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(DF) The Legacy of a Hero

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11/10/2010 19:06:22   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

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The Legacy of a Hero

Part One: Genesis

Chapter One

"You are a fool to keep her around." A voice sneered.

"And you are a cruel brute to even suggest your sick idea." A second voice chastised. Upstairs, a child wrapped her pillow around her head, trying to block out the voices.

"You know what she is going to do, yet you insist on keeping her alive!" The first voice angrily continued.

Below where the child slept and not knowing she could overhear their conversation, Abraxas tried his best to keep his patience in check. "You claim she will go through with it, but you don't even know if it is her! The priestess said she was one of two but didn't know which, did it ever cross your mind she is the other!?"

"I would rather eliminate a threat before it becomes a major problem…"

"And what if you are wrong? You would destroy the only one that could save us all!" Abraxas slammed his fist on the wooden table, irate.

Govind took a threatening step forward. "You telling me what to do with my own kid?"

"Just because you spawned her doesn't make you her father. No parent would try to destroy their own daughter because they heard a rumor they didn't like."

Govind reached for the dagger on his belt and seeing this, Abraxas placed his staff between them, its green head glowing eerily. The red bearded man took a step back, his hand not leaving the hilt of his dagger but watching the staff warily. "I suggest you take your leave, Govind."

"Twisted magic bringing curses down upon us all…" Govind muttered, still watching the staff's head. He backed away several steps before turning and walking out the door, muttering to himself as he did.

Abraxas sighed, tiredly running a hand though his matted brown hair. The shaman ascended the stairs quietly, peeking in the room where the young girl pretended to be asleep. Fooled, he softly closed the door and left her alone. The girl hugged her plush gryphon tightly to her chest, trying to forget the words she had overheard.

Several Years Later

"Do you remember when we were kids," one of the three figures lying in the grass began. "And we all said what we wanted to be when we grew up?" Theonoe turned her head, looking at her companions.

"We did that quite a bit." Ondine replied, plucking a blade of grass and twirling it around her fingers.

"I've changed my mind." Theonoe looked back up at the sky, watching the clouds pass. "I want to be a warrior of some kind. Strong and respected, so no one can say what I am to do with my life."

A gentle wind blew, teasing the blue, gold, and black hair of the three young women. "Is it official?"

"Yes, Vi." Theonoe answered. "It's bloody official."

Ondine closed her pale blue eyes, eyes that matched her hair almost perfectly. "At least he is good looking." She said, trying to be optimistic despite her now heavy heart.

"Yes, and an ego to match his looks." Theonoe pushed golden curls behind her ear. "I wish my parents were not so focused on money, we have more than enough! They don't need to marry off their children for more."

Violet glanced over at Ondine, catching the twinge in her eye. The poor girl was probably wishing she and Theonoe could trade places, more than once her family had gone to bed with empty bellies. Not recently, however, as her two friends had been sneaking them food. But with Theonoe leaving, Violet wondered how she would support the large family on her own.

Birds were the only ones speaking for the next several minutes, filling the air with their chirps and squawks. "I'm leaving." Theonoe finally said, studying her carefully polished nails as if lacking the courage to look her friends in the eye. "I'm taking my little brother with me so they can't sell him too. Next week the moon will be full and provide enough light for us to see at night, we have been stocking up for the journey and are just waiting for the right night to run." She finally looked up, meeting the eyes of her only friends. "We packed enough for four people."

Silence again. "Where…" Violet began after a long pause. She swallowed, then continued. "Where do you plan to go?"

"One of the guardian towers, as far from here as I can get."

"We can't leave, Theonoe." Ondine said quietly. "Violet has Abraxas and I have my family to look after."

"Violet is an outcast because of what that senile old woman said and the majority of the town was stupid enough to believe her. If she leaves Abraxas, he will gain back his reputation." Violet lowered her head, having wondered how Abraxas would have fared if he had never taken her under his wing. Now she certainly knew how he would fare should she leave…

"And as for you, Ondine, it would be one less mouth for your parents to feed if you left. You can leave a note and say you are going to find a job or something and will send money when you can."

