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Meet the ArchKnight - Sharpie

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9/4/2005 17:31:38   

Well it's time for my MtAK and guess where it gets to be! Yes thats right Clans, you've all been graced with a special oppurtunity here. But before we start I have to lay down a couple of ground rules:

1) No asking for anything to be locked or detelted, such a request will be ignored.
2) No asking for your avatar to be uploaded, such a request will also be ignored.
3) No asking/whing about why your clan was locked, or why you received a warning.
4) Have fun...or else.

So lets get things started, ask away!

Edit: Oh my avatars: Here are all my avatars turned into an animation...so watch to get the full experience

oh and here's my sig:

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/11/2005 0:04:52 >


AQ DF  Post #: 1
9/4/2005 17:34:22   
Guardian girl rin

Fisrt post! Whee!

Do you think I do a good job at finding clans breaking the rules?
Yeah, even though thats my job, but whatever helps.

That's all for now.
AQ  Post #: 2
9/4/2005 17:35:52   


lets get some questions in
Ok, lets
why the name sharpie?
It's a nickname I've had since I was around ten, Sharp being my last name and all

black or white?

blue or red?
Blue I suppose

green or orange?

lemons or apples?
Sweet, sweet lemons

coke or pepsi?
Depends, normally Coke

hamburgers or hotdogs?

cats or dogs?
To eat...thats a toughy. Oh...wait, thats now what you meant. Well dogs then

what kind of music do u like?
Everything but rap for the most part

how old are u?
15, turning 16 real soon

thats all of my questions. Later!

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 17:39:45 >
AQ  Post #: 3
9/4/2005 17:36:10   
Chibi Coronet

Okies! Let's get this started indeed! ^-^
Yes, started we must get
Favourite Colour?
Why, do you even need ask? If you aren't sure, green.
Why did you accept the job of ArchKnight?
Honestly I don't know. Maybe the excitement of getting the job went to my head, or maybe I wanted to help. Still I just said yes, and have no idea why
Do you enjoy being an ArchKnight?
Yeah, it has it's perks
Why have you stayed in AQ thus far?
I like the game, and I suppose I was mainly here for RPing. Although, some of the forums/topics can be fun
What's your favourite part of AQ, the game?
That it's always moving forward I guess
How about BattleOn, the community?
My forumite friends
Do you like weaponry? If so, any particular class of weapons you are fond of? I'm a fan of longspears, myself.
Nothing in particular although the glaive is fun, as are daggers
When you RP, what character, if any, are you, typically?
I have a wide range, from a pyromaniac aquamancer to a sadistic mercenary to a cliche Elf.
Do you like Pineapples?
Not really
When it comes to Relations, Pasttimes, and Hanging Out, are you an Animal Person, a Plant Person, or a People Person?
Animal and people person
When it comes to Food, Sustenence, and Diet, are you an Animal Person, a Plant Person, or a People Person?
Animal and plant person
Well, that's it for now! ^-^;

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 17:44:18 >
AQ  Post #: 4
9/4/2005 17:39:34   
Mal Ganis

Fear me? Remember, you get full health; partial dental; and a cookie when you bow down.
I shall never bow down, mainly because markers don't have knees
Hm. Where do you think you'd be without AQ? The forums?
Favorite planet? (Man, I don't know ;_;)
Earth...but if that doesn't count then Jupiter
'kay. That's all. Ramsis, out!

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 17:45:26 >
AQ  Post #: 5
9/4/2005 17:40:29   
Guardian girl rin

