aramcho213! For a strength Mercenary, you can use physical or energy. Currently, energy is what we see normally with a physical gun, but you can also do physical primary and energy gun which works pretty well too. If you are planning on going strength mercenary, you need to know that you will lose alot to random "Noobs" and beat "Pros". It is for fast kills and low ratio about 85%+ with npcs. Techmages on the other hand, are good with energy and primary. For support mages, the best weapon combo is Physical primary, energy gun, and energy aux. Mage is very flexible and you can do anything you want as long as you have fun and you are happy. :) Bounty hunters are good with a physical primary and a strength build with an energy gun. Very fast wins though merc is a little faster, but bounty hunter is faster win ratio. I hope this helped! PM me for future assistance if needed. :)
< Message edited by Deimos... -- 5/11/2011 21:03:49 >