Theonoe saw the hurt in her friend's eyes and pretended to pick dirt out from under her fingernail so as not to look them in the eye. She hated poking at the tender places in their minds and worries, but she needed the help! She couldn't survive alone in the forest and neither could her brother, though he was fairly good with a sword. But her two friends she knew could with ease. They had to, given their circumstances.

"I'll think about it." Violet said, evasively. Looking up at the sun, she saw it was getting late. She picked up a half empty basket of various plants and roots, saying, "I need to go, he will be expecting me."

Theonoe nodded and stood, looking expectantly at Ondine. "I'll think about it." She said, repeating Violet's words. Theonoe nodded again, glad that she was at least no longer hearing "no".

Violet walked slowly home, her mind replaying what had been propositioned to her. The idea of leaving Abraxas weighed heavily on her, he had done so much to protect her and leaving him seemed like an ungrateful slap to his face. She knelt down beside a plant with a vibrant teal color on the underside of its leaves, carefully digging it up with a trowel. Normally, she was supposed to get this plant from a specific location and nowhere else, but that was a long walk and it was already late. Shaking the dirt from the roots as best she could, Violet places it in the basket hooked on her arm. Abraxas wouldn't notice as the plants did not change with the location.

Continuing her walk home in the fading light, the black haired woman warred with the thought of telling the shaman. She couldn't break the confidence of her friend and possibly ruin her chance to escape, but there was still the matter of leaving unexpectedly. She could leave a note but the act seemed so… cowardly after all he had done for her.

Nearing her home, she tried to put the matter at out of her mind for now, needing to focus on her duties there.

< Message edited by Mritha -- 1/25/2013 12:33:51 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
11/10/2010 19:18:53   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Part One: Genesis

Chapter Two

It had been several days since Theonoe asked her to leave and she was almost out of time. Ondine had already agreed with some reluctance and fear of the new path in front of her, but Violet had also heard excitement in the young woman's voice.

Violet sat on her bed with a feeling of idleness and uncertainty. Her eyes wandered to a bag in the corner, already packed for a long journey. Her thoughts circled a now well-worn path in her mind as she again contemplated her options.

The sound of trotting horses broke her thoughts. Tilting her head to the direction of the window, Violet could also detect the sound of wood creaking under strain and wear. Her legs felt stiff as she stood and walked to the window, she must have been sitting there for a while.

Peering through the fading daylight, the young woman saw an approaching carriage, escorted by a small handful of men on horses. Only when the carriage turned and pulled to a stop by the house did Violet see and recognize the crest painted on the side. It was a charging boveox, belonging to one of the few families of nobility left. Most had lost their positions of power when Lore received a new king, Violet remembered from a previous history lesson.

Lady Kira emerged from her carriage, tucking a lock of pencil straight brown hair behind her ear. One of her soldiers entered the carriage briefly, retrieving a small, limp form from inside. Violet frowned. The boy was obviously sick, but why bring him here when moglins were more effective at healing? Then she noticed that he was shackled hand and foot. Resigning herself to a potential long night of work, the young woman made her way downstairs to help Abraxas free the possessed boy.

As she entered the main room of the house, Violet saw the lightly tanned boy being carefully laid down on the kitchen table rather than the cot in the corner, his condition must be worse than she had originally thought. "He has been a host for…" Lady Kira trailed off, trying to remember when this had all started. "Several months." She said finally, giving up on recalling the date. "But it was always mild until a few nights ago. Before it would just cause my son to faint, last night it threw him into the river and tried to drown him." Her voice shook when she spoke of how close she came to losing her son. "We sedated him before coming, we couldn't get him into the carriage otherwise."

"Odd that the spirit would want to kill its host…" Abraxas mumbled mostly to himself as he examined the boy, his green eyes taking in every detail. Then in a louder voice, he addressed the boy's mother. "Why did you wait this long if you knew he was possessed?"