Thanks to Afina for leting me use her questions:
Yeah, thanks to Afina...hurray...
When was the last time you cried?
A few nights ago when I was watching a particularly heart wrenching show
Have you ever faked being sick?
Yeah, helps to get out of school
What was the last lie you said?
Yeah, thanks to Afina...hurray...that was a lie if you couldn't tell, could also be sarcastic
Have you ever cried during a movie?
I think I have, not really sure
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?
The person I have a crush on...but don't tell her!
Have you ever danced in the rain?
Not sure...might have a long time ago
What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare?
Can't say, confidential stuff
What is your blood-type?
Honestly I don't know, I think I'm AB though. I don't remember
Have you ever been in a car accident?
No, but my dad has been in a lot
How old were you when you received your first kiss?
Who was your first kiss?
Not telling
What is your favorite sport to play?
Baseball and/or Football(American)
Have you ever made a prank phone call?
Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it?
Yes, but is was in a joking fashion
What's your favorite childhood memory?
To many good ones to pick out just one
Is there anything that you have done that you regret?
Yeah, a couple of things
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A lawyer or a pyschologist
What is your political persuasion?
None at the moment
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, but not in High School
Do you believe in karma?
Who was your first crush?
A girl named Jessie
Who do you have a crush on?
Do you think I'm gonna say?
How would you describe yourself?
Smart, atheletic, average height, the usual
What are you afraid of?
Are you religious?
Not really
What does your screen name mean?
If you mean sharpie, that hath been answered. All my other sn's are either sharpie or are derived from it
What person do you trust the most?
My best friend, whom I've known since kindergarten
Who was your first girlfriend?
So personal...well her name was...
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Hmm...thats a good question
What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
Not really sure I can repeat that here
What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?
A year, now you have to guess wheter it was a crush or a relationship
What is your greatest strength?
Being me
What is your greatest weakness?
Being something I'm not
What is your perfect pizza?
It's a myth, there is no such thing seeing as I like to experiement with my pizza
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
Is it that late already
What is your first thought before you go to bed?
Is it that late alread
What college do you want to go to?
UC Berkeley or USC
Do you get along with your family?
Do you play any instruments?
Used to play the trumpet and the piano
What kind of music do you like?
Has been asnwered
Do you think you're attractive?
No, but thats just what I think. Hopefully others do
Would you ever get a tattoo?
Maybe one day
How many piercings do you have?
Who makes you laugh?
Stuff thats funny
Do you have a celebrity crush?
Not that I'm aware of
What is one thing scientists should invent?
The cure for cancer or a longevity pill
Have you ever broken a bone?
What happens after you die?
I'll be buried or cremated
Do you watch or read the news?
What stereotype would you label yourself as being?
hmm...thats a good question. I'm not a geek, but I'm no jock. I'm not Mr. Cool, but I'm also not really a loner. I have no label!
Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I wouldn't
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go?
To Freshmen year...or maybe 6th grade. There are a few things I'd like to do differently
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
Dunno...haven't ever really thought about it
Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?
No, but I wouldn't be a jerk. I'm good with words, and say the right thing without lying
What do you want your friends to think about you?
Dunno, I'm pretty sure I'm fine with what they think about me
Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into?
I'm not big on arguing
Have you ever bitten someone?
Um, no
When's your birthday?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Do you make wishes on shooting stars?
What’s the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?
Too much
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?
I don't know which day I'd pick
Do you remember your dreams?
Some of them
Have you ever been in love?
I don't think so
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Do you have any phobias?
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?
Dunno, I don't keep track of things like that
Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?
Yeah, a few times
How many screen names do you have?
Only a few
Have you ever had a nightmare?
Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies?
Depends, sometimes my friends and sometimes my enemies
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
Have you ever been in a fistfight?
Do you have any hidden talents?
Nope, they must still be hiding
What is one thing you want me to know about you?
That I'm a nice guy?
What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask?
Doesn't matter to me
Do you usually prefer books or movies?
I like both equally
Who is your favorite person to talk to?
My friends
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?
Once again my friends
Who do you talk to most on the phone?
My best friend I think
Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of?
No, but if I did I wouldn't share it
Do you prefer British or American spelling of words?
American I guess seeing as I'm used to them
Have you ever gotten detention?
How do you vent your anger?
By killing people
Have you ever been on a diet?
What's a rumor someone has spread about you?
I refuse to answer
Have you ever hated someone?
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?
I do both quite a bit
Do you consider yourself popular?
Not really
What is your favourite book?
Don't really have one
Do you have a collection of anything?
Signed baseballs, old hats, and uh..
Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
Yes, for the most part
Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago?
What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now?
A college student
Are you happy with the life you have?

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 19:34:28 >
AQ  Post #: 6
9/4/2005 17:41:47   

OMG ITS SHARPIE!!!!11+shift
lime omg where?!
So,hows life goin?
It goes pretty good
I know a kid that has the exact same name as you
Cool, give me his address so I can beat him up
But hes younger.
hmm...I guess I'll let him off the hook, for now
Now with the questions
Oh yay
Do you like pretzels?(the soft ones)
hmm...yeah, I do
If so,with or without cheese?
with and without
Fav. Book?
Not really sure
Fav. author?
Still not sure
I'll be back Mr.Marker
If you say so

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 19:39:44 >
AQ  Post #: 7
9/4/2005 17:45:44   
Ebil Moglin!


