Deadly PoisoN
I think eventually your bike will grant you enhancements based on it's rarity score or something like that.Basically something that makes the player feel he/she is important and the mere fact that they get to enhance it more than someone else because of how rare it is makes it an honour.Like they did with the beta items just now. Money hungry isn't even a valid term any more,i'd say they lust after money the same way a young man finds a girl attractive,kinda like that.Lvl 33 items will be released within the next updates,chop chop.But will you find a storyline?Doubt it,cause we all love dueling just randomely,there's no story behind why we're even dueling,heck we just love to smack one another Who needs a story line?What we need is lvl35 and fast,it's been quite some time that we last had a lvl cap raise and also since we got some new varium enhancements,hurry just a little faster.
< Message edited by Deadly PoisoN -- 4/24/2011 10:07:42 >