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4/23/2011 11:14:18   

I was recently in a 1vs1 battle with a player I wont mention his name I as always with courtesy said "hi" he simply said "shut up and play the damn game" afterwards he said it was "unfair I had varium and he didn't" (while wearing his Bunny Borg armor) does anybody else feel the new community of Gamma is becoming too offensive and rude I remember in Beta people would have actual conversation during battle and not simply remain quiet as they do now only speaking to discuss battle plans and showing extreme frustration when being partnered up with "noob" partners or having an attack blocked or deflected. What has happened what has led to the change in the Epic Duel community?

Post #: 1
4/23/2011 11:16:01   

The corruption has begun.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/23/2011 11:16:27   

The ED team is too money hungry to do something about it, since these Gamma players are the ones that give 'em the most dollar$.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/23/2011 11:18:31   

^I think your right they dont mind paying payers acting that way since they are the source of income

*to hello guy: Lol I know I sound paranoid but to be honest it has changed over the time period between early beta and gamma I mean honestly before hardly any player treated another like trash. I'm just wondering why.

< Message edited by MistaTechMage -- 4/23/2011 11:19:45 >
Post #: 4
4/23/2011 11:21:41   

Bad releases, high varium cost, OPed stuff and so on... All those things are making people unhappy. :(


Epic  Post #: 5
4/23/2011 11:22:52   

I've been saying this since before they came out in gamma. "Enhacements is to blame for the corruption of the game" think a out it closely. When did all the madness start???? *Cough* Gamma *Cough*
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/23/2011 11:25:23   

^Your probably right on average lv32 the best varium vs best non varium stat mod difference is only 6 or 5 but with enhancements it could be 34-19 which often would occur as a non varium player would require 110,000 credits much more then most can afford even then it would be 27-34 with varium having 7 more stats

I understand its a company and it has cost the standard 995 varium is a nice price for a weapon or armor but why not lower varium enhancements prices by 30%/40% like credits enhancements then again the credit ones don't make income for the company so slashing their cost wouldn't affect their income I just wish the devs would slow the inflation of stats a bit at least a few days back I saw a non varium non seasonal rare player she has only 30 stat modifiers obviously players lie her would be bothered by these updates and lead to an inherent anger to those who has those stat modifiers. I guess the current gap between non varium and varium is a major reason to this problem.

< Message edited by MistaTechMage -- 4/23/2011 11:28:17 >
Post #: 7
4/23/2011 11:26:49   

Percentage of players who called you a 'noob' per stage:

Alpha: Probably 1%, I wasn't an alpha player though.
Beta: 5-11% (December 2009-June 2010)
Gamma: 33%

Yes, the way ED hooks people with their scam-o-bait and gimme-money fishing pole is ridiculous.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
4/23/2011 11:30:36   

^Those are pretty close stats I wasn't around in alpha but it sounded like it had a great community I joined in December of 2009 the beginning of beta and hardly any called anyone a noob now days its just about every few battles is it maybe because ED community has become full of players who consider themselves pro and take the game too seriously? I am a half blood player having half varium half non varium weapons.

I don't mind the stat differences as obviously paying players should get more.

< Message edited by MistaTechMage -- 4/23/2011 11:32:22 >
Post #: 9
4/23/2011 11:35:34   
Fay Beeee


Back to your topic.
There is a bit of an influx atm. We always have had players that are 'Grumpy'

The majority of the community are very nice people. :)


Epic  Post #: 10
4/23/2011 11:37:30   

It's full of people who are at the max lvl with little amount of wins who started in gamma and bought some varium and call you noobs for thinking they are better but they have no experience

< Message edited by helloguy -- 4/23/2011 11:43:42 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
4/23/2011 11:43:36   

I think your both right grumpy players have always been around but it seems more and more of the community is starting to act in a offensive manner some way or another. I don't see why players have to feel or act like they are better then other players its simply silly in my opinion to do so. My question however remains why?

< Message edited by MistaTechMage -- 4/23/2011 11:44:22 >
Post #: 12
4/23/2011 11:49:57   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!


The ED team is too money hungry to do something about it, since these Gamma players are the ones that give 'em the most dollar$.

The Staff can't do anything about rude players or discourteous ones unless they break rules. They can't use some magic powers and make everyone nicer.