Greetings, Sharpie.
Hail to thee oh mighty Zorbak
How are you enjoying my domain of clans? Keeps you busy, no ?
I am merely trying to prove my worth to you oh ebil one. And yes, keeps me busy you lazy bum
Why the cookie monster?
Does the Cookie Monster not suit you? I can go with the Joker, or Venom, or Carnage, or a Black Rose, or a White Rose
Like ebil pie?
Yeah, but Pumpkin Pie is better
Pineapples...bleh. Beer.
To young...no idea what you're talking about. Never have I touched the stuff.
You better have me, or suffer a draft into the army.
My ebil time runs low. Must dash
Bye Zorbak

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 19:42:34 >
AQ  Post #: 8
9/4/2005 17:48:53   
Crimson Falcon

Hi Me Here.
Ok, nice to meet you me
Good for you
Watch out for indigestion, I tend to give that to people. Or kill brain cells depending on what you do
Up or Down?
Left or Right?
Outta Sight.
Really? Cuz I see it
Coke or Pepsi?
It's been asked, but Coke
Sprite or Mountain Dew?
Did You Know The Dude Above me Ty_Ty_Pretzel was my clan leader and we recently disbanned?(WoLaD)
Yes I did know, and honestly I see clans disband every day so it matters little
Do you know how much pain I feel now?
Very little because it was an online thing and there is a whole world out there
Eh, Oh Well till' Later!
I [sarcasm on]eagerly[sarcasm off] await your return

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 19:48:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
9/4/2005 17:52:34   

*gasps* YAY! I was looking forward to a thread like this in here! Most people here don't visit the OOC you know.
Really, Flint I was under the impression you didn't just hang out here
Am I the first here? *crosses fingers*
You're about twenty minutes to late
I doubt it...I'm usually slow AND long-winded. Besides, I'm having an RP-fight on an IM program right now...
RP fight, fun
Wait...I now realise that I don't have any questions...then why am I still writing?
Because subconsciously you have questions
*sighs* I just saw that there are three posts already...wow.
Yeah, that happens
*gasps* I just noticed your title! I'd glare at you if it wasn't true...Clans=Spam, more or less.
Yeah, them clans...oh well, you get what you request
Well it sounds better than Marker ArchKnight or ArchKnight Marker
*thinks of more questions* The RP-fight is over, so I can devote all my attention to this...
Yay? Oh waith, that could be bad
Do you know me? Okay...bad question, but I'm trying to buy time until I think of better things. Anyway, I want an answer with at least 5 words. Please?(And no, "Yes I do know you.". That's cheating. No "Of course" either.)
I don't really know you, I mean we've talked a few times but thats really it. For all I know you might not even exist
Do you think the clans are a mess? If you do, do you think they'll ever be fixed?
Yes, and possibly
Are you currently in a clan? Are any other mods, AKs, etc. except wallo?(No clubs. I'm asking about clans.)
I used to be in GoL a long long time ago. Now I am in no clans, and don't plan on joining any as I could end up being very biased
How many clans have you been in so far? Which ones?
1 or 2, not counting clubs
Do you think your job is difficult?
Yes it is
What's your relationship with wallo?
Well professionally speaking we work together, but I suppose we are friends
Is Sonic still involved with clans? I know Afina is, technically.
I don't know, I'm not sure if he is inactive or not. Afina is all over the forums now being a mod and what not
Aww...I can't think of enough questions...and for someone who likes spam so much, it's really weird that I don't want to ask spammy questions...
Spam is bad...very bad. It kills you
Speaking of spam...what is your opinion on dancing bananas?
They need to burn in hell
Speaking of things I despise...do you prefer Coca-Cola or Pepsi? Keep in mind that the answer will completely determine the way I see you, regardless of anything else you do.
Coke, even though this has been asked multiple times. However, I do like Pepsi as well
Speaking of drinks...do you like alcohol?
Underage, so I haven't touched the stuff...
Speaking of things that damage the brain permanently...do you like me and my questions?
Meh, I've seen worse
Speaking of me...nah, I give up. I'm too lazy and bored.
If I have any further questions, can I post again?
I don't see why not
Well...bye, for now. Good luck with your job!

