Mogzards?! Location: Battleon » Zard hunter Shop » Other Quests » MogZard! «Scene: Battleon. Irwin Dundee is crying.» Aria: What's wrong, Zardhunter? Zardhunter: *sniff* sniffle* *snort* «You»: Uh-- What was that again? Zardhunter: Crikey, I don't know what came over me, mate. I've had a rough go of it today. I never thought it would come to this, but-- I think I need to retire. «You»: WHAT?! Why?? Zardhunter: I lost a fight to the Zardmaster for the first time. I-- I can't go on... Aria: Oh, Zardhunter, I'm so sorry! «You»: You lost... a fight? You've got to be kidding. One fight? You can't just give up after losing a single battle! The war still goes on! «You»: If you give up, WHO is going to continue standing in the Zardmaster's way?! Zardhunter: ... You? «You»: No way. I won't do it. Not if you give up. So, how did you lose to him? «Scene zooms in on the Zardhunter's o_0 face.» Zardhunter: He created a beast unmatched by any other known to nature... It was a bloomin' HORROR, mate! «You»: (off-Scene) Get ahold of yourself, man!! «A hand comes up and SLAP!s the Zardhunter's face. Scene zooms out.» Zardhunter: CRI--key! Thanks mate, I needed that. Aria: What WAS the beast he made? Zardhunter: It was-- a MOGZARD! «You»: ... Aria: Aww that sounds cute silly. Zardhunter: It was anything BUT cute!! It would have eaten off my face if I hadn't managed to escape! Crikey, I get the shivers just thinking about it. Zardhunter: I think Zardmaster is going to use Mogzards to be the base of a new army. «You»: What makes these things so tough? Zardhunter: It has the ferocity of a motherzard combined with a constant regeneration of its health! Zardhunter: The only way I can imagine defeating it would be to overwhelm its healing ability as quickly as possible. «You»: Well then, I'll tell you what. It sounds like all you need is a little help. And I'm JUST the person for the job! Let's go stop Zardmaster's plan-- together! Lead the way! «Scene zooms in on Aria.» Aria: Hmf. Always fighting zards, those two. We should figure out a way to show them that zards can be HELPFUL in their battles against bad guys, too! Aria: Come on, let's go talk to Yulgar... «Scene: Forest.» Zardhunter: the Zardmaster was just east of Darkovia when his Mogzard had a go at me! Who knows what beasties he sent to chase me to Battleon. This could be a challenge to wrangle him! Battle with the Zardhunter's help Battle by yourself Regardless of choice: 3 BATTLES Full Heal 3 BATTLES Full Heal See below for encounter details «Scene: A strange trench emitting sparks.» Zardhunter: Crikey! Zardmaster's base was right here! He must have moved everything. «You»: I hear something moving-- under our feet! Pit Trap! Can you escape this patch of ground before it gives way and drops you into a nest full of undead zards? Difficulty: [See below] Stat Used: Dexterity «Failing the roll gives you two choices - to 'Defy it!' or just continue 'Next'.» Level 0-34 35-59 60-84 85-109 110-124 125-135 136+
Diff 40 51 62 73 74 74 74 «If you have less than «» SP and defy the roll...» Pit Trap! You lack the «» SP to defy the fickle will of the dice. Difficulty: [See below] Your Roll: «The number you got» - Next
Level 0-34 35-59 60-84 85-109 110-124 125-135 136+
Diff 40 51 62 73 74 74 74 «If you have more than «» SP and defy the roll...» Pit Trap! By an effort of will you can spend «» SP to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that? Difficulty: [See below] Your Roll: «The number you got» - Yes
- No
Level 0-34 35-59 60-84 85-109 110-124 125-135 136+
Diff 40 51 62 73 74 74 74 «If you failed or failed in Defying your roll:» «Scene: Pit with four Undead Zards.» Zardhunter: Crikey... - Battle with the Zardhunter's help
- Battle by yourself
Regardless of choice: Continues below. «If you succeeded or succeeded in Defying your roll:» «You»: Wow! We actually avoided falling into a nest of undead zards! Zardhunter: That wily Zardmaster... Continues below. «Scene: A mountainous area.» «You»: Now which way? Zardhunter: If I'm right, Zardmaster will need to set up his base deep in Greenguard Forest. Zardhunter: It's the one place on Lore that is most magically in tune with Moglinkind, and he'll NEED that magic to nourish his new army. «You»: ... Back to Greenguard we go! Battle with the Zardhunter's help Battle by yourself Regardless of choice: 3 BATTLES Full Heal 3 BATTLES Full Heal See below for encounter details «Scene: Greenguard.» Zardmaster: HAHAHA! You're too late! I now have TWO Mogzards, male and female! And soon, my ARMY will be reborn!!! Zardhunter: I-- I-- Zardmaster: What's the matter, Zardhunter? SCARED?!?! HAHAHAHA!! «You»: I don't know if I can do this alone, Zardhunter. Snap out of it! Zardhunter: There's 2 of them now! «You»: One for each of us! Look, you need to fight your fear! I'll take one and a half of them if you take what's left! Zardhunter: You got it, mate! Battle with the Zardhunter's help Battle by yourself Regardless of choice: «The Zardmaster runs away.» «You»: You did it! You overcame your fear and we beat the Zardmaster again! «Aria's pet enters.» Zardhunter: AAAAAHHHHH!!!! «The Zardhunter runs.» «You»: Uhhh... now who is going to be brave enough to take care of this... handsome... little guy...
MogZards Shop Weapons: Zard Tosser Zard FlinGer Zard Shooter Zard DiZpatcher Zard Catapult Zard Launcher Zard BarraGe Zard Salvo Shop Pets: MogZard Z MogZard MogZard MogZard MogZard G MogZard MogZard G Play again! Guardian Tower! Leave Write-up thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Encounter List. Level 0-34 DarkZard (1) [Pack of 3] EnergyZard (1) [Pack of 3] FireZard (1) [Pack of 3] Frogzard (1) [Pack of 3] IceZard (1) [Pack of 3] RayZard (1) [Pack of 3] TadZard (1) [Pack of 3] WindZard (1) [Pack of 3] Level 35-59 DarkZard (40) EnergyZard (40) FireZard (40) Frogzard (40) IceZard (40) RayZard (40) TadZard (40) WindZard (40) Level 60-84 DarkZard (60) EnergyZard (60) FireZard (60) Frogzard (60) IceZard (60) RayZard (60) TadZard (60) WindZard (60) Level 85-109 DarkZard (80) EnergyZard (80) FireZard (80) Frogzard (80) IceZard (80) RayZard (80) TadZard (80) WindZard (80) Level 110-124 DarkZard (100) EnergyZard (100) FireZard (100) Frogzard (100) IceZard (100) RayZard (100) TadZard (100) WindZard (100) Level 125-135 DarkZard (120) EnergyZard (120) FireZard (120) Frogzard (120) IceZard (120) RayZard (120) TadZard (120) WindZard (120) Level 136+ DarkZard (135) EnergyZard (135) FireZard (135) Frogzard (135) IceZard (135) RayZard (135) TadZard (135) WindZard (135)
< Message edited by Carandor -- 5/7/2016 19:10:20 >