Congratulatoriations and such! I shall now commence with the questions. Commence away. Hello! How are you feeling? Honestly? A little sleepy. Is that font color purple, magenta, violet, or...something else? It's a shade of purple? What matters, is that it's spiffy. Do you have a most prefered flavor/brand of coffee? I like Gravity and Blue Mountain ^^ I don't really go in for flavored coffee though, coffee is delicious enough on it's own. Although... I have been known to drink the occasional vanilla latte` ;) I've heard you're involved in some EMT work. How's that going for you? It's just training, not actual work ;) Never hurts to learn right? It's going quite well though, I'll be a fully qualified paramedic in a couple of months ^^ What kind of music do you listen to, if any? I'm not really too fussy about genre, but I do have a love for what would be considered 'new age' music. Moreso if it's 'new age' rock style. Read any good books lately? I re-read the Dune series. Excellent books. How's the weather over...wait, where ARE you? South. *Way* south ;) Er... Seems that's all from me. See you in the GD! Indeed you shall! ~PW~
< Message edited by Lady Azjurai -- 10/29/2009 10:54:51 >