I looked at thus fourm as a whole, and I think the main problem is that the community here has become too focused on the Balancing side of things. Let us look breifly at the other fourms of this place. With the storyline Advancing in Dragonfable, there have been several awesome threads debating on the alligence of NPC's, what evil will occur on Friday 13th, and whena war comes along the atmosphere is usualy quite good and creative. But when all you have in game is numbers like in ED, you become centered on the numbers. I tried to rectify this with a storyline speculation thread, but it only has three posts, two of which are mine and the third saying why balance is important, and is on the second page due to all the balance threads. I feel we need to find a balence between talking about balance and other things like storyline, or it WILL slowly kill ED.