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Energy wrist blade for cyber hunter

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9/25/2011 17:57:13   

Hi, I wanted to ask why there are few energy wrist blade ...
Cyber-hunters are the most penalized because they have few weapons since the BH primary energy used the physical weapons

Delta weapons are only physical ...

from level 32 to level 34 I counted 12 physical wrist blades and only 7 energy wrist blades.... if you want a real balancing it is necessary improved the energy primary weapons ( wrist blades ).

sorry for the google translate.



< Message edited by Laufey -- 9/25/2011 17:58:03 >
Post #: 1
9/25/2011 17:59:28   

From level 32 to 34? I thought the cap was 33.

Also the draconic devastators were some good energy wrist blades.

< Message edited by Matgon -- 9/25/2011 18:01:20 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
9/25/2011 18:02:50   

Delta weapons are level 34...
Post #: 3
9/25/2011 18:05:03   

draconic devastator and cryo claws are probably the best claws for cyber hunter right now and they are both seasonal.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
9/25/2011 18:14:03   

are only 2....

I would like to have a delta energy and one similar Frostbite Claws...
Post #: 5
9/25/2011 18:14:55   

*cough* E megalablades *cough*


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
9/25/2011 18:46:48   

circle of doom if that's what it called or is that lvl 31.......
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
9/25/2011 18:51:30   

^Circle of Pain I believe is level 32/33.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
9/25/2011 19:15:32   

The delta gear is as-is, and is NOT changing. If you want, here's a list of good energy claws for the cyber hunter, that are coming up:

Cryo claws
Circle of pain
E Megalablades
Celtic Fangs
E bunny chompers

Usually I would link these, but seeing as you've already seen the Wiki, I didn't bother.
Remember, Cyber is not a starting class, it's an evolution. Bounty hunter will probably receive more weapons than cyber hunter. Of course, this is up to the devs, but I'm taking an educated guess.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
9/25/2011 19:24:40   
Master Volcon

WHat about mages? We don't get physical staffs untill level 30 when overlord guard staff came out.

Stop complaining. If you wait long enough they will come out with more.


AQW Epic  Post #: 10
9/25/2011 19:41:03   

Hey, you can do Cyber Hunters with physical blades, in that case though you will PROBABLY use malfunction so you will only need energy guns and bazookas.
AQ Epic  Post #: 11
9/27/2011 19:12:21   
ur going to fail

For a CH str build believe it or not, Axes of fury and circle of pain are the best claws to use seriously. The claws give useless support boost. In my opinion the best str CH gear (E primary, E secondary, P aux, E armor) would be: Axes of fury, Machine blaster, eggzooka, Tesla E. You could also use shadow guard E or founder armor E.

Yes that certain combo of weapons doesn't give you the most stat mods in total, but they don't waste points on support like other weapons. Like in support builds you wouldn't want to waste 10 points on str.

In total the stat mods would look like this:

(axes of fury, machine blaster, eggzooka, tesla E)
str +19
dex +33
tech +29
supp +0

^and that is without enhancements. There are 29 enhancements total here. With no extreme requirements, besides 35 tech, this would something you might even call perfect. If you would put the enhancements into str you would get a huge +48 str boost.
Epic  Post #: 12
9/27/2011 19:27:54   

Same reason there are few Physical staves, they wern't nessecary or needed untill the new classes came out.
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
9/28/2011 21:34:45   
ur going to fail

CH legit uses strike 50% of the time. Don't believe me? Try the class. Energy weapons are not needed unless using a malf based build, with little heals (meaning not using that many heals) and using lots of energy.
Epic  Post #: 14
9/28/2011 21:40:28   
Nub Apocalypse

^Yes this is true, and another effective build is heal loop, believe it or not, they can heal loop better than tlm or tm. Many people fail to realise this and are brought into thinking that they are an UP class.

< Message edited by Nub Apocalypse -- 9/28/2011 21:43:17 >
Post #: 15
9/29/2011 7:29:29   

I get abuse from tactical mercs a lot. telling me I am jealous cause I picked the weakest class, Cyber Hunter. weak ? lol they are amazing.
you need 50,000 credits or 900 varium, I don't think the devs expected everyone to make new characters and class change at 1, hence the
lack of weapons at certain levels. overall though their has been some good choices even though they were seasonal. also the delta weapons
weren't bias against cyber hunters, I wouldn't use them on my mage either and only used em on my Blood mage cause I had nothing else.

oh and the delta daggers worked ok on my cyber hunter too, just not ideal.

< Message edited by psibertus -- 9/29/2011 7:33:18 >


Post #: 16
9/29/2011 8:19:54   
King FrostLich

Cyber hunters are better if you play smart. Try doing a combo of emp'ing people then static charge and then attack and then emp again followed by another static charge. Get the whole sense of it? You've got an "infinite" attack of "mana healing" and mana draining if it doesn't get blocked. Besides, static charge is already a powerful skill depending on the player's sense of builds.

< Message edited by King FrostLich -- 9/29/2011 8:21:04 >
Epic  Post #: 17
9/29/2011 13:32:37   

Now that is awkward, i always though the inverse. That there were more energy than physical.


Anyway, if there is anything that should be changed is CHEAP SHOT on a cyber hunter. For those who never noticed, it IGNORES DEFENCE, not resistance.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
9/29/2011 13:48:23   

^ It says Defenses so Normal Defense + Resistance = Defenses , i guess it ignores also ressitance if it doesnt still there is no reason to remove it CH can use Physical Blades or use Cheapshot just for 25% crit.
Epic  Post #: 19
9/29/2011 14:17:16   

^never said to remove, but to CHANGE.
And I am not sure about that, if it was so, then super charge description wouldn't be :

Super Charge: Fires an energy charge; ignores 20% resistance; 30% life stealing. Improves with dexterity.

(and in this case it isn't "resistances" 'cuz well... that word just doesn't exist in English :p )
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
9/29/2011 14:39:14   

^Maul also say defenses , Supercharge say resistance because you cant hit physical supercharge. Im sure Cheapshot and Maul also ignore resistance
Epic  Post #: 21
9/29/2011 16:14:38   


Supercharge will only hit with energy so that is why its specifically resistance.

Defences is used because the synonyms don't do an acceptable job of describing a person's defence and resistance as a whole

Here are the closest to helpful synonyms for defences: armour, guard, immunity, protection, resistance, shields.

Immunity and protection would do great (possibly a replacement for the documentation of the word 'defenses'), but the others would imply physical structures and that would obscure our knowledge because we try to compare numbers to objects... DIRECTLY.

< Message edited by greenrain13 -- 9/29/2011 16:25:04 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 22
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