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(AQ) The Fall of BattleOn

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12/27/2010 8:36:11   

Just a few things to say before we begin this story of how BattleOn stood against evil, and fell..
When you read this, I can guarentee you will never look at AdventureQuest the same again..
I've worked very hard on this and I hope you enjoy it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To prevent confusion in this story, every chapter it MAY change from one persons point of view to another, or several at once.


The Fall of BattleOn

Chapter 1

The Celebration


Imagine yourself, in the middle of a forest.. the sky is dark and cloudy, you can barely see the moon.. you hear raindrop after raindrop hitting the ground, splashing in puddles all around you.. this is the location of the beggining of this story, the story of how BattleOn wasn't always what it is now, and how it was destroyed by someone so evil, that Sepulchure himself forced him to leave Shadowfall, because Sepulchure feared he would one day steal the throne and rule over Shadowfall.. but that's not the story I'll be telling today, this is the story of how BattleOn fought hour after hour, and eventually fell to it's knees..

Down the road of this flooded forest, stands Robin, the father of Robina. He waits patiently in the bushes, hunting. Rain is dripping down his face, as he remains motionless. He sees a silhouette off in the distance, he grabs an arrow from his quiver, pulls back the string, and releases, rain splashing off his bow string as the arrow released from his fingers. He rushes up to the animal to collect his prize, it was a deer. He firmly grasps the arrow and pulls it out of the deer, he hangs the deer on his back and starts heading back to the town of BattleOn, to share his prize with the village.

As Robin walks through the rainy and dark forest, he sees BattleOn just over the hill, excited to see his daughter once more he rushes towards BattleOn, when suddenly he feels a cold chill run down his spine, he puts the deer down, pulls an arrow out of his quiver, and assumes position for any attack, he waits as raindrops fall on his arrowhead, dripping into the puddle below him, he senses massive amounts of darkness off into the distance, closing in on his position.. his grip gets tighter on the bow.. the bushes move, he fires the arrow and hears a loud and evil screech, runs over with another arrow ready, but it was just a banshee, he put up his bow and picked up the deer and continued to BattleOn.

As he arrived, Veridox, the father of Artix, greets him and says "Welcome back old friend! Everyone's at the Inn, why don't you bring that deer with you and we have a great feast?" Robin nods his head and they continue to Kromen's Inn. As they walk in, everyone seems to be celebrating, Veridox says to Robin "Enjoy the party!", confused, Robin asks Veridox "What is everyone celebrating for?" Veridox replies "Have you forgotten? It's BattleOn's 120th anniversery!" Veridox acts shocked, and replies "I remember dear friend, it's just I have a lot on my mind right now." Veridox says "Well enjoy the celebration! There is plenty of wine to go around!", Robin walks up to Kromen, the father of Yulgar, and places a deer in front of him, "I managed to bring this back from my hunt." "Well done!" Kromen says, "Now we may feast upon this glorius prize and celebrate more!" Robin remains silent and heads upstairs into the attic, sitting alone, thinking of that presence of darkness he felt, knowing it couldn't have been a banshee, thinking no banshee is that powerful, and fearing that it may attack BattleOn considering how close it was..

He sits alone in the attic, thinking of what to do, when out of the shadows comes a mysterious hooded moglin, with a staff carved entirely out of bone. Robin says "What do you want, Zerion?" Zerion replies "Meh heh heh, I'm just a little curious.." Robin replies "With what?" "Why are you so distracted Robin?" Zerion says suspiciously. Robin says "It's none of your business, and besides.. I wouldn't tell it to a wanted prisoner.. get out of here Zerion." Zerion, with an angry expression on his face, he says "You're doomed Robin, I can see it in you, enjoy your last hunt while you can." Robin nervously says "Get out of here I said!", Zerion disapears back into the shadows from which he came..

Robin heads downstairs to be grabbed by his daughter Robina, she says "Daddy! You're back!" Robin picks up Robina and gives her a huge hug, thinking of how things in life are so precious, Robin says "You have that bow daddy carved you?" Robina picks up her bow and says "Yes I do! I wanna be just like you someday daddy!" with a smile on her face, he smiles then tells her "Run home Robina, the Inn is not a place for a child to be." Robina smiles then walks out of the Inn and back to their house.