"I… thought it would just leave." She admitted.

Abraxas frowned but said nothing, continuing instead to examine the boy. He sighed after a short period of uncomfortable silence. "What is his name?"

"Luke." His mother answered. "Can you help him?"

"Not without traveling into the spirit realm, but once there I believe so. The spirit within him is strong; it has dwelled in him for far too long." Abraxas moved to a chest near the table, the sound of glass lightly bumping against glass rose from the chest moments before his hand did, clutching a vial with thick orange colored liquid moving sluggishly inside, almost like syrup.

"What is that?" Lady Kira asked.

"A mixture of specific plants and herbs, it will help me find Luke's soul and separate it from the spirit with little damage to him." Abraxas motioned for Violet to come closer. Knowing what he intended to do, she gently held open Luke's mouth while the shaman measured out a small spoonful of the orange liquid, slipping it between the boy's lips. Violet elevated his head, allowing the liquid to slide down his throat without choking him. His hair was like velvet in her hands, she was surprised at its softness.

"How long will you be?" Violet quietly asked, seeing him reach for his staff.

"Longer than usual." Abraxas paused. "Hopefully not too long."

She nodded in acknowledgement, watching him lay his hand on the boy's chest. The shaman's breathing slowed, becoming shallower. Then he let out a long, rattling breath that sounded like the final breath of a dying man. Violet nibbled her lip, knowing his soul was now in the spirit realm. She prayed he found the boy quickly and the battle to free his soul ended in his favor.

Violet was past beginning to worry for her adoptive father, she was now doing all she could not to pace. Lady Kira was still present in the room; Violet couldn't allow the woman to suspect something could be amiss. The two had engaged in small talk for some of the time, but the room was, for the most part, filled with silence.

The sound of a sudden intake of breath reached the young woman's ears and she felt her muscles, tensed with worry, relax when Abraxas leaned on his staff for support, his soul having returned to him. "My son," Lady Kira rose from her seat. "Did you free my son?"

Abraxas nodded, his face pale. "The spirit was stronger than I expected, but yes your son is free of it.

As if on cue, Luke's eyes fluttered open. "Mom?" He called in a hoarse voice.

"I'm here." She said, rushing to his side and cradling his head in her arms. Her hair fell down over the top of Luke's head, the color of her's blending perfectly with the color of his hair. "Remove his bonds." Lady Kira snapped to one of her men. While he obeyed, Violet helped Abraxas into a chair, him not having the energy to stand on his own.

"Give them a vial of the soul-shell potion." He murmured in her ear.

"Which one is that again?"

"The teal colored one." Abraxas responded. While she retrieved it, he spoke in a louder tone to the Lady. "The potion I gave him before made his soul more open to influence so I could remove the spirit. However, it is dangerous to leave him open." Violet handed them a small vial and Lady Kira placed it in a pocket on her dress. "Give him this when you return home, he will sleep for several hours after consumption."

"Thank you," Lady Kira began, helping her son slowly rise to his feet. "As soon as I am sure he is free, I will reward you greatly."

After they had left, Violet walked closely by the shaman's side as he used his staff like a much needed walking stick. "How bad was it?" She asked, making sure he made it to his bed without falling.

"It could have been worse." He responded with a heavy breath. "Had she come before instead of waiting so long, it would have gone much smoother."

"Will you be ok?" She asked worriedly.

He chuckles. "I will be fine, I just need rest to recover my strength."

After ensuring he was settled, Violet retreated to her own room, the shaman's pale and tired face refusing to leave the forefront of her mind. I can't leave him. She thought, crawling into her bed. He needs someone to help him with his work; he can't do it alone anymore. Violet fell asleep to her wandering thoughts, how was she going to tell her friends no?

< Message edited by Mritha -- 2/7/2013 22:08:59 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
11/10/2010 19:34:37   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Part One: Genesis

Chapter Three

The next day passed without incidence, but the next night Violet was awakened to the sound of shouting coming from downstairs. She at first ignored it, thinking it to be the product of one of her dreams. But when the voices continued, she stumbled from her bed. At the top of the stairs, she could make out words from the two familiar voices.

