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Those Who Say "No Heal"....

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3/20/2011 17:18:44   
Absolute Truth

For people to say "no heal" is just simply rediculous and ignorant because this is a turn based vs game and so that means that usually who ever goes second in turn wether in 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 has to heal and especially if they are on the weaker team which happens 99% of the time which is another rediculous thing and a whole other subject in it self. Some people may brag about getting wins before with even being second or on the weaker team and I have won in that way also but that isn't the point because that doesn't always happen. So to heal is perfectly normal and it's in our build so it makes sense to heal and again especially if we go second in turn and they did a crit on us even more so. People can discuss this and have all kinds of whacky thinking and words to protest against it, but by what I've said about this then it should no longer be even debatable because I've made it reasonably understandable and agreeable for anyone who has a brain and common sense. So many people are being brainwashed with this "no heal" way of thinking and especially for new and younger players and many more experienced players such as my self suffer losses because of teammates not healing them with this rediculous philosophy. Some may say that the game last too long if people heal but that is a foolish way to think because that means that they would rather lose and forfeit the game just because they have no patients even though they joined a game with the intention of wanting to win. Again this is just rediculous. Lets see what some who protest against this will say even though there is no rational reason for it. (Discuss)
Post #: 1
3/20/2011 17:25:28   

I hate when they say please let me win and playing very slow, that's annoying
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/20/2011 17:34:34   

Off topic: nooo, I thought I was the only 1 with that avatar.
On topic: I just ignore them, though it rarely happens at higher lvls
Epic  Post #: 3
3/20/2011 17:42:05   
Absolute Truth

I am a higher lv also. level 32 fully equipped varium Bouny Hunter but that is besides the point because we still get teammates who think that healing is for so called noobs and cause us to lose the game. So saying to just ignore them is not right either and it's bad enough that most 2 vs 2 matches are uneven matches and when teammates skip their turn or are just very weak players and then to top it off they don't heal us when it would have turned the battle around. These people need to be confronted big time and much of our win loss ratio would be very much different if it wasn't for this kind of silliness. So again to ignore them is just as silly because these people are just wasting our time in 2 vs 2 matches when they are on our team and damaging our record even more. Even if we have a good record, which I do, our record would still be much better.

< Message edited by Absolute Truth -- 3/20/2011 17:44:09 >
Post #: 4
3/20/2011 17:43:32   

I'm not quite sure what am I supposed to protest against,healing or to saying no heal?
And on topic in general,what do you care what does your opponent say to you to do or not do?
Can he make you not heal? Nope.
Will he himself use healing if needed? By my experience,definitely.
You hear that most from people that already know that they have no chance of winning if you heal even once.
Oh yea,and after you heal and win be sure you will get that "noob" at the end. But guess what? Noob won.
Just play your game.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
3/20/2011 17:46:55   
Absolute Truth

Typical, more people not reading what i said or understanding my clear point. I'm mainly talking about when those people are on our team and they don't heal themselves or us when it could have won us the game. They might not say "no Heal" but they still have that brainwashed philosophy and again I'm talking about when they are on Our Team. If they are on the other team then yes of course I don't care what they say and I will ignore them because I'm not going to let them win just because of fear of what they think lol. But different story when those kind of people are on our own team.

< Message edited by Absolute Truth -- 3/20/2011 17:50:52 >
Post #: 6
3/20/2011 17:48:12   

there is 2 type of "No Heal Noob"

1st type : the ones that know to play the game (probably they have +25 lwl characters) and Say "No heal" for get more easy wins but when their hp get down and they understand they will lose , they heal :S

2nd type: the ones see the first type and think Healing is a noobish act and when ppl say No heal they accept.( these players are the new ones and they dont have +25 lwl character)

The 2nd Type Will learn not to say No heal after +25 lwl and 1st Type 's strategy only work in low lwls , in higher Lwls No heal will dissapear


Epic  Post #: 7
3/20/2011 17:51:29   

You cant put battle specific rules in PvP...

