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(MQ) What Lies in the Darkness

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8/27/2010 13:08:54   
evil doodoo

Location: Soluna Main Square

<Enter Admina and Starbuck>
Admina: Hey Starbuck, nice day for a little relaxing after the Gears games, eh?
Starbuck: The Dean wanted to see me today. It's probably just another mission... and then some relaxation!
Admina: Still can't believe how Runehawk pulled their way past Mystraven! (incoming starship) Uhh, catch you later, I gotta talk to some of those freshmen. They should've known they were space-sick *grumble* Eating way too many potatoes onboard... *grumble*
<Exit Admina and Starbuck>

Location: Gears University

<Enter Denara and Alyseia>
Denara: Nice morning, huh?. Still any word from Sector D-2?
Alyseia: I heard the mission there was unsuccessful. (sigh) Even Braddock wasn't his usual self. He told me- Good Morning, Starbuck!
<Enter Starbuck>
Starbuck: Hey you two looking nice as usual, can't talk, already late, bye
Denara: What a pleasant student! Remind me to give him some extra credit...
Alyseia: Denara, you can't just do that every time someone compliments you.

Location: Dean's office

<Enter Warlic and Starbuck>
Starbuck: Did you want to see me?
Warlic (grimly): I assume you already know the situation in D-29596?
Starbuck: Yes, sir
Warlic: You'll be departing there in an hour. I already had Tek outfit your equipment. We can't risk detection so you'll have a different starship. Come back with her alive. (handing Starbuck something) Here is the medication to counteract the Shadowscythe disease. Physically, she is the same, but mentally, the Shadowscythe had changed her, so be careful of that. Getting her back here is more important than injecting her with the medicine. And remember not to risk your own life. ...I don't want this to end up like the other mission. Am I clear?
Starbuck: What about the others from the previous mission? Don't I bring them back here as well?
Warlic: ...
Starbuck: Don't tell me they're...
Warlic: ...
Starbuck: ...
<Enter Anastasia, Jaania, and Casca>
Warlic (looks up): Oh, hello there. How can I help you three?
Casca: We came to wish you luck.
Starbuck: Thanks. Say, what's that in you hand?
Anastasia: It's just a stuffed animal of hers. She always kept it close to her. Hope it could helps to bring her back.
Jaania (sobs): That's the wolf I got her when we were young!! WAAaaahh
<Exit Jaania, crying>
Starbuck: No, not that, that OTHER thing you have there.
Anastasia: Oh. Uh. This... This is the state of the art laser pistol I was telling you about. Char and Selina were working on it together, so you know it's high tech! And I'll go back to fetch Jaania...
<Exit Anastasia>
Casca: Eh. She's going to be fine. I've seen worse. Much worse.
Warlic: Starbuck, why don't you go on ahead? I'll finish briefing you in your starship.
Starbuck: Okay.
<Exit Starbuck>
Casca: You really think the mission will be successful? After all, she was a very tough fighter.
Warlic: I doubt he'll actually convince her to come back on the second mission.
Casca: ...Then why would you send him towards his failure, like last time?
Warlic: Even if he fails the mission, not all will be lost. That stuffed animal... she has special emotional ties to it. Didn't you see Jaania run out crying? It was a weapon we lacked in our previoius mission. Maybe it will force her to question her corrupted resolve.
Casca: (sigh) One can only hope in these types of situations.
Warlic: That is something I do best.
Casca: I'll see you later.
<Exit Casca>

Location: Starship

<Enter Starbuck, TRUFF1337 and Warlic (on screen)>
Warlic: ...and that should be it. I hope you understand the magnitude of the situation, especially since you're going alone.
Starbuck: Yes, sir.
<Engine starts>
Warlic: Good luck!
<Exit Warlic>
TRUFF1337: Coordinates set for Sector D-29596 Object S-8S
TRUFF1337: Autopilot Activated
TRUFF1337: Warp Hyperspeed Initiated
Starbuck: Wow, even my own starship doesn't have this "Warp Hyperspeed feature"... and now to wait.
Starbuck: ...
Starbuck: ...
TRUFF1337: Five minutes from destination.
Starbuck: That was fast. ...Isn't that the planet? I heard Object S-8S was partly artificial. Built on the remains of a planet... looks ominous.
TRUFF1337: Stealth Programs Activated.
TRUFF1337: Approaching Destination.
Starbuck: I better get ready.
Starbuck (walking with the wolf in hand): I hope this old Wolfy thing makes her realize who she still is... It's kinda dusty and beat-up.
<Exit Starbuck>
TRUFF1337: Autopilot Disabled.