"You were supposed to save him, not make him worse!" One voice shouted. Why did Lady Kira return? Violet wondered.

"Your son was freed from the spirit of the dead when he left here, my Lady." Abraxas' voice drifted up the stairs.

Violet heard glass shattering before Lady Kira angrily responded. "My son was perfectly fine until he drank this! You poisoned him!"

There was a pause. "He needed that; he would have only been taken as a host for another spirit if he didn't drink it."

"At least he would have been alive!" The woman roared.

Violet chose that moment to make her presence known by stepping into the room. Abraxas held his ground near the center of the room, a small pile of broken glass at the base of his robes. With one hand he gripped his staff, with his other he tried to comfortingly reach out to the enraged woman in front of him, who, Violet noticed, looked ready to bite it off. Her hands were clenched into white knuckled fists by her sides, her reddened face turned and glared at Violet when she entered. "Is she your daughter?" Lady Kira asked through teeth clenched in rage.

"She is." Abraxas answered in a quiet tone.

"Then I will take your child from you, just as you have taken my child from me." The grieving mother swept out of the room, leaving her threat to hang in the air. The sound of galloping horses drifted in from outside.

Abraxas sank heavily into a chair, leaning his wooden staff against the table. He ran a hand through his already messed up hair, causing more tuffs to stand on end. "Where did you dig up the Fairy's Tear?" He asked Violet, tearing her sleep addled mind from her thoughts with a startled jump. Part of her wondered if what had just transpired had actually happened, it seemed so… sudden and unexpected.

"From the clearing near the bend in the southern river, just as you showed me." She responded.

He looked up at her with a pained expression. "Violet, why are you lying to me?" Abraxas asked, quietly.

Her eyes met the floor. She hated that facial expression he gave her, and that tone. She wished he would yell at her instead, but the shaman never raised his voice at her. "Somewhere in the forest." Violet answered truthfully this time. "It was getting late and it was a long walk to the clearing. I… knew you would be worried if I came home after dark and I didn't want to upset you by not getting all the plants." Violet glanced up at him, hiding behind a lock of black hair that had fallen down over her face. "And besides, they looked exactly the same," She continued defensively. "I made sure of that."

"You found it in a forest where there was shade." He said, flatly. Violet nodded, confused. Abraxas sighed and motioned to a chair at the table. "Sit." She obeyed without a word and waited for him to speak.

But the silence stretched on and she could not bear it. "Why did Lady Kira return?" She blurted out.

"The Fairy's Tear is unique," Abraxas began, not answering her question. "It is one of few plants that, when mixed properly with the correct regains, affects not just the physical body, but the soul as well." He paused for a moment, but Violet this time remained silent. The shaman shifted in his seat, and then continued. "But what sets the plant apart is that it takes on different physical properties, depending on how the plant was grown. The most influencing factor is the environment, how much or how little sunlight it received in the first year of growth." He ran a hand through his unruly hair again. "Depending on how it was grown, it can be a highly useful plant in my work… or a toxin used for the work of many yagas."

Violet felt an uneasy pit start to form in her stomach. She looked down at her hands again, not meeting the eyes of her adoptive father.

Abraxas picked a speck of dirt out from under his nail to busy his hands. "I don't know why the plant is affected like this, only that it is so. Plenty of sunlight in the first year and the plant is beneficial. A shaded area… and it is deadly."

"The boy drank it." She said quietly.

"He did." Abraxas answered. "And his mother, as you can imagine, is less than pleased."

"I'm sorry." Violet managed to force past the lump in her throat. The words sounded so useless, to even her own ears.

Abraxas blew out a breath; he too was distraught at the waste of a young life. "The blame is not all on your shoulders. I warned you that the plant was dangerous, but never explained why. The responsibility was mine to teach you and ensure the potions and elixirs we make are safe." He reached across the table, grasping her clamming hands. "We can't do anything for the boy," He began. "But we can ensure this never happens again."

