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=MtAK= Zhukai! A New DFGD ArchKnight!

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3/15/2010 18:51:01   

Hey everyone! I'm known as the second newest AK of DF GD and hopefully planning to answer all of your questions about me (or you... but we're focusing on me right now...) in this here topic! >:D



Rules: I am not obligated to answer all or even any questions. If it is inappropriate or I don't want to answer it, I wont. If there are a lot of questions and I don't want to answer all of them, I wont. I don't have any set question limit, but use discretion; the more questions you have in one post, the less likely I am to answer all of them. I also encourage splitting up questions across multiple posts, if you have so many, as long as you don't double-post, of course.

Yep. Taken from Tolan's MtAK. I'm sure he doesn't mind.

Like any other AK, I will be editing all of your messages using... this color!
I'll repeat questions. I don't mind... BRING IT ON!

Okay, please try to limit your questions to only 14 or under please. I'll be removing any leftover.

*Commandeers the topic.* Avast ye, scar of the shadows! I commandeer this topic in the name of healing light! -Tolan
It burns!!! -Scar
Light? Pfft, green is much better! I hijack it just because I can! ~GG
First time I see green on this topic! D: -Scar
/poke ~Karika

< Message edited by Zhukai -- 4/16/2010 17:50:18 >
Post #: 1
3/15/2010 18:52:50   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Did you know?
Of course!
Why not?
Wait, what?
Do you know now?
Could you repeat the question?
Will you ever?

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 18:55:22 >
Post #: 2
3/15/2010 18:53:55   

Never saw you here :P in what section were you most active??
DF ... than I slowly started to attract attention onto the AQW section and slowly made my way back here.
How Strict are you? :P
You'll see! : )
nothing else to say except Good luck and be happy you aren't an AK at the MQ GD =P
Thanks and I wonder why?

Edit: MQ forums have sometimes a Flame war :P it happens occasionaly xD
Edit: I see. Wish I was there.

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 19:01:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
3/15/2010 18:56:53   

Never met you :P
Glad to meet you now!
Just got AKship?
Yeah, like 2-3 days ago. Unexpectedly too.
Liking AKship?
Definitely. These shackles change the way I'm supposed to answer this question!
I don't know... 8?
Nope, its 12. The + sigh is there to trick you. If you turn it around...
Darn I got it wrong!
Trick Question!
Nice one.

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 18:59:42 >
DF  Post #: 4
3/15/2010 19:02:58   
Still Alive~

*omnoms the new guy*
*omnoms back*
Glad to have you on the team, even if we work nowhere near each other.
Glad to be part of it :D
Your colour is actually interesting :o! I still prefer mine, though. What do you think?
Oh really? I love it. Looks a little like Fuschia.
Are you sure Tolan is fine with you randomly quoting him out of nowhere?
Yep. I'm sure he's fine with it. If not, I'll probably be missing for a few weeks...
Favourite book?
I stopped reading novels, it would have to be The Count of Monte Christo.
Favourite movie?
Mmm I am Legend?
Favourite song/band?
Oops, I don't one. D:
Are you positive the answers you gave Geno are correct and true?
I am positive.
U can has cheezburgers, or would you prefer another food?
Rice. Nothing beats rice.
Do you like my avvy? :o
Definitely... it's pretty original.
Did you know the above was a very serious question?
What if I said the opposite...?
Do you think I'll be back later?
You know the answer. : )
Kthx. *baiwaves*
*rickrolls Scar*
D: baiii

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 19:29:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
3/15/2010 19:14:50   
Eric Greydawn

*sniff* I'm glad there are people out there that care! Thanks.
Have fun!
Take care!
Okies...all for now... more later when I am much more addled from sleep deprivation mid-war...Look for general wierdness saaay... four am during a golden hued war.
I'll be here. Waiting...

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 19:30:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
3/15/2010 19:29:26   

I've already said this, but congrats!
Thanks again!
Anyways, no questions from me, good luck with your new position!
Okay, that's fine... :( Oh, I will!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 19:31:30 >
DF MQ  Post #: 7
3/15/2010 20:19:58   
Sir Lofmore

if tellytubbies are very very very creepy, who is mr.bob?
Is this a trick question?
just to let u know me better, check out my other questions from other MTAKS. u will see what u have in store 4 u!!! check em out and tell me what you think of me!!!
Thanks. I think you're a nice guy.
bye for now!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 20:23:13 >
DF  Post #: 8
3/15/2010 20:22:30   
A True Hunter

Hello there!
So how've the first few days been?
Pretty good actually.
If you get scared half to death twice, what happens?
I... die.
If they call it tourist season, why can't we shoot at them?
That's mad!
Favorite subject in school?
Math easiest subject. Or gym, cuz' it's fun.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Spiders. I'd get rid of their population, they creep me out!
Does LANDIS give you cookies? If so what kind?
Of course he does! Chocolate Chip or just the plain ginger ones.
Dragonflies or Zerg?

