torture. *snugs*
*is snugged* :)

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 15:58:45 >
Post #: 14
2/11/2009 15:44:25   

Sniff sniff do i smell evil cows?
Almost, we Moos do not associate with cows!
1-Erm the name why?
Because that is what I am, Lord of the floating spherical bovine species known as Moos.
2-What color are the shackles?
They change depending on my mood. Mood shackles FTW!
3-So OOC?
My second home on the internet.
4-So any siblings?
One brother.
AQ every day!
6-Who shackled you?
Circe, I believe.
7-Is the cake a lie
The cake is only a lie until it's eaten.
8-Mundane questions eha?
Eh, could be worse.
9-Favorite game?
Half Life 2.
10-<-< who are you again?
Oh yay grats :)
Thanks! :)

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 16:09:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
2/11/2009 15:54:21   

Chickencows, or cowchickens?!?!?!
Cowchickens, they taste better!
Doom much?
Doom de doom doom...
Ebilness or evilness??!?
Evilness is so much better.
Cookies, or milk?
What came first, the chicken, or the egg?
2/3 of an egg, 1/3 of a chicken.
Doom or ebil?
*evil laugh*

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 16:23:26 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
2/11/2009 16:37:29   

Sweet man.
Totally dude.
I know you will be very good cuz you've been helpful for like a bajjillion years.
Glad you think so! :P
So are the archknight wepons good?
Very! :)
Who would win batman or spiderman? (Hardest Question ever)
I reckon batman, but it would be very close.
Doom or Destiny?
Doom has a nice finality about it.
Favorite song?
It changes often, but right now I quite like Novae by Unexpect.
Favorite music genre?
I'll listen to just about anything, though most metal is probably at the top of the list.
Do you like my sig.?
Snazzy! :P
Thats all good luck!

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 16:46:05 >


:MiXX. .aari, ;W8MM M2,i:r,,.7B
AQ DF  Post #: 17
2/11/2009 16:51:09   

Oh god, why?
We may never know the answer to that.

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 16:56:05 >
Post #: 18
2/11/2009 16:51:44   

Congratulations! /me tacklesnugs EM!!
Than- *crash*
How's them shackles?
Great! I just love losing the feeling in my extremities!
I see that you're cell is next to_____?
Apparently I'm next to Coyote and Vaka.
Well that's all.
Fair enough.
Good luck!
*gives EM!! some of V_J's weekly cookie supply*
Yay, my supply is replenished!
Oh, have some steak as well. :P
Johny? What have they done to you Johny? Noooooo... ;_; *eats johny steak*

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 17:04:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
2/11/2009 18:27:41   

O hai Moo
Gratz on you AKship, hope you do a good job

Thanks! I hope so too. :P

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 17:05:40 >
Post #: 20
2/11/2009 18:29:47   
Crimson Spider

Wow, it seems like everyone is becoming an Archknight these days.
Indeed. The ranks are growing steadily.
I have one question: What is your avatar of?
It is a screenshot of a particle effect engine I designed, plus a little editing in GIMP. :)

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 17:10:44 >
AQ DF  Post #: 21
2/11/2009 18:38:16   
Roaming the Web

I thought I'd never see the day.
Neither did I. :/
1. On a scale of 1-10 how surprised were you when you were AKed?
About 8, but for me that's probably the most surprised I've been in the vast majority of my life!
2. Top 3 anime (if you're into that at all):
I'm getting into it, so far the only ones I've really watched are: Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate (only vol. 1 so far), Spirited Away and The Cat Returns.
3. *looks through thread* No one has asked the ultimate MtAK question, what is your quest?
My quest is to rule the world at the command of my army of Moos!!!
I'm not the type to ask lots of random questions so I'll see you around and congratulations.
Short and to the point, I like it. Thanks, see ya!

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/12/2009 17:27:26 >


AQ AQW  Post #: 22
2/11/2009 18:42:00   
Master Merlin

Congrats on the AK Evil Moo!
Thank you!
1. Care for a spot of tea?
But of course!
2. Do you know the hidden location of Lepr' Khania?
Just turn left at the end of the rainbow and keep going till all the pots of gold appear to be taken.
3. O' Rly?
Most assuredly, in fact.
4. <Insert witty comment here>
Such wit, I'm astounded!
5. Tea or coffee? Keep in mind that if you pick coffee I will slap you.
Tea, definitely! ;P
6. Did you know that I am the Grand Tea Lord of the Englishman's Sociely Of Tea Drinkers and also a Djinn?
I do now. :)
7. Jacuse!
... Banana hammock!
8. *Meow*
Awwww, kitty! *huggles the kitty* =^.^=
9. Something fishy is going on here... *fish comes out of the sky and slaps me*
Whoops, I must be more careful when handling fish.
10. Am I insane?
I should hope so.


< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/13/2009 15:47:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 23
2/11/2009 18:47:01   

...........whats with all the new AKs lately, is circe building an army due to insanity.......?
Shh, it's meant to be secret! ;)
jokes aside, congrats :D
1. Favorite AE game?
AQ by far.
2. Favorite Band?
Korn has always been fairly high on the list, but a few others are occasionally above it.
3. Favorite desert?
Some good quality vanilla ice cream. Oh right, desert, not dessert... :P
4. Are the shackles comfy?
I think I'm going to request some padding the next time the feeding crew comes along. Also they're a bit tight.
5. What is the size of your cell?
About 5ft long, 4ft wide and 6ft high. A snug fit, with some rolling room.
6. Are you properly fed?
I've managed to smuggle in some cookies and I keep hearing about this buffet table... I wonder where it is...
7. Have you ever heard of me........?
I've seen you around. :)
8. Your name is.....original, what are its origins?
To be honest, it was basically the first two words to come to my mind when I was thinking of a username for my AQ account. :P
well, good luck :) hope you have fun! *gives a cookie*
Yay cookie! *munches*

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/13/2009 15:58:54 >
AQ  Post #: 24
2/11/2009 18:50:19   

Do you like DB/Z/GT or Yu Yu Hakisho?
DBZ, I watched most of it, but I missed most of the episodes after the Goku-Vegeta merge got turned into a small coffee flavoured chocolate and then suddenly it was all the confusing world of GT.
You like my sig?
See ya!

< Message edited by Evil Moo!! -- 2/13/2009 16:02:06 >


My YouTube!
AQ  Post #: 25
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