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=ED= EpicDuel Livestream Q/A Sunday May 27th 9AM EST

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5/25/2012 17:34:31   
Spectating from the Sidelines

Howdy' duelists!

The stream is now over! Thanks all for coming :) Below is a FAQ list of popular things asked and answered.

Hope to see you all there eventually, you'd be sure to have a great time!


Hello Duelists!
EpicDuel's LiveStream is located here: http://www.livestream.com/epicduelartists
This thread is a compilation the questions and answers asked during the May 27 Stream.

All answers come straight from the developers of the game!

Rej asks: Will there be an overhaul of the achievement shop?
Answer: Yes, we want to do that however we also want to give more customization before any changes to that shop specifically.

Tomcat435 asks: Whats the most difficult thing to do about a war? Is it the planning or the development?
Answer: That's a difficult question. We want this war to be very different, and address the problems the last war had. It's basically going to be from scratch, planning obviously has been long, we've been meeting everday at work, discussing features and how things are going to be built. There are obviously a lot of art assets that need to be created too.

nis70700 asks: Which weapon do you guys think is the best in epicduel?
Charfade answers: I like the crab crusher claws.
Nightwraith answers: Any weapon that is related to bear claws is great.
Cinderella answers: I like the Infernal Infiltration Sword, it's purty.

Vorpitar asks: Will there be war rares like Frost Reaper was for Frysteland?
Answer: Yeah there will be rare armors or something along those lines I'm sure.

rayniedays56 asks: In the war, will there be another system where we earn war points for achievements?
Answer: Yes, how you earn them however will be different most likely. We want to emphasize PvP and effort more, so it's not buying a thousand bombs and dumping them at a core.

ansh0 asks: Q-how do you pronouce 'Mjolnir'
Answer: Molnir

King FrostLich asks: When will we have Field Medic improve back to support?
Answer: It actually came up about giving Field Medic a little bit of scaling again, but not sure yet where that might go.

SMGS_AK asks: So Rabble has a new position of Game Liaison, maybe we could know a bit more on the position and what he now does aside from programming?
Answer: Basically we work with the forum staff to make changes, we want to change things up with the forum bugs section, and we've basically been talking with the forum heads to get some things changed.

ansh0 asks: will you ever balance bunker buster and plasma bolt?
Answer: They are again on our radar, Bunker Buster has been one that I've seen some what of an issue with. It hasn't actually been a problem, so nothings been done about it. With the new mercenarry skills, we're going to have a take a look at what that did for the class, it was deliberately a buff, so we'll see if it was to much but we think it will put mercenaries in a good position.

Mirage asks: multi is now worthless in 2v2, are you going to fix it?
Answer: The problem with multi skills was they were a must have in 2v2, turn 2 would always be a multi, the goal with it was to make it still useful, it should do more total damage than a one target, but it shouldn't do too much damage. We may have over shot it though.

Wind asks: Back in some Alpha Pictures, there was a Balius NPC on a fortune city screen. When will the Baelius NPC be released in-game?
Answer: That was more of a statue than an NPC.

Animate asks: How long do we have until Delta Knight leaves?
Answer: It will probably be a while, since it's tied to Delta and not any story line specifics. We want to let players have the opportunity to get that armor since it's a high level armor.

King FrostLich asks: Rabble, why were NPC's given deflection it makes it very hard for non variums.
Answer: We kind of want to go through NPC's again because we want them to be more "real." We're probably going to have to revisit NPC's and how we balance them, hopefully soon but we can make due with how it is now. We would like to add more intelligence.

Players ask: Will the new level 35 weapon restock once it's gone?
Answer: No, we've been sort of wishy washy on how we restock, but we wanted the limited quantity to actually be a limited quantity.

VIX asks: When are you guys going to remove the Baby Yeti?
Answer: The start of the war will probably be a good time to remove them.

Fay Beee asks: Will you guys be making an Olympics achievement?
Answer: Yes

SnowXKiller asks: Will you guys be making a new fast travel spot on the map?
Answer: Yes, we eventually will expand the map.

Wind asks: What is the most EPIC name you have ever seen? Besides your own name :P
Charfade answers: Trusting Stream
Cinderella answers: Nicky Larson (a meme during EpicDuel Alpha)
Lycus answers: Jimmy Sanchez

VIX asks: Are you going to make Rank Achievements?
Answer: That really just goes into the achievement revamp.

Players ask: Is there any plans for making some non-varium armors?
Answer: When we have time we hope to. Armors are probably the hardest thing to put in the game, not only are they color customization, but at the same time we have more help on the art side, and are working towards building up a stash of armors to send out. As we get more help, there will be more non-varium armors.

A player asks: With the new mission types, will we be making the war more PvP based and mission based?
Answer: Yeah, it will be great to do those types of things during this war, we no longer have that limitation like the last war.

SnowXKiller asks: Will you make the exiles take back frosty land from the legions?
Answer: We have actually been discussing that, it's not quite like what you want, but we have some ideas involving yetis.

ChaosVoid asks: Will charfade be making new items for her shop in fortune city?
Answer: Yes, probably after the war.

G00NY asks: When will evolved classes get new ultimate and or multi?
Answer: That again is a time and priority thing, skills take a lot of time so what we've been doing as an issue comes up with a class we will look at changing up one of their skills. Out right replacing an ultimate and or multi takes a lot of factors, as well as it's difficult to test.

The chosen 0ne asks: Will you guys make any significant changes to faction HQ's?
Answer: It is on our to-do list, and it's just a matter of priority.