Location: Object S-8S on Sector D-29596

<Enter Starbuck on a dark corridor>
Starbuck: Stupid autopilot... now how am I going to get out of this here? Still no one here. But signals show- Uh oh, I hear footsteps.
<Starbuck hides behind boxes>
<Enter Two ShadowScythe>
ShS 1: That's when I said "That's NACHO CHEESE!"
ShS 2: HAHAHA Shhh I think I hear someone.
ShS 1: ...Uh oh, I hope it isn't the queen. She'll have us beheaded if she finds out we're shirking.
ShS 2: Let's hurry up and deliver the Queen her message.
Shs 1: Yeah, this place gives me the creeps.
<Exit Two ShadowScythe>
Starbuck: I bet I know who that "Queen" is. I better follow them to her.
<Exit Starbuck>

Location: Somewhere in the darkness

<Enter Queen, ShadowScythe and Starbuck (hiding)>
ShS 1: Queen, we have news for you. Lord Valoth wants you to prepare for a war on the Lorean moons.
Queen: I see.
Shs 2: Why are you- ack! Please! I beg of you! We used to be- Ack!
Queen: There are no excuses for idlers, let alone comedians here.
Shs 1: Please, mercy- Ack!
Shs 2: But it was hil- Ack!
<ShadowScythe disappear in the darkness>
Queen: Heh... As for you, you can stop hiding. I can see anything in the dark here.
Queen: You already know who I am, don't you?
Starbuck (standing up): Xaria, I've come here to rescue you. You were captured and corrupted by the ShadowScythe.
Xaria: And you thought you could just come here and try to convince me to go with you? Did you think some part of me would resurface and would "wake up", being "Xaria" again?
Starbuck: Well, uh yeah. I'm here to remind you of who you really are.
Xaria: I'm Xaria. I already know who I am. All of you have blind hope, thinking you can get me back, thinking you can win this war.
Starbuck: You were once one respected as a leader, Xaria! You used to HOPE for a better future! We were all united against the ShadowScythe! How can you say this?
Xaria: I'm now a queen here. I can see the errors of my ways and I've changed. Why can't you accept that?
Starbuck:I don't know what happened to the real Xaria, but I know you aren't her.
Xaria: "The real Xaria"? Starbuck, look at me. I AM THE REAL XARIA! My flesh is all HERE! It's MY blood that runs through these veins! How am I not Xaria?
Starbuck: But what happened to the Xaria we once knew? You're not the same... you were happy before... now you're just look ANGRY!
Xaria: That Xaria you once knew was a fake! What you see before you is real, and what you saw in your mind isn't. You can't handle the truth! [sorry...]
Starbuck: How can you talk about reality and truth when you hide behind lies? They forced you into one of them! How else can you be the person you used to hate?!
<Starbuck reaches for the needle>
Xaria (sighingly): Starbuck... calm down and listen. I didn't mean to yell at you. That needle is medication intended for curing a mental disease caused by ShadowScythe units in order to make it easier for the infected to be persuaded.
Xaria: I assure you it'll be useless on me, because I wasn't forced to come here. I didn't fight it. I did it willingly.
Starbuck: I-I don't believe you- you non Xaria person! Xaria would never do that!
<Xaria swipes the needle from Starbuck>
Xaria: Look, I'll even inject myself. See? No change! I AM Xaria. It's a little bad hair, that's all.
Starbuck: ...but... how... the needle... How are you one of them? If you're Xaria, what are you doing here?
Xaria: I always secretly hated Gears University. I've hated everything in Soluna, but I couldn't leave. The Shadowscythe allowed me to release the many years of stored anger.
Xaria: I suppose they made you bring something with you to help in your mission?
Starbuck: This uh.. laser... what about it?
Xaria: I meant something of mine that would convince me to go with you? Perhaps something personal?
Starbuck: Wow, you can read my mind?
Xaria: No, it's just that last mission they brought my hairclip... which was very creepy. And that's coming from the Shadowscythe.
Starbuck: ... Well, I have this... wolf here. I heard Jaania gave it to you quite a while ago. I named him Wolfy.
Xaria: Actually, his name is Bloodhound. Why don't you give him back to me?
Starbuck: Oh. Well... here I guess.
Xaria: I kept him for years, because it gave me power.
Starbuck: Really? I didn't see a power outlet.
Xaria (ignoring Starbuck): It is a testament of my hatred toward everything, especially Jaania. You see, back when we were in ML High, we had a big fight. We didn't talk for months. Jaania ended it, apologized, and gave me this wolf.. But the fight never really ended. For me, at least. Bloodhound wasn't enough, I wanted more. It's a symbol of my anger. The anger sealed away for-... Didn't they only send you on this mission?
Starbuck: What are you talking about? I'm the only one who came.
Xaria: Oh, sure. Then how do you explain this red dot coming in?! It'll be here in seconds! It's not even slowing down a bit!
Starbuck: Huh. I wonder what that could-
<Explosion, dim light is let in through a hole>
Starbuck: -be.
Xaria: Once I have this all straightened out and you imprisoned, you're cleaning up this-
Distant yelling: Xaria!!
Xaria (enraged): Oh no, anyone but-
<Enter Jaania>
Jaania: Wake up! It's a lie, they captured you! Look at yourself! You're not Xaria! (deep breath)
Jaania: Starbuck, what did you think you were doing, having tea with her?! We sent you to SAVE her!
Xaria (happy): Oh Jaania, I'm so glad to see you!
Jaania: (gasp) Really? That means so much to me! Oh my, what big teeth you have.
Xaria (happier): The better to destroy you with!
<Xaria readies herself to lunge at Jaania, and Jaania quickly pulls out her laser and points it at her>
Jaania (tearing up again): That's enough. Who are you? Are you really Xaria?
Xaria: Jaania, calm down, I'm Xaria. I haven't uh.. W-What do you have there... IS THAT'S A POTATO SACK?!
Jaania: Get in.
Jaania: GET IN.
Jaania: Uh oh, I can see some mechas units coming for us. Quick, get her in my ship, I'll catch up later.
Starbuck (holding Xaria in a potato sack): ...okay...
Xaria: *incomprehensible muffled yelling*
<Exit Starbuck>
Jaania: Come and get me, you creeps!
<Jaania enters her mecha and fights a couple of incoming mecha units>
<Something explodes>

