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=MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword

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4/7/2010 16:22:31   
Leumas Dragonsword

Allos everybody, guess I should set up one of these.
My name Leumas Dragonsword (Call me Leu) and I am a new ArchKnight for the AQW Q&A.

Just a couple of rules, ten questions per post and one post per page, and I will still hold the right to not answer a question if I don't won't to .
Other than that, have fun!

I will be editing in this colour.


EDIT: I'm going to lock the thread now, all the questions that are there will be answered.

A foxy coyote has stolen your edits. Please move along. ~Coyote

All your MtAK are belong to me. Somebody set us up the bomb. ~shreder

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/19/2010 3:53:30 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
4/7/2010 16:24:05   

Hello Leumas and congrats

Just one question for now.....

What is your goal/objective as a AK on the Q&A Section?
Just to help out as much as possible and keep this part of the Forums running smoothly

P.S I hope you enjoy deleting/Editing 100's of my posts in the future
I'll try. ~_-

Woop 1st post :)


< Message edited by chrismas3110 -- 4/7/2010 20:35:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
4/7/2010 16:24:57   

Ahh , i was wondering when you would make an MtAK thread , well

congratulations Leu

hope have you have a great time being an AK

Im not going to ask any more questions , your going to have alot to come so good luck and

seeya soon i guess .
Yush, you will.



< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 16:38:38 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/7/2010 16:25:24   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Hello Leumas!
Allos Digital X!
Finally got this up then :)
Congratz on the promotion
Getting enough food and water in the cell? I've heard its quite tiny ;_;
Apparently so, I haven't stood up yet to check. O.o
Favourite colour?
Hmmmmm, Black, White or Cobalt Blue
Any hobbies?
AE Games, Reading and Football. (Soccer)
All for the moment, i might pop back later, cya!


< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 16:42:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
4/7/2010 16:29:34   
Canis lupus dingo

Allos Ashluv!
How is you?
Me is good.
What's your favorite animal?
He really means to say Raccoon Wolf. =P Coyote Raven here. ~ Lady Azjurai
I like the Raccoon Coyote choice better. -Ash
If you screw a light bulb into a socket by turning the bulb toward the right with your right hand which way would you turn the socket with your left hand in order to unscrew it while holding the bulb stationary?
Depending on my main objective, if it was to keep the Lightbulb stationary then I wouldn't do anything, if my main objective was to unscrew the light bulb then I would turn it left with my left hand, I think.
Nu! It's always the right no matter what. ;D
Can I repeat?
If you feel the need.
How about now?
Why not?
Why not what? =P
That's all. Byeeeeee~! Congratz too. ;D
Wayters! Thankies.

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 4/19/2010 3:48:54 >
DF AQW  Post #: 5
4/7/2010 16:36:40   

Heya Leumas! :)
Allos Sam!
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say bananaz? 8O
Very much so. =P
Your username reminds me of camels,why is that?
Because......Leumas Dragonsword would be an awesome name for a camal?
You became an AK so fast,H4X!
XD /me points at Nolraitru
/me gives Leumas a snickerdoodle
/me recieves Snickerdoodle, snaps in half and gives Sam the other half. =)
Bonsai! :)

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 17:16:43 >
Post #: 6
4/7/2010 16:42:36   
Silver Lion

Leuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. =D
Omg, remember when we first met?
I still can't believe how much we've both changed. :P
I can. =P
How doz u feel nau? Srs 'n' shtuff?
Sorta, getting used to it. =P
/give cookie
/recieve cookie, snaps cookie and gives Silver half.
Too late.. I already ate it. >:3
Read this after I posted the above, you got me. =P

Well, nothing more from me. Whoops, I almost forgot! Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight! =3


< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 17:05:51 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/7/2010 16:51:23   

Hello lue.
Allos Asgard Lord.
Do you know me? O.o
Yush, well, to an extent, we've never met but I've seen your work here in the Q&A. =)
Congrats on your promotion,i can say i saw it coming.
Nolraitru AKed you,right?
Yes indeedy.
Favorite food?
Custard Slices with Chocolate Icing OR Banana/Carrot Cake with White Icing.
Do you like cookies?
I love them!
*gives leu a cookie*
/me snaps cookie in two and gives Asgard a piece and then continues to Oma Nom Nom Nom his half
No more questions,have fun AKing,i bet you'll be a good AK.
Thankies very much
I am your sister!

