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(HS) The story of the minor god, Velmur (Not done)

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5/28/2011 0:35:52   

Commentary goes here.

Story rated PG13 for a teensy weensy bit of swearing.


Guinea woke up. There was sleep under his eyes, and he felt bored as ever. What kind of monsters was he supposed to fight today? It was AQW time, and he was really tired of the same old fighting. He got out of his old, dirty bed, banging his head on a cob-webbed covered ceiling. As he walked out the door, he looked down. And there, sitting in the doorway, was a baby.
Velmur scoffed. He hated just sitting in class, waiting for something interesting to happen, instead of just some stupid math test. Life as he knew it was boring, and he hated every moment of his repetitive, weakling life. He thrust his pencil into the paper, making a clean answer to a question in math. School was too easy for him. He didn't think for the answers, just simply wrote them down and impossibly got them right. People called him a genius, but he just thought of himself as boring. He walked up to the teacher's desk, head down, black hood covering his annoying, long, wavy hair. He handed the mere piece of paper to her, and started dragging his heels back to his desk. He looked up just in time--- to see a bullet whizzing right for his face.
"He's waking up! He's waking up!"
"Nah, he's dead, hopeless."
"I REALLY hope he isn't dead!"
Velmur groaned, pain flowing through him like a wildfire. His eyes tried to flitter open, but when he tried, pain seared them back down. He tried again opening his eyes, this time succeeding with a dangerously painful thrust of his eye lids. He looked around, seeing some of his good old friends. Jae, Chaos, Ancient, just to name a few. He tried sitting up, but the pain sent him back into un-consciousness.
This time, Velmur didn't wake up. Well, I guess in a way he did. When he finally came to his senses, he found himself in a strange world, a world where everyone's bodies were transparent.
I'm... dead. I died. Wow. He thought. He took another glance around, hoping to see his dreams coming true. Instead, he found himself in a thickly packed forest, full of strange, oddly shaped trees. He walked towards one, and started to climb it to find his way to anywhere where he wasn't lost, outside of the forest. When he finally shimmied up the tree, he noticed there was nothing around it. He sighed deeply as he jumped down the tree, landing perfectly on his his padded feet. Then he heard a deep, booming voice that shook everything around him.
"Uh, yes?" Velmur stammered back, startled by the sudden change in peace.
"I'm Thanthoses, the Great God of Water. I will give you another chance at life. I find you worthy of becoming our next god, so you will become the minor god of Peace."
"Th-Thankyou, sir. I will be most honored to spread peace unto the land.

So now, Velmur wanders the lands of Super City, filling the land with peace, and quickly ending wars and killing things that break the peace whenever he can. He's a good character, and his appear looks like this.

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 9/25/2011 2:20:18 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/30/2011 23:17:40   

Chapter One. Curiosity killed the... Velmur?

I awoken with a sharp start. Pain flowed through me, causing me to gasp and almost pass out again. I saw my friends, saying the exact things they did when I awoken the first time.
"This seems a little weird,"I thought. "This happened before!" And that's when I realized it. Instead of seeing the past flash before I died, I saw the future. But hey, this was a good sign of possibly some mental powers coming, if a minor as young as me already saw into the future... But what now? I knew not to try sitting up. I'd just pass out again. Instead, I groaned to tell everyone I was awake.
"Wah? He's awake!" Jae announced with an excited squeak. She threw her hands up in the air and smiled. "I knew you could make it."
War Pro regarded me with a cool smirk. "So you survived after all. Maybe you'll be of some use."
David Blitz sighed. "Don't tell him now War Pro. He's still weak. We don't even know if he'll do it. Besides, he looks different. His hair turned blue.."
Jae looked at me quickly. "You're right. His skin became really pale too. What happened, did a vampire attack him?"
I wasn't sure what to think. They were all paying so much attention to me, it was hard to believe. After all, I was the runt who had no powers and was addicted to listening to worthless pop songs all day.
I heard the door open,then painfully lifted my eyelids to see a relieved Blackshock leaning over me. "You're alive!" He said, surprised. "The bullet lodged right into your brain, which would’ve killed you. But instead, it just... healed. By itself."
That gave me something to think about over the next two days while they kept me for medical testing. I thought about what I was supposed to do as a god, and what the future would hold.
When I finally got released from the hospital, I looked in the mirror hanging from the door in my room at home. And boy did I look different. Messy dark blue hair, pale skin, squinted eyes, a strange radiating feeling just kind of coming out of me. I felt stronger than I ever had before, and I LOVED it. I noticed that I seemed to look a lot like Thanthoses, then came to the conclusion that after Thanthoses made me a god, he must have rubbed some of his looks onto me. I really wondered why he had picked me, though, to become a god, out of all the other lost souls out there. There were many others who didn't have powers, like me. Also, what were my Godly powers supposed to be like?
To figure it out, the next day I went up to the deadly subway tunnels to find a fight. After walking around for about twenty minutes, totally freaked out, I finally stumbled upon a hideous looking slob. It's body was covered in slime, oozing out from who-knows-where. I brought out a ray gun I had bough a few days ago, and shot. But I couldn't just shoot, power suddenly flowed through me as I shot mental attack after mental attack at the thing. And, soon enough, the thing was down, oozing even more gross, green slime.
I smiled, feeling powerful, then thought a pretty stupid thought. I thought I could take on Mama Chud. I rushed around, using my new mental powers to find the strongest mind in the tunnels. Sure enough, it led to Mama Chud. She was hideous looking, too hideous to even explain. All I knew was to wipe that thing out before any more blood was stained on the subway floor. I attacked with a clean kick, then a mental ray, but they both seemed to do nothing other than get me stuck inside her oozing skin. She raised both her hands high in the air... then brought them down right on me.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 6/4/2011 11:12:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
6/4/2011 0:56:25   

Chapter 2: Stronger than we thought.

