Discussion for a potential yeti pet (EDIT: Apparently its not supposed to represent robots). How does that make you feel? What are your expectations? ______________________________________ Finally creative towards robots a pet is being integrated! Although I at one point had loved robots for weapons, maybe I can relive my robot CHARISMA days with a brand new yeti?! I expect the yeti to, MAYBE be a weapon alone. However, I would adore the yeti if it was rebellious as the assault bot, having a special ability instead of an attack. I expect the yeti to have only specials that boost the owner instead of simply damaging. This would give ED a pleasant twist. Major EDIT: I have learned that the yeti is a battle featured pet, where you will see it in BATTLE alongside you?! Whataboutyou?
< Message edited by greenrain13 -- 11/15/2011 21:20:35 >