< Message edited by Asgard Lord -- 4/7/2010 17:19:23 >
Post #: 8
4/7/2010 16:51:30   

Omg its a Leumas!
Omg it's Beowolve!
Hai! *waves*
Allos! *waves back*
Do you know me?
To an extent, I have seen your foruimg work and obviously know about your Guide so yush, sorta.
How did they recruit you?
Through the magical world of Personal Messaging.
Is your cell nice?
I even get my name on it!
If it isn't you want me to fix it?
The other AKs have already asked if they want to tighten my shackles so I'm good for the mo, but thank you for asking.
What is the best way to address you?
Ball of Pure Awesomeness has been up for debate but 'Leu' works just aswell. =D
What do you count as a "question"?
A sentence or phrase that is said in an inguiring manner.
Favorite AE Game?
Tough one, AQW for the moment, but I'm starting to get into Dragon Fable although I doubt I will have enough time due to the recent promotion. -__-
Favorite console game?
Ummmmmmm, I ahven't had alot of exposure to Console Games but I quite liked Final Fantasy: Crisis Core on the PSP but other than that, anything Fantasy RPG based. =)

I will be back...maybe =p.
I'll be waiting. =P


< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 17:13:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/7/2010 16:53:39   

Hrm... I think I know you....
=O Me too....
But where from?
De ja vu?
Ah well, have fun. :D

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 17:15:30 >
Post #: 10
4/7/2010 17:26:01   
Handsome Devil!

Heya Leu!
Allos Trog!
I'm gonna ask just a few basic (or totally random) questions! Nothing hard.
Favorite color? Why?
Black, White and Cobalt Blue, because Black and White go pretty nicely together (Check Avy. ^_^) and Cobalt Blue, cause it's shiny!
When was the last time you've had a nosebleed?
When I was 9, I went up for a Header in Football, sadly another guy thought he'd try and volley and ended up kicking me in the face, the enivitable happened. =P
If you could be an astronaut, what would be your dream destination?
Uranus. Sorry, ummmm, real answer would be another Solar System, call it Leu Land, or something better.
Do you have a favorite Television Series? What is it?
I would ahve to say at the moment it is House, I like Hugh Laurie as an actor.
Okay, that's all. Gratz, and cya around!
Thankies! and yes you will!

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:00:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
4/7/2010 17:27:44   

Hey buddy. Also, Congrats on the well deserved promotion.
Thankies very much
How are you?
Good thankies
Are you enjoying being AK?
To an extent.
Are you going to forget your friends in your success?
Can i haz a chinchilla?
Ask her. /points at Beleen
I would if i could find her. If you see her ask her for me will you Leu?
Whats your favorite holiday release?
Good, evil, or chaos?
Neautral. =P
Moglin or Dragon?
Whats your favorite food?
Custard Slices.
Why cant i change the color of my text in the forums?
Because you don't know how to do so, just highlight the test you want to be coloured and click 'colour' then pick one!
What do you like more day or night? Sir ver or PTR?

Night, Sir Ver

< Message edited by Stevenmwou -- 4/7/2010 18:25:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
4/7/2010 17:35:38   
Lady Azjurai

Greetings from Apple World!
Congrats are in order (again). So... *places an order for congrats*
Gets right on it, in the oven as we speak.
I should ask some questions, ten of them in fact. But what?
Don't answer the rhetorical ones.
Ah! How much do you love coffee on a scale of 1 - 10? 1 = you love coffee, 10 = you spend more on coffee than small nations.
-10, I will pay the small nations to have the coffee
More importantly, how much of this coffee will you give me?
Seems like you ahve alot already
Can I have more?
You'll ahve to ask the small nations. =P
Well, can I have Users share (since he steals bikes)?
He doesn't like it when you mention the infamous Bike Accident, so no. =P
Apart from raccoons (which everyone loves), what's your favorite kind of plushie?
I ahve a White Tiger one. ^_^
Got milk?
Chocolate flavour only.
What question number is this, and how many are left?
This is number eight, so you have two more
Did the above count as two questions, and if so - why?
The question you have just asked is actually two questions if you break it down, and no, the above questions weren't.
That is all.
For now. Dun dun dunnnnnnnn.

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:10:56 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 13
4/7/2010 17:41:53   
Sir Gnome

Only one question from me:

What ARE rice?
I believe they are a species of ant who lie perfectly still until they have created enough to raise an army and take over the world, naturally.

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:12:04 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
4/7/2010 17:44:08   


I hope your having fun as a new ak
To an extent.
congratz are in order with a side order of cookies
Thankies ever so much.
have you seen me before?
I ahve not seen you, but I ahve seen your posts in the Q&A
whats your favorite color?(mines gold)
Black, White and Cobalt Blue.
raccon or wolf?
Tehehe, I ahve a feeling this will get hi-jacked, but Wolf.
cake or pie?
Depends on what Pie and what Cake.
twilly or zorbak?
favorite holiday?
That I ahve been on, or wish to go on, to the former, Haven't ahd one yet, to the later, wouldn't mind Athens.
thats all for now bye


< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:14:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
4/7/2010 17:48:13   
soul sapper

yo leu the epic master of stuff and beyond
Soup! Sapper of Souls but in a nice way. ~_-
(sorry some question might be random)
whats up?
Me. ^_^
congratz dude for being AK
whats your favour food? (mines chicken pie xD)
Custard Slices
By any chances do you know me?
I ahve seen your work on the Q&A but other than that I don't think so.
do you enjoy final fantasy if so which one?
I have only played Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core on PSP but that was quite awesome.
uhhh have you got a ps3?
Unfortunatly, no.
just forgot to ask, how do you become AK i little knowledge of forum-ie stuff
You'd ahve to ask the Head Moderator, but being Helpful and Friendly goes a long way. =)
See ya around hope you awesome most of this questions and btw have fun :)
Thankies, will try.


< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:18:19 >
Post #: 16
4/7/2010 17:57:32   

Hey Leu-leu. :O
Allos Neb!
I notice a lack of credit on my part for helpinf with your tercessuinotlim map. <_<
I know, I inculded it in the original post I made in the GD but it got deleted and I forgot to add it when I put it in Valo Guide, but the Maps are now obsolete and I could use some more help if your up for it.
My 30 minutes of boredom, stanind so you could get back to a spot if you failed, should be acknowledged.
I'm acknowledging as we speak. O.o
Anyway. Gratzulations meesta new AK . :)
Do you think you're gonna have fun?
Hopefully. =/
I knew you would be an AK sooner or later. As soon as you got the helpful title, I knew it was the inevitable truth.
Psychic? O.o
My psychic powers rule, don't they? :)
Indeed they do. =P
Why 10 questions per page? Why not 100?
Because then I would be drained of all my answers and I wouldn't be able to help others. D=
Well. I'm gonna go now.
Goodbye. :)



< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:22:27 >
Post #: 17
4/7/2010 18:06:00   

First off, I'd like to congratulate you on being granted the statues of an AK. So many questions, so little room.
Thankies very much, you could wait around for page 2 (If there is going to be one)
Whats your favorite saying/quote?
'Would you hold my metaphor for a minute?'
Who invited you to be an AK
Where is Waldo hiding?
On the lawn!
What did you think of when you first saw my name?
Star Trek?
Has Waldo ever lost a game of Man-hunt?
I wouldn't think so.
Do you have any rolemodel/ people you look up to?
Ma Pawents. =)
May I have a cookie?
/opens a huge tin of cookies, Knock yourself out!
Are you susceptable to paradoxes?
Not if I ahve a pen and paper.
What was your reaction when you were being asked to be an AK?
Uh oh!
Has it been a pleasure answering my questions?
It has been highly enjoyable. =D
Darn, reached my limit well, have fun AK'ing.
Will try.

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:26:00 >
Post #: 18
4/7/2010 18:16:24   

Ohhh! You got it!

Congrats! ^^
That helpful title would never be enough to describe on how helpful you are.
Thank you very much. =)
Enjoy the new AK'ship!
Will try

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:27:02 >
Post #: 19
4/7/2010 18:24:17   

Hi! Leu
Allos Parmeet!
I Don't have any questions yet but i might later:P
Alrightie then.
Congratz on your promotion!!

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:28:26 >
Post #: 20
4/7/2010 18:28:54   
Gone with the wind

Congrats on the AK job and good luck!
Thankies very much.

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:43:03 >
MQ  Post #: 21
4/7/2010 18:33:43   

Herro Leu :D
Lycans or Vampires?
Who bit off the ear of my choco bunny?
Cysero most likely.
Have you played any Phantasy Star games?
No I haven't, any good?
Why do you sign your posts, even though your username is right there? *points*
It makes me feel special.

~Leu..... =P

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:45:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
4/7/2010 18:38:33   
The Legendary d4

(x_x).,.i wasn't the first one.,.you made it the wrong time.,.T_T.,anyway
Sowy. D=
congrats again XD.,.,
hunmnmn what else
ahhha dats all.,.,have fun ^_^.,,
Will try.

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:47:07 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
4/7/2010 18:41:33   

Hey you...
Allos to you too.


Square root of duck? Show work! (I know answer >:D)
Hmmmmmmmm, Duck=Fish+Dog, thefore FDo=D Meaning the square root is Half of D?

Have accidently mistaken super glue for nasal spray?

I have...

It hurts, don't do it!

I love you <3

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:53:47 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
4/7/2010 18:42:04   

Greetings Leu! Congrats.
Allos Chi! Thankies
I only have one question for now :S.
Hokey tokey.
What do you think of my favourite pet Philip the Weatherhog?
I think he could do with a name change Philip isn't that Weather Inspiring.
That's all for now
Bye and Have fun :D
Will try.

< Message edited by Leumas Dragonsword -- 4/7/2010 18:54:59 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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