But they never hit me. I, surprisingly, saw into the future again, seeing her arms coming. I dodged that, and then, Turned my body into a flexible steel.
“Holy crap. I can turn to STEEL!?”
I used a move I loved to call horror, sending the beast's worst creatures into her mind. She pulled back in pain, and I hit her with a mental ray while weakened. Weak and defeated, she fell to the ground... only to come right back and punch me while I was in-flight. I flew across the room, and heard a sickening crack as my head hit the wall. I fell down, feeling weak, and tried to stand up. The monster spit at me, a dark green acid capable of melting my bones. I sighed, waiting for my death... until an extremely strong energy washed over me, causing light to flash out of my body. The light not only blinded the creature, but killed her as well. She stumbled down the disgusting, blood-stained floor. She was finally killed. I smiled happily, then stumbled out of the subways, satisfied with the day's work.
I stumbled home, exhausted. When my mom saw me, limping in my house, covered in blood from head-to-toe, she attempted to call an ambulance. I stopped her, showing her yet another of my new abilities. Quick healing. She put the phone down and said, quietly,
“Velmur, what's with you? Did you fight? Oh my god, are you grey!?” She asked, “Wow... what defeated you so bad?”
I explained her the whole Mama Chud scene, and she followed by nodding her head indicating she was listening. When I finished, she found the best way to respond was with nothing at all. She just walked up to bed.
The thing about me, is that I never dream. But BOY did I dream this time. I saw in all his greatness, Thanthoses, standing before me in a marvelous marble palace under the sea. He gave me a sharp look, then said,
“Velmur. I've heard you defeated the Mama Chud. She was one of the most strongest, hideous looking monsters on Lore. So, I think you may be ready for your first enemy. You see, there's a big threat to Lore, to the gods, to everything. And his name is Ancient Darkness, the Dark Lord. He's been hiding out, waiting for his time to call upon the shadows while everyone is busy with a war, and get em' when they're weak, so then he can take over man-kind and turn them all into darklings. What really sucks is, he has regeneration, so he can always come back to life when he wishes. You'll have to purify his soul to defeat him. Do you think you're worthy of the task?”
“Yes sir,” I said, nervously.
“Very well. What I want you to do first is spy on him. Find out what he's doing, what he's planning. If you get enough info, we could find some info, which will hopefully be enough to create a purification weapon,” He smiled. “Good luck Velmur, I'm glad I picked you for the god of Peace. Once you defeat at least two villains that strike a major threat to man-kind, I will gladly make you a full-fledged god. Now, off with you.”
“Thank you s-sir.” I stammered.
When I finally awoken, sweat beads dripped down my neck, yet I was cold. I knew what to do.
I snuck out of the house at around 4:00 A.M, then headed for where I heard Ancient Darkness lived. The Shadow Dimension. I sighed, wondering how the heck I was supposed to defeat this guy, and a guy that could be either stronger or the same amount of power. I didn't want to think about it, and I tried to hype myself up.
Yay, I thought, I have powers. Remember, I didn't have powers before. You're just scared because it's your first villain.
With high hopes and a heavy heart, I headed for the Shadow Dimension, where I just knew my death was waiting for me on a silver platter.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 6/9/2011 6:48:15 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
6/9/2011 6:46:51   

Chapter 3: Rise of the Dark Lord.

The thing I learned along the way to the portals, which was conveniently located right on the northern edge of Super City, was that my powers had no end. After killing a pack of slobs, I almost passed out. So, my powers have no end, but my body does. If I use powers stronger than my body can handle, it'll tear me apart. So I figured it'd be pretty hard defeating Ancient Darkness.
When I finally reached the portal to the shadow dimension, I sighed in horror. It was basically a giant, black, blood covered portal that was just waiting to eat me up alive. The thing looked like it was from hell. It scared my pants off. But I had to do it, I had to become a real god. So, I stepped into it.

Every fear/horrible experience from my life flashed over me. My death, the twisted, evil trees in the void, the kid that stole my lollipop then smashed it. A chilling cold washed over me, making me feel like I was frozen. I knew I was dying... but I had to stay alive. Trying to block the bad images from coming into my mind, I screamed into the air, “I WILL BE STRONG!”

When I awoken, I saw nothing. I thought I was dead. I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead...
There was still dark everywhere, but I was able to illuminate it with the little bit of light powers I have.
Now that I was able to see, I checked out where I was. I was in a dark forest, it looked like, with black trees and black bushes. I saw wicked-looking red berries hanging loosely on the trees like deadly monkeys, waiting for someone to touch them so they could kill em'. There was a big darkened building in front of me, looking like an office building.
I looked in the window, and as dark as it was, was able to see a screen showing something. I read it slowly and silently, taking it all in while trying not to panic.

Target 1: Velmur Litegrove.
Race: God
Powers: Psychic, light, darkness, water.
Origin: Lore, Super City.
Current status: Lives at home in Super City, training as a god.
Weakness: Darkness/fire
Main objective: To bring Peace to the world.

Then I heard laughter. Of course.
“Finally! A weakened God to kill and take the powers of! With this god's powers, I can become the king of the Shadow People! I'll control armies, then TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! WAHAHA!!!.... Wait.”
He heard and so did I. A teeny alarm going off. I checked the screen again, and, un-surprisingly, it said, “INTRUDER ALERT!! INTRUDER ALERT!”
“Looks like we got company, eh?” Ancient Darkness sneered. He stalked over to the bush I was under, and then grabbed me up by the throat. Still holding my ball of light, I brought it down on his head.
“WHA..!?” He screamed, “You'll PAY FOR THAT!!” He made a ball of his own. A darkness ball. Which I read was my weakness. I ducked as he hurled it at me, then stroked him with a quick kick to the side.
“Ow! You little PEST! I'm getting THIS OVER WITH!!!” He screamed as black fire streamed out from around him, coming towards me.
“NOO!” Thanthoses screamed as he appeared out of thin air, right in front of the fire, the fire engulfing him. As the fire ate at him, alive, Ancient Darkness laughed, a cold cruel laugh. I screamed, trying to get him to stop, then realized I was free. I Grabbed onto Ancient Darkness with my mind in anger, bringing him down at least twelve times before he finally got free. But it didn't matter. Now, the fire was coming back to Ancient Darkness, holding the great god's essence inside of it's fiery flame.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 6/29/2011 12:22:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
6/19/2011 0:00:25   

Chapter 4: The clowns come to town!

I fell to the ground, tears gushing out. I knew that I couldn't continue as a god, not without the one person who made me one. Now, this dark lord or whatever this freak wanted to be called was going to kill me, and there was nothing to do about it.
Except fight, of course.
I threw my ray gun down. I didn't need a stupid gun to defeat this freak. I was so angry I floated off the ground, feeling my feet lightly lift off. How I was supposed to defeat him in jeans and a hoodie, without any super suit, I didn't know. I knew one thing, and one thing only.
I was going to avenge my mentor.
Heightening my mental powers to perform a psychic punch, I barely dented Ancient Darkness's perfect little dark-lordy suit. God, he was annoying. As he threw a black orb at me, cackling evilly at the top of his shadow-lungs, I pounced off the ground, avoiding the orb by a long shot. Laughing in my own way, I hit him with a small round of fire.
“OWWW!!!” He screamed. While he was stunned, I threw a ball of... light!? At him, hearing him scream, “NOO!!! I cannot die. You lose. You can only stun me! WAHAHA!!!”
And with that... he poofed away, a dark ball of darkness engulfing him.
Well... what went with me to bring the light out? Having a darkness or evil nearby. It brings out the light of me to defeat them, or stun them. I knew that Ancient Darkness wasn't gone, but I did know it was time to find a new mentor.