Kromen stands on top of a table and says "My dear friends! Robin has returned from a successful hunt with this glorius deer that we will feast upon tonight!" everyone stands up and they all give a cheer to Robin and drink their wine, Robin says "Do not let this celebrating be about me, this is about BattleOn, so let us all have a great celebration tonight as we celebrate BattleOn's 120th anniversery!" they cheer once more and everyone feasts on the deer.

As it gets late, the celebration is over, and everyone returns to their homes, Veridox stops Robin and asks "Robin, you seem a little distracted, what's wrong?" Robin replies "It's nothing, Veridox.." Veridox looks at Robin with a blank expression for a second, and continues on to his home. Robin stares at Veridox as he walks off, thinking of how he may regret not telling Veridox or the other villagers what he felt before he returned, he walks back home, Robina jumps into his arms and he laughs "Hahaha! Robina, it's too late to be getting wild, lets go to sleep." he kisses her on the forehead and she runs into her bedroom and goes to sleep, Robin continues into his room, and closes his eyes as the world around him fades away..


The Fall of BattleOn

Chapter 2

The Darkness


As the next day finally comes, Kromen and Yulgar put on their smithing aprons, and start smithing.. Yulgar asks his father "Father, why must I still be smithing?" Kromen says "Because I need help, I cannot do this on my own.. why do bring this up?" Kromen asks, Yulgar replies "Well, I'm just tired of smithing everyday.. I want to do something exciting, like.. like hunt! Just like Robin does!" Kromen smiles and approaches Yulgar, "My dear son, you are only 17 years old.. It wouldn't be-" Yulgar quickly interupts and says "I know father, I've never killed anything before.. not even a deer, I want to know what it's like.", Kromen sighs and says "Alright, I'll send you out with Robin on the next hunt.. go gather your things and be careful, do exactly as he says."

Yulgar gathers his items, excited.. he heads to Robin's house, finding Robin and Robina sitting at the table having breakfast, Robin kindly asks "What can I do for you, Yulgar?" Yulgar says "I was wondering if I could go on a hunt with you this evening.", Robin asks "Did you get permission from your father?" Yulgar nods, Robin hesitates and says "Very well, you have your things?" Yulgar nods again, "Good." Robin says, "Meet me at the forest entrance, let me finish my breakfast and gather my things."

Robin meets Yulgar at the entrance of the forest, with Robina by his side, Yulgar asks "You're bringing Robina?", Robin says, "Well, if I'm bringing you I may as well bring my daughter, she's been wanting to go on a hunt with me for awhile now." thinking of what Zerion said, he decides not to go deep into the forest..

As they walk through the once rainy and dark forest, now a beautiful, living, and blooming forest, they spot a silhouette off in the distance just like Robin did, he whispers "Get back!" they back up behind the bushes, Yulgar gets his hunting knife ready, Robina watches, and Robin pulls an arrow from his quiver.. pulls the arrow back on his bowstring, and releases.. right before the arrow hits, the silhouette disapears out of thin air, Robin suddenly gets scared and says "Yulgar, head back to BattleOn, and take Robina, now!", the silhouette emerges from the dirt in front of Robin, Yulgar, and Robina, it has tentacles all over it.. eyes more red than blood itself, made entirely of darkness, it stares Robin right in the eye, cold chills run down Robin's spine.. the exact feeling he felt when he was returning from the hunt the other night.. he grabs his dagger, stabs the darkness in the chest, the dagger slowly sinks into his chest, and disapears.. the darkness slowly wraps his tentacles around Robin.. And Robin yells at Yulgar "Take Robina and GO now!!" Yulgar grabs Robina and sprints off, while Robina screams her dads name.. Yulgar and Robin both know that he won't come back, as Yulgar emerges from the forest, he hears Robin yell very loudly, Yulgar doesn't stop and he sprints towards BattleOn to warn everyone and tell them what happened..


The Fall of BattleOn

Chapter 3

The Red Sky


Veridox and the rest of the villagers are very startled over Robin's frightening yell that they heard off in the distance, they see Yulgar sprinting up to BattleOn with Robina crying in his arms.. Veridox runs up to Yulgar, takes Robina, and gives Robina to Merilic, the father of Warlic, "Merilic, take Robina, I'll talk to Yulgar and find out what happened." afraid of Yulgar's answer, Veridox takes him to the Inn and sits with Kromen.