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 19:56:53 >


Insert signature here.
AQ DF  Post #: 10
9/4/2005 18:38:03   
Shaman Ultimate

whoohoo! i've really been waiting for this to arrive
So have I...just not with as much excitement
hi sharpie!!
waz up? [besides the sky]
The clouds
college? you were at college? [saw it on g.g.rin]
I was at college? When? Did I misread a question? If so I must go edit! I'm in High School
btw how old are you? [pls don't say over 20, pls don't]
This has been asked but I'll answer, 15, turning 16 soon
do you know where i live?
if so, can you show that country on the map [many can't]
do you like bike riding?
Yeah, it's alright
nelly, nirvana ,nightwish, or snoop dogg
Nirvana as I don't know Nightwish, and I don't like Nelly or Snoopy..er Snoop Dogg
any gf? [bad question right?]
Not right now
u must like horror movies, don't you
Yeah, I like em for the most part
have you seen Freddie Kruger Vs. Hason X?
No, and I don't plan on seeing any comedies disguised as a horror movie
do you go ouside often?
When I can
do you work out? [this is a good question]
When I have the time
i'll get some more if you want, but ggrin is way ahead of me
Feel free to try
later homie!!

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 20:00:57 >
Post #: 11
9/4/2005 19:25:43   
lil boi blue

sharpie, long time no see, actually never see,i've never seen you before so just long time no hear, but thats a good thing,
though its good only because im not in trouble.......again......spamming?
Wait, we've talked before? When?err warnings
guardian girl has a lot of question doesn't she
(this is it, the time to SUCK UP!)*grabs a glass of milk and sucks it up through a straw, then brings out a plate of cookies-uh oh, he's a cookie monster!*
Feel free to try, but you'll be hard pressed

ok time for questions: (without repeating any of the above, err, pretty hard)
Good luck with that

are you ever made fun of for being so short, you know being 5 inches and all
Nope, seeing as thats my cousing, you see I'm actually Five feet and ten inches tall
how do you feel being a sharpie, do you feel better then all those dumb pens and pencils
I own the pens and pencils, I'm their god
heh, always think its cool when the archknights are my age, when were you knighted?
Um...around 8/12 or so
do you like my week suspension system to cut down on spamming for my clan?(just say "uhhh...sure" if you dont know what the heck im talking about)
Haven't even heard of it before, but sounds like a decent idea
what do you hate more, advertising or spamming (including doubleposting, oneworders "hi" "hellooooo?")
I hate spam, but advertising just pisses me off. However spam is more common so spam
thats it, here are some non-suckup cookies, no seriously, straws are too small (hopes nervously he gets a bit on his good side)
last minute circle effect thing http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=2353555 (just read your address bar)

< Message edited by lil boi blue -- 9/4/2005 20:07:13 >
AQ DF  Post #: 12
9/4/2005 19:53:08   
Sage Of Wisdom

Sup Sharpie!!!
Do you remember how we first met?
Am I your favorite forumite?
Not by a long shot
Do you like my writing?
I've never read your stuff
Why/How did you become a mod?
Why? Because I wanted to help. How? I was recommended
Do you hate me?
Not really, only partially for calling me the Arch Maker
Am I your Friend?
No, sorry, but no
Who's you best friend on the forum?
I don't have a best friend, I have good friends though
How fast do you type?
Depends on how fast I feel like typing
Am I a good poet?
Never read your poems
Why do you hate spiders like me?
Self-induced arachnophobia
Do you have a dog?
If so what's its name?
Holly, as we got her during Chirstmas and holly was what we agreed on
blue or red?
Hot or Cute?
Hot and/or Cute
Strong or handsom?
I refuse to answer
Tall or Fat?
Nice or Mean?
Dog or Cat?
Food or Drink?
Love or Friendship?
Christian or Catholic?
Neither, although I'm technically Catholic
O.K. I'm done.... FOR NOW

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 20:13:05 >
AQ  Post #: 13
9/4/2005 19:56:57   
Lord Ggie

