Silver Sky Magician
There is no inherent 'purpose' or 'direction' in EpicDuel; the aim is merely to level up till level 33, and win for the sake of winning. AQW is quest-based and storyline-oriented, and monsters often have drops; there are multiple targets in AQW, which make the game attractive and fun. Furthermore in AQW, gameplay is easy; you can just enjoy the storyline, and once you are assimilated well enough in AQW, enjoy quests and attaining drop items. In ED, the odds are very good that you get beaten badly in your first battle; not a particularly encouraging way to start. Furthermore, as I said, the only real enjoyment in ED is battling; which many younger players do not have the skill or experience to do well or even enjoyably. Lack of advertising is another important factor; I have not seen ED advertisements even in AE Ballyhoo ads; hopefully this is duly addressed.