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AQWorlds Bugs' Moderation

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10/25/2009 4:45:37   
The Arcane

The AQW Bugs Forum is in need of more Moderation.

Not only are there many important Bug Reports being missed, but the Board is full of Spam.

I know that Reens is a Game Adminnistrator and works full time,
I know that Aelthai has many Bugs Boards and the SoOs to Moderate,
I know that Corwin is always busy as a Moderator,
I know that Croncler actually has a life and can't do it all by himself.

There are ArchKnights that tend to help like Theo, Cow Face and Tflo.

But there simply aren't enough ArchKnights/Moderators for AQW Bugs.

So, I think there needs to be more AQW Bugs ArchKnights.

And I know about;


"Why don't you appoint some temporary Moderators or ArchKnights in <insert spammy board>?"

If we trust someone enough to make them a temporary ArchKnight, or promote an ArchKnight to a temporary Moderator, then we trust them enough to promote them full-time. There is no "half" or "temporary." If you feel a specific board is having problems, please let that board's Head Moderator know.

Taken From =AE= Frequently Asked Questions.

But I'm preety sure Aelthai has noticed. ;)


< Message edited by Zyrain -- 10/25/2009 4:51:21 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/25/2009 13:06:41   
Funky Chicken!

I have a life? :O

Actually that couldn't be further from the truth. AQW Bugs would be better with a few more hands on it.
But the Moderators/Administrators always have an eye open for potential help which is not easy to find (strict rules on that as well). Someone will show up... eventually xD

I do thank you though for being thoughtful ;P
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
10/25/2009 13:21:40   
The Arcane

That's no problem, Croncler. :)

But, there are AKs that could be promoted to an AQW Bugs AK, like Theo.

And there's also a "Helpfully Debatable!" person (No Names) who always Posts and Helps in AQW Bugs who I feel could be AKed for AQW Bugs.

I know I'm going a bit too far ahead, but the AQW Bugs Forum needs help, Lol.



AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
10/25/2009 13:35:18   
Funky Chicken!

You have to see that Bugs are not easy boards to moderate. Not every AK has the time to fully moderate Bugs. Theo is there and he is happy to help but he has other boards he prefers to AK in. The Mods/Admins do not force us to AK just because it's needed. It doesn't and it can't work that way (I'm sure that you might be aware of this but I have to say it).

As for the helpful people that do post there well that's not up to the Mod/Admin team to check and decide. Oh and I do know of people that have refused the AK position in the past for various reasons.

Really don't worry, everything gets checked eventually ;P
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/25/2009 14:08:31   
Legendary Miss Fixit

First - let me note that I'm not longer AQWorlds Bugs Head Moderator. I have a number of higher priority tasks, and found that by the time I completed them ... I did not have enough time left to also handle AQW Bugs.

With that said, AQW Bugs does not look nearly as bad to me as you are implying. The majority of recent reports have been edited by Reens or Croncler, and what I am seeing looks like bug reports - most of them are even in the provided format, which is appreciated.

This is not to say that more AKs would not be useful - more AKs there would be useful - but it doesn't look like there is a huge problem. Additionally, it looks better than it used to; this is because we HAVE gotten more people with time in there.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
10/25/2009 15:35:29   
The Arcane

Aelthai, you are correct. The Board is much better than what it used to be. But it's not perfect either.

As nothing can be done unless the new AQW Bugs Head Moderator hires more ArchKnights,

Lock Request.


Lock requested. ~phoenixfire555

< Message edited by phoenixfire555 -- 10/25/2009 15:43:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
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