Lets see Time to prepare an evil list

[color=#339900Bring it]
How does it feel to be a AK?
It's ok, nothing super duper. Just I have powers in Clans.
Whats your favorite element?
I've always been partial to earth, but then theres fire, or wind. Gah I have no favorite
Whats your favorite weapon?
I like the Glaive, or a nice pair of daggers. Oh you mean in game? Well then I dunno
Whats your favorite spell?
Beats me
What state do you live in?
Whats your favorite tv show?
I have to many to list
Whats your favorite sheild?
Golden I guess
Whats your favorite armor?
Golden and WWF
Whos your favorite pet?
I like my baby vampragon, and Daimyo (did I spell that right?}
Whats your favorite quest?
Don't have one
Whos your favorite staff member?
Staff? As in not a forum mod? Then I've always liked Rhubarb, but I mean they're all cool
Whos your favorite npc?
Blackhawke, for sure
Whos your favorite girl npc?
Robina I guess
How long have you been playing aq?
Beats me, March of 04 I think
What do you do in your spare time?
Movies, hang out with friends, play pool
If you could buy anything what would you buy?
A house, mainly because my mom always gripes that we don't actually own one...but whatever. Honestly I don't know
What collage do you want to go to?
It's been asked but I'll asnwer anyways: UC Berkeley or USC
If you could be anywhere right now were would you be?
Whats the first thing that comes to you when i say cookie?
Cookie Monster
Whats the first thing that comes to you when i say monkey?
How many hours a day are you on your computer?
I don't know
Do you have any pets?
Yeah, three
Can i pet you?
What is your favorite subject?
Since I'm not in school right now none. However Sociology when I start probably
Do you like any sports?
Baseball and football (american). I also like Lacrosse
If so which ones?
see above
Can you say the alpabet backwords
yes I can, I can also type it backwards
Can you name every state?
I think so
Can you play any instruments?
Used to play trumpet and piano
If so which ones?
Read above
Whats your favorite junk food?
Twizzlers and Tootsie Rolls
Whats your favorite dark weapon?
In game? No idea
Whats your favorite light weapon?
Whatever I use
Whats your favorite energy weapon?
Spirit katana
Whats your favorite fire weapon?
Whats your favorite earth weapon?
Don't have one
Whats your favorite dark armor?
Whats your favorite light armor?
see above answer
Whats your favorite energy armor?
once more look up two answers
Whats your favorite fire armor?
Same as above but three answers
Whats your favorite earth armor?
Whats your favorite dark sheild?
Gah I refuse to answer anymore of these
Whats your favorite light sheild?

Wats your favorite energy sheild?

Whats your favorite fire sheild?

Whats your favorite earth sheild?

Whats your favorite ice weapon?

Whats your favorite ice armor?

Whats your favorite ice sheild?
See the dark shield answer for all the above
Whats your character id number?
Do you like lots of questions?
Meh, it's not great but I have no problem with it
Are you happy about yourself?
yeah I guess
How many people live in your house?
Are you having fun?
Right now? kinda. In general? yeah
Do you think im evil?
No, not really
What do you think of air line food?
It can be good, but it can be bad
Do you like mexican food?
Since I'm from SoCal, it's like my lifeline
How about japenese food?
Do you like sour candy?
Yes, very much
How about seet?

I think that about it oh and congrats
Comback now y'hear

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 21:27:01 >
AQ  Post #: 14
9/4/2005 20:17:52   
Sage Of Wisdom

Sharpie you hurt my feelings I thought I was your friend...
Wow, an online person hurt your feelings? That's pretty sad. No offense.
Why am I not your friend?
Based on our very early interactions which happen to be our only interactions save for these
Why do you still hate me?
Never hated you, just don't like you
Why are you mean to me?
I'm not mean, I'm honest and blunt
Do you hate any one else?
Yeah, but they won't be named (and I never said I hated you)
Do you think i'm dumb?
Not particularly
Do you think i'm mean?
Not particularly
Do you like me?
Not particularly
Why did you hurt my feelings?
Because I was honest
Why does Wallo hate me?
[18:30:09] <Wallo> Um, I don't hate him.
That's all for now........