Kromen looks at Veridox and Yulgar, with a dissapointed look on his face "Veridox, what has Yulgar done this time?" Veridox replies, "He brought back Robina, with her crying in his arms." Kromen is shocked, he asks about Robin, Yulgar speaks up and says "He.. he didn't make it.. it was, terrifying.. just.." "Speak up son!" Kromen says, Yulgar says "It was pure darkness father! I never want to go out there again, I'm fine with just smithing from now on!" Kromen replies "What do you mean pure darkness? Explain!" Veridox looks at Kromen with a look saying "Ease up a little, he just got back from a terrifying attack..", Yulgar says "It.. had red eyes, black tentacles everywhere, and it can walk through things! Even the ground!" Kromen looks at Veridox and says "Veridox, could it be..?" Veridox says "There's nothing else with that description.." Kromen stands up and says "Come on Yulgar, lets get some rest.", and takes Yulgar home. Veridox sits there, thinking of a plan..

Merilic sits with Veridox, Veridox says "Gather everyone, I have something to say.." Merilic stands up and gathers everyone in the town of BattleOn. With everyone in the town square, Zerion hiding in the shadows behind the building.. Merilic standing in front of everyone with Veridox, the children, Valencia, Artix, Warlic, Cysero, Beleen, Galanoth, Thok, Robina, and baby Ash and Twilly, all stand near their parents, Harrison, the father of Valencia, Artix stands with Robina along with Warlic, Cysero stands with his father Ryspero, Beleen stands in the crowd with her parents, Galanoth standing next to his father Ganlosh, Thok, standing with his father Tiberius, and in front of the crowd stands Wyrm the Guardian with Veridox and Artix, holding his guardian blade and staring deeply into the crowd, and finally Ash being held by his mother, and Twilly standing next to his father, Twolly.

Merilic gathers their attention, Veridox stands up and says "Citizens of BattleOn! We have been threatened by a beast made of pure darkness.. a beast no one has ever stood against and lived.. And I have come to tell you, this beast is the very one from the stories of Shadowfall, it is Demicticus himself that has threatened us, he has killed one of our dear friends, someone who will always be remembered, Robin has fallen.." the crowd is shocked, tears running down Robina's face. Veridox says "But do not fear, we will defeat this threat! To my left I have the most powerful Guardian ever to live, Wyrm. To my left, Merilic, he can gather the mages guild. We have many warriors in this town, and we will do everything that we can to stop this behemoth of darkness!" the crowd remains silent.. mourning Robin's death, Wyrm steps forward and says "Anyone who chooses to fight, step forth, anyone who doesn't wish to fight.. seek shelter right now."

As half the crowd stays, half the crowd leaves, the children go home.. Ryspero says "We need more warriors!" Merilic says "There's no ti-" and is suddenly stopped.. everyone stares at Merilic as he collapses, and falls to his knees.. he takes his last breathe as the world around him fades away, he looks up into the sky that was once blue.. but now has turned blood red..

With everyone shocked.. Ryspero, Veridox, Wyrm, Ganlosh, Harrison, Kromen, and Tiberius stare hopelessly at Merilic as he dies, the sky red, over the mountains a huge flash of darkness energy blinds them all, as the citizens get into shelter, the warriors stand ready to fight. Over the hill comes a massive behemoth of darkness, they all tightly grip their swords and staves, and assume their fighting positions.. Demicticus creates two flames made entirely of pure darkness, and releases them into the villagers homes, Destroying the home of Beleen, and the home of Cysero. "Focus everyone!" Veridox yells. Beleen hopelessly yelling for help as her house burns down, Wyrm turns around and rescues Beleen, and finds out both her parents were killed in the attack.. He takes Beleen to the rest of the villagers, gives her to Twolly, and on his way to returning, he is knocked unconcious by Zerion.. as the battle starts.. the warriors nervously grip their swords and ready for battle as the most feared of all evil, Demicticus, walks down the hill and into the town.


The Fall of BattleOn

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 coming soon! I just wanted to leave a cliffhanger for a bit to see if you guys liked it, what do you think so far? If you like it, I'll post the rest.


< Message edited by cheerio -- 12/27/2010 8:42:37 >
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