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The Chronicles of Ackrum

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10/2/2011 2:03:08   

Author's Note: Coming Soon...

Discussion Thread: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=19666797 - Leave all feedback, comments, suggestions, and criticism (yes, criticism too but it must be constructive) here.

Format Headline:
1. <main title>

2. <part # and part title>

3. <character the [past/backstory/flashback/history] is referring to> (If there is one)

4. <chapter # and ch. title>


< Message edited by *Nova* -- 5/15/2012 20:28:19 >
DF MQ  Post #: 1
10/2/2011 2:05:53   


Chapter 1: Disagreement

The land of Ackrum was a vast world filled with many unusually regions. The ones who inhabit the regions surrounding the kingdom thrive in personal struggles. Many rise to change the world. However, most people aren’t aware of what was really causing all these sufferings. The lands are in danger. Already, lots of people are trying to flee from the cloaks of darkness. But only some chosen ones even knows of the segregation between the opposing forces; the Light and the Dark.

At one lonely region, where there’s the only schools that isn’t being closely patrolled by the unnatural races. In this school district, three people were walking through the doors of one of the schools. There was one in front, one right behind the first while being followed by another. The person in front was a tall guy and he had short white hair. He was carrying a guitar by his side.

The one behind him was a girl that was almost as tall as him. She had blackish red hair. She seems to be trying to grab him and trying to stop and speak with him. Finally, she was able to reach his shoulder.
The tall one walked on slowly, he didn’t bother to face her. He was looking towards the white floor, ashamed to even look.

“It’s over,” The boy said.

“No,” she quickly protested

“I had enough,” he shouted back.

The girl begged openly. “No, I need you.”

“You’re not changing my mind. You’re a fool,” he said angrily.

“No, you can’t just leave me,” she continued to pace along with him.

The tall one stops on his next step and turns to face the girl that was in tears. However, he was not sorry one bit for her misery.
As they stood, the other one finally emerge into view. The tall one wasn’t surprise to see him following along. He was much shorter than the two troubled ones.

The kid wore glasses and looked to be much younger than the tall one. However, size doesn’t tell anything. Really, the tall kid was seventeen and the other two were sixteen; just a year separates their birth.
He seems to have no clue what the two is fighting over, but was watching carefully. The tall one was glad over his lack of questioning.

“I need your guidance, Master” the girl asks again; hoping that recognition will remind him of his promise he made.

“No,” the tall one shouted loudly, trying to force their promise away. “And stop calling me that, don’t you dare accuse of me what I’m not.”

“Please, just give me one more chance”
At this point, the tall one swung his hands up in anger, with them over his head he turned to walk away.

“No please, Vincent Staccato!” the girl shouted

“And you,” Vincent cried to the stalking child. “Go apply for the music talent show tomorrow by yourself. I’m going in alone.”
With this, the short kid finally spoke…

“Wait, but why?” He said. “We put a lot of work into this. I thought we were all in it together!"

“Because I had enough, I don’t need you guys. I already have most of my own songs pre-made, and…”
“Anything to get away from her,” he added with a point and with that; he stormed away.

“What happened to you two?” he tried to ask Vincent.

He quickens his speed to the back entrance without a glance back. She watched as Vincent disappeared around the corner. By then she known it was hopeless to run after him anymore.

< Message edited by *Nova* -- 2/17/2012 1:56:13 >
DF MQ  Post #: 2
10/2/2011 2:10:17   


Chapter 2: Concert Night

The next night, Vincent is walking to the school dressed in a suit and iron shoulder pads. With silken thin pants armed with his personal guitar in hand.

He has always liked black; it was his favorite color. He has even gone as far as decorating his black clothing, which was already dark enough, with black shoulder pads to go along with it. In fact, his personal guitar, which he always carried around with him, has a nice thin layer of the color black coated on it.

He enters the building and makes his way to the music room. Its location was through a hall that goes to the back of the huge auditorium. As he’s walking down the hall, he immediately hears the sound of the audience inside. He enters the music room and takes an empty seat. Looking at his surroundings, he sees the small kid. Quickly, he shifts his glance so he doesn’t catch his eyes. The lady he had an argument with the previous night wasn’t present in the room.

Vincent smiles assuming that she has finally stop following him. Even since they met out in a lonely area, she has always been following him. Always, looking for his guidance; Vincent despises that. He knows he was not a good leader; if he was, he would have loved ones.
As time passes, he just waits quietly for his turn to perform. When the time came, he was called to get ready to take the stage. So he gathers up his guitar and exits the room. His trip down the hall was crossed by the same little kid. He gives him a silent, “Good Luck” but he didn’t sound like he meant it. Vincent walked pass him without looking or speaking to him.

He arrived at the side of the stage when the previous performance had finished. Entering the stage, he looks at the audience. Lots of people cheers, but in the midst he caught the sight of the girl. She was leaning on the wall by the left side on the walkway. Guess she did decide to come watch him. The other kid that he just met appears by her side. She waved to Vincent, clearly catching his glance, but he just ignored this and moved forward. Vincent sat down on the small chair.