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 20:26:03 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
3/15/2010 20:30:00   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Hiya, ShadowScar07! :D
Hey Mecha Mario!
*Gives a chocolate chip cookie*
Thanks *munch* *munch*
Just want to say congrats, good luck, and fun AKing. :)

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 20:34:35 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
3/15/2010 20:53:28   

Congratulations ShadowScar07!
Thank you, Tokijin!
First off, nice to meet you.
Glad we could talk.
I reckon you guys come in waves. Its a conspiracy I tell ya!
That is so inconceivable. xD
So favorite....soft drink?
Mountain Dew, or Coke.

Spiders. I'd get rid of their population, they creep me out!

So, what would you do If I threw one on you right now?
I'm not sure why'd you do that... o.o It all depends on the size! If it was small, I'd twitch. If it was the size of a boulder, I'd probably be scared for life.
Cn 1 nomz on j00r c00kie?
Shur u cn!
Ok done! Have a nice trip, see you next fall!
Cya ... errr next time!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 21:11:27 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/15/2010 21:31:04   
Lord Vrael

Hello there!
Hi there StaplerZ!
How are the shiny new buttons?
Roar or rawr?
Chips Ahoy or Oreos?
Definitely Oreos.
[145 * 56 - 47 ^ 2(1.76 + 4)]/2 +2.56 = ?
In Mr. Fred's class, the students are learning about the Order of Operations. Jeffrey is frequently forgetting PEMDAS, but George can remember it without the help of PEMDAS. How many Fs?
Ummm 8?
If a woodchuck could chuck wood but Chuck Norris chucked rock and Bruce Lee chucked the rock chucker woodchuck and Lindsay Lohan went back to rehab but 100 gorrillaphants were taken prisoner by Anoril, how much wood could that woodchuck chuck?
Just one little woodchuck :D
That's all. Congratulations!
Thanks again!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 21:53:05 >
DF AQW  Post #: 12
3/15/2010 22:08:01   

heya buddy
Heya Slayah
ugh should have told me you posted this already >.>
ugh you should have told me you wanted to post in this <.<
well I know you'll make a good AK, no questions from me
Thanks, that's great.
Good luck and have fun. :)
Thanks and take care!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 22:12:29 >
Epic  Post #: 13
3/15/2010 22:14:29   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Thanks Stephen Nix!
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
Your statement represented evil, and so, I will choose ebil.
Ready to play?
Sure! Let's d-d-d-d-duel!
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
I heard you like freezing people.
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Considering that the shirt is gorgeous, I'm gonna have to go with a no!
Does it make you look fat?
Definitely, even though I'm no where near "fat" or out of shape. Or, that's what my doctor says.
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I danced til' I could no longer feel my feet for the next hour or two.
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
No no... just the simple... lock.
If your a pawn you what.....
But if your a rook you....
Walk when nobody sees me. I also tend to smash scissors.
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Same, but not doing it alone. I have LANDIS, Tolan, and Mysterious Ranger on my side! :D Without them, I would still not be able to feel my feet!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 22:24:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
3/15/2010 22:15:48   

Hoho, congratz
Heehee, Thank you.
No time for question. I will war on. Hope u too
No problem, save Falconreach!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 22:26:36 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 15
3/15/2010 22:17:50   
The Forgotten
Exquisitely pathological

:O I'm late. D:
Nah, I'd say you are... right on time.
Congrats and welcome to the group. :D
Thanks, I like yams.
/me has no questions.
Aww that sucks.

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 22:27:22 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 16
3/15/2010 22:27:01   

LIFE ISN'T FAIR... at times like these!
Well i hope your happy
I am, sir.
what part of da forums do u commandeer
are u helping in the DF war
I have, not in the farming spirit... D: I will help more though!
how do u feel about clostridium botulinum
What is that some sort of bacteria?

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 22:30:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
3/15/2010 22:37:59   

Pokémon HG/SS?
Pokémon SS!

If yes to above, what do you think of Bidoof?
Doesn't look as clueless as Bibarel.


How about Squidward?
Mr. Krabs.

I knew you would say that.
I knew you would say that.

I'm psychic :P
Good to hear! What time will I jog outside tomorrow?

I am not joking, mang.
Oh dear lord.

Want me to prove it to ya?!

Alright, done.
Good job!

What did I do? I knew you were going to say that, too! Proves my psychic-ocity
Nice, you totally got me there. Is that even a word?

Do you like Green Eggs and ham?
He'd better! ~GG
Oh yes I do!

Knew you would say that, so I have nothing left to prove!
How nice of you.

Ciao, mang.
Cya. mang?

Also, to answer the question the guy above me asked.

Clostridium Botulinum is a Gram-positive, bacteria (Also in the shape of a bar/rod or stick) that creates Neurotoxin Botulin, which causes flaccid muscular paralysis seen in Botulism. This is also the main agent in Botox' paralysis causing. Clostridium Botulinum is ALSO an anaerobic spore-former, which produces oval, subterminal endospores. The Subterminwl Endospores are, coincidentally (Dunno why Xd), found een Soil.
Ah, thanks for clarifying that out for me!

