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Seasonal Tag in Encyclopedia

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11/21/2010 20:47:06   

I would just suggest instead of a Rare tag for seasonal items (Harvest Staff, Velocigobbler, etc.) that someone could come up with a Seasonal tag? I don't see any reason why not to, and it would help categorize much better. I'm not sure where the style of the Rare and Guardian tags came from, but it shouldn't be to hard to duplicate.
Post #: 1
11/21/2010 20:48:43   

This would be quite useful, and not just for AQ, but for all the games! I fully endorse it, so long as no problems arise.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
11/22/2010 3:16:12   
The Forgotten
Exquisitely pathological

How would you draw a line to separate seasonal items and rares? There have been items from previous holidays that have not returned.
AQ AQW  Post #: 3
11/22/2010 4:26:30   

Well, Forgotten, you can't tag all items as rare because some are seasonal and as such some do come back.

I think this is a good idea, actually! This could help people know which items might not be permanent rares and that there could be a chance to get them when the respective holiday comes. It would also be a big help in the Encyclopedia Indexes.
Post #: 4
11/22/2010 5:18:26   
The Forgotten
Exquisitely pathological

I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but I feel there will be some difficulties in implementing it. Who is to say which items will come back each year and which ones won't? And if a seasonal is missing this year, should it be marked as rare?
AQ AQW  Post #: 5
11/22/2010 5:21:21   

If it doesn't come back the next year or if the staff explicitly says it shall not come back then it is to be marked as "Rare", in my opinion.
Post #: 6
11/22/2010 22:15:52   
The Reckoning

It really isn't worth the effort, then, DragonYugi. If we mark items as Seasonal! each year, only to see them not return the next year, we'll only increase the size of an already substantial workload. I believe the rare tag suffices - since after all they are seasonal rares. It isn't too difficult to tell seasonal rares from others, either. Off the top of my head - Harvest Festival, Frostval, Hero's Heart Day, Grenwog Festival, and Mogloween are the major seasons I can think of - if you see an item from any of these festivals, there is a high chance that they will come back the next year (with the exception of the Frostval gift boxes).
AQ AQW  Post #: 7
11/23/2010 13:01:36   
Silver Xoven

I like this idea. I once thought posting in the DF Encyclopedia if there could be a Seasonal tag (and a Boss Fight tag, but that's a little more complicated). I support this idea.
DF  Post #: 8
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