“It’s time to blow her away…” he mumbles to himself.

Before performing, he picks up the microphone.
He spoke, “The song I’m going to play for everyone today is a fast one of my makings. I just finish it last night. Parts of it are inspired by a relationship I broke recently.”

There was a sadden response from the crowd as there was a gasp from the girl, hardly anyone heard. Vincent saw it though, and knew that finally he was going to get rid of her.

“I named it Shame,” he finishes.

He set the microphone in front of himself and begins.

The music started out with a booming effect from the volume. Then came a screeching and turned into song that sound like it was operate from stacks of drums.

“Tell me, can you see what you really are…”

“Can and will be used against you someday,” remembering the day when he started to help her and she said she will not give up, yet nothing good has come of her.

“You may think I’m at the top of the world, but don’t come to me for everything…”

“Because then the whole planet will know who you really are.”

“If I have to then I won’t even care how you’ll going to feel”

Vincent’s mind flashes a vision across his face of girl crying in front of him.
“Cause I already tried everything there is”
Remembering everything he tried to do for her and always got the worse results.

“So go ahead, mess up but don’t think I’ll always be with you...” Vincent sung the last word with a lasting sound.
The girl by the wall was starting to tear up as she watches the singer from below.

“I don’t care as long as you’re shameful.”

“First you’re wanted to me to stay, the next time you’ll share my hatred.”

“I don’t need you to tell me your not giving up, it’s too late, because now I’ve given up!”
Remembering the times when he dodged around flames. Now his voice started to lower a little…
His voice echoed his lyrics…
He goes back to introduce his pounding sound as he claws at his guitar strings before returning to sing.

“Tell me, can you see what you really are…”
He stares around at the crowd. He moves his glance right at the lady and she seems to be watching right into his eyes. With fear, as if Vincent was death himself.

“Can and will be used against you someday”

"You may think I’m at the top of the world, but don’t come to me for everything”

“Because then the whole planet will know who you really are…”
The lady above has finally cracked into sobs and ran out of the auditorium to hide herself away. Her little friend hesitated before he followed. Vincent just shook it off while a feeling of grinning burned happily inside him. He knew that his song wasn’t exactly on the mark to summarize what has happened, but the girl got the message, nonetheless.
He turned back to the rest of the audience and sung louder in his victory.

“So go ahead, mess up but don’t think I’ll always be with you. I don’t care as long as you’re shameful …”
His voice ringed on as he said his keyword over and over again ‘Shame.’

The music fades, then the crowd cheers. Vincent gives one short wave and exits the stage. Opening the side doors into a red bricked hallway, and as he walked out he heard loud footsteps behind him. He turns to see that familiar kid.

He shouts, “What’s gotten into you the last few days? You had no right to say all those things about her!”

Vincent fires back “Shut up Andrew. Don’t talk about what you don’t know. You have no clue of what’s going on between us.”

“What did she ever do to you?” Andrew questions.

“If you want the honest truth, she almost killed me tons of times!” Vincent said as he turned back to go.

Andrew seemed startle by that answer, but he went after him anyway. Vincent looked really annoyed at this point and continued to walk and ignoring his intrusion.
The kid finally manages to tap him on the shoulder in his retreat. Vincent spun around and was ready to knock him away in rage, but right when he saw his face; he knew that it weren’t be right.
The tall one caught his own actions and shift his mood so rapidly that the other had trouble on figuring out his actions. Andrew thought he was about to be hit, so he braced himself for a blow. He covered his face with his arms to receive the attack; however, it never came.

Instead of hearing Vincent raging upon him, Andrew hears him breathing heavily as if he’s trying to remain under control. He drops his guard and stares at the hesitate one. Andrew was about to ask if he was okay but Vincent spoke first.

“Andrew, I’m sorry,” he said breathless. “We have known each other for so long and I guess you deserve the truth…”

“The truth,” Andrew questions while adjusting his eyewear that had fallen out of place.

“About Kite and myself…” Vincent corrects.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Andrew said. “What are you trying to tell me?”

“It’s about why the both of us are acting the way we are,” Vincent clarifies. “To un-conceal us, we did not regulate from here.”
Andrew froze from that secret. He actually really believes that his two friends were just any everyday people. But he did feel oddly when he was around Vincent, like he was someone else altogether.

“I am the last Bard; it is not a thought nor a theory; it is what’s left of my tribe…”

< Message edited by *Nova* -- 2/17/2012 1:56:01 >
DF MQ  Post #: 3
2/10/2012 18:53:12   


Vincent Staccato

Chapter 3: Wanderer

“Bards are special musicians that creates and summons the supernatural from their music,” Vincent looks at his young friend before taking a breath to start his tale. “Briefly…”’

Vincent was an elder son of three. They were inhabitants in a vast forest land far away from the schooling district in due north. These Northern woods became greatly known to the tribe as Arkovin Forest.

Their kind made up many large groups that soon form a tribe of Bards. The tribe’s numbers were usually small for being in existence for a long time. From his families and cousins, the group had as many as ten large tents to rest in. The elder son truly loves his siblings deeply.