Violet nodded. "Yes sir." Again, so much effort was required to speak past her tightened throat.

"Go to bed, child. Tomorrow I will instruct you about the many plants I use, something I should have done from the beginning.

Violet nodded and stood to her feet, slowly exiting the room. Before passing through the doorway, she paused nervously. "Abraxas?"


"Was Lady Kira speaking in anger, or intent?"

The shaman considered his answer before speaking it. "Anger. No harm will come to us from her. Now go to bed."

Violet again nodded and left, Abraxas straining his ears, listening for the creak in the boards above his head that would inform him she had obeyed. When sure she had, Abraxas nervously stood and locked the door, then cast a strengthening spell on the bolt and hoped it would be enough.

< Message edited by Mritha -- 3/4/2013 12:51:36 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
11/10/2010 19:49:34   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Part One: Genesis

Chapter Four

It was now the night of the full moon. Looking out of her bedroom window, Violet could see part of it beginning to rise above the treetops to join the many stars in the night sky. She turned away from the window long enough to grab the bag packed with food, a change of clothing, and a spell book Abraxas had given her the morning after Lady Kira's second visit. To learn how to defend herself, he'd said when he told her to read and practice its simplest spells.

Violet crouched on the windowsill, holding the sides for balance. Gosh, the ground looks so far down… She thought to herself. The wind gently toyed with her hair while she considered going out the door instead. But no, that was not an option. Her father's door was on the way to the stairs, she couldn't get outside without passing it. And Violet swore that the floorboards in front of his door would creak only when she was trying to sneak past undetected.

She carefully turned to face the wall and stuck her feet out first, slowly climbing down the trellis. The scent of the yellow flowers filled her nose with a sweet smell as she disturbed the plant in her decent, reminding her faintly of lemon mixed with some other unknown scent. Violet remembered Abraxas telling her about this plant, the leaves when dried would ease cramps and stomach pain if brewed into a tea. She paused in her climb down, trying to remember the name of the plant. The names of all the plants and herbs the shaman had drilled into her mind the past few days seemed to dance around her thoughts, confusing her and not betraying what plant they belonged to. Violet shook her head, giving up and continuing down.

"At least I remember what it does." She quietly mumbled to herself as she jumped to the ground. Violet made her way into the forest, her first few steps taken a little shakily. The dark and a little creepy forest would have hardly earned a second glance on a normal night, but heights always made the dark haired woman shiver a little in fear.

Before passing through the tree line, Violet paused and turned back, wishing she could have felt his arms around her one last time. She hadn't even gone out of sight from the house and already she missed the comforting and loving embrace of her father. Abraxas was indeed her father; the lack of blood relation meant nothing to either of them. A bloodline did not define a man, did not say who he was. It was his actions that would speak about his honor and love, or lack thereof.

Violet wiped a small tear of regret from her eyes, drying her hand on her chocolate brown pants, before disappearing into the shadows of the forest. The steady padding of her feet joined the sounds of the early night. She couldn't see her hand in front of her face, the moon had not yet risen high enough over the tree tops to shed its light on the forest floor. But her feet knew this worn path and she continued walking with confidence. Until she tripped over a fallen tree branch in the path. Arms flailing, she fell forward, almost hitting her face in the dirt! Violet stood and brushed the soil from her hands and knees, grumbling a little to herself as she did. She took care to step over the branch in front of her and continued on, though now slower and a little unsteady, now wishing she had a lit torch in her hand to see with.

Violet's mind wandered back to Abraxas. She had decided to leave after all, feeling guilt and regret for causing the boy's unneeded death. The shaman was right, had she known the potential consequences of her actions, Violet would have never taken the plant outside of the areas he had designated as safe. But knowing that did not erase the fact that had it not been for her, the boy would still be alive. Now Abraxas had to waste time training her when he could be making the potions or gathering the needed ingredients himself, ensuring they would be safe for use and not needing to worry or doubt if she had gotten lazy again and taken a shortcut.

