The Arcane
The AQW Bugs Forum is in need of more Moderation. Not only are there many important Bug Reports being missed, but the Board is full of Spam. I know that Reens is a Game Adminnistrator and works full time, I know that Aelthai has many Bugs Boards and the SoOs to Moderate, I know that Corwin is always busy as a Moderator, I know that Croncler actually has a life and can't do it all by himself. There are ArchKnights that tend to help like Theo, Cow Face and Tflo. But there simply aren't enough ArchKnights/Moderators for AQW Bugs. So, I think there needs to be more AQW Bugs ArchKnights. And I know about; quote:
"Why don't you appoint some temporary Moderators or ArchKnights in <insert spammy board>?" If we trust someone enough to make them a temporary ArchKnight, or promote an ArchKnight to a temporary Moderator, then we trust them enough to promote them full-time. There is no "half" or "temporary." If you feel a specific board is having problems, please let that board's Head Moderator know. Taken From =AE= Frequently Asked Questions. But I'm preety sure Aelthai has noticed. ;) ~Zyrain
< Message edited by Zyrain -- 10/25/2009 4:51:21 >