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=MtAK= The Grandmage's New Apprentice

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7/30/2012 21:47:02   
Ryu Viranesh

The doors of the Grandmage of Kazarkian's palatial residence were hurriedly pulled wide by a pair of large, well-armed guards, their gazes snapping upward as though to hide their previous inattention. Luckily for them, the person who strode through the doorway was not their employer; it was the young man whom the city's ruler had called for earlier in the day. However, one did not simply visit the Grandmage. He changed those who were brought into his presence, and it was no different with this youth. The boy had entered the magister's apartments clothed in homespun linens and hide, but left garbed in silk and many scented perfumes. It was likely that even his family and friends would scarcely recognize him. He made his way down the many steps that lay before the palace and headed for a smaller structure located closer to the edge of the complex; his new home.

Well, this is a little overdue, but I've finally gotten around to posting a Meet the Archknight thread! Since I'm not sure that many of you know me very well, and since we're going to be working together in the future, this is your chance to ask me any questions that might be on your mind. Really, anything ... with a few small restrictions:

1. I reserve the right to not answer questions that I deem either too personal or that I simply feel uncomfortable responding to.

2. Since I'm sure this won't really be a problem, let's limit this to 2 posts a page with up to 12 questions a post. Why 12? It's my favorite number!

3. I might very well get "creative" with how I answer questions, so be prepared.

4. Have Fun.

I think that's everything, so if you've got questions, bring them on!

Ah yes, just to clear up any confusion, I'll be editing in this color. :)

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/30/2012 21:57:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
7/30/2012 21:55:30   


Been waiting for a MTAK in my favorite section of the forum!
My favorite section as well ... don't tell me that you've been reading my mind ... quick, what am I thinking of right now?

Don't think I know you, believe it or not. .-.
I've not always been the most active, so I'm not terribly surprised. I mean, I'm a ninja. Yeah, that's right.

I'm Riprose, pleased to meetchya!
*Nurses a glass of water on ice, idly sipping at it* "I'm Viranesh. Ryu Viranesh"

Favorite RP of all time?
That's actually a really hard question, although I am extremely partial to the Elemental Championships and the original Mechquest RP on these forums, titled "Crew of the Bacchus"

What was your first RP here?
The 2007 Elemental Championships, from which I was expelled. Not exactly something I'm proud of, but I think I'm finally doing the character justice with my revamp this year.

THat's pretty much all I've got.
Then that's all she wrote.

Good Bye!

~Ryu Viranesh

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/30/2012 22:05:39 >
DF MQ  Post #: 2
7/30/2012 22:13:14   

Guess I'm doing that basic post where some of the basic things are asked. But it wouldn't be me without some more 'special' questions, so let's get this started.
Take a good look at the questions everyone, they'll be asked on the test.

First, hello. Greetings. Hi there. Eyo. Whichever one you want.
Any will do, though hellooooooo Koorooooooo. :P

1. How long've you been RPing for?
Around 6-7 years now, though only seriously for about 3-4.
2. Had any RPing experience in other forums?
A little bit, though I can't say anything really substantial.
3. Are you allergic to seafood or cashews?
Neither, thankfully.
4. Do you have any hobbies, or are you one of those people that spend their spare time merely sitting?
I like to read and write, play games, enjoy running and swimming. Roleplaying, of course.
5. If I had 5 Oranges, and I gave Starstruck 3 Oranges but took them back from him immediately and gave him apples instead, what is the mass of the Sun? (show working)
Uh, ummmm, I plead the 5th!
6. Is there any style of character you prefer to RP as? Mages, fighters? Male, female?
I like RPing as either gender, though I've probably RPed more male characters. As to style, I love RPing just about everything, since you can always make it interesting.
7. Any favorite style of RP? Academy, Quest-based, Competition, Puzzle, etc.?
Once again, I really like them all, though I'll mention Competition and Puzzle in particular.
8. Howabout setting of RP? Fantasy, Sci-fi, any preferences?
I once again enjoy both Fantasy and Sci-fi, with a slight preference towards the former. Comes from a long time of reading Fantasy novels.
9. [Important Question] How awesome do you think lasers are?
Awesome enough to burn your eyes with their brilliance!
10. Do you want a biscuit?
This depends. Is it still fresh?
11. Now, how creative are you with your answers?
*Ryu takes a seat and pulls out a paintbrush, dipping the brush into a bucket of black pain before bringing it up to Kooroo's face, the instrument swishing to and fro, this way and that as he paints. Finally, after many hours of hard work, and several invasions by the Dark Dragons, Ryu completes his masterpiece, blowing on the brush as he proudly looks upon his work. "By the way, did I mention that I can't paint for my life?" This single nonchalant comment shatters the air of professionalism that had been carefully cultivated for the entire post, the remains collapsing in on itself in a supernova.* (There's a freebie answer for you)
13. 12. Why is 12 your favorite number, and what does it mean?
It means everything and nothing, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, and it is the real number of this question.

