Legendary AdventureGuide!
Didn't notice the bump on the last topic - my bad, unlocked! Might as well participate in this one now :) - Previously my name was Rainaka, which I can't remember the exact origin because I had used it for years, it was Japanese or something... Basically though, that had very little meaning to me, and it also to some people seemed feminine. Because of this I decided it was time to change to a new name that meant something to me. As many of you may have realised by now, I like Wolves, they are my favourite animal, and have always had my characters in each game as a Wolf or something of that sort, where possible. I also really enjoy reading about Ancient Greece and Italy in Roman times, their Gods etc. - I decided on Lycus because it was the perfect combination of all of them. Lycus is the Romanised/Latinised version of the Ancient Greek word for Wolf. Lycus also is the son of Poseidon, which again refers to Ancient Greece and its Gods. For these reasons, I picked my name! :D
< Message edited by Lycus -- 4/5/2012 11:19:29 >