ArchMagus Orodalf
I will assume that you're a Striker build despite your starting items. Weapons: Fire: Still using the L18 Rocking Cisor? Try the Mogline Sword or the Shimmering Axe. Water: Look for the New Hullscuffer in two levels. Wind: While it's true that Strikers should avoid Guns, there aren't any options but for Guns. Get the Chaingun. Ice: Fine. Earth: Energy: Get the Thunderclap Sword. Light: No options until Level 60, I'm afraid: Darkness: Die and ask Death 2.0 for his Baleful Galaxythe. For Battlesuits, Darkseeker X is your best bet until you can get WarpTrooper VI. For Gauntlets, get the Time Gauntlet, Starlight Gauntlet, Fabled Hand of Creation, and Light Nanogauntlet. For Skills/Techs, you're not a Technician, so get just healing/summon spells like Medic V, Call Medidroid, and the like. For pets, just keep getting higher and higher leveled versions of your current pets. Also, for future reference, try using the =WF= Questions and Answers Thread.