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 21:30:27 >
AQ  Post #: 15
9/4/2005 20:24:53   
mega vampire23

hi sharpie!
Hi person I've never seen before
are you rich in life
did you ever speak with the grim reaper before in other words death
Nope, and don't plan on doing so anytime soon
do you hate spam
Yes, very much so
do you like vampires or were wolves
Not really, as they dont' quite exist

thats all cya

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 21:31:44 >
Post #: 16
9/4/2005 20:32:42   
Guardian girl rin

Yay More!
Ok. Who is your favorite MEMBER(title) on the forum?
I don't play the favorites game
You are a marker. Write something!
Heehee. Who's your fave mod?
I like all mods
TaTa For Now

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 21:35:35 >
AQ  Post #: 17
9/4/2005 21:06:21   

will u go out wif me lol jk

if you can go out with any celeb who would it be?
Beats me

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 21:36:03 >
AQ  Post #: 18
9/4/2005 21:35:02   
mega vampire23

hi sharpie I only have 1 question my freinds wanted me to ask before they logged out
do u like to eat spam the food in real life

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 21:36:40 >
Post #: 19
9/4/2005 21:39:15   
The Extinguisher

Hey! It's Me, The <insert latest title, elemental alignment or catchy title here> (Ph34r Me)
I Ph34r no one
Now, in Meet the <insert title here> tradition, I shall pester you with stupid questions that have no point at all other than to feed my insane self interest. Are you scared???
Not in the slightest
Lets Begin!!
Bring it
Favorite Color?
Favorite Food?
Favorite Non-Citrus Fruit?
Favorite Type of Music?
Anything but rap
Favorite Band?
I have a lot of favorite bands, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Faint, and many many more
Favorite Song?
Currently Ohio by CSNY

*For the Next part, It is Which is your favorite*

Purple or Tuna Fish?
"Final Fantasy Sephiroth" or "Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth"?
Neither, as I haven't played either of those games (FF for sure though)
Red or White?
Moogles or Demons?
Golden Set or Nightmare Set?
Snuggle or Huggle?
I perfer the supersnuggle
Vampires or Werewolfs? What about Were-pyres? Vamp-wolfs?

If you could teach any AQ class, what would it be?
Scribe, on a more realistic note I would probably go with something like Shadowknight
Zero-Hex: Traitor or Visionary?
A bunch of moving pixels
Sephiroth: Wussy or not?
Beats me
Favorite Final Fantasy?
Never played
Favorite RPG (other than AQ)?
Dehydrated Water: A good Invention?
Meat Vision: A Good Super Power?
Hell yes
My Chemical Romance: Are they a Good Band?
They're ok
Have you met my evil clone, Lexa?
No I have not
Favorite Number?
hmm...no idea...7 because it's lucky I guess
Why <insert your name here>?
Been answerd, but it's been my nick since I was ten
Favorite In Game Class?
Knight I guess
Favorite Type of Weapon?
In game? Beats me.
Favorite Weapon?
Beats me
Do you Like Chocobos?
Do you Like Me?
Sure, although we've never itneracted
Ever Talk to Your self?
Ever PM yourself? (I did once, I sent myself a love letter)
Do you think I'm Crazy?
Have I annoyed you yet?
I'm done...for now *evil manical laughter*
Ah, thats all?
P.S. Do you Like My Sig?

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 21:49:30 >


Do people even use signatures anymore?
Post #: 20
9/4/2005 21:40:15   
Prator the Legendary

Is your name pronounced "Shar-pea," "Sharp-eye" or "Shar-pie?"
Shar-pea like the permanent marker
On a scale of one to ten, one being "Terrible beyond words" and ten being "totally roxxing 1337," how would you rate this Clan Board?
I refer you to my title
Will my clan ever have more than twenty people, ever?
Does it matter
Kinda, yeah, it does. Someday I hope my clan will be big enough to fight with other big clans. Right now we're halfling-sized though.

< Message edited by Prator the Legendary -- 9/4/2005 22:03:38 >
AQ  Post #: 21
9/4/2005 21:56:32   

lemme asks u a few questions....
whats ur favorite type of sharpie? (mines mini)
the regular original kind
r u right handed or left handed?
what state do u live in?
do u speak any foreign languages?
French, and a little bit of Spanish
r u reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally fat? (that ones akward)
No...can you spell you? (akward?)
do u like inuyasha?
do u watch TV?
is it hard to be an AK?
At times
how did u like the great spam war? (carnax war forum spam deal)
I gave up on that forum
r u good a photoshop?
do u own e-bay?
if u did would u be rich?
Most likely
do u have a car?
Not yet
if so what kind?
We shall see
have u taken the SAT?
Uh...good question
if so what score? (i took it in 7th grade and got 910)

