Welcome back to the Dragons Nest Many of you may remember how we started off recoloring the popular aqw item, The baby dragon.
Do to real life problems my self and the co owner of this shop decided to close down and start back up when the time was right.
Now the dragons nest is back but not as a single items recolor shop
but as a do it all re color shop! So welcome to the dragons nest where if you can dream in we can make it; in any color.
here are some examples:
http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/4470/chronodragon.png http://i53.tinypic.com/25k6a09.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/2nulx0p.png http://i54.tinypic.com/k2e2k5.png http://i51.tinypic.com/30hszso.png http://i56.tinypic.com/2vtxsuf.png http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab168/G_Man_007/doomfire-1-1.png http://i52.tinypic.com/11kjwyc.png http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8370/chaosshaper.png http://i51.tinypic.com/10ykwgo.gif
Requests, oh glorious Requests Custom Dragon theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire:
color of dragon's skin:
Maker :
Color of eye:
color of claws:
color of horns:
color of armor (if any):
other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: describe what you want
Personal Message when done?:
Custom Re-Color Time in need of re-color:
Base color:
Trim color:
Accessory color:
any other colors we should know about:
other (anything you want added, go crazy):
Personal Message when done?:
Flash once your requests are finished you can have Aztek flash it or clean up in details
We can also fix any other art piece you may have.
Art price:
Changes need:
other details:
personal message when done?:
Hiring: Both myself and G man have the power to Hirer new workers. If you want to join GRATE! We welcome all kinds and new ideas with open arms. Simply fill out the form below.
Program (all types welcome):
skills (what do you want to do):
active level 1-10:
Staff: snake the red ( founder/ co-owner) very active
G man( co-owner) very active
Aztek(expert flash worker) active
< Message edited by SNAKE THE RED -- 8/6/2011 23:00:47 >