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4/28/2011 9:53:35   
Silent Scream

Would a Surrender button be usefull in Epic Duel?

There are some fights.. that just drag out for a very long time, especially now we have Level 33

I myself am Level 32, about 3k away from Leveling up and i find that when i fight most Level 33's the fights take forever and against some people (Not Many) i already know that im going to lose.. because either my build just doesnt work against them personally or they have a high lvl shield that leaves me doing little damage

I am not in favour of giving up on a fight, i'll fight untill i cant fight anymore.. and then i'll even use boosters if its worth it

But.. there are some times when a Surrender option would be good, such as after buying an XP booster and you dont want this fight to drag on and be a waste of the booster.. or during power hour.. or maybe you only have a couple hours to play today

I think that a Surrender option would be a good idea

What say yee?

- Silent
Epic  Post #: 1
4/28/2011 10:38:57   

surrender button=f5
Post #: 2
4/28/2011 11:08:57   

AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/28/2011 11:18:48   
Silent Scream

Lol Yes..

F5 does do the trick by refreshing the page.. but then it leaves you having to login again and can be time consuming especially when you find the epic server full now and Exile with a handfull of players making it take longer to even find a battle..

A Surrender button should be there as an option.. just like when we had to refresh the page to logout or change servers, the logout button was added

Its not 100% the same thing.. but its in the same line of thought

- Silent
Epic  Post #: 4
4/28/2011 11:22:08   

Surrender button would be pretty much be like the old exit button...


Epic  Post #: 5
4/28/2011 11:24:07   

I miss the old run button
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/28/2011 11:54:55   

We had one such option to run away but for some reason the dev's took it out without even explaining why.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 7
4/28/2011 12:33:39   

@RKC They did explain why. They took it away because it was abused so much in 2v2 there were more matches in 2v2 with 2 or 3 people than there were with 4.

I'd like that, would make battles with lower levels a lot quicker. =P
Post #: 8
4/28/2011 12:36:05   

then put only on 1v1 battles
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 9
4/28/2011 14:08:03   

The trouble with the run button in 1v1 was that faction members would abuse it by giving out free wins to their fellow teammates. It had a 5 run limit then it would boot you for a period of time but that still didn't stop players. They would run 4 times then fight one battle to clear the run count and start the nonsense over. If you want to know why a particular feature would have been removed, the answer is usually player abuse.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
4/28/2011 14:20:45   

But there's a battle captcha now
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
4/28/2011 14:21:04   

and it would happen to much in game and my stats would suffer over in 2vs2 match.
AQ Epic  Post #: 12
4/28/2011 15:11:36   

There used to be a flee button (quit) like in 2v2.. but it was removed due to player swapping.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/28/2011 15:43:25   
Light Stridr

Simple. Limit its use to 5 times per hour, regardless of whether you refresh or attempt to break the chain in some way.
And only allow it for 1v1.
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
4/28/2011 15:46:37   
ED Prince of Shadows

You could do: Change server. But that would take a little longer :)


AQW Epic  Post #: 15
4/28/2011 17:04:39   
The UnleaShedWolfZ


Surrender button would be pretty much be like the old exit button...

Yeah But The Old One Just Kicks You Out Of The Game Remember xD ?
I Didn't Know If It Was Fixed , Cz I Was Afraid Every Time I Wanted To Click It , and Wasn't So Mush On Forums.

Gd Idea BTW , Its Like The Old Surrender Button "Exit" Yes..
Epic  Post #: 16
4/28/2011 17:10:04   
Tiago X

Woldn't work. It wold be spammed way to much.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
4/28/2011 17:12:57   

Make the rewards after the battle only half of what they would have gotten for a victory.


I am Gold, for I am many.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
4/28/2011 17:14:20   


then put only on 1v1 battles

then people will use that as way cheat.
AQ Epic  Post #: 19
4/28/2011 17:29:18   

Maybe if they only added the option after say, 5 or 6 turns? That way people cant spam it for wins nearly as fast but still if you just don't want to carry on a tediously long battle. Like if you are fighting with somebody you know you cant beat but he has all weapons with energy and you have super high resistance etc.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
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