Walking up the great stairs to Olympus, feeling light as a feather, yet heavy as an anvil at the same time, I smiled nervously at each minor and great god that passed by. The whole place light, the stairs made of clouds, I felt like I was in Heaven. When I finally got to the top of the cloud stairs, I sighed, staring. There was a giant stone building, lying there, half the wall gone.

“We're under attack!” I saw someone scream. He had a lightning bolt in his hand and a shield clasped tightly in his left hand. Zeus. I looked over to see a ton of clowns jump at him, covering him in a bunch of annoying looking purple-faced Clowns.
“Let's turn that frown UPSIDE-DOWN!” One screamed, bringing out a knife to cut Zeus's throat. Zeus, screaming, pulled his bolt over his head, striking all the clowns with streaks of lightning.

Sighing, he said, looking at me, “Fight, Soldier!” When he noticed what I was wearing, he frowned. “The newbie,” he muttered, “Now I have to get him armor. My gods, why do we need a Peace god?”
Zeus ran into a room, then came back with a pretty sweet looking armor. Gauntlets were included, as well as ankle and arm braces. It had a big white orb in the middle.
“Velmur, here. TAKE IT!” He sighed, again. “The armor and gauntlets should add to your power. Cool, it looks good with your hat and headphones. The armor will change colors depending on what you want to look like. I can't get you a weapon right now, just use the ray-gun. Now, let's bring Peace back to Olympus!” He cried as he swung his bolt at a Clown. The clown shrieked quickly before it turned to black soot, “YOU WON'T RUIN OUR GAME, THE GAME CANNOT END! THE JOKE'S ON YOU! WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!”

Smiling, I turned to see a clown who seemed to stick out from the others. Crying out, he hit me with a pole with a hooked claw on the end, grabbing me inside it. “WAHAHA!!! GUYS, LET'S GET OUT!!! I GOT THE PEACE GOD! THIS JESTER HAS JUST GOTTEN A GOD!”

I sighed. This creep clown, who was apparently some annoying jester, had just kidnapped me. Where was a Sheriff Velmur when you needed one? I sighed, from being annoyed, scared, and, well, angry. The clown turned around, a whip now in his god-awful hands.
“SHUT UP!” He cried, whipping me. Ichor splattered the floor, the sweet golden blood of the gods. My Ichor, of course.
“Hmm, I've only seen that blood once before. WHEN I KILLED THAT ANNOYANCE POSEIDON!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

Getting thrown into a carnival wagon isn't fun, even if I wasn't kidnapped by a rabid clown. I wasn't sure if he was going to kill me on the spot, right when we got to his who-knows-where carnival. Clowns were patrolling the back of the giant wagon, watching my every breath. I knew I couldn't get out without trying, and the clown had taken my gun. I did the one thing I could do.

I knew Clown the Jester was up front, driving the wagon, probably anxiously waiting till we got to his carnival spot so he could murder me. Using my new mental god powers, I struck him with a horrible thought, using my ability horror. Surprisingly, I couldn't find a nightmare to send to the Clown.
No nightmares, eh? I thought. I'll just attack him with a mental ray.
Sending a mental ray at him, trying to invade his mind, I focused on his one huge brain. Tears ran down my eyes, his brain was too strong. Now his brain was taking over mine. I thought one thing as he knocked me out with his one complex mind, Peace will never come to this world. Not without me.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 6/19/2011 17:49:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
6/21/2011 10:09:57   

Chapter 5: Lights, Camera, Murder.

When I finally awoken, I had a burning head-ache. It took me several minutes to push aside the pain to figure out where I was.

I looked around. Then I realized: I was at a carnival. People walked by, flailing stuffed animals and candy in their arms. A kid, who looked around the age of ten, un-wrapped a piece of cotton candy. Reaching it into his mouth, I screamed as loud as I could.

“NO! KID DON'T EAT THAT!!!” I cried, leaping at him. Pain flowed through me, stunning me. I hit the ground with a big thud, while the kid stared at me with a weird look.

Looking around, I noticed no clowns. I was just sitting on a sidewalk. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Guess I was dreaming, because my vision blurred for a second, then came back into view. I was on a stage now. Looking around, I saw a sign.

Minor God of Peace
Watch him try to bring Peace to a dragon.

I sighed, then looked to my left. And there was that dragon. Of course, and I was fenced in. People gathered around huge wire fences, waiting to see this God get eaten. And I didn't even have my gun. Sighing, I lay down as the dragon charged, roaring. Not even a Minor God could bring down that thing. All I could do was hope my death would be quick.

Then I heard a voice.

“Velmur, I hate to this, because,
1. We don't need a God of Peace, and
2. You haven't earned it,

But in order to survive, you're going to need your true, godly powers. So... I'm making you a full-fledged god. Good luck.”

It had been Zeus.

A sudden power coursed through me. I could feel it going through every ichor-filled vein of my body.
Smiling, I watched as the dragon ran at me, fire searing out of it's mouth. Before I did it, I blocked out all of the by-standers vision.

Then I did it.

I felt myself grow, changing form. I looked down at myself, and realized what had happened. I was my true, godly form. The dragon, not able to comprehend me what-so-ever, fell, dead.

I transformed back to human to see everyone cheering. Smiling, I saw my gun, lying just outside the stage. Grabbing it, I shot out the Minor in “The Minor God of Peace” On the sign.

Then I heard the Clown. Flailing his arms, he cackled as he saw everyone, who was cheering earlier, Standing up with swords and guns in their hands. Even Little Tommy, the two-year-old, had a knife clenched in his adorable hands (I knew his name from mind-reading). Everyone charged at me. I didn't want to kill anyone today, other than the Clown. So I did all I could do.

Knocked them out.

They were just normal people, so it wasn't hard to knock out a few with a gentle kick to the head. When I finally got to the Clown, a huge burst of light shot out of me. But before I could thrust it at him, another blow hit him from somewhere else.
“Get out of here! Trust me. Clown is too strong. Don't get too over-confident. JUST GET OUT!” The guy screamed. He was in knightly armor, with a bone ax clenched firmly between his gloved fingers. I clenched my teeth firmly, then sent a mental wave at him to attempt to read his mind. After a bit of struggle, I finally gripped into his mind.

His name... was Drakkoniss.

The legendary hero with some of the greatest powers out there, and a very hard-core fighter. Said to be almost as strong as Pandora, here he was, telling me to leave before I got killed.

But I wouldn't obey.

With one kick to the Clown's knees, he fell face-first into a pile of Cotton Candy. Smiling devilishly, he said,

“God of Peace, more like god of Darkness. WAHAHA!!! Son of Gravelyn, grandson of Sepulchure. How the hell did you end up with light powers when you were born with Darkness? WAHAHAHA!!!!”