Location: Jaania's Starship

<Enter Starbuck with a potato sack>
Starbuck: (sigh) What a day...
Starbuck: The faster I start the ship, the faster we can get out of here quickly.
<Engine starts>
<Enter Jaania bruised, and stumbling>
Jaania: What are you waiting for? Let's get out of here!
Jaania: Aw... She'll thank me later..
Starbuck: We're lifting off. I don't ever want to see this place again.
<In space>
Starbuck: Jaania, you look a little injured.
Jaania: I'm fine. My mecha that was torn to shreds though. Those corrupted house mechas...

Location: Dean's office (nighttime)

<Enter Jaania, Xaria, and Starbuck, then Casca>
<Enter Warlic>
Warlic: Oh, I see you came back. As for you, Jaania, I'll have to talk about your actions at another time. You may leave.
Jaania: Yes, dean Warlic.
<Exit Jaania>
Xaria: ABOUT TIME I'm away from her!
Warlic: Did you use the medication?
Starbuck: Yes, but it didn't help. You see, she wasn't infected by that mental disease caused by the Shadowscythe. Actually, she told me she willingly went to the side of the Shadowscythe.
Warlic: Hmm, are you sure? ... because I think the medication did help! Xaria, you've been previously abducted by the ShadowScythe once before you were captured, correct?
Xaria: Twice, actually...
Warlic: Well, when they did, they injected some sort of poison into you beforehand. It had caused you to become agitated much more quickly than you usually are. That medication was the antidote to the poison.
Xaria: Oh. Well that explains alot.
Xaria (aside): Tricked! I'll never listen to a word those Shadowscythe say again!
Warlic: Xaria, you may leave and return to your previous duties.
Xaria: B-But dean, what if I try to escape?
Warlic: Don't worry, I have faith in you. But one more thing?
Xaria: Yes?
Warlic: You're about to deal with very emotional problems. You should go see a therapist.
Xaria: T-Therapy? I never thought of that...
Xaria: Thanks.
<Exit Xaria>
Warlic: Starbuck, why don't you take the rest of the day off?
Starbuck: Suuure...
<Exit Starbuck>
Warlic: Casca, you've been silent for quite a while.
Casca: I'm just thinking about the situation, Warlic.
Warlic: You may leave at anytime, it's getting dark.
Casca: Okay.
Warlic: Casca?
Casca: Mhmm?
Warlic: Make sure this won't happen again with yourself, or the other two.
Casca: I assure you, the Shadowscythe won't ever touch us again.
Casca: But out of curiosity, you made up the part about the Shadowscythe poison, didn't you?
Warlic: It worked, didn't it?
Casca: Brilliantly.
<Exit Casca>

< Message edited by evil doodoo -- 8/27/2010 13:23:05 >
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