And about the Community. It's growing everyday so of course there will be more players calling you noobs or insulting you for no reason. It was lower in Beta because only one server got filled at best. Now in Gamma, 2 servers get fulled often so there's double the people and then some.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/23/2011 12:05:51   

I guess for the community to be nicer its up to itself
Post #: 14
4/23/2011 15:55:13   
Always a Princess

Oh, you got called noob and worse during Alpha. There didn't used to be a restriction on the level character you could fight, so my first battle was against someone I would not have ever encountered if I started to play today.

However, there are things I can do- if I see too many warnings and chat locks on a character, I can permanently disable their chat, so feel free to report untoward behavior.
Post #: 15
4/23/2011 16:12:38   

It cause of robots in game thats just don't care want to hear you. Its best if you wait to other player says hi.
AQ Epic  Post #: 16
4/23/2011 17:48:03   
Liz Vicious

I've made several posts/threads on this very topic over time (several on the old forum so I can't reference them here) And one here on a related topic: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=18890152&mpage=1&key=�

I totally agree with you, In Alpha and beta it was fun with a good sense of community and conversation. Now In and out of battle it isn't. I always used to say hi to everyone during battle but now it's more likely I'll say hello either just to people I know or a player wearing Founder armor or using a weapon that's been around for awhile or since beta because being old players too there more likely to say hello back. Sad but true. I simply got jaded from saying hello and getting either silence or rudeness. It's a real shame.
Post #: 17
4/23/2011 17:54:11   
Shadow Jester

If i meet a unhappy figure... I try to cheer it up ... EX: my puppy was crying.... I cheered him up with a belly rub..

EX IN game: This guy called me a noob...then i asked what is wrong then later one in the battle he said sorry
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
4/23/2011 18:00:18   

It's just that bad lately. After Beta 6 months the game was still very nice
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 19
4/23/2011 18:17:16   

The new community is ignorant and somewhat disrespectful. I am certainly not saying all of the gamma players but from what I can see we have gathered an unwanted and uncalled for element in our community.

Elf Priest Jzaanu is one of the nicest community leaders who is always trying to think of ways to improve it but we need about 5,000 of her to help fix it. She is one of the most patient players I have known in the community.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 20
4/23/2011 18:21:20   

Some guy just called me a noob on my alt because I don't have any maxed out attacks... lol
Epic  Post #: 21
4/23/2011 18:35:57   

Just yesterday, some guy started the battle with "this will be easy". Now, he was level 31 (I was 26 at the time) with full varium (eggzooka, some weird sword I cant remember the name of) etc... I respond with "Hey to you too" and he goes "shutup, your weak" before, well, proceeding to kill me, expectedly. He was in a league above me (5 levels higher, awesome stuff) and he just acts.. obnoxious. He had no right to act obnoxious.

I wish there a 'chat off' button, so I couldn't see what they said. I also hate the ungracious losers, I generally say 'good fight :)', NOT gg or bye or bb, but good fight :) as a sign of respect. People who abuse me as they see their inevitable death with 'noob' or 'luck!!!' (in some cases the 'luck!!!' may be justified..). Same with healing, healing is a valuable tactic and it works for me, but when someones says 'no heal' because they, to be blunt, see that if I heal I will WIN, will follow with insults.

Long story short; games are meant for fun and if you take it seriously enough you insult someone for no justified reason, you should stop playing.


HS #1
[link=http://www.herosmash.com/hs-character.asp?id=xyres]HS #2
Post #: 22
4/23/2011 18:59:13   
Fay Beeee

I couldnt agree more and I think she would make an excellent mod.

Elf Priest Jzaanu is one of the nicest community leaders who is always trying to think of ways to improve it but we need about 5,000 of her to help fix it. She is one of the most patient players I have known in the community.

The game would be brilliant with more people like her. :)
Epic  Post #: 23
4/23/2011 19:08:28   
Liz Vicious

I'm sure (I hope) that the experiences mentioned by myself and others are arguably In the minority. But I see an increasing amount of threads/posts based around this experience. Now this is either because people have begun to create more threads based on this subject or unpleasantness Isn't as minor as it was. Something after all has created these topics and arguably that must be an Increasing amount of unpleasant players? I play for fun after work as a wind down or during a spare hour during the weekend. The emphasis being 'for fun' but I really shouldn't be logging out because of a constant amount of attitude from a chat bubble over the either. I'm not effected by it, I'm an adult but, It's just off putting and I can gleam far more Interactive please from talking to a friend on facebook before making my dinner so sadly, I find myself doing that more often now then playing this game.
Post #: 24
4/23/2011 19:14:45   

nothing won't change ,its up to you guys to stop say hi or anything as long you guys keep use robots on players don't have then nothing will change.
AQ Epic  Post #: 25
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