So angry I could melt metal, which is pretty hard for a human to do without any technology, I grabbed a sign, ripping it out of the ground. My temper rising every moment, I brought it down on his Clowny head. Watching him fall was fun, but when I thought he was dead, a knife appeared right at my throat.

“I killed the original God of Water. YOU THINK I CAN'T KILL YOU!? THE NEWBIE!? WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Drakkoniss leaped at him, bone ax raised high in the air. He couldn't think twice about letting this freak live, as his ax went through the Clown's neck, causing him to fall, dead

“He's not dead. Only knocked out. He can heal himself, so I think we should get out!”

All of the town's people were normal again, dropping their weapons and eating cotton candy. Having a little money left over after the fight, I went on a few rides with Drakkoniss. After the carnival, I headed with Drakkoniss, to defeat the other extremely destructive villain, Ancient Darkness. I knew that Clown wasn't defeated, but I would take care of him later.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 6/21/2011 10:16:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
6/29/2011 0:26:54   

Chapter 6: When Darkness turns to Light, it ends tonight!

Heading through the Portal O' Hell wasn't fun the second time, either. I had to beg Drakkoniss to even get near it, let alone go through it. When we finally got through it, I told Drakkoniss about who I was in a hushed, urgent voice so we could defeat Ancient Darkness right away.

Overcast sighed. He had some stupid prophecy to fulfill, and he needed to kill some annoying Darkling named Ancient Darkness, who was apparently one of the last beings of the type of darkness, Ancient darkness. Going through the Asduggy portal, he landed softly inside the Shadow dimension.

Tip-toeing into the building Ancient Darkness was hiding in, I felt my light powers growing rapidly. Of course I felt my darkness powers growing as well, but darkness corrupted, so it was too risky to dabble with. But right as I was about to break a window, another darkness being landed right in front of me.

Crying out in surprise, I shot the darkling, hoping he wasn't going to trigger some alarm that would let Ancient Darkness I was there. My gun's rays went straight through him, not damaging him, though.

“What are you doing!? I gotta kill Ancient Darkness, and I won't let some freak mortal get in my way!”

I sighed. Of course. Everyone thought I was a mortal. I told him,

“Okay, I'm trying to defeat Ancient Darkness, too. I'm Velmur, and I'm the Great God of Peace.”

He sighed in frustration.

“Fine. I'm Overcast. I'll help you defeat Ancient Darkness, but you must know one thing.”


“He can't be injured by any element other than darkness itself. So if you don't have darkness powers, I'd suggest running away.”

Drakkoniss, nearby, scowled. Of course with his reality bending powers he could conjure up a way to defeat Ancient Darkness. I really didn't want to use my old darkness powers, but I had to.

“Let's go.” I said half-heartedly.

Drakkoniss took off a window, using his ax as a screwdriver. After that, we all jumped inside Ancient Darkness's lab, squinting in the darkness to figure out where he was.

Oh yeah, I never did tell you about how I got darkness powers, did I? Well, it has to do with my past.

Velmur didn't always believe in Peace. His father, the great and noble Dragonlord, had, for awhile anyway. 
With the clan, The Angel StiX, he had the highest ranks going through AQW time in Peace. Then, he slipped, becoming evil and going to the Shadowscythe. 
Knowing the great Gravelyn, he had a child with her, but sadly their marriage didn't last long. The baby went with Gravelyn, and Guinea, who was always mistaken for his dragon's name, Velmur, moved out to once again become a hero. 
Months later, Guinea found a baby at his doorstep. Picking it up, he found a note. 

~To Guinea~ 
Guinea, I don't have much time. There is a great war going on, between us and Chaos. I don't know if I'll live. I had to send our child, Velmur, to you. Here he is. He has great darkness and shadow powers, guard him well. 
Love, Gravelyn~~ 

Guinea, tears falling from his eyes, picked up the baby. He was a cute one, blond hair and blue eyes, like his father. Soon it would turn to black eyes and hair, sadly. A form of darkness radiated out of him, worrying Guinea. But, Guinea raised Velmur anyway, watching him grow and change from a cute boy to a creepy ten-year-old. While out training, Velmur wanted to show Guinea one of his many tricks. 

"Hey dad! WATCH!" Velmur cried, creating a ball of darkness in front of him. Just then, a Clown popped out. Laughing, he pushed Velmur in, while Guinea screamed, 
"NOOOO!! MY SON!" Then the portal disappeared. Velmur was gone. 
When Velmur landed, he felt dizzy. He looked down, to see he had no feet, just pointed legs. 
He sighed, brushing his messy black hair back. That annoying Clown was no where to be seen, and Velmur was so angry he could melt titanium. 

And from then on, Velmur raised himself, eventually going to school. At the age of thirteen, he ran into a strange character. The 
Dealer. He knew of Velmur's deadly grandfather, Sepulchure, and was willing to give Velmur a power to enhance his great dark powers. A doom weapon. But instead of giving him powers, it took them away. 
Sad, angry, Velmur did the one thing he could do. Got at the top on his class. But later, he got killed by Ancient Darkness, a villain who invaded his school and shot him in the head. 

In the void, the great god of Water, Thanthoses, contacted him, giving him a chance at bringing light to the world. Now, Velmur's the Minor god of Peace, on his way to being a real, full-fledged god. 

So that's how I ORIGINALLY got my dark powers. Sadly they were gone, due to the Dealer. But when Thanthoses gave me the powers of a God, my dark powers were restored. I just prefer not to use them, because they're so deadly, and their main reason is to corrupt. But I would have to use them to defeat Ancient Darkness. At least I could use both light and dark to create a strong shield, but there are a few elements that could defeat this shield.

But Ancient Darkness wouldn't be able to.

At least I didn't think so.

I knew that the Clown wasn't defeated, as long as his thought remained in my head, he was still alive. But he'd have to wait. It was time to get this show on the road.

Switching my mental switch from darkness to light, I suddenly felt really cold and... hollow. It felt very strange, as if I were dying, which, I must remind you, I DID. Sadly, since Ancient Darkness was not human, I couldn't just kill him with my true form. So, creeping slowly up to the dark form that was Ancient Darkness, I turned myself into a dark being, ready to strike him in the chest. Overcast, readying his powers, was to my left, as ready as I was. Drakkoniss to my right was creating darkness with his reality bending powers. As ready as ever. We jumped at him, encasing him in a world o' pain.

Except... that wasn't him. It was a dummy. Dumbstruck, I watched as the REAL Ancient Darkness crept out from behind a curtain, a wicked red tinged sword appearing clutched in his finger tips. Knowing most of us were probably doomed, I tried to tell the others to retreat.

But they wouldn't.

They actually charged straight at him, surprising him. Knowing I might as well die with them, I aimed a dark blast at him. Hitting him square in the chest, I knocked him over for long enough to create a shield of dark and light, Ying and Yang. I was protected for the rest of the fight.
Overcast used a similar blade as Ancient Darkness, and Drakkoniss used a darkness-tipped ax as his weapon.

