Always a Princess
I hope nobody takes it personally that I'm locking up this topic. I'm doing so for the following reasons: 1: The discussion has been done to death. The percent chance to block is a chance based on your dex vs your opponent's dex, and can't go below a certain percent. Blocks sometimes happen, even when your opponent has less dexterity than you have. It happens to all of us, and all of us have been saved by a clutch block. Blocks are actually working as intended, and based on a random number generator- something like this (this is part of a script for a game I'm working on actually, but the enemy's damage is hard-coded, not based on any stats, as is the chance to block, and it's written in JS, modified for Unity, not AS, but the idea is the same): var block : int; var damage : int; function OnTriggerEnter (col : Collider){ var playerStatus : PlayerStatus = col.GetComponent(PlayerStatus); playerStatus.ApplyDamage(damage); block = Mathf.Floor(Random.Range(1,100)); if (block =< 50) { damage ==0; } else if (block => 50){ damage == 3; } } 2: Sometimes non-varium players win. Complaints about this seem like they're nothing but trouble. 3: Strategy discussion probably belongs in the Strategy thread. Battle On! Cinderella