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Issue 39 - Letter From the Editor (smbdoll, Maegwyn)

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2/8/2009 12:29:46   

Dear readers,

Welcome to another issue of The Zardian. It may be chill and damp outside as I write this, but Snugglefest is fast approaching and love is in the air. And what, dear readers, do I love more than sitting here typing up editors notes for you?

(No, Oreo cookies is not what I meant. Please, pay attention.)

What I love most about life is my family, whom I'll be spending snugglefest with this year. I find it portentious that I met my husband on a very special Hero's Heart Day after years of hating the holiday; years of never wanting to be around when people exchanged Valentines and candies. Now though, it's a holiday I look forward to, simply because it gives me an excuse to spend a special day with the people I'm closest to in the world.

(The adventurers on my screen you ask? No, I said PEOPLE, not NPCs.)

Well, now that my train of thought is derailed, it's time to change the subject entirely. Once again, I bring you the status of The Zardian.

Mae is back and we're all celebrating. In addition, we've asked Eukara to step up as a co-editor. In the future, Mae will be handling our artistic endeavours, Eukara will be proofreading our submissions more closely and I'll be trudging along with the ezine code and trying to keep my left hand from figuring out what my right hand is doing.

(Pst... guys, I know we're celebrating, but can we get rid of the cheerleader moglins now? My IQ is going down by the second. Oh, OK, you can keep the cookies.)

I'll be continuing with the celebratory mood by taking my husband out to lunch at a very special place we both know and love before stopping by the bakery to pick up some cakes to bring home to the kids. Yet, I'd like to say a word or two to those that don't have plans this Snugglefest.

Don't let yourself be discouraged. It took years of being lonely to find the right person for me. That person for you is not going to simply fall in your lap because of a date on the calender. Whatever you do, be yourself and be proud of yourself. Selling yourself cheeply to be with someone on a highly commercialized holiday is something you'll regret doing, and it's what many of the "happy" people around you are doing right now. Remember that love is a commitment meant to last forever. Your time will come, even if you doubt it now. When it does, you will be glad you were true to yourself.

Thankyou once again for reading The Zardian. Please don't forget to leave your feedback for the authors and remember to feed the gecko. Have a good holiday, however you choose to celebrate it.

Battle On!

PS. Mae here, adding a special Hero's Heart day note. I wanted you to know that you're my heroes, all of you who read The Zardian, all of you who participate on the AE Forums, and all of you who contribute to the e-zine. Thank you all for your kind words while I was away! Mourning periods are never easy, but having a supportive community makes the process easier to bear.

I'd also like to thank everyone on The Zardian team for pulling together to cover my usual duties while I was gone! While I don't like to be away, it's a great feeling to know that I can be, if I have to, without needing to worry.

With heartfelt thanks,

< Message edited by Maegwyn -- 2/8/2009 12:32:05 >
Post #: 1
2/11/2009 12:06:26   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

It's wonderful that you're back, Maegwyn. I believe that I may speak for everyone when I say that in your absence, our hearts and prayers (of those of us that pray) went out to you.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
2/11/2009 12:46:30   

Horray! *snuggles Maegwyn*. It's great to have you back! We really missed you--uh oh! DUCK!

*Tackles Maegwyn gleefully*
Someone mentioned oreos up there! Chocolate? Did you say 'chocolate'?
Post #: 3
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