Life as a member of the tribe was most enjoying. From about the age of thirteen, Vincent decides that being with family was all he ever hopes for in his life. Only after he claims that did his life start to change almost entirely for unexplainable reasons.

Vincent woke up one night from the sounds of screaming. He heard within his tent house, the voices were really silent but he knew that it was shouts of those in pain. The boy that laid awake on his bed jump of it. His bed was made from a tree trunk. It was like a carving of a thick tree’s base. He sneaks off trying to avoid waking his siblings as he investigates the disturbing surroundings of their home site.

The tent was mostly decorated in different shades of green. Even most of their cloths were green, like the blankets they use to stay warm. His bed was on top of a tall wooden surface. The floor was actually the top of what looks like a giant table. It was really a creation that the tribe uses to create various amounts of floor levels to expand for room.

Vincent walks over to a ladder that would lead him down from the table and onto the dirt floor. There was another ladder on the other side of the beds that lead to a higher level, which was where the grownups’ slept.

The kid quickly got dressed in simple clothes from some wide boxes that sat near the ladder. Vincent place his feet on the steps of it and starts to climb down. When he was about six steps above the ground, he jumps off of it in a hurry. He jogs over to the entrance that was being block by a soft piece of curtains. Vincent brushes them aside and the sense and feeling of nature’s air hits him.

Outside, he could hear that the strange voices were coming from farther within the woods, away from his tribe. Before running after towards them, he did a quick search at the other tents to make sure no one was watching him leave. Vincent’s body flew pass the hanging leaves, leaving them swinging back and forth to where he entered the forest.

The young person actually was walking away from his home a bit farther than he had meant to. He thought he would have found the needy people by now. But Vincent saw no one yet, he had a sudden urge to go back and warn everyone the possibility of strangers. However, he didn’t want to go back in case the injured people are too badly wounded that they will die if help doesn’t arrive soon. So he continued walking, the young one believe that he will have enough courage to find out just how to help them.

Vincent was walking aimlessly and didn’t find anyone. He could still hear the shouts in the distances, they were indeed getting louder, but he wonder who would yell so loud and what could possibly be going on. He took several more steps and came to a giant oak tree that has the biggest root encircling he had ever seen. The roots reach up to half his size and Vincent was considered tall for his people.

He remembers his elders talking about old and wise trees have mysterious powers. Vincent, however, recalls saying to his Elders, “that’s crazy, trees are inanimate objects.”

“Oh yes, but they are very much alive,” the Elders replied.

Vincent could almost conclude that this one was an ancient tree that they had spoke of, but that wasn’t his main focus now. Breaking around the sacred tree, he saw a bleak of the sky and the land outside of the Arkovin. Vincent couldn’t believe his eyes at how much of a wreck the outside world was.

The land was in dirt roadbeds and has cracks spreading in the dirt. The discovery of this place caused the screams to become clear. Vincent could hear injury cries, loud laughter, and shouts of commanders from aggressive voices.

The bleach of the forest where the sunlight travel through, Vincent caught glimpses of many others charging and marching by. There seem to be two types of people or maybe they were different species altogether. The biggest differences he saw in the sides was one was full of Light and the opposing side was fill of Darkness. From the looks of the situation, it looks like the darken side was winning. From the open view, Vincent watches curiously like it was a circle shaped movie.

He felt himself retreat in instinct when two soldiers collided against each other so close to his hiding spot that he would have been seen if he stayed a moment longer. The dark figure thrust his opponent’s weapon out of his grip; the Light one’s weapon glitters in the sword as it glide away. The one armless had a moment of shock before Vincent watches as he was killed by his disarmer.

The Young Bard backed away from the battlefield and hid behind the oak tree as he realizes that this conflict could possibly be a war. Vincent shivers in fright at the sight of the one that was just killed replays rapidly in his mind. Vincent lay in the roots of the ancient tree like it was his parents’ guarding arms.

Thinking about his parents made him think of his tribe back home, he stood up firmly remembering that his siblings will be worried if he wasn’t by their side when they wake up. He also needed to forewarn his Tribe about the flames of war right outside their doormat. He was about to make way back the direction he travel from, but something halt him.

Behind his tree, he heard rustle of sounds and large voice voting for their escape. By their tone, it was the Light people and it wasn’t any sign of victory; it was actually…

“Men, guard your back sides and retreat into the shadows of the forest,” someone announced. Vincent was force to duck back down to vanish from sight; behind the large roots. There were howls and loud clangs as the small remainder of the soldiers marched by where Vincent laid. He poked up at them disappearing into the shadows of the forest with their shields blocking bits of darkness. Then there came another shouting order from voice that was a lot deeper.

“Come, my forces,” it said. “After them, don’t let them escape. Kill them all.”

Vincent drop to the dirt floor to make sure none of the army fighters laid an eyeball on him. He kept an ear against the hard ground to listen to their movements. He heard just about the same noises when the retreating group went by except they were much louder due to their bigger numbers. The stampede started to die down after a few seconds, but Vincent lay low to make sure. The Young Bard senses that there were still a few more running past.

