Bu Kek Siansu
This topic has already been posted in ED Q/A section: Is bio hazaard husk drop going rare? While it's labelled as a Rare armor, I doubt if it's going rare since it's actually not one of the Harvest things. If I'm wrong in this case that it's one of the Harvest things, I apologize. Thanks. :) Quote taken from the latest Design Notes: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=19767714 quote:
Harvest Wrap-Up Harvest Wrap-Up, Harvest Wrap-Up! Let’s finish our Autumn cheer, ‘cause soon Winter will be here! Harvest gear, quests, etc. will be available until 11/11/11- what’s so important about that day, you ask? Besides the fact that it’s made entirely of elevens Only the game Moderator and Staff members like Ashari, Cinderella etc can give the right answer if it's going rare or not. :D
< Message edited by AVA -- 11/7/2011 14:19:23 >