All this wasn't too much for Ancient Darkness, though.

Shooting Drakkoniss in the head with a doomafied bullet, I watched as he fell to the ground, knocked out. It was hard to kill Drakkoniss seeing as he could bend reality with most likely the slightest of ease, but taking him down for a second wasn't TOO hard.

Drakkoniss, popping back up, slammed a ball of darkness into Ancient Darkness's neck. Screaming angrily, he grabbed Drakkoniss and threw him into the portal back to Lore, then focused on Overcast.

Overcast, doing all he could to live, focused on Ancient Darkness. Boiling mad, he thrust his sword into where Ancient Darkness's heart should have been.

Which was enough... to kill him.

I didn't think he was dead, but there I didn't mention it.

Cheering wildly, Overcast smiled. Taking off my shield to prevent it from depleting my powers, I went over to congratulate him. But I never got but a foot in front of him when he said,

“Now, it's my turn to murder. Starting... with YOU!” He cried, throwing the sword at me. Trying to avoid it, I attempted to grab it. But I wasn't fast enough. It had pierced...

My neck.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 6/29/2011 12:19:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
6/30/2011 11:30:14   

Chapter 7: Shape-shifting legend.

Feeling the sword pierce my neck, feeling helpless as I fell to the ground, feeling myself dying, It was deja' vu all over again. As I felt myself dying, I sputtered one last thing at Overcast as he ran to go kill more heroes,

“You'll die soon.”

When I died, something else happened. Instead of going straight to the Void, like last time, I went to Death's gates, to go through Death. As I passed through, I saw Death, sitting there, putting all the souls dying at the same moment as me in the Void. He stopped at me.

“Woah, you're a God. Hmm.. I'd make you go with the rest of the lost gods, but sadly the quota with which I keep the Gods in is full. So I'll let you slide, just this once. “

Waking up to see my ichor flooding the ground, I panicked. Then I remembered what Death had said, and knew I would live. I could already feel my wound healing, and I felt very refreshed.

Turning the way that Overcast left, I walked cautiously, not sure if anything would spring out at me and kill me a third time.


Achillea, turning into a wolf, jumped at the flea, tearing it into pieces as she ripped it up. As the other fleas started to run, she stalked over to them, back in human form, uttering one thing through her mouth,

“Why so serious?”

And with that, turning into the energy being she killed earlier, she zapped each flea with her electric energy, killing them instantly.

She was Gravelyn's daughter, though she hadn't been born with dark energy like her. She had gotten her powers from her father, who had also had shape-shifting powers.

Smiling as she shifted back to human, she walked towards Drakkoniss, who had been helplessly pacing the floor, looking nervous as sweat poured down his face.

“Hello,” She said to him, her purple and black armor swaying in the breeze.

“Yes, Achillea?” He asked, looking even more nervous.” She had known him for a few days, and they had become good friends.

“Can I be your annoying but awesome sauce sidekick?” She asked, giving him a goofy look.

Smiling, Drakkoniss considered the idea, his complicated brain boiling on the subject.

“Maybe.” He replied.


Velmur, getting too nervous to even chase after Overcast anymore, went back through the portal to Lore. Landing in Liberty, next to Drakkoniss, Drakkoniss cheered in excitement.

“You're ALIVE! I went through the portal, and saw you dead, but you're alive now! YIPPEE!!!”

Smiling, I high-fived him excitedly. But that was before I noticed who was standing in front of him.

Achillea. My annoying shape-shifting sister. The only one in the family born without darkness powers.

Turning into a mouse, she stalked over to me, crying,


She said, wildly squeaking as she made fun of me. Of course, I wasn't offended, but I tried to step on her anyways. Turning into a porcupine as I put my foot down to squash her, I yelped in pain as needles went through my foot.

“Cut it out!” I screamed, frustrated like always when I was around her. With a devilish smile, she stalked off to scare a dog by turning into a lion.

“HEY! THE CLOWN'S COME TO TOWN! AHH! MY TWO FAVORITE ENEMIES, DRAKKYPOOS AND VELMA!” I heard a annoying Clown laugh behind me. Turning, I saw none other than Clown the Jester.

“Hello my lady. What a nice pick of colors you have on. Purple. My favorite. WAHAHAHA!!!”

Clown said to Achillea, looking at her armor fondly. Turning behind me, I ran into Professor Smash's academy just in time to barf in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Clown was listening to Achillea's personality, and it sure sounded like she was perfect for his clan.

Which, may I add, isn't good.

Coming out of the bathroom, I watched as Clown and Achillea cracked jokes together, laughing hysterically at each one they made.

Drakkoniss, talking with a few friends such as Celestin, Jae, and even Ancient Darkness, was having fun singing. Sighing, I heard one thing that would change Achillea's life.

“Would you like to join me, Achillea? WAHAHAHAHA!!!” Clown said/laughed, talking to Achillea.

Achillea, liking Clown and his sense of humor, replied with a positive,


As Clown cracked more jokes with Achillea, I felt helpless. My sister was my enemy. Not unusual, but that means I may have to KILL her. Yippee.

Walking over to Drakkoniss, I told him what had happened. Swearing helplessly, he said,

“Oh man... shape-shifters are very hard to defeat. This... is VERY bad.”

I sighed, clutching my gun in my hands tightly.

I may have to use this gun on her, I thought grimly. Watching as she transformed into a snake and slithered into a a nearby forest, I could only hope she was just going to get some food and not transform into something extremely deadly.

Walking after her to make sure, I took my gun out, aiming it in front of me. This was a very deadly forest, a forest where many bandits and monsters were contained. Walking, I tripped over something.

Looking down, I saw Achillea, two little pin pricks tattooed on her neck.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 6/30/2011 13:25:58 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
7/1/2011 16:04:27   

Chapter 8: A Vampire's Fight
It was too late. She was a vampire. I knew they lived in there, roaming that forest like it was some child's play-scape, but I had no clue they would attack her right there, by the entrance. It could have been Lady Zafara, or her group of vampires, but we would probably never find out.

Glancing over at Achillea, sitting at a hospital chair while Doctor Blackshock cleaned the bite, I got pretty bored. There weren't even any magazines in the place, just pictures of apples and bananas! I suppose he wants us all eating fruit, eh?

Drakkoniss was sitting in a corner, trying to figure out a way to defeat a shape-shifting vampire, since a vampire can only be killed a few ways, and with her new shape-shifting powers, it would be hard to get her in those ways.

Clown was cracking jokes with the others outside, so far not killing anyone yet. Laughing hysterically, he said,

“Okay, so there was this mental asylum. Inside this asylum was a guy trying to drown himself. Another guy saved him. The next day, a doctor came and said to the savior, “What you did was noble, sir, but he hung himself last night. I'm sorry.” The other guy replied, “No, he didn't hang himself. He was wet, so I wrung him out and let him out to dry!”