They felt different than the others as though their darkness linger more. These people pass by the ancient tree and Vincent finally thought that he went about unnoticed but a dust collected around where the last ones stood. Vincent assumed that one had turned around and was scouting the area near the tree.

“What’s wrong, my servant?” a deep voice asked.

The one that spoke turned with his servant and scouted the surroundings. The two paused and Vincent froze. He thought that he may have been seen by them or they may have sensed his presence. However, the servant replies with hesitation.

“It-It’s nothing, my Lord,” it answered. “I thought I saw; probably just a trick of nature.”

Vincent could have sworn that he was certain a second earlier that he knew the Bard was hiding behind the roots.

The last of the Dark Forces left to catch up to the army with intense speed. Vincent was sweating but relieve as he got off the ground. He jumped out of the coverage of the roots and look at the ancient oak tree.

He wasn’t sure but he could almost swear to himself that this oak tree may have hidden him from the army; perhaps somehow thrown them of his scent…

But that didn’t matter to him now.

Vincent turned towards the way the armies fled in and smelled a sign of smoke. Before he actually decided, he was already running after them. He felt himself shouting but he was so scared that he couldn’t even make out what he was saying.

This hadn’t occur to him earlier when he saw that battlefield, but he just realizes that there was the possibly that the armies could have ran towards his tribe and the battle may resume there.

Deeper and deeper back he went, he saw bits of flames that eventually grew into a forest fire on either sides of him. Vincent’s mind was racing and he was sweating rapidly from the heat of the flames. Soon he was yelling the loudest he could, not even caring if he draws the attention of the war men if he catches up to them…

< Message edited by *Nova* -- 2/17/2012 1:55:48 >
DF MQ  Post #: 4
2/10/2012 18:54:36   

Part 1 Prologue

Chapter 4: The Protector

Vincent Staccato couldn’t go on with his story, in the middle of it; he had fallen to his knees as he tells Andrew about his past.

“By the time I found my way back to our campsite,” he said while losing his grip at keeping a steady voice. “Everyone was…; some tents were in ruins, others burned down. There was a huge pile of bodies at the center of our home.”

“We came here for safety and shelter. That’s how we came to know you, Andrew Ticlud…”

Andrew was silent, then he asks, “were you sure that no one was left?”

“I-I check for as long as I dared,” Vincent explains. “No one was left.”

“I was only able to pack a few of my possessions,” he listed. “My guitar, some food, and bits of my clothing; when I was done, I beat it out of there because I couldn’t stand their faces. Or in case the armies came back…”

Vincent stood up and walks away towards the exit that he was trying to leave before entering this story.

“You see, I could have saved them but I failed…” he tries to say back at Andrew in the most controlled voice he could.

Andrew watches him go out into the night without acknowledging that he hasn’t told him how he found Kite.

As the night breeze covers around the Bard, he sees Kite on the floor crouching next to the wall outside. Vincent continues forward to walk pass her. When he went right by her, she stood. Vincent watches her in the corner of his eyes and halts with his back to her.

“Please,” she said in one final attempt.

“When are you going to stand up for your own problems?” He says, reclaim his calmness.

“I can’t do it without your protection.”

“I gave you loads of chances.”

“I’m sorry, but it wasn’t enough. Please, you must stay with me.”

“I don’t have stay for anything. You almost killed me about ten thousand times. I am seeing no room for improvement at all.”

“I’m sorry,” she says again.

“You failed, you lost my confidence; you’re just a waste of space in this world. You’re worthless,” Vincent’s calmed mood suddenly changed into rage.

He started to walk farther away from her, but then she finally approaches him.

“You would rather see me dead in order to save your own skin? You just want to see me suffer as your revenge?” she pauses and shouts. “You’re no hero in my eyes; after all we been through, you rather run away from my crimes that I never intended to do?”

Vincent felt his heart stop for second right when she said ‘run away.’ Somehow, that made him think of how he run off from his Tribe in investigation but he actually should have forewarn his Elders.

They may still be alive if he did.

The Bard felt hollow inside but then he turns around in anger and faces her straight in face as his wound is fill with hatred.

“So, is that what you think of me?” He glared, which caused the girl to back up. Vincent smiled at that evidence of fear.

“I’ve already risk my life in helping you survives, I’ve took care of you when you were just a loner out in the fields, but I guess now that I’m giving up.” He laughs unrecognizable, and that scared the girl. Kite could have sworn she saw flames reflecting within his eyes. Then he sung to her slowly, one sentence.

“’First you’re wanted to me to stay, the next time you’ll share my hatred’.” He grinned in a scary way to her. “Don’t you just love it when you’re right? It was thrilling for me to tell the future...”

Vincent turns back around to start walking around the school. “You really don’t know what you’re saying? I’ve contribute to you a lot more than you did for me. See you around Kite.”

He disappears from sight when he walked into the overturn shadows of wild trees. Kite crouches back down in sorrow but Andrew went straight to comfort her.

“It’s going to be alright, Kite,” asked Andrew. “I’m still here.”