Violet felt the ground beneath her feet begin to rise and turned left until she felt it level again. Already at the bend, I am making good time. She thought to herself. The moon was rising, its light softly piercing through the treetops. Not much was coming through, the leaves above blocking most of the pale glow. Still, Violet could now see well enough to recognize the long dark mass in front of her as a second fallen tree limb. The high winds a day or so before had clearly pulled down some tree branches, odd that they were not cleared from the path yet though, Violet mused as she walked around the obstacle. Maybe no one had walked this way since the storm?

A twig snapped. Violet jumped and suppressed a surprised squeal. A shadow moved in front of her, causing the hair on the back of her neck to tickle. She normally was not scared of the night's inhabitants, but the threat from Lady Kira had dwelled in the back of her thoughts despite Abraxas' attempts to quell her fears. "Who's there?" She nervously called.

"Violet?" Came a reply.

Violet relaxed, berating herself for the unneeded fear. "Yea, it's me."

"I thought you said you weren't coming?" The shadow fell in to step beside her friend, Ondine's figure becoming more apparent.

"I changed my mind." Violet replied, not offering an explanation why.

"Well… I'm glad you did." The nervous smile could be heard in her voice, though not seen in the dim lighting. "It will be a lot safer with another person traveling with us, 'specially since you got all that knowledge of plants we can use if one of us gets sick or injured along the way."

Violet winced at the unintentional jab. "I know far less than Abraxas does."

Ondine shrugged, her friend not seeing it. "You know more than I do, at least."

Several minutes passed with Ondine attempting to make conversation, but getting short sentence answers in return to her questions. "Alright. What's on your mind?" She finally demanded.

Violet sighed. "Just nervous about this whole thing." It wasn't a total lie, she was apprehensive about their plan to run. It just wasn't the reason why she was so quiet.

Ondine, feeling the same about their journey, believed her. "Just because we are leaving don't mean we can never come home."

"I thought Theonoe said-"

"I don't care what she said!" Ondine cut in. "I'll not never see my family again. I'll do exactly what she suggested I do when she was trying to convince us to leave. Go somewhere else, make a good bit of gold, and send it back home."

Violet was surprised into silence by the sudden outburst from her normally quiet friend. The blue haired woman had paused for breath, but now continued in a softer, but no less forceful, tone. "Tonight I'm leaving my home. It's falling apart around the heads of my family members, but it is still my home. Theonoe is leaving for good and I don't know about you. But someday, I'm coming back and then I'll never leave home again." Ondine snapped her jaw shut, saying no more.

Violet never responded to her friend's rant, too lost in her own thoughts to voice a reply. Did she ever plan to come home? By the gods, she wanted to. Abraxas would always accept her back with open arms, this she knew. But was her guilt and regret so great, she would be prevented from returning, forever denied the comforting embrace of her father?

"Ow!" A voice pierced the night. "Stupid tree branch." The same voice grumbled. "Are we far enough away now to light a torch?"

"Not yet." A second voice hesitantly answered. A voice Violet recognized as belonging to Theonoe.

"Where are you guys?" Ondine called out.


"Who else has a voice as lovely as me?"

Violet could now see the shadows moving in front of her, two shapes soon emerged from them. One was of average height, the other a good foot shorter. "Who is with you? Violet! You came!" Theonoe quickened her pace and wrapped her arms around the neck of her friend. "I'm so glad you changed your mind!"

Violet smiled weakly, glad her face was still mostly hidden by the night. "Evening, John." She addressed the shorter figure.

"Hi." He replied. John ignored the urge to take his sister's hand for reassurance against the creepy forest. He was the man of this group. He wasn't going to look like a sissy in front of all these girls!

"Are we ready then?" Theonoe questioned.

"I am." Violet answered.

