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4/24/2011 9:17:08   

i beleive next update is gona be Robot enhacement and the one after it maybe bikes enhancemenets :O do u guys agree with me :P i dont see why the devs wont do it (maybe only robot enhance ) [hope i ddnt just gave out the idea :O ]
Epic  Post #: 1
4/24/2011 9:19:00   

Helmets, then helmet enhancements after all those previous ideas you stated,lol.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/24/2011 9:22:28   

u forgot custom skills
meaning we can use any skill from any other class, and equip it the same way u equip a booster.
u can then enhance the skill to whatever lvl u want via varium.
2k for the skill
and then enhancing it to whatever lvl u want. costs the same as normal enhancements.

*gets hybrid and uses it on BH*
*gets bloodlust and uses it on strength merc*
*get reroute and uses it on str BH*
*gets bloodlust and uses it on heal loop*
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/24/2011 9:32:44   

ahhhhh Stop if theres another enhancement i couldn't take it anymore!


Rogue Ninja
Post #: 4
4/24/2011 9:47:17   

maybe everytime u change class u get 1 extra stat point :O :P
Epic  Post #: 5
4/24/2011 10:04:11   
Deadly PoisoN

I think eventually your bike will grant you enhancements based on it's rarity score or something like that.Basically something that makes the player feel he/she is important and the mere fact that they get to enhance it more than someone else because of how rare it is makes it an honour.Like they did with the beta items just now.

Money hungry isn't even a valid term any more,i'd say they lust after money the same way a young man finds a girl attractive,kinda like that.Lvl 33 items will be released within the next updates,chop chop.But will you find a storyline?Doubt it,cause we all love dueling just randomely,there's no story behind why we're even dueling,heck we just love to smack one another

Who needs a story line?What we need is lvl35 and fast,it's been quite some time that we last had a lvl cap raise and also since we got some new varium enhancements,hurry just a little faster.

< Message edited by Deadly PoisoN -- 4/24/2011 10:07:42 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
4/24/2011 10:05:46   

nah i think my idea was better.
if u get an extra stats every time u class change. people like buffy and dragonwawa would do this a hundred times.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 4/24/2011 10:06:43 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/24/2011 10:19:19   

6 focus maybe
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
4/24/2011 10:26:59   

about the buying skill why not get reroute and smoke arts for merc.. a recharging unblockable support merc.. ooooo ;D


AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/24/2011 10:27:57   

u can only get 1 at a time.
most people will choose passives and max them with enhancements.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
4/24/2011 10:28:13   

all i saw from this last update is the end of non-variums as soon to be known the 1% winning ration players (1% is the wins they got at low lvls ) maybe 5% for New Hope that works hard and does all enhancements other than that i see no future for non variums btw guys did u notice how fast was the banana armor outdated :P lol
Epic  Post #: 11
4/24/2011 10:28:55   

Buying skill?no no no no and no! what's the point of class change now if theres a freaking option to buy a skill?!


Rogue Ninja
Post #: 12
4/24/2011 10:30:44   

well think of it as insult to injury. u use someone else's move against them.
a 125 str/dex Bh with reroute would be a deadly combo.
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/24/2011 10:31:46   

It would be pretty cool to see a support Mage use the Mercenary multi at first glance I love the idea at second I know its going to murder passive varium buyers (Ive only bought 35 dollars in almost 2 years of playing) and at third I'm looking at the floor thinking I better start saving up and doing offers.

As a mage Im unsure wether I would max out shadow arts/hybrid armor/bloodlust all three would make mages oh so deadly :P
Post #: 14
4/24/2011 10:34:52   

well depends on ur build.
if u try a heal loop bloodlust would be better.
if ur 5 focus, get hybrid.
and if ur a BH and u like alot of blocks, buy another shadow arts
and u cant double skill that way BH cant use double BL or SA
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
4/24/2011 10:34:54   

well for the next update im hoping from some reasonable non var armors were not asking for more and maybe some bit of balance issue
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
4/24/2011 10:59:05   

Just imagine non stop looping with Reroute & bloodlust.. god.. the horror... I disagree with ur idea sorry


Rogue Ninja
Post #: 17
4/24/2011 11:03:57   

or support merc with bloodlust in 2 vs 2
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
4/24/2011 11:06:33   

Well, however nice custom skills would be, and how much I would abuse it until I had an unbeatable build, it don't agree with this.

Heh, I'd totally swap Bludgeon or Plasma bolt with Bloodlust. =p Or maybe Hybrid armour. :D
Post #: 19
4/24/2011 11:09:34   

i rather choose more variety of class to use than mixing skills to be OP


Rogue Ninja
Post #: 20
4/24/2011 11:09:56   

u swap it u equip it.
u buy a custom skill in a shop for like 2k varium
then u enhance it (enhancing i mean making it a higher lvl like maxxing it out)
and u equip it thru ur inventory like u would equip a health booster.
it will of couse have its respective cool downs (and energy requirement) if its an attack, and its requirements aswell.
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
4/24/2011 11:11:17   
One Winged Angel1357

helm enhancements has been bounced around since EDF it was an instereing idea but seeing where enhancments are going now no more on anything please
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 22
4/24/2011 11:11:42   

And if its a passive skill? How will you work that out?
Post #: 23
4/24/2011 11:14:17   

if its a passive it will have a requirement. (also add requirement for OTHER class to follow, meaning if im a merc and i want bloodlust it will have a requirement) (and if im a tech mage and i want hybrid i get a requirement aswell)
AQW Epic  Post #: 24
4/24/2011 13:39:18   

Welll if we get skills from other class with varium that would make non-vars even more weak. They are already Up enough. It would be a no contest for non-vars if vars had hybred reroute and bl.I suggest some non var armors and since easter is almost over get some mother days stuff. like a rose staff and a happy mothers day card that explodes. Stuff like that. And i totally disagree with you get 1 extra point every time you change class. If it did happen non-vars would UP even more. I just say for the new release just fix some bugs. Open up some new places. Because the lawmans office or something like that(the elavator right next to lawman)and see whats inside. Dozens of places are blocked off and it seems like its never going to open. The shadow guard in fortune city prevents you to go somewhere. And if you move right or left it doesn't let you pass either. And you need a new place in biodome and west naval yard and overlordfaicility. compare those 3 to bannen outpost and ft and mt. Those places are huge. Just a new Npc but no weps. We had enough. Everywek a new wep with rediculess price and people been complainin. So maby a non-var armor would be nice Speaking of armors I think we should have a armor that lets you do an adtional thing. Like a football armor would let you tackle your oppenents. What do you think?
Post #: 25
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