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start punishing runners

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11/14/2011 10:01:14   
I am Primal

my partner leaves 2 times in a row sick of it we have to start punishing them or it will keep happening.

discuss your point of views of this.
Post #: 1
11/14/2011 11:13:11   

they already get punished:

1) you get a loss
2) if you run 5 times in a small time span, you'l get 'banned from fights' for like 15 or 30 minutes


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/14/2011 11:25:53   
I am Primal

but everyone keeps doing it i think there should be an little more of an punishment.
Post #: 3
11/14/2011 11:28:43   

keep in mind that you'd punish people who get disconnected as well then, and i think a DC is a punishment on itself as well
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
11/14/2011 13:38:20   
Angels Holocaust

All we have to do is start linking partners, and this problem will be forever fixed.
Post #: 5
11/14/2011 14:38:52   

If you can link partners not everything would be solved, cause you'd have two level 34s and it would take an eternity to find even one battle.
AQW  Post #: 6
11/14/2011 14:39:34   

They leave at their own discretion but on the majority of times, they D/C due to lag or poor internet connection. I lagged out several times when there were performance issues with the sever during the crummiest of updates (which is always bound to happen). I had partners leave me in 2v2 but this happens once on a blue moon.

The fact is, it's bound to happen, no matter what penalty you impose, there's always gonna be the odd bunch who don't have the best internet network (which may be detrimental as such players experience lag and skip turns on occasions), who continue to abuse the pvp atmosphere by battle resignation (which I doubt seeing that nobody likes losing and giving out freebies and "candy" wins-survival of the fitness as Darwin said), and players who just have to leave.

Thus stated, something like this can't be controlled because its spontaneous- it's an external not internal issue in the game as ultimately, it is the user's decision to abort the battle, the user has the final verdict. Of course he/she may suffer the penalty of losing but that's entirely up to him/her; you can't force someone to stay in a battle let alone play this game in the sake of your entertainment. Sometimes this is not the case-perhaps it's just a bad computer. You can't control it.


How is linking partners going to resolve the issue? Is this in regards to linking friends/buddies or allies in one particular instance (in one 2v2 battle)? If linking were to be implemented, would this go against the "randomly assigned" partner battling in 2v2 (seeing that you don't get the same partner over and over in a span of 5 2v2 battles which may be fair or unfair)? The purpose of the 2v2 system as I see it is that it's random, not assigned which makes battles more interesting and have more variety.

Users must have builds that are versatile and will adapt to any type of build/scenario, including builds of different partners.

I'm just a bit curious but if you could elaborate a bit more on what you're trying to say, I may be more-so inclined to adopt your stance.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
11/14/2011 15:46:01   


All we have to do is start linking partners, and this problem will be forever fixed.

Allow me to speak in darklight.

Dark: 2 vs 2 will require the unsatisfying task of searching for a self-analyzed partner whom you would find to be suitable. Promotes a very judgmental environment... "Hey Venttus could I 22 (2 vs. 2/partner up) with you for only 14 minutes?" - "No way we'd lose every battle. ". Now infer some statistics about the general population. What number of players have a reliable base of known friends or acquaintances for such purpose as this? Imply that we understand each other very well. Let me say I have no one on my friend's list I have known longer than half of the time I have been here at ED. I also wish I could have a 'best friend' . If this idea fails 2 v 2 is destroyed and people must either go to npcs, 1 v 1, or juggernaut if they own a skull card. Another point... linking is only done through friends list for bosses... work will require the implementation (if not adaptable) of linkage to strangers. Yes, 2 vs. 2 should be improved. You are looking at the partner as an object and not a subject.

Light: Yet, linked allies to trust will improve battle satisfaction. Come reliable partners, and they will endure to guarantee the full battle. It eliminates most doubt refraining to betrayal. You get the benefit of being with a trustee in arms. You also get to CHOOSE the abilities of the partner. Choice enables freedom... very nice. From alliances you can grow your relationships.

As you can see, the wording of dark outnumbers the wording of light. However you may preach quality, I have retained the same level of quality in each section. Therefore I may say that the idea as is... is more harmful than beneficial. Yet, this is simply one person's analysis, an opinion at best, the idea has never been considered nor tested, etc etc... It is a potential dream though. How was my post? ' v '
AQ Epic  Post #: 8
11/14/2011 16:21:00   

Linking partners ruins the surprise you get from pressing the 2v2 button lol...