Kite whispers, “He’s my protector… he’s special.”

Andrew wasn’t sure if he should be upset for the lack of security he could provide compare to Vincent.

In a few hours, Vincent was called back on stage and congratulated for being the best guitarist. He, however, wasn’t that excited. His main goal was a success; which was pulling Kite away from him.

After all the cheers, a speaker announces, “And from all of us, we hope you aren’t too desperate from the break in your recent relationship.”

The microphone left his mouth and headed over to Vincent’s; to see if he has anything to say.

Vincent merely just sighed.

Vincent arrives at school the next day. It was going to be tough getting through the weekdays now without Kite and Andrew to accompany him. However, he knew it would be worth it to break their ties soon enough.

Still, the day went pass very dreadfully, but finally it was done. He heads on over to the local library but then he saw Kite there. He quickly reappears going back outside and to the far end of the library until he was away from her…

* * *
Late during that day, Kite decides to leave. She meets Andrew by the entrance and they leave together.

“Are you okay, Kite” Andrew asked when he realizes she was still depressed.

“Andrew, I should probably go home alone. I’m endangering you if you’re with me,” Kite suddenly said.

“But how,” Andrew asks.

“Because Vincent was my Protector and I need him for me to stay away from the dark. Now that he’s gone, I’m basically dead.”

“Listen, Vincent told me about his past,” Andrew exclaims. “I know that he’s a Bard.”

“He told you that?” she asked lightly without much of a shocking emotion. “That isn’t the whole story…”

“I know, he didn’t mention where you two met,” Andrew recalls. “I didn’t want to push him anymore.”

“Do you want to walk home together,” she interrupts so they don’t need to talk about Vincent.

Andrew was hoping for more on the topic, but said unsurely, “alright….”

He thought maybe he will get some solid information if he follows along with her. Maybe she will explain to him later. The two of them exits the library and into the night.

“Let’s walk around the school, it’ll be a shortcut for us,” Kite says more to herself.

Their school was really tall on one side and really short on the other. That was the outcomes of the second floor only existing on one side of the building. As the two walks around the shorter side, only they didn’t know they were being watched. From above on the roof, two figures stared down upon them.

“The Protector isn’t among them. It’s perfect.” One of them whispers as the two jumps down to them. Kite and Andrew were confused at the random appearances of falling people. They thought the two was going to break their feet but instead they land fine as though it was only a two feet drop.

The figures landed right next to their prey, the bigger one of the two grabbed Kite and held her hands behind her backside. The other figure held the boy by the chest. Andrew fought to throw the stranger off him but he was a lot smaller than the attacker. He gasps when he saw the man was holding a knife that points the tip at his throat.

“No!” shouted Kite. She tries to run to help but the one behind her held on tightly.

“Stop your struggling boy or I’ll kill you!” the big one shouted.

“Now, I am Skish and this is my partner.” The one who was holding Kite swings his head at the other figure.

“Don’t do it, leave him alone,” said Kite, staring at the immobilize Andrew, who was trying to move backwards against his bondage to stay out of the knife’s edge.

“Only if you cooperate, now I believe you know what we’re after. Your aura inside of you is vast. I hope your Protector has told you all about this.”

“Yes, he has. What do you want with it?”

“Hand it over, give it to us, and we’ll spare your little friend.” He inches the knife even closer to Andrew’s throat so that there was only a centimeter gap.

“But, I don’t know how to take it out,” Kite tried to explain.

The two figures look startle, but then their faces overturn to anger.

“She just messing around,” the one holding Andrew said. “She should have the will ability to remove it.”

“I’m well aware of that,” Skish spat. “We don’t have time to play; faking won’t help you, girl.”

“I told you, I can’t” she said as she struggles to release her energy.

“Do it or he dies”

“Master, let me kill the boy,” the servant suggests. “He’s nothing to us, plus it will trigger her anger.”

Skish immediately agrees, “Good idea.”

“No!” shouts Kite as she tries to rip her arms free.

The servant grips his knife more firmly. He brought it slowly over the boy’s neck to give Kite a little time to squirm. When the blade was over Andrew’s throat, he brought the knife upwards and struck back downward at Andrew’s flesh…

There was a cleave sound as the knife met its mark…

The servant was surprised at the effect. He looked down at the boy he was still clutching and saw a long board sword blocking his view. He looks along at the long sword. At where a normal blade’s handle should have been, instead was replaced with the butt of a guitar. The weapon was sticking out and outstretch from an instrument. He follows up the guitar to where hands were gripping the strap of strings. His eyes look across the hands and up the arms to see who the user was.

“Vincent!” Kite cheers but was soon breathless as Skish toss her onto the ground as he faces this new appearance.

The sword just barely reached the tip of the servant’s knife and prevents it from hitting Andrew’s throat. He rushes forward and swing kicks to separate servant from his captive. The Bard grabs Andrew away from the black figure by his collar.