And with that, he grabbed War Pro with his hooked cane, then pulled the sharp part quickly, breaking War Pro's neck. Laughing hysterically, he then said,

“You alright? I'll go get you some band aids. WAHAHAHA!!!” He wailed sarcastically, then strutted inside the hospital.

Luckily, War Pro wasn't dead. Just knocked out, because he can regenerate using his omni powers.

Walking into the lobby, I saw Drakkoniss and Clown fighting. They fought a lot. Watching from a distance as Clown shot Drakkoniss with a poison-tipped arrow and missed, and as Drakkoniss hit Clown with a deadly, sharp bone ax, I didn't notice Achillea, creeping up in the form of an ant behind Clown.

When she finally made it behind him, after about ten minutes of crawling as an ant, she transformed into human, an energy sword clasped tightly between her fingers. Drakkoniss, retreating, cried out,

“YOU TRAITOR!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!” And with that, throwing his ax with expert precision, it went right up to Achillea's head... just as she turned back into an ant, being too short to be hit my the ax.

Shooting my ray gun rapidly at the little ant crawling across the floor, I almost hit an elderly lady and a little boy. Stopping, I pulled out some bug spray.

Bug OFF!
Kills any bugs. Yes, even giant fleas.
Do not eat. It may look like cheese, but it ISN'T!

Spraying it at Achillea, she turned into a tiger just in time to pounce out of the way and jump on Drakkoniss.


Clown screamed, enjoying himself by the side, watching his new powerful member beat the stuffing out of his arch enemy.

Drakkoniss, frustrated, said in a low voice,

“Achillea, I didn't want to do this. But I'm going to need to KILL YOU!”

Shifting realities, messing with reality, he started to find Achillea's weaknesses, one by one, using them against her. Achillea, screaming at Drakkoniss in a laugh, said,

“Why so SERIOUS!?” On the serious, she transformed into Drakkoniss, having his brains, smarts, powers, and even his ax. Crying out in surprise, Drakkoniss jumped back, scared. He could defeat a shape-shifter, sure, but he was not sure if he could defeat himself. At least he knew his own weaknesses...

Jae, jumping out of room 2023, pushed into Achillea's mind, trying to take over. When she finally got control, she made Achillea transform into a rat, then picked her up, and put her in a cage.

Squeaking in anger, Achillea was trapped. If she transformed too big, she'd get hurt. If she didn't then she'd be fine, but still trapped.

Smiling, satisfied, Jae handed the cage to me.

“She'll be in THERE for awhile!” Jae told me.

“Thanks, Jae.” I said.

Whispering in a calm voice to Achillea, I said, “Achillea, if I let you out, no hurting people. I understand you wanted to defend your clan leader, but we won. So don't even try, your mind isn't as strong as ours, “

She nodded, then as I was letting her out, she bit my finger.

“OUCH! HEY!” I screamed at her. Knowing it would just cause another big fight, I left her there to transform by her lonesome.

“Remember, she's a vampire?” Drakkoniss reminded me.

“Oh yeah... oh crap, she BIT me! At least I don't think I'll transform, because she only bit my finger,”

“Remember your mission. You gotta stop Clown. I'll take him down for you,” Drakkoniss said.

“Alright... BUT I'M HELPING TOO!” I stated firmly. Sighing, Drakkoniss nodded, grumpy that I was going to help defeat his nemesis when he just wanted to end it. I'd probably just slow him down, but I didn't care.

I was a God. I could handle it... right?

Looking across the room at Clown, he was talking the same way to Achillea...

“Drakkoniss, I think Clown is going to use Achillea for the fight. I'll take her, you take Clown.”

He nodded, happy he could fight Clown by himself. When we looked back at Clown, he had just finished his conversation with Achillea. With an evil clowny smirk on his face, he pounced at us.

And we did the same thing.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
7/4/2011 22:29:38   

Chapter 9: Oh my Gods...

Charging at Achillea, I kicked her sharply in her rib, hearing a crack as her rib broke. Falling to the ground, stunned, she then transformed into the energy being she had become earlier.

Shooting a bolt of electricity at me, I got hit, falling to the ground, thoroughly in injured. Aiming the gun right at her head, I shot.

Dodging to the side as she became a tiger, one of her favorite transformations, she snickered as my shot hit someone who was completely un-expected.


Sweat beading down his face as the shot dissolved onto his humanoid skin, his face turned a beat red in anger. Grasping his thunder bolt in his hand, he nearly brought it down on my head, but thank the Gods I avoided it.

“VELMUR,” He boomed,

“There's NO EXCUSE for what you did... YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!”

I tried to explain to Zeus what happened, while Drakkoniss fought with Achillea and Clown.

But Zeus didn't buy any of it.

Crying in anger. He boomed one last final thing.

“Velmur... I'M TAKING YOUR GOD POWERS! I may not be able to take your elemental powers, such as water, dark, and light, but I can take your godly powers such as your true form, your ability to fly, your godly strength and even your psychic powers. Hasta Lavista!”

He said as he touched me with his lightning bolt. Feeling my powers being sucked out, I cried as I realized what had happened.

I was no longer Velmur, God of Peace. Now I was just... A MORTAL! Just thinking the word filled my brain with longing, felt any hope of keeping myself alive failing.

I should just end my pain, I thought. Get it over with. I still believed in Peace, but there was no way Super City would gain Peace after I lost my powers. Sighing, I said two words to Zeus before he took off towards Olympus.

“Kill me.”

Giving me a funny look, he then sighed.

“No, Velmur. You're going to suffer the consequences for attacking me. Now go. You still have powers... light, dark, and water. Use those for Peace. But you aren't a God anymore... you're something... different. Not a Doomknight, now a paladin, now a hydramancer... kinda a mix. Use those powers for Peace.

Sighing, I embraced all those elements, water, light, dark. Then, I realized something.

Everyone had either one element, or two... but they never mixed them. If I mixed water, dark, and light... I could create possibly one of the ultimate elements of Earth...

Doing the best to mix all the powers into my body, I created a very interesting element indeed. Having barely any weaknesses, yet having many defensive traits, and of course a few offensive traits as well, I called it Element V.

V for Velmur.

Embracing Element V, feeling the light and dark element mixing into the water, I thrust out a burst of this Element, it flowing out of my fingerprints like water... yet, somehow different.

Encasing myself in a wall of the Element, I created an armor of the gray-ish water, it covering my face, torso, legs, and arms in it. Then, it happened.

I released all of the Element V around me, it drowning Achillea and Clown in a giant lake of it. Smiling, I watched as they hurried out, all the areas where the V had touched them creating huge blue welts.