"Yep." Ondine chimed in. She took the lead, knowing this forest well from having hunted it for many years despite her young age. Theonoe followed, her younger brother walking close beside her. After shifting the weight of her backpack, Violet trailed behind them, partly wishing she hadn't brought the thick book with her. She hadn't gone far, but she was already feeling the weight of it.

The walked mostly in silence, Ondine focusing on leading her friends through the forest and the rest of them not wanting to distract her. Violet wished they could have just taken the road, it was doubtful they would be seen this late at night by someone. But Theonoe was paranoid someone would and send word back to her parents, telling them which way she and her brother had fled. As it was, the two siblings and their friends would just disappear without a trace, like the morning mist. Ondine paused at the top of a hill, both to make sure she knew where she was and to catch her breath. Violet recognized this hill; it was just east of the clearing she and her friends usually met.

The moon was shining brightly now, Violet could see faces instead of just the outline of her three companions. She could see that John was getting antsy. "Now can we light the torch?" He pressured.

Theonoe glanced back the way they had come. "No. I can still see the glow of the town from here; they might be able to see us."

"What sane person is awake at this hour?" John grumbled, stifling a yawn.

"That isn't the town," Ondine jumped into the conversation. "The light is too far west and we wouldn't be able to see candlelight or lamps from here anyway. It looks like something is burning."

Violet suddenly felt cold. Abraxas' house was a good walk west of town. Though it was more likely that someone had forgotten to put out their campfire and the trees had caught on fire from stray sparks. Still, she could not fight the churning fear in her belly. Violet ran back down the hill, her bag thumping against her back. She was dimly aware of her friends following her, calling her. She ignored them. By the time she was close enough to smell the smoke; Violet was well winded, her breath coming heavily and her lungs burning painfully. She could now hear the sound of shouting.

Bursting through the tree line, Violet stopped abruptly. Townsfolk, still in their night clothes, had formed a bucket brigade and were hastily trying to save the burning home she'd lived in for many years. Theonoe grabbed her arm, having caught up with her. "Get back before they see you!" She hissed between tired breaths.

Violet shook free, running to the line of people on legs that felt like cooked noodles. "Abraxas! Where is Abraxas!?" She shouted above the roars of the flames and calls of the people for more water. Some glanced at her but didn't respond, either not knowing the answer to her question or thinking that preventing the fire from spreading took priority over breath wasted on explanations. Desperate, Violet grabbed the shirt of a man running past with an armload of more buckets. She pulled him to a stop, causing him to lose part of his carefully balanced load. "Where is my father!?" She demanded to know.

The man turned to look at her, the light of the blazing home illuminating his face. Violet let him go as if it were him on fire and not the home. Of all the people in the town, she had to pick her blood father to question. His chocolate eyes looked down at her with distain. "No one's seen him." He answered, then picked up his dropped buckets and continued on his way, Violet not stopping him this time. She backed up against the old rickety cart Abraxas would sometimes use; she was still tired from the run here and now was also trembling with fear. She stared blankly at the burning home, not blinking when the roof collapsed with a groan, sending flaming debris flying and townsfolk scattering to put them out.

Violet looked over at the side of the cart, something catching her eye. A crudely drawn charging boveox had been painted the worn wood, reminding her of the crest for Lady Kira's house. Numbly, Violet started walking in a random direction. When someone called her name, she broke into a run.

< Message edited by Mritha -- 3/30/2013 13:01:41 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
12/21/2010 13:42:39   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:00:16 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
12/21/2010 13:43:49   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:00:41 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
12/21/2010 13:48:53   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:00:58 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
12/21/2010 13:56:17   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:01:19 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
12/21/2010 14:02:29   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:01:32 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
1/3/2011 21:23:10   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:01:45 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
1/4/2011 17:14:18   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:02:15 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 11
1/6/2011 22:06:08   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:02:26 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 12
3/7/2011 12:52:16   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:02:38 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
3/27/2011 22:25:49   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:02:49 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 14
4/10/2011 14:56:54   
Legendary AdventureGuide!


< Message edited by Mritha -- 9/1/2013 19:03:01 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 15
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