I do however think a 5 level difference is just to high, why not lower it to three? I think we have enough players now which will allow the change to work.
Post #: 9
11/14/2011 16:51:49   

In the 8 matches I have played today 5 of those matches my opponents partner ran or lagged out. This has been a growing problem, it use to be once or twice now it has escalated and in most cases result in a loss.
Post #: 10
11/14/2011 18:32:36   

Except that some people (1v1 mainly, 2v2 as well) run because the odds are not in their favor and are sick and tired of unfair battles.
This is why partner linking in 2v2 will never work. Two pros are going to link, and it's game over for the opponents.
We're going to start a whole new line of runners.
Not a win.

There's more to this game than just YOU. There's the whole community.
Partner linking is a bad idea. We're going to OP varium players AGAIN. It's going to become juggernaut for high levels.

I've run from battles, you know. Everyone has. Just because someone did it against YOU means nothing.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 11/14/2011 22:09:34 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/14/2011 20:17:56   
One Winged Angel1357

we used to remove influence for runners and have a run button bad sadly it is gone now mainly because it is flawed now maybe if we put run back with a 10 EXP punishment for running that might work but you would still have f5 players(also i say 10 EXP because you get 7 from losing so just a tiny incentive to not run)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
11/14/2011 20:24:02   

agreed, the should get 15 minute ban after one run or disconnect because factions are abusing this for 2 on 2 championships.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
11/15/2011 6:44:30   

I had actually faced 2 level 34's at one time I managed to kill one of them.That's an Accomplishment for me.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
11/15/2011 7:15:33   

Linking partners would be fine with a challenge feature, like we have for 1v1, then you could challenge other linked up teams.
having linked partners in the normal 2v2 mode would be horrible. 2 full varium level capped tactical mercs. great.

like as if we dont face that combination enough as it is ^^
Post #: 15
11/15/2011 8:05:42   


What if the Game Engine randomly selects a random partner character from the database for you, but you control his actions?

That way, partner DCs would not affect you, since both are controlled by you.

This would also lead to decreasing the amount of horrible players winning due to good partners, or good players losing due to partners breaking strategy.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 16
11/15/2011 10:47:27   
I am Primal

i managed to win a 2 vs 1 vs a lvl 33 half varium tact and a lvl 31 full varium mage. but that was with idk about 5 blocks 161 dex build :p but thats not the point it's still unfair and the amount of times it;s happening it has to stop.
Post #: 17
11/15/2011 11:15:45   

Their is nothing we can do now. I agree with Basicball. @Angels Yeah so you and another pro maybe like Comical can team up on 2vs2 all the time and destroy your opponets. Good idea. ;) @edward So basically you are punishing people who disconnect? That is not fair at all. If the server is lagging or if their is a update.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
11/15/2011 12:00:27   
I am Primal

if link ups happen me and sid will be partners lol easy wins all day xD
Post #: 19
11/15/2011 13:33:03   

It is Mission Impossible.
Post #: 20
11/15/2011 17:46:10   

@drinde: Rather good suggestion, I don't see much that can go wrong. However, it will take one heck load of coding, so the devs better start sooner rather than later.


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 21
11/15/2011 18:47:01   

We deserve an achievement for winning a 2v2 against two full varium capped players alone.

"Like a boss"
*shows a thumbs up*
"For being a boss and kicking ___"
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
11/16/2011 5:18:16   

I dont support allowing you to control your partner.

1: if your a nub, your gonna be just as bad with 2 characters AND don't learn anything.
2: all the fun of 2v2 gone, just you alone vs someone else alone.
3: if someone else won or lost with your character would you get a win/loss? if yes it would be unfair if your character was selected for more fights, if no then it would be confusing.
4: People would see your character and think it was you, then you would ignore them and they would be confused, unless the other player told them you weren't there.

idea shot down, next.
Post #: 23
11/16/2011 5:23:37   

Hmmm, so it would like a whole 'nother battle mode.

Fine, new idea.

Only allow you to control your partner character if the character DCs? Then a sign saying "<Insert name> DCed, actions will be controlled by <Insert Partner Name here>*.

* If the Controlled Character won a match, only the Controller Character would get a Win. The Controlled Character automatically gets a loss since he DCed/Escaped, much like the current system.

< Message edited by drinde -- 11/16/2011 5:29:47 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 24
11/16/2011 11:44:03   


~black spidey
Epic  Post #: 25
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