I've inherited the storyline, so there should be more missions and story growth as I get more used to it (I've literally had the documents for 5 days, I'm still trying to piece together Big Tuna's thoughts, with all his half-thoughts and undeveloped story lines, as well as incorporate my own ideas). so, if i'm correct (please tell me if i'm not :3 ), cindy is now in charge of the storyline, character bios, what quests there'll be (in co-op with the devs) and so on, Big Tuna already came up with a big part of the storyline and bios (found somewhere on this forum), but his toughts were all tatters and shreds. so, what do you think is going to be pieced in between of BT's work? What quests/areas do you expect? What else do you feel like sharing that is related to the topic?