Okay, this is my first topic here in GD and it won't be another moan about some class or whatsoever. Yesterday as everyone has seen, we had quite.. early release of the shop which resulted in flaming on Forum. Also seeing how quickly it ran out, angered some people because difference of even a minute made a bit difference between "X left" and "Sold Out!".. I spoke on IRC yesterday with Ashari how many of each there were, and there were 175 version of Male * 2 (P and E) and 125 version of Female * 2 (P and E). Why? Because there is noticeably less Female characters in game than Male. Point is, ratio of Male to Female Armors should be at least 2.5:1 because seeing how long Female versions lasted (about 4-5 hours AFAIK) and Male only being here for literally minutes.. Another issue is getting right timing of the LQS - in the evening EST, it's too late for European players (including myself; not a problem but it's usually at least past midnight in UK) - here comes another suggestion which was mentioned by one of the members which is making a pool for community to show when they are available to play. This enables ED Staff to find at least good time for the release! I also thought of LQS twice during the day, so in this case it could please both sides of the world because they would have bigger chance of getting their item instead of staying up or be unhappy about release time. Last idea about LQS would be being able to get one item of each (so you can't get 10 of the same Armors, just one of P and you can get E but that's it then. Lastly there was idea of LTS (Limited Time Shop) to be made instead of LQS. While AQW and DF started to do it, I find it really good idea to do for let's say 24 hours! Anyone can get it at anytime, won't run out of stock and will please everyone. Although if idea won't get through, we should get higher quantity of items in LQS because ED is getting bigger and has more players so with time, it will be too small for anyone to get their desired item. Look at AQW, they have more players but their items usually have thousands in stock, not hundreds like in ED. I would like some feedback on this from people and possibly one of the Staff member so we can at least have some information from them if it will ever happen in ED. DiscussiOn! Edit: Added MrBones' idea about being able to get just 1 quantity of each.
< Message edited by Trans -- 7/30/2011 7:32:00 >