An-cay ou-ya peak-say ig-pay atin-lay?
Yes I can. Will I type it out? No
if so how did u learn it?
Not hard to learn, just listen to it and there you go
when do u start back school? (i started aug. 25)
Tuesday I think
do u like my made up word? its euonguipham, which is pronounce e-on-gwi-fam
Not really, to long for a made up word
r u my home diggidy dog?
No, mainly because of the home diggidy dog thing
whats the first emotion that comes when i say the word "spam"?
Kill, hate, burn in hell. That kind of thing
thats all home diggidy dog (maybe)
peace out

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 22:03:24 >
AQ  Post #: 22
9/4/2005 21:56:58   

Whats up Sharpie?
Hows being a mod going?
It's ok
Favorite Tv show?
Reality TV is scripted
Junkfood or Realfood?
Favorite vidio game?
um...good question
Favorite bourd game?
I like several
Favorite card game?
Texas hold'em
Favorite game?
Favorite movie?
I have a lot, but Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Mod (not includeing u)?
I like all the mods
Why am i intarogating u????
Because you feel like itYes thats exactly why
Ok thats it for me for now. Nice meeting u !
Ok then

Favorite key bourd key(mines the ~)

< Message edited by zidane102@sbcglobal. -- 9/4/2005 22:12:55 >
AQ  Post #: 23
9/4/2005 22:18:00   


< Message edited by required -- 1/14/2006 1:33:45 >
Post #: 24
9/4/2005 22:22:54   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

Name the top 5 goals you would like to accomplish and/or have accomplished in your life?
goals? Never heard of them. Are they like candy?
I dunno, there are quite a few things...some of which I can't quite name

What are the 5 most important characteristics and/or values to you?
1) Honest 2) Trustworthy 3) Cheerful 4) There for my friends and 5) uh...creative?

If you could have 2 wishes, what would they be?
The first would be for 100 more wishes, the second would be uh...

What would you consider the basic meaning of life?
To live each day to its fullest

What 5 things could use the most improvement in your life?
Probably a few things, of which I have no idea at my current stage

If ghosts go through walls, why don’t they fall through the floor?
Because they can float
Why isn’t evaporated milk a gas?
Beats me
Why was it that in all different cultures the men always used to come first and never the women?
Because of the bible! or religion your choice. Or you could go with I don't know the answer
When you feel down, why do people ask what’s up?
Because they are fool!
In horse racing, why do they award the rider and not the horse?
Because they think that people are above animals?
If insects are so obsessed with bright lights, why don’t they fly off to the sun?
Because they never seem to notice during the day
What happens if you die in your dream?
you wake up or are need to get some help
Why do people more commonly skip breakfast than any other meal, considering that this is the time when the stomach is emptiest?
Because people are in a rush in today's wolrd
How are children supposed to take medicine if it’s meant to be kept out of their reach?
Beats me
Why do people talk about ‘girlie’ things but never ‘boyie’ things?
Because the guys have the whole jock thing going for most of em
If you sneezed on a computer, would it get a virus?
No, but your screen would get pretty messy
Can you dream of having a dream?
I know I have, so yes
Why do we close doors and windows to reduce noise, considering that sound travels better through solids?
Because it helps deafen it? Since when am I a science person
If Pinocchio said, “My nose is about to grow”, what would happen?
Nothing as he told the truth
What did the designer of the drawing board go back to when his/her original design was a failure?
His stone and chisel
What sort of a vehicle did those huge 300kg tyres that are used in the World’s Strongest Man contests come off?
Probably a military one...
Why do we hang our clothes on a washing line and not a drying line?
No idea
Why do ‘a fat chance’ and ‘a slim chance’ mean the same thing?
Thats a very good question
Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
Because we humans like to complicate things
Why is ‘abbreviation’ such a long word?
I've always wondered that myself
Why are there seeds in seeded grapes, but no bones in a boned fillet?
Because we like to complicate things
When people go mental, why do they get physically violent?
Why do we never hear of people coming from ‘left west’ or ‘right east’?
I don't know
What is an occasional table the rest of the time?
What would a burger of ham be called?
If dawn breaks, does dusk come together?
Yes, yes it does
Why does ‘dyslexia’ have to be so hard to spell?
Because the doctors are mean
If you think you’re a hypochondriac, then are you one or not?
You are
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
You have succeeded at failing

< Message edited by sharpie -- 9/4/2005 23:25:09 >
Post #: 25
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