“You have guts to just appear out like this, Mr. Staccato,” said Skish. “But you forgot one thing…”

He turns to his follower and was about to shout for him to take the girl and run but he was force to stop. Skish was catching the tune of a terrible tune that was starting to squeak loudly; making him unstable and numb.

In his psyched state, he watched as his partner forcefully shut his ears before he starts screaming. Skish wipes his mind until he was back into familiarity. The servant was pulling a knife out of his back. Behind him, the master saw the Protector in a position that he just thrown something. His guitar was flipped as though he was just playing a few notes and the sword has vanished.

“You attacked while distracting us with a bad tune?” said Skish asks Vincent, who gotten Kite by his side.

“I certain did,” said Vincent while Andrew and Kite hid behind him.

Skish laughs, “You think you can protect both of them by yourself? You are not a Protector of them both, you won’t save them.”

Skish ran forward at Vincent. Vincent gripped his sword tightly. He had known now that it will be hard to protect them both. So he stood his ground, as the black figure approached. Vincent blocked him, and slashed as he jumped over Vincent.

Skish swings attack Andrew with a shadow formed curve blade. Kite jumps in front of him as he approached. Skish quickly stopped his attack. He mustn’t kill Kite, for he still needed her. During his change of target, Vincent stabbed Skish through his back and into his heart.

Skish coughed up dark red blood while more escaped out of his chest. He stared down and looked at Vincent in anger before falling to his knees.

“I underestimated you.” Skish quickly lied.

“No, you should never take your eyes off the enemy. You deserve what you got,” taunted Vincent.

“I’m not finish yet!” Skish’s voice grew ever louder.

“What?” said Vincent as he steps back and got in front of Andrew and Kite. He watches as Skish roars and begin to fade away slowly, covering in darkness. Then suddenly he swung his arm forward bring huge dark spikes shooting from him in all angles.

The large thorns stuck his follower and Vincent; the rest zoomed away and vanishes without hitting a mark.

Both the victims of the attack fell backwards onto their back. When the dark thorn vanished, beneath left a huge wound, the remaining follower endures the pain before fading away, leaving strips of darkness that leaks into the air. As Vincent was falling, he was caught in the hands of Kite. One hand behind his neck, the other gripping his arm.

“Vin, no!” Kite shouts as she saw the depths of the wound.

Vincent gasps and was unable to get up. He watches as tear formed in her eyes...

“No” protests Vincent. “Don’t cry, be strong and heal me! Please Kite, I need you.”

“But I haven’t master it, what if I,” she said carefully.

“Be strong...” he cuts her off.

She lay him on the ground, and put her hands right above the wound. A mixture of pink and light blue light appeared there. She begins to push it forward to heal him.

Andrew was watching in amazement, but once again confuse as to what was going on. And he hates that feeling, but he knows it’s better to be quiet and still at this moment.

Vincent watches Kite struggle with the spell, he already known it’s won’t be enough. As her magic was shortly reducing, he pulled up his sword into the air. The sword slowly reformed into his personal guitar. Kite wasn’t surprised at this at all, but Andrew was watching wide mouthed.

Vincent brought the guitar right above his wound and begins to play it…

He plays out in a wonderful fantasy type theme…

“There are things in life you’ve to see. Cause out there somewhere
it’s all waiting, if you keep believing.”

“Just keep believing…” Kite whispers to herself. And then her magic seem to strengthen. Vincent felt it and sung louder in encouragement…

“So don't run… don't hide….It will be all right
you'll see, trust me”

“I will always be there, watching over you!” Vincent pauses to breathe.

“Just take a look. There has to be a better place somewhere out there.”

“Just take a look. Everything changes; you'll be amazed what you'll find. If you just a look,”

Kite starts to smile while Vincent grins shortly after.

“There will be times on your journey and all you'll see is darkness, but out there somewhere daylight will find you if you keep seeking.”

“So don’t run, don’t hide out.”

“Trust me, I'll always be there… watching over you.”

Kite whispers, “I trust you, Vin.”

“All the things that you can change, there's a meaning in everything. And you will find all you need, there's so much to understand”

“All you need to do is just take a look. There's a better place somewhere out there…”

Kite just noticed that the bloody wound was almost sealed. She was shock at her own powers. Vincent showed a little sign of pain and Kite quickly increased her heal farther.

“Everything changes; you'll be amazed what you'll find and all you need to do is look and believe.”

Kite finishes sealing the wound as Vincent finishes with one finally faded sentence.

“Just take look and seek…”

He stops playing.

“Thanks Vin,” Kite said weary.

Vincent gets up and says.

“No, you have my thanks, Kite,” said Vincent brightly. “I’m sorry, but it seems you do have the potential you need.”

“Vin… Why did you come back?” Kite wonders.

Vincent hesitates before answering, “I guess, I rather help then watch you die; same for you, Andrew.” He says to them both.

Kite jumps up and hugs him. “You truly are wonder. Thank you, master.”

Tomorrow, Vincent and Kite entered the school side by side. When they reached the end of the hall, Vincent suddenly stopped. It was so sudden that Kite thought that he died.

“Vincent? Are you okay?” Kite asks alarmed.

