Zao shang hao(good morning), Good Evening, Jo napot(good day) I was in a fight earlier today with a lvl 34 TLM, and I am currently a lvl 33, he had more base resistance for defense than me, I had more physical defense. My primary was energy and his was physical. We had a good fight going he had a maxed out poison and I had my maxed out blood shield, he poison me as he should forcing me to heal after two turns. I was able to raise my blood shield really reducing his damage. Both believing we could win, we fight for several rounds and then........................... I get a message saying I have been disconnected and redirecting to log back in. Now I dont mind the loss on my record but I like to think I would have won. I am certain many have lost a fight they believe they could have won against a opponent, they should have beaten. I think it would be cool if you had 1 per hour or however the game developers see fit. Plus it does not have to be manditory that a person gives one it is still there choice. What do you Think? To all have a great day and let the war begin. :-)