“I still don't know the side affects of that liquid, or if it's poisonous or not. So, I wouldn't suggest messing with me again,” I said, coolly covering myself in V just in case another attack came.

“WAHAHA!! You think that crap will stop us? HECK NO! Chaos infects... chaos will never stop. Even if you stop me, then there's plenty of other Clown the Jesters out there... you aren't even a God anymore. You REALLY think you can stop me? WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

Clown chuckled, then poofed away, Achillea along side him.

“Velmur...what are you? You aren't a God anymore... but you aren't human....”

Drakkoniss asked.

I shrugged, then replied,

“I'm a Velmur. I just created that race. A mixture of DOOM/darkness, light, and then put into water... that's what I call the Element V. Then the people who have these powers... they are the Velmurs.”

Smiling, I said to him, “Just because I'm not a God doesn't make me not the God of Peace... I'm still the God of Peace, though I may not have Godly powers.”

“That doesn't make sense.” Drakkoniss replied.

“Yeah, I know it doesn't.”

< Message edited by Velmur -- 7/4/2011 22:48:07 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
7/6/2011 20:57:40   

Chapter 10: Meet the Blitz, David Blitz.

After thinking a bit of the race name, I decided the race name being Velmur sounded too un-reasonable. So I changed the name to Velestrian.

So I'm officially a Velestrian.

Not knowing what to do, I left Drakkoniss to joke around with his friends while I looked for Clown around Super City.

One power I gained from the change was super speed. I could run at speeds of close to one thousand miles per hour, which, I realized, would help a lot with fights. Sadly, running so fast hurt my feet in a matter of minutes, but not until I had gotten from Overlook to the subway, then back to Overlook, then back to Subway.

Why I went back so many times, I didn't know.

Walking round in the subway tunnels, remembering my first fight with Mama Chud, I suddenly felt sad. My god powers were gone, and there was nothing I could do about it.


All I could do was do the best I could do as a Velestrian. Y 'know, start the race, control it. Let it flourish.

“Hey! Watch where you're walking!” I looked up to see a man say. His face pale, his eyes a bright red, his hair spiky and bright blond, his body wrapped in a pitch black outfit, he made me think he was a villain at first.

Running at four hundred miles an hour before any trouble started, I ran to Overlook.

Halfway there, I looked back, expecting to see him far back. But... no one was there.

Turning my head to look forward, I saw him there, right in front of me.

Skidding to a stop, I screamed at him,

“Who are you, and why are you following me!?”

He looked back, a puzzled look on his face.

“I guess I sense power in you. I'm David Blitz, and my goal is to bring justice in any way. I'm a heart-less monster who does what is right.”

Looking at him, toying with the idea of allying with him, I stared him straight in the eyes, to see if there was any anger, fear, suspicion.

But there was merely curiosity in his eyes.

“So, what are your powers?” I asked him, eying his strange pitch black clothing.

“Oh... I'm an energy being. I use zero energy, the energy that was used to create... well, anything, including the other energies.” He informed me, “How about yours?”

“I used to be a God, “ I explained, “But... I got my godliness taken away. But I still kept my elemental powers. Now I created a new energy, a mixture of light, dark, and water. I call it Element V.”

“Hmm... I was wondering when someone was going to try mixing elements. You're the first one I met who did that, though I know mixed elements are usually more powerful than pure ones. But not always,“ He said. “Hmm.. you've caught my interests... if you're strong enough to live through my fight, I'll be sure to ally with you.

Now, this was a hard choice. If what he said wasn't a lie, he could create things. Heck, for all I know he could create a bomb and blow me up.

But I could never say no to a fight, could I?

“Alright. But as soon as one us falls to the ground, then the fight's over.” I told him. Picking up my gun, I stalked over to a tree, then started climbing it. I wondered if I could attack him from the tree with my gun...

“Oh, and no weapons, just powers.” David said. Sighing, I threw my gun to the ground.

David walked over to a tree just about ten feet away from me, climbing it like I did.


Element V gushed out of me, creating a tight armor around me. So when David's Element Zero came at me, I reflected it with my V.

When I thought he was done firing the deadly element at me, I jumped out of the tree, then fired all the V at him.

The V hit him hard, causing him to fall out of the tree in agony. But that didn't last long, as he fired a huge bolt of electricity at me.

That him me hard, ALMOST making me fall in pain.

Gripping my V, I did the one thing I thought would help.

Threw it up in the air and let it fall on me.

As it fell on me, I felt my energy returning, felt myself gaining power. This new element... I think I can kill most anything with it.

But I wouldn't.

Making a mental note of all the V had done to my foes, I learned that Element V could corrupt, defend, heal, damage, and poison my enemies.

So that's what I'd do to David.

Sending a blast of the poisoning kind, I watched as he slowly lost energy, barely having energy to attack me.

When I thought he was about to fall, I blasted some damaging V at him, knocking him down just after he had sent a huge blast of fire at me.

Both elements disintegrated as they hit each other.

Crying in frustration, I aimed a wave of damaging V at him, prepared to be defeated if it didn't hit him.

It hit him... but he used it to heal himself.

"What the heck" I screamed in surprise.

"Zero makes up all elements. I was letting you hit me at first. You aren't strong enough for me."

"...Fine. Let's finish this fight." I told him. I meant for the fight to be cancelled but instead he replied,

"Okay" And jumped at me, punching me up towards the moon.

< Message edited by Velmur -- 7/6/2011 22:52:48 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
8/11/2011 1:26:37   

Chapter 11: A Thunder God's Desire

“Hello.” Drakkoniss said daringly, looking Zeus in the eyes.

“Get away, mortal. I can't mate with you or whatever you want to do.” Zeus responded coldly.

“I'm a friend of Velmur.”

He froze dead in his tracks. Slowly turning, he stared seriously into Drakkoniss's eyes.

“What do you want?”

Responding as carefully as he could, because one wrong word could possibly end his life, he asked a quick question.

“You knew Velmur shot you on accident, correct?”

Nodding, deep in thought, Zeus responded with a yes.

“Why leave him without his God powers, then? You know he may have been stronger as a God.”

Drakkoniss shot another stare at him as he uttered the words from his mouth. This was becoming a very awkward conversation.

“It's his destiny. You will find out his godly powers were a mere fragment of the true powers he holds now. I sadly cannot tell you what will happen with him, but you'll find out more as time progresses. You are quite the interesting mortal. I'll tell you what... if you do a favor for me, I'll tell you a little bit about Velmur's future.”

Drakkoniss, clenching his teeth, his complex mind processing all the possible outcomes that may or may not occur, he finally asked icily.

“What's this favor?”

“You see,” Zeus replied, “I have always been fascinated by businessmen. I may not be evil, but this guy seems like he may be the right guy to... erm... create a labyrinth for me.

Go get me The Dealer, alive.”

