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What's In The Name?

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4/5/2012 7:07:55   

Many people that I have met in ED have had very strange names with very strange reasons as to why they chose them. Talk about why you chose that particular name for your character and/or your alt.

black spidey

I originally wanted the name spiderman but it was taken so I chose Venom, his opposite. Surprise, surprise! It was also taken so I fused both of them and got black spidey(spiderman+venom= black spidey)

Epic  Post #: 1
4/5/2012 7:10:11   

The reasoning for my Character's name is because since he's a Tech Mage, I named him after one of my Mage-Esque Characters, Ickairiel. How the name Ickairiel came into being would be a MUCH longer story.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/5/2012 7:31:05   

There is already a discussion for this somewhere :)



It has been a while since someone posted, so a good bump may help :D
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/5/2012 8:56:39   

^you just necrobumped that topic >.>
I suggest posting here.

I don't really know how i ended up with Basicball


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
4/5/2012 10:06:31   
SouL Prisoner

^ I think it was destined for me to have this name ...could be a dark secret :D


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
4/5/2012 10:11:42   

Mirion: The first Sci-Fiency name I thought up, apparently it's a Space Agency's name too.

Shockstream: Overload.

Tortel: Hungry, thought of tortellini.

< Message edited by drinde -- 4/5/2012 11:28:04 >


DF MQ Epic  Post #: 6
4/5/2012 11:03:36   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Didn't notice the bump on the last topic - my bad, unlocked!

Might as well participate in this one now :) - Previously my name was Rainaka, which I can't remember the exact origin because I had used it for years, it was Japanese or something... Basically though, that had very little meaning to me, and it also to some people seemed feminine. Because of this I decided it was time to change to a new name that meant something to me. As many of you may have realised by now, I like Wolves, they are my favourite animal, and have always had my characters in each game as a Wolf or something of that sort, where possible. I also really enjoy reading about Ancient Greece and Italy in Roman times, their Gods etc. - I decided on Lycus because it was the perfect combination of all of them. Lycus is the Romanised/Latinised version of the Ancient Greek word for Wolf. Lycus also is the son of Poseidon, which again refers to Ancient Greece and its Gods. For these reasons, I picked my name! :D

< Message edited by Lycus -- 4/5/2012 11:19:29 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/5/2012 11:34:09   

my name is ..trizzzcentrino.. i don't know why i chose it but i got the inspiration from a few characters i've drawn click to see the characters plus the name sounds kind of like a high tech and powerful character.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
4/5/2012 11:41:59   

Since the original thread was locked... I have been obsessed with the grim reaper since I was 7. My name on almost every game I've ever played has had Reaper in it. Scarlet is my favorite color and the color of blood, therefore ScarletReaper was a logical choice.


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/5/2012 13:50:45   

Mine is last breath, kinda wanted to represent fighting to the very end no matter how gloom something may seem
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 10
4/5/2012 13:52:27   

When I had begun playing, I switched my name for Devoid Sentimental, which means stripped of emotions. I was a Tech Mage at the time. I switched name for Master of Disguise of course.

My forum name used to be greenrain13, because I saw a person on another site named Redrain. That name is so cool grammatically because you can read it as re-drain or red-rain depending on the context and person. Unavailable, so I made a nick of that alias.

My current character name is Oe. Coincidentally, my name is EXTREMELY close to Oz. I had no intentions of that to be honest. I appreciate short names. The shorter a name, the more generalized it becomes.

O. M. G.

Oe is an acronym for Old English. I had no idea. I think I am scared. Do I not talk as if I spoke in Old English sometimes? Creepy. I remember telling Fay in a pm that I talk in Old English recently. Coincidence? Need proof? Just ask.

My current forum name is Depressed Void. Obviously. Haha. I chose this alias because I am handling depression, and yes, I have been accepted by my doctors for depression. I would rather spend my time talking with you here, than to be with some of my friends in real life. We have drifted apart over time, and that has me grieving. The real pains come from my broken family life though. The void in my name is semblance of the emptiness I feel deep inside. I have difficulty more than many people being happy. The void is also my choice of element when I had played Adventure Quest. The void is unbiased, and is the end of reality. I appreciate the symbolism of it, essentially.
AQ Epic  Post #: 11
4/5/2012 15:27:33   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

My original name was Skydragon115. This was originally my AQW name and my fairly well-known YouTube channel. This was wayyyy back in Beta when class changing was not an option. I had originally chosen to be a merc but I decided I wasn't a "strength" build player. I then created a new account naming it the incredibly original name of ".Skydragon115". After awhile when name changing was introduced I was ready to get rid of that "."