Added your second post along with this one! -Scar

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 23:04:52 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
3/15/2010 22:53:15   

Congrats ShadowScar07!
Thanks zanathos!
Do you like cheese?
Of course.
Do you like canes?
Food. Candy. Canes. Oh, and the sugar ones too!
How do you feel when someone such as oh i dont know.....green_girl02 or tolan hijacks your thread?
They did? Where?
If i smite you can i still haz a cookie?
Go for the cake.
Whats your schtick? Tolan has his interdimensional epic portal stick, Coyote has his manlyness, and green_girl 02 has her..... Green?
Mine is made up of shadows.
Hey, dont forget my time-and-space-traveling abilities! ~GG
Are your shackles too tight?
I think so... I can hardly see anything down here.
I'm not undercover or anything *cough* Dont you dare say what horrors you have experienced or else *cough*
No... not the funnel...
How have you enjoyed being an Archknight? *answer carefully*
It's pleasant.
Have a nice day!
You too!
HAH! Not the Last question! Do you like cheese, can i be an AK, and PLEASE buy me ACs!
Whoa! Where'd this come from? I luv Chez. Ask Zorbak. AExtra's is the best way to go my friend.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 3/15/2010 23:05:07 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
3/15/2010 23:13:23   

Once was a wild roaring dragon who is 2 feet higher than you, You have the following moves, You have Super Energy, Explosion, Leaf Tornado, Medical Drain, KABAAM! You must defeat the dragon in 2 hits. He is tough and hard as a solid rock. What will you do?
Explosion, and then KABAAM!
Well, Its cool!
See ya, and have a cookie!
Thanks, take care! *noms*
*kittycat flies away in a spark of light.*
Where'd the cat go?

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/15/2010 23:18:30 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 20
3/15/2010 23:14:30   

Hi there!
i like chocolate
Glad to hear that!
whats your favourite super hero
You're talking to him.
and who would win in a fight out of chuck norris and superman
Probably Chuck Norris...?

< Message edited by mekillhaclvl35 -- 3/15/2010 23:22:23 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
3/15/2010 23:35:14   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)


If your a pawn you what.....
But if your a rook you....
Walk when nobody sees me. I also tend to smash scissors.

lol you didn't catch the chess reference I was making and its rook not rock haha
Maybe I didn't want to catch the reference! xD
o and to this.... Same, but not doing it alone. I have LANDIS, Tolan, and Mysterious Ranger on my side! :D Without them, I would still not be able to feel my feet! that is cute lol real touchy touchy! You gots a lot of new friends now!
Cya again....lol!
Thanks for winning.

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/16/2010 11:06:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
3/16/2010 0:38:05   
captian awsome

Hello kind sir!
Hello fellow ninja turtle.
I heard you like answering questions for no reason so lets start:
Where are you guys getting these?
1. Do you like puns
if not to bad cause here they come
Oh no...
So a termite walks into the bar and says is the bartender here?
Hahaha too bad you didn't state the entire thing.
2.Can you talk in binary code?
3. How are the chains holding up.
Pretty... tight.
4 are you enjoying the gold war
Yep. It's pretty bright, I think it just scarred my eyes.
all right see you soon and congrats!
You too! Thanks.

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/16/2010 11:12:25 >


AQ DF  Post #: 23
3/16/2010 5:04:08   
Eric Greydawn

HEHE...Told you I would be back at four am! (at least it is my time!)
Oooh 4 AM. That's dedication.
What color is a sneeze?
If death stands in a wind tunnel, what sound does it make?
Isn't that a black hole? Anyways, it would sound like death.
Rogue, Warrior, or Mage?
Warrior, although I'm more suitable for a Rogue.
Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, Or Godzilla...Who wins?
Nvm Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee!
Johnny was a chemist, alas, he is no more, for what he thought was H20 Was H2S04... How did he mix them up?
YIPES.. I nearly Forgot!! What color does cheese sound like?
Green Peas?
Ok. I will leave you alone now and let others ask you fun stuff now!
Thanks... this was tough.
PS... I told you they would be strange questions.

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/16/2010 11:22:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 24
3/16/2010 6:15:03   
Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Eek! a new Archknight!
How... very nice of you! :D
Big congratulations from the evil monkey!
Thanks, you know... you should try getting out of Chris's closet.
Enjoying your position so far?
Very much. :D
Favourite hobby (if any)?
Collect anything shiny.
Ideal holiday location?
California, Florida, or Rice World.
Running out of questions.. erm, Why the name ShadowScar?
Long story, I chose Shadow from my brother and Scar from an anime... not sure which it was.
Did you have pie on Pi Day yesterday?
Yep. My sister engraved the Pi sign on it with a fork after I told her what day it was.
All from me, I'm sure I'll see you about, bye!

Thanks, bye!

< Message edited by ShadowScar07 -- 3/16/2010 11:27:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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