Drakkoniss, knowing the favor would be a piece of cake, strode down the side walk, ax already in his hand. All he had to do was injure the guy, then bring him Unconscious to Zeus.

One though did buzz in the back of his mind, though.

Why would Zeus make a labyrinth?

< Message edited by Velmur -- 8/11/2011 1:27:15 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
9/24/2011 14:35:20   

Chapter Twelve: All Time High

I was flying towards space. Somehow, I felt this was dangerous... but I wasn't sure how! David Blitz chuckled as he watched me soar through the air.

I tried using all my super speed to take me downwards. It didn't work. Nothing was working!

David responded, laughing, “Should I kill you? You did accept my challenge... but... did I say that I would kill you? Hmm...”

The chaos was just radiating out of him.

“DAVID! Please, don't kill me! Why did you falcon punch me when I surrendered!?” I screamed at him. He was following close behind me, waiting for me to get to his destination.

“Huh... though, I am very curious. I want to see if you can break the atmosphere. Let's wait till then, no?” He said, a devilish smile dancing across his face.

My eyes stung from the wind whipping at my face. I couldn't breathe... the closer to space I got, the less air there was.

And space was getting pretty close.

Space was getting closer, but time was getting shorter. What was I to do!?

Then I remembered.

Holy crap, I have a jet pack! I thought. I turned on the jet pack, feeling satisfied as the low hum of the motor added to the sound of the whipping wind.

As the blades of my jet pack started to spin, I started to slow down. I was just fifty feet from space...

Now twenty five... the blades were spinning now, but would I be able to stop flying upwards in time?

Ten feet. Ten feet was when my body finally came to a stop. A grim look appeared on David's face.

“Are you an idiot?” He asked as he falcon punched me again. His cold hands left a huge dent in my chin as I flew back up, breaking the atmosphere easily.

I flew through space, holding my breath. I needed to stay alive for as long as possible. After about a minute of holding my breath, my lungs finally gave way. I breathed in... nothing. Which, would have killed any other human. But... I was still alive. Just as if I were breathing air in Super City.

I flew one hundred feet until Space's anti-gravity stopped me.

I very smug David appeared at my side.

“You did good... but you lost. And for that, I must ki-”

He was interrupted as a UFO crashed right into him. I knew it couldn't have killed him, or even maim him, but it definitely brought time.

I flew downwards quickly, my jet pack barely denting the jello-like anti-gravity of space. Using my super speed, I just barely broke the atmosphere before David appeared back at my side.

“How the heck do you get to me so fast!?” I breathed.

“I can do way more than most heroes. Now, to finish this fight.”

“NOOOO!” I screamed. Throwing some V at him, he fell like a rock... for all but five second. After that, he appeared right next to me.

“Did you really think that would slow me down?” He asked, chuckling.

“I CALL TRUCE!” I screamed at him. Pushing with all my might down to the ground, I landed, cat-like, just as he did.

A look of annoyance spread across his face.

“Fine. But, later, possibly when you get stronger, we will fight again.”

I must have looked pretty relieved, so he slugged me on the shoulder just to get his point across. I left a ten foot hole in the ground from his punch making me break the soil.

“We'll meet again, Velmur. Hopefully not as enemies. You do not want to be an enemy of me... I have been summoned for much more important matters, so I'll see you later.”

And with that, he poofed away.

Just being happy to be alive, I started running from the city I had landed in, Detroit, to Super City.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
2/24/2012 0:59:15   

Chapter Thirteen: SUPER VEL!

"Is the machine ready?"

"Yeah, but it won't hurt him, will it?"

"Nah. But just in case, will you please sign this waiver?"

"A waiver? Just do it. If he dies, there's nothing we can do about it."

I blinked slowly, then lifted my eyelids. Drakkoniss and The Dealer stood before me.

Cold steel rubbed against my back, which was shirt-less.

"What the hell is going on?" I yelped, glaring at The Dealer menacingly. Could Drakkoniss possibly be evil?

Nonetheless, I wasn't sure what The Dealer could do to me. And I didn't want to find out.

I desperately spit a small drop of V at The Dealer, watching as it disentegrated part of his cheek.

"Agh!" He screamed in pain, ripping out a bottle and spraying his wound. It instantly healed. "You un-grateful brat!"

"Let me go." I said simply, eying him angrily. Deciding that probably wasn't a good idea, since he had me strapped to a table and hooked up to a machine, I let my face soften. "Please?"

"No. Zeus's orders." The Dealer muttered as he flipped a switch on the huge machine that was hooked up to me. Instantly, I felt like my entire body was fried, and I blacked out.

I woke up about an hour later, lying in a narrow stone room. There were doors in the front of the room and the back, and no windows anywhere I could see. There was just one small light in the middle.

I felt strong, but frustrated. Whatever that freak had done, he'd pay for it. I spit some V at the wall for practice, but something strange happened.

No V came out. Just spittle.

I ran to the wall and punched it. It felt like cardboard as it gave way, soil grinding past my hand as if it were sand.

I blinked. What had he done to me. Noticing a mirror on the door, I ran to it. My super speed still worked, which was a good sign.

I looked different... I looked like a real hero. My eyes were bright blue, my hair a clean blond. I smiled, and it looked heroic. Wow. I was starting to enjoy this.

I kicked the door off its hinges with ease, as if I were kicking a pebble. I ran into a larger chamber, where The Dealer sat, as I felt, mockingly.

"Hello, Velmur. Enjoying your new powers, I see?" He asked.

"You won't enjoy them in a second." I said menacingly, preparing my fist to punch him to the moon. I was the angriest I had been in my life.

"You can't hurt me." He pulled out a small tube, then opened it, revealing a tiny chunk of malachite, about the size of a pin. I instantly felt my knees give way. My body went slack. I couldn't move, all I could do was breathe and feel my heart pump.

"Ugh.." A gasped, defeated.

The Dealer put the malachite back into the tube, then stared at me. I got back to my feet, power regaining in my body.

"Ever heard of Superman?" He asked. I nodded. Those old comicbooks that were super rare. About the guy that was almost impossible to defeat without using kryptonite.

"Well, turns out your destiny was never to be a Velestrian... but a superhuman just like everyone else."

I nodded.

"And you're nearly indestructibe as well. Just as Zeus wanted. But there was an error in my machine. You have a weakness..."

I stared at him... could it really be..?

"Malachite. Raw malachite. Powers caused by malachite won't hurt you, but only if you're in the presence of pure malachite. This tube transports the malachite to another dimension, but when I open it, it comes back to ours. That's why it won't hurt you."

"I get it. Can I go now?" I asked impatiently. "I really gotta use the bathroom..."

"There's a bathroom here, don't worry. But before you leave, we have to do some... erm... tests on you. Welcome, to the Labyrinth of Velmur."

< Message edited by Velmur -- 2/24/2012 1:01:03 >
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