Since my class was a mage, the coolest class. I chose to go with an "Elf" name that reflected the type of fighting my character did. Thus was born
Battle Elf

Battle = Battling in 1v1
Elf = Short cute guy with awesome hats!

< Message edited by Battle elf -- 4/5/2012 15:31:12 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
4/5/2012 15:57:54   

Well my main character's name is Darkoake. I'm not sure why but I think it has to do with a TV show I used to watch when I was younger.

My alt's name is Effervescent Lord. I chose this because I like bubbles, effervescent means to give off bubbles and let's be honest who doesn't like bubbles?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/5/2012 16:00:15   
My Name is Jake

AQW Epic  Post #: 14
4/5/2012 16:16:32   
Smackie El Frog

Depressed I think OE is more of an abbreviation for the Olde English malt liquor tbh.

Took my name from a stand up routine that my favorite comedian Mitch Hedberg did. clicky


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
4/5/2012 16:20:04   


Olde English malt liquor

If you want to get wasted just see me.
AQ Epic  Post #: 16
4/5/2012 16:23:13   
Spectating from the Sidelines

I misspelled Practical.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
4/5/2012 18:32:01   
Sipping Cider

@Depressed Void

I think you came to right place for now, becuase I have the feeling that most people on these forums are dealing with some form (even if small form) of depression. I am not saying everyone is, but when I play EpicDuel most peope I talk to we end up talking about sad things.


I thought you were a girl untill I read your post. Not saying you seem feminine I just assumed you were from the name. Although Lycus did seem odd for a girls name and now it makes more sense. Haha sorry about that :)

Orginally I wanted to name my character SUN but it was taken. This came from the fact that I feel so much better when I am in the sun and I hate winters becuase there is so little sunlight. Guess it has to do with the vitamin D or something, but bathing in the sun will turn a bad day upside down for me :P
So since sun was taken I thought sunguardian was kinda cool and it stuck.
Epic  Post #: 18
4/5/2012 18:51:28   

@Depressed Void & Sunguardian
Firstly, sorry to hear about the the depression, dude. Happens to everyone. Mynes always about some girls, long story...

Oh yeah! I guessed the origin! +1 by myself ;)
How did I came up with Wootz...
Well, lets see. I was just minding my own bussines one day and I was just playing SA:MP and obviously I wanted to try something new, in this case a Stunt server, which was called World of Stunting. And before that I always played on roleplaying server and not sure about the name on that...but, I was just staring and was thinking: "Screw this name. Lets come up with something original". And I though and somehow I got to use Wootz. And people liked my name and some people called me "Wo.0t'z" which was totaly pro. :)

And, firstly. When I started to play EpicDuel I named my first character 1234speedy. As in AQWorlds(Yeah, I'm that awesome Drow). And like 10 other accounts I ruined with constant retraining, I ruined that one. And just made an account after account until multiple character per account came. And I was like: "Time to be that pro again" and wrote down "Wootz" and it was taken by a level 15 Bounty Hunter named "WooTz" and I was meh. And since I decided to be a Bounty Hunter I used "WootzBH" for my name.
Somewhere in mid-levels I met the awesome Devil.. and later on I bought Varium, and I switched my class to the totaly awesome Cyber Hunter and the BH part was just meh then, so I used Devil's pattern and added two dots, and thats the way I got Wootz.. as my name in EpicDuel. #HappyCow

And, I STILL WANT "Wootz"!
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
4/5/2012 18:58:41   

The past two names I've had, MonstaGuap and Titus Zephyrinus, were both lost bets.
Somewhat annoying, but it happens.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
4/5/2012 19:00:34   

Bets? Explain please. xP
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
4/5/2012 21:02:45   

My char name is SylvanElf; it's my name in AQW and Combat Arms. Chose it simply because it describes me as an Elf from the forest ^^

I am happy to be in a faction founded by another elf (Battle Elf). =)
Post #: 22
4/5/2012 21:05:16   
Mr. Black OP

I was playing CoD Black Ops, I got the achievement "Mr. Black OP" then I was like, that's a cool name. So then I changed my name from "Zach." (my original name in ED and name in real life) to "Mr. Black OP."
Epic  Post #: 23
4/5/2012 21:48:13   

Lightning/energy-ish stuff has always appealed to me. I came up with my name a little over a year ago, while making up names for characters in a story. It popped into my head one day during a math class, and it's stuck with me ever since.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
4/6/2012 6:05:18   

My alt ansh0

Once while making an account on another gaming website, I wanted to have the name ansh as it was short and easy to remember but it was already taken so the site suggested some other nicknames and one of them was ansh0.It was also short and easy to remember, I have stuck with it ever since.

Epic  Post #: 25
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