He pauses before reassuring her. “Yeah, I’m alright it’s just- don’t you feel that scent?”

“I don’t feel anything” Kite said.

“Never mind, just keep your eyes open more today. I feel something is flowing in this school…” Vincent saw that Kite was getting scared at what he was saying. “Don’t worry, it'll be okay. I'm here.”

< Message edited by *Nova* -- 2/17/2012 1:55:29 >
DF MQ  Post #: 5
2/10/2012 19:01:29   

The Chronicles of Ackrum

Part 1: The Chaser of Darkness

< Message edited by *Nova* -- 5/15/2012 20:28:43 >
DF MQ  Post #: 6
2/17/2012 1:44:37   

Part 1: A Threat from the Shadows

Chapter 1: How it Began

For years, Juvestan Trikecy, a prince of darkness, was sent into the outside world to investigate; but was really there to keep a look out. He was sent there by the one directing the darkness, who is also his father. The Lord controls a vast army of the fearsome creatures. The world would be dominated by the Dark if it was not for the Light that keeps them at bay.

They live as rivals for the control of the world. The Light and the Dark are sacred beings that have raged war among each other from the beginning of time. No truce or a cease in war ever came close between them. They’re anger to destroy each lays deep; the Forces can’t stand each other. It is beyond nature for the two sides to roam the lands in harmony.

In the world, there are three different kinds of people. One was the Darkness, who wants to conquer the earth into eternal chaos and form disbelieves with all in existence.

The opposing side stands the Light, the fighters that preserve the peace that everyone experiences in life. They won’t stop at nothing until the dark is defeated. When the corruption that would take away their paradise still stands, the Light will always be unease.

Finally, there are the Remads. These are what the rivaling sides named the remaining citizens upon the world. They exist as humans that share no knowledge of the two sides. Remads live as clueless citizens as to why the world is. They have shared their memories of losses but they are incapable to do much about them. These simple humans are the underdogs compare to the Light and Dark.

The progress that the Good’s and Evil’s fighting are equality matched majority. Even if one side begins to success in stuffing out their enemies, the other will always come back for payment.

The Dark’s and Light’s oldest tradition are to always have a chosen one among them. They were informed by their descendents from ages’ pass that these who are singled out from birth are the Heroes of their Side.

Every generation pass roamed a Light and Dark Hero. When the previous chosen one falls, another will take its role shortly. These heroes possess ultimate power, superior to their entire race, and immortality. Their energy sources are vast and need to be awakened to take its full potential. Each hero was promised to perform great acts and siege advantages.

Heroes could not die by old age; they must be struck down by battle or sickness. The Hero was the pride of their nation…

And there was never a Remad Hero.

Until now…

A Remad hero was born; the Light and Dark had trouble believing this hoax after their prospective advisers predicted this. It was said that destiny has chosen the Remads to be the ones to bring an end to the raging sides.

The Remad hero was to be given complete power over the other two sides; it was truly someone special. This someone was going to be the powerhouse for the chosen side.

Importantly, the trouble was…

They did not know the person was to save the world or destroy it. For the last couple of months, even years; this bold news caused panic.

Soon enough, it became almost like a race. They were on this case. Whoever was to reach the Remad first was going to become the Leader of the Land; whoever can befriend the hero to fight for their side.

The prize would be who can reach the Hero first.

The Dark Side has decided they must kill the Remad Hero. The race did not want to give the Remad a chance to destroy them. The Darkness knew well enough that the chosen one would not agree to help them destroy its own race. It was not going to happen; the true task was to befriend the Remad race. Their intentions would definitely not resolve with them.

In their eyes, the person must die before coming of age; before he was properly trained.

The Light Side was advancing to meet with the Savior first before he becomes a captive into deep darkness.

However, the Dark and Light soon realized that searching this person would be impossible; there was just too many places to look; too many possibilities. The Gods of their lands spread their whispers; their advice was to wait for the time that the Remad will be awakened.

A hero was indeed chosen to be a hero at birth, but they only start to resemble and become a keen hero when they start to age out of their childhood. Once in their teens, their true selves will fuse in.

At that moment, the Remad hero will be revealed to the sides. They will learn of its exact location.

Merely years before the big event, the Dark Lord was given knowledge of where destined Remad Hero will be placed. Both sides would find out immediately when the time for the hero to awaken to fulfill its destiny.

When that time comes, the Dark Hero must destroy the Remad. The Dark Hero was given a new name, James; he was to lurk and assimilate among the Remad civilization. His missions position himself in a poor school district.

Juvestan has been there for almost seven years. He waits for the Remad Hero to show himself. The hero should be in the nearby school that Juvestan was sent to by his father. He was told to simply adapt with the other students until the revelation takes place.

The Light Side has been watching the Darkness move. As of now, the Hero of Light was also stationed in that area. He was average sized boy named is Ridix Vanisc; nothing special… in appearance.

At the moment, the Dark Hero has no idea where Ridix is and he doesn’t either. The two knows for sure that the other will likely come forward soon.

