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8/19/2011 23:30:27   
Zean Zapple

The EpicDuel General Discussion forum has some major flaws that need attending to. I am not here to troll, flame, bicker, riot, or nag anyone, but to present the way I feel about how the EpicDuel General Discussion forum doesn't live up to my needs and expectations. I also have a bit to say about the "merge".

As we all know this is not the EpicDuel Forums and it will never be. This is the Artix Entertainment Forum and it will always be that. But the problem with those two statements is that the EpicDuel Forums and the Artix Entertainment Forum were supposed to merge. Now by definition merge means "to combine, blend, or unite gradually so as to blur the individuality or individual identity of", and the Artix Entertainment Forum has remained, in my humbly human eyes exactly the same as before. So in reality the two forums did not merge, and therefore it cannot be consider a merge. The two forums are two completely different and separate entities.

Since the “merge” Factions have been gypped. The Recruitment section is just plain awful. A faction that is trying to get itself established, has to post a recruitment thread in the recruitment section which is a no-reply section. Not being able to discuss the faction and use friendliness to entice users to join, puts new factions and the growth of the community in a serious rut. The EpicDuel Factions section isn’t placed properly at all! The EpicDuel Factions section should be located with the other EpicDuel sections, not apart from them. This just makes it even harder to advertise your faction to newer players.

It was stated prior to the closing of the EpicDuel Forums that the Artix Entertainment Forum would try to make the EpicDuel Forums users feel just as at home as they did on the EpicDuel Forums. So far I have yet to see this happen. The rules are very strict and at times it feels hard to lay an idea on the table, or get a party started with it's own thread for discussing it, or creating a thread to say something good that happened to you, to bring the mood of the forums up.

The flaming in the EpicDuel General Discussion section shouldn't be tolerated any longer. Flaming, trolling, or anything else should warrant a ban to weed out the trouble makers and rebuild the staff to user bonds. If we could possibly accomplish this, then it would lead the way for the biggest house warming party in history. The players would rejoice at new found freedoms, and the staff could sit back and relax for a change. I understand that this takes time, and I am willing to cooperate and wait.

To improve the EpicDuel section of the Artix Entertainment Forum the following actions should be taken:

- Allow discussion of suggestions
- Rid the forums of =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread
- Add a reporting section, where reports can be posted
- Rid the forums of the =ED= Congratulations Thread (already done, well done guys)

The EpicDuel section of the Artix Entertainment Forum needs some serious work, but I am willing to wait and cooperate as long as I still have faith in the Artix Entertainment Staff.

< Message edited by Zean Zapple -- 8/19/2011 23:31:15 >
Epic  Post #: 1
8/20/2011 5:26:50   
The Forgotten
Exquisitely pathological

There are already numerous threads on this issue. Forum mods and admins are considering changes, but it is likely to take some while before any major ones are implemented.
AQ AQW  Post #: 2
8/22/2011 20:21:05   
Stand Back

I don't consider this the same issue at all. I can see how the Forgotten would, but I'd be interested in seeing a discussion on how to improve ED in terms of the Factions forum, which is currently located in the CHG section of the forum.

If I have this right, ZZ, you'd like to see those CHG forums located within their game's category?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/22/2011 23:06:27   
Zean Zapple

Circe! I missed you! And yes that is exactly what I was aiming for.

Epic  Post #: 4
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