So, if someone asks/tells me not to heal.... Im gonna do the opposite. If you need gimmicks to win, PvP isn't always going to be fun.
DF AQW  Post #: 8
3/20/2011 17:53:29   

Usually lower lvls say no heal when they think they can win, but when they say "no heal" they actually give a warning "I will kill you if you don't heal". They would get more wins if they would just shut up instead of saying "no heal". :D


Epic  Post #: 9
3/20/2011 17:58:47   

If they say, "No heal" I say "Then no attacks."

If they don't attack I won't have to heal...simple as that.


Epic  Post #: 10
3/20/2011 17:59:30   


who ever goes second in turn wether in 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1

My apologies for not understanding your awesomely clear point,i'm such a newbie,i didn't know you can have

those people are on our team
in 1v1.
Speaking of clear,a paragraph or two wouldn't kill you in your future lengthy,clear posts.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/20/2011 18:36:51   

I don't mind them at all, I am actually impressed when someone says "no heal" and they ACTUALLY don't heal :P (90% of "no heal"ers break their own rules lol)


{AQW} Click for full guide to the Tower of NEcromancy! Lvs 0-10!!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
3/20/2011 19:18:40   

same old story... spoken before and even before that... I resolved myself into now taunting them to heal.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
3/20/2011 19:20:39   

Really,another one of these stupid topics
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
3/20/2011 19:29:07   
Zean Zapple

Haven't we been over this before?

Move on people will always do it.

Epic  Post #: 15
3/20/2011 19:41:59   

Agreed I am sick of noobs who cause me to lose actually us both to lose.They say they want to win but rather die not being called a healing noob then healing and winning that is just stupid and when they get killed they get called a noob anyway. I am sick of this and absolute truth again people arent listeng this is about what your teamate does NOT about I ignore them or I dont care they are refering to the opponet not the teamate yet we are talking about the opposite people are not listening.

@HelloGuy How is this stupid? Please tell me how it is.
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
3/20/2011 19:44:27   
Zean Zapple

^I can answer that question for ya Lx3, it's stupid because it's a problem that will never be resolved, just fight the way you fight. You don't have to not heal just because someone says not to.

Epic  Post #: 17
3/20/2011 19:53:12   

Hey zean good to see you anyway we mean your teamate not healing you or them.Not aout you not healing because someone says not to this about your silly partner who doesnt wanna be called a healing noob so they dont heal you or them and let you lose and die even when you couldve won that is what we mean.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
3/20/2011 19:54:40   
Zean Zapple

^Oh, that's a different senario. Theres really nothing you can do about it sadly.

Off Topic: Good to see you too

Epic  Post #: 19
3/20/2011 19:59:33   

Off Topic:Yup :)

But yeah that is sad.That is what I realy hate or teamates who just skip a turn because they wanted to.That is just really sad and it is really annoying.
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
3/20/2011 21:23:05   
Absolute Truth

Hi Isaiah, thanks for the support and it always seems to be you who is reading and understanding what I'm saying correctly. We both seem to be on the same page with a lot of topics such as the increased luck more for weaker players and especially when they are about to die thing with blocks, stuns, crits, and deflects which is totally out of control these days. Yes you are right about that I really only mean't when these "no heal" philosophy people are on our team and they don't heal themselves or us and basically choosing to lose rather than heal. But again another big point I was making is when I was talking about that this is a turn based game and that whoever goes second usually has to heal and that is just common sense.

< Message edited by Absolute Truth -- 3/20/2011 21:27:27 >
Post #: 21
3/20/2011 21:25:36   

They say "No heal", I say "No deal".
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 22
3/20/2011 21:34:17   
One Winged Angel1357

i just say try that on an NPC its usally shuts them up and one person i fought later admitted to trying that on an NPC
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 23
3/20/2011 21:52:24   
King FrostLich

This happened to my alt who was lvl 17 facing off with this mage that was lvl 22 and he had no reroute and 48 mana and max plasma bolt, here's what happens:

Mage: No heal
Me: noob *drains 16 mana*
Mage: ....
Me: Wow your really a stuipid noob being defeated by someone 5 lvls lower than you, how weak.

You see, even higher lvls ask my alt not to heal it just mean they're noobs and deserve to simply die.
Epic  Post #: 24
3/20/2011 21:52:55   

@Absolute truth Yup good to see where on the same track.
AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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