Ridix and Juvestan’ destiny to be heroes of their side was already revealed years ago. Their job now is to prepare for the last hero: Ridix will do whatever he can to protect, while Juvestan will do his best to murder him before the Light gets their clutches on the Remad.

< Message edited by *Nova* -- 5/15/2012 20:30:12 >
DF MQ  Post #: 7
2/17/2012 1:54:45   

Part 1: A Threat from the Shadows

Chapter 2: The Mission

Juvestan’s alternate name was mainly given to him to enhance his disguise to be a Remad.

He was not the type of students that keeps up on his work.

Why even bother? He needs to focus on his mission. The time may come any second. And the time did come, very soon. It was three weeks into his Seventh year here. The Lord of Darkness gave him the instructions that the Remads hero has been lingering its presence.

The Dark Lord was positive of who the desired hero would be characterized like. He should be a small boy, someone who has best joys of life… so far at least.

Juvestan couldn’t find a better person then Harvet Zanct. A kid that seems to succeed in everything, had armies of friends, and always presents a positive attitude’ not to mention that he talks a lot. He would know because he has been his classmate for quite some time.

The Dark Hero reports theory to his father with a special communicator. It was a rectangle items with a black, hard base. The object also contains a small monitor that can sent views from his side to his father. The Dark Lord would have been foolish if he sent his son into the dangers outside his empire without some connection for the task. Juvestan have ever since been passing his father information on his current progress.

When Juvestan sent a tiny clip of Harvet moving through the halls, the Dark Lord had trouble eyeing the one within the crowd he marches within. Still, only catching glimpses of him, he was bewildered by the strong sense of his happiness. He had felt the power of a hero before but in his presents, the strength surpasses any. He would be flinching had not for the power still being locked away. The Lord was now certain that Juvestan’s assumption were correct.

The Dark Lord didn’t show it but his insides were overjoyed. “Good, your time has come. Finish up the job and you’ll be rewarded.”

Juvestan look a little uneasy, but still follow along, “alright.”

At his best to remain in control, the Lord still sense that something was triggering inside of the hero. He asks his son curiously, “What’s wrong? You look troubled, there’s really no reason to.”

“I know, but...” Juvestan struggles to make out. “It seems, well, I’ve know the Remad for quite some time now.”

“Are you, by any chance, have any friendly matters tied that guy?” The Dark Lord told him. Is one Remad really going to hold you back from saving my race? He’s willing to annihilate us when he finds out who you really are. The good would transform the kid into their war dog.”

“I know, but does it really have to end this way? Isn’t there some way we can get him on our side or corrupt him.”

“Look son, he won’t like our plans for making his race into slaves of our world. Controlling him will be most difficult. Once he knows the truth, he won’t be a friend anymore.”

“Father, did you think what our goals for the world is fair? What we plan to do to the world, making everything corrupted, taking people life away and ruling a burned earth?”

“Juvestan, you’ll be is much trouble one of these days if you try to ignore the goals our ancestors have worked so hard for,” he warned. “Now kill that boy before the Light shows up to blind you. Such an act will be fatal.”
“We have found him first, we must take this advantage. We cannot lose our chance!”

“It shall be done, my lord,” the Hero finishes.

Juvestan saluted his father and closed the communicator. He must now find a way to corner Harvet Zanct without catching any attention to himself.

It mustn’t take too long either, the Lord is right, if the Darkness has found out the location of the Remad Hero; soon enough the Light Forces will discover it. The Purified Light Side will find where the shadows have lingered and the hero too.

Juvestan stood in an oddly small spaced bathroom; in here, he was secretly transferring information to the mighty Lord that will likely doom the world one day. Soon, it’ll be time for the Dark to set their goals into reality.

Somewhere within the blackness of his thoughts, he heard dirty door rattle. He quickly stuffs his communicator in as a tall guy slides into the bathroom. The teenager had an interesting instrument strapped to his shoulders and laid on his back. Juvestan had seen boy multiple time before in the halls but never actually talked to.

Vincent says brightly “James? Hello, I haven’t seen you for awhile. How have you been?”

Juvestan was somewhat surprised as to the person knowing his name; or his fake name for that matter. Little evidence showed but he could tell something was on his mind that bothered, but he tried to hide it.

Juvestan quickly says, “Wonderful day we’re having, it’s going to be the most glorious day ever, I expect.”

He exits the bathroom, leaving Vincent wondering what he meant by that.

Juvestan went down the hall back to his classroom. He had asked for the bathroom when he went to make a message to his father. The teacher of the class obviously noticed he’s been gone for at least fifteen minutes.

“Where have you been all this time?” the teacher asked right when he walked in.

James stumbles slightly when asked. “I was using the restroom like I said.”

“I don’t think that’s all you been to. Fifteen minutes you been gone, fifteen! I would like to let you know that cutting class will drop your grade and I’ll be giving out suspensions,” the teacher fired back.

Juvestan barely register this and took his seat. Getting yelled at by a Remad teacher was the last thing he would worry about for today.

< Message edited by *Nova* -- 5/15/2012 20:30:34 >
DF MQ  Post #: 8
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