VIX asks: Are you guys planning on making a Delta Bike anytime soon?
Answer: We could, we don't have it on the agenda persay, but if there's a big enough desire for a Delta Bike we could probably make them.

Veneeria asks: Guys, is it possible to make exp rewards in missions?
Answer: It is definitely possible and it's a good idea. I will write it down and get it down.

Players ask: Will you guys be making the skill tree any bigger?
Answer: Not any time soon, it is very hard to expand.

Players ask: Will there be any mini-games?
Answer: We probably won't be making mini-games in the actual game, it's better to add features first.

Elryn asks: What about a credit cap? Similar to gold and experience caps in AQ?
Answer: We really don't want to limit the amount of players who have credits, there are really about 2 players who have over a million credits.

Wind asks: Will you extend the Buddy List? Because you have already extended the Inventory spaces, 100 Buddy spaces isn't enough.
Answer: Wow, you're popular! It's definitely possible.

nis70700 asks: Will the silver skull card eventually be able to be sold?
Answer: It doesn't count as an inventory item, so I really can't see why you would want to do that, but we're improving it and if you have access to the battlemode there is no reason to sell it.

PhantomOfFreedom asks: Can you make valestra convert credits into tokens?
Answer: I don't think we'd want to do that, since tokens are designed to be an effort only.

Tomcast asks: Hey Charfade, I have a question; What happened to this; http://twitpic.com/5cgd7r Did that ever get released?
Answer: No it hasn't, we have a bunch of NPC's drawn that aren't in-game, we want them to have a special "place" where they really fit in-game.

Players ask: When can we link with another play for a 2v2 match?
Answer: It's been on our to-do list for a while, but we need to think, how do we secure this from not being overpowered and or an unfair advantage? We've never really had a good answer for that, so we'll see.

Players ask: Why isn't there trade?
Answer: The reason we don't have trade is because people hacking or scamming would be too much of an issue.

< Message edited by Practel -- 5/28/2012 14:51:10 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/25/2012 17:36:28   
Chosen 0ne

In the last livestream you mentioned a reward for beta's. Are you still considering it?
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
5/25/2012 17:38:15   
Fay Beeee

I have good headphones now. :) So I will come.

No singing Practel LOL


Epic  Post #: 3
5/25/2012 17:42:27   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Finish work at 11AM, and i'll be sure to be there for 2PM :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
5/26/2012 4:44:17   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Sounds interesting but I doubt I can attend, I will see if I can come up with any questions though.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/26/2012 4:54:04   

Haha Fay and Digi, will you be speaking at the Livestream too?
If so awesome!

I can't wait, hopefully I can attend if I'm not too tired :S Have sports in the morning.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
5/26/2012 4:56:43   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

@Wind, I don't think so no.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/26/2012 9:46:34   


1) Will Hank ever allow us to bake Wabbit Pie?

2) Is Nightwraith related to Lightwraith?

Also, not really a question, but I would really like to see some information on the Hazards of the BioDome in the chat. Thankees.

< Message edited by drinde -- 5/27/2012 9:23:37 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 8
5/26/2012 10:00:54   
Fay Beeee

Not me speaking lol.
Epic  Post #: 9
5/26/2012 11:30:32   

^ awww i was hoping we could speak to all the new mods
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
5/26/2012 11:34:25   

I think that all moderators should be able to speak, but when questions get technical, the developers should step in and answer the questions for them.

Nothing wrong there.
AQ Epic  Post #: 11
5/26/2012 11:47:40   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Not too sure if we're allowed to, i suppose it wouldn't hurt to check though.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
5/26/2012 12:55:04   
Fay Beeee

I will be at the side bar. So I will be there but not linked in with the main group. Which is what we are going there for, I think. :)
Epic  Post #: 13
5/26/2012 18:34:41   

Question for Mods/Devs:

Any plans on a new NONVAR armor coming out soon? We haven't had one since Hazard Husk, and (for hunters), Exile and Predator Armors have been here for I-Don't-Even-Know-How-Long. I suggested a "Bunny Armor" drop from Electro Hazard to end the Bionic Battalion Saga, but sadly, no.

So yeah. Any news on some new nonvar armors coming out soon, like Bio Hazard Husk? I'm thinking about changing my E armor to a P armor, but if a new armor comes out, I'd have wasted my credits...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
5/26/2012 23:22:17   
l Chop Suey l

I got a collection of questions for the ED Team and theyre all based on everything on fixing cetain aspects like classes,builds,and fun stuff cant wait.....
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
5/26/2012 23:27:08   

Since I won't be able to make it to the Livestream, here are my questions.
Will the achievement shop be expanded soon? And if so, can you give a rough estimate of when this will happen?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
5/26/2012 23:34:42   

I have work that endures throughout the entire livestream, so I will have ro post my single question here:


When will you be considering expanding the current skill tree beyond the 3 x 4 layout?

Once at level 40, up to 4 skills of 12 (33%) can be capped out with skill points. The choices of builds are limiting.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 5/26/2012 23:35:50 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 17
5/27/2012 7:55:02   
Fay Beeee

Just tweeted


Charfade ‏@Charfade
In approx one hour the EpicDuel Live Q&A will start!
Epic  Post #: 18
5/27/2012 9:16:23   

The stream is LIVE. LIVE!
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 19
5/27/2012 9:39:57   
King FrostLich

When will we have Field Medic improve back to support? AS said by Practel.
Epic  Post #: 20
5/27/2012 10:58:43   
Mr. Black OP

What will be new about the next war?
Epic  Post #: 21
5/27/2012 11:18:42   
Spectating from the Sidelines

Livestreams over!

Thanks all for watching, an official FAQ has been posted!

DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
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