Just yesterday, some guy started the battle with "this will be easy". Now, he was level 31 (I was 26 at the time) with full varium (eggzooka, some weird sword I cant remember the name of) etc... I respond with "Hey to you too" and he goes "shutup, your weak" before, well, proceeding to kill me, expectedly. He was in a league above me (5 levels higher, awesome stuff) and he just acts.. obnoxious. He had no right to act obnoxious. I wish there a 'chat off' button, so I couldn't see what they said. I also hate the ungracious losers, I generally say 'good fight :)', NOT gg or bye or bb, but good fight :) as a sign of respect. People who abuse me as they see their inevitable death with 'noob' or 'luck!!!' (in some cases the 'luck!!!' may be justified..). Same with healing, healing is a valuable tactic and it works for me, but when someones says 'no heal' because they, to be blunt, see that if I heal I will WIN, will follow with insults. Long story short; games are meant for fun and if you take it seriously enough you insult someone for no justified reason, you should stop playing.
HS #1 [link=]HS #2