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What works best for these skills?

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3/6/2012 13:47:51   

Stat Nerfs: Smokescreen, Malfunction, Intimidate

Stat Buffs: Reflex Boost, Technician, Field Commander

Nerfs use Strike. Buffs do not.

Which option sounds best to you:

i) The skills remain the same.

ii) Nerfs no longer use Strike.

iii) Buffs use Strike.


Please discuss
AQ Epic  Post #: 1
3/6/2012 14:04:59   

II Nerfs no longer use strike.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/6/2012 14:07:56   
Prime Assassin


they stay the same pointless changing it now. and i use buffs more than debuffs. ALOT more
Post #: 3
3/6/2012 14:10:17   

I said same in Balance thread! xD And going for ii) because it's better. Reasoning here (quoting):

Currently it's a wasted turn while nerfers get an advantage, on top of it if you debuff a nerfer then that's another turn wasted and even more damage taken. I'd go for nerfers being applied without a Strike and keep buffers how they are. If one attacks while other has to wait then the attack one is not fair as it gives same thing but nerf + damages you.
Aso if you attack someone with buffer on (Dex/Tech buffer) and use Smoke, you technically debuff them and get even higher increase in Rage which is quite the advantage as you still striked which dealt damage.
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
3/6/2012 14:16:26   

Know what would look pretty cool animation-wise if Nerfs no longer used Strike? You would raise your Primary in the air (like a sword casting Plasma Rain), and the the target is inflicted with the nerf animation.
AQ Epic  Post #: 5
3/6/2012 15:16:54   


Nerfs no longer use Strike.

Than debuffs will be useless, whats the pont of losing 1 turn and energy.

+ Thats why stat Buffers stay 4 turn not 3 like debuffs.

If that happen than BM would be really OP with no Debuff, no losing turn and energy.


Epic  Post #: 6
3/6/2012 15:21:27   

@Turkish Well its unfair we TLMs are the only class without a debuff skill therefore other classes debuff skills need to be weakened or give us ours back. And then nerf us some other way. Or do something but making us the only class without debuff because our passive armor + energy regen + debuff combo was OP yet still allowing CHs to do the same is completely unfair. That is not balanced at all.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
3/6/2012 15:24:26   

Replace Double strike with Intimidate.
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/6/2012 15:33:34   


CHs OP too

and TLM got 2 major passive old Hybrid and Reroute so stop complaining that you got no debuff.

If you ask me a Tank class never should have energy return skill, i would remove reroute. and i would remove plasma armor from CH and make static a passive skill that returns average 5-6 energy in every dmg(not only primary)
Epic  Post #: 9
3/6/2012 16:29:19   
Prime Assassin


ch isnt op cuz malf. it;s op cuz. oh im a nooby ch lets spam heal and emp so no one can kill me while i hide behide my plasma armour and my insane dex with shadow arts.
Post #: 10
3/6/2012 16:58:48   
Mr. Black OP

None, buffs last an extra turn so its fair through that.
Epic  Post #: 11
3/6/2012 18:41:16   


What if we had balanced them by making them last the same number of turns?
AQ Epic  Post #: 12
3/6/2012 19:04:16   
Lord Nub

Make buffs last 3 turns and debuffs should not strike, they should be more of a spell cast on the opponent anyway. If our weapons were magically coated with something that cause a player to be smokescreened etc. then shouldn't it happen every time we strike? It's a spell...
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
3/6/2012 19:09:10   
Mr. Black OP

Smoke grenades?
Stun and poison grenades apparently do damage so wouldn't a smoke grenade do damage too in this games logic?
Malfunction could be considered an EMP since in real life EMPs could prevent machines from working, due to that the machine "malfunctions."
Intimidate is a tricky one though.
Epic  Post #: 14
3/6/2012 19:18:19   

I would hope that the skills would remain the same, though giving field commander a small side effect (5% health regain, perhaps?) would help even it out with other buff skills and make Tlm and M slightly less useless.


It is difficult to enjoy your cake when your pants are on fire.
~Dragon of Time
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
3/6/2012 19:25:58   

*evil idea appears on mind* Mehehehehe...what if you regain a (fixed) % of health back when you attack with FC on? :D
Just like how reflex boost gives you some energy back lol. (FC health regain does NOT stack with frenzy :P)
AQW  Post #: 16
3/6/2012 19:28:39   

^Of course it stacks with Frenzy. Reflex Boost applied to players who have Reroute stacks with it. We don't need another unfair class bias like with blood mage and Super charge. :3
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
3/6/2012 19:36:25   
Mr. Black OP

Except no class has reroute and reflex, which means it is only possible (in a 2v2) with a tlm or tm and a bh or bm, and very few bms use it.
Epic  Post #: 18
3/6/2012 19:51:49   

I prefer buffing Buff skills. They are already very weak with the Bot already.
Only reflex actually work...
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 19
3/6/2012 20:23:23   


Except no class has reroute and reflex, which means it is only possible (in a 2v2) with a tlm or tm and a bh or bm, and very few bms use it.

There is no validity to that argument. The two abilities stack, regardless of who uses them on whom.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
3/6/2012 22:49:51   

How about debuffs instead of using a strike they use an attack based on the opponenets total health so the attack side couldnt be abused to be high and use the debuff strike to be an overpowered strike with defence shrinking.

This way if the opponenets health is low the attack side of the debuff will also be low to make things even, rather then forcing players to play defensive or to have no counters and ruin strategy.

As for Buffs I think they should be given the option to at some point use ann attack in the same turn as the buff for example a robot sepcial with the abailty to attack and use a buff straight after in the same turn.(useable one only per battle)

This will allow variety in these areas to increase and give counters to the builds that are in desprite need of a propper counter apart from luck.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 3/6/2012 22:51:40 >
Epic  Post #: 21
3/6/2012 23:00:26   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@rej The problem with FC stacking with Frenzy is that Frenzy increases health restored by dealing damage. FC increases damage. This means you get way more health than casting either alone. Having 50%+ from just one skill that is guaranteed to do 20 at minimum means you will always get at least 10 health back if you Max Bloodlust. Say you did 50 damage, you get 25 health back. Not quite as much as healing but don't forget you just smacked your enemy for 50 damage at the same time.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
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