And we're at the limit, out of time and full of... awesome.
Yes, yes we are.

Anyhow, good job on the AKship. ('zat what we call 'em?)
It might be called that, and thanks!

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/30/2012 22:37:25 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
7/30/2012 23:30:05   

Well now, been a good few years since the last time I took place in one of these... I think it was User on the AQW forums, actually. Not that any of you would know about him.

You probably know me as that one nuisance who started Galere and proceeded to poison the RPA and ruin the reputation of these boards as a good place. Or as the person who couldn't RP his way out of a paper bag.

Well, on to the business end of this word shtick.
Let us get down to this business then.

1) Favorite pizza topping?
Fried Eggplant

2) Worst experience in RPing (doesn't have to be something you caused yourself, it could be a moment someone else just absolutely ruined)?
Mmmm. This was something that did take place on one of my few experiences on another forum. Involved a forum RP where every post other than my own was a one liner. Not a particularly fun or engaging experience.

3) Favorite thing you've ever written in an IC post?
Likely my Collaboration post with superjars in last year's Elemental Championships. It was so much fun to write.

4) Have your fellow AK folk given you "The Test" yet?
The what? Oh do you mean the-*is silenced*

5) What does it take to give and trade?
It means that you give me valuable objects and I trade them off to make lots of money.

6) Your meaning of life?
It's hard to put into words.

7) Favorite person to RP with?
No one person, but many, many people who I have RPed with on these forums, though quite a few of the ARPers.

8) Personal "Code of Honor" when RPing?
I will remain on-topic, not god-mod/bunny/railroad or any such thing, write my character to the best of my ability, and have as much fun as possible RPing with the others involved.

9) If yes, why no?
Maybe so.

10) Favorite form of media (TV, film, anime, literature, morse code, etc.)?
Out of that list, Anime.

11) Sdrawkcab Eman?
Hsenariv Uyr

11) Favorite mythological creature (lamia, siren, dragon, unicorn, kistune, etc etc.)?
I'm very, very partial to Dragons, Phoenixes, and Dire Wolves and will not choose between them.

Unlike everyone else, I don't sign off on my posts. So... Meh?
A plague on both of your houses for this injustice!

Oh, almost forgot: Congratulations on volunteering for an immensely stressful job!
What stress? *Is crushed beneath it, silencing him yet again*

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/30/2012 23:52:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
7/31/2012 6:26:50   

1)Yay!New Archknight!And oh,nice sword.
Indeed! Many thanks for the praises; this sword of empires has helped me through many a battle, and should help me through AKing as well.

2)How would you kill a Frogzard?
Very, very carefully.

3)Ryu...got that name from Street fighter or because it just means 'Dragon'?
That's a very common misconception actually, since my name actually has nothing to do with Street Fighter. It's taken from the character in my avatar, also named "Ryu", from the Breath of Fire series (in this case the second game).

4)So wait,in one of the earlier questions you said you're a ninja...WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT FROM AND TEACH ME SOME OF THAT KARATE!
Ancient AK secret. *Bows*

5)Write a "Roses are red..." Poem.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
This question is Done
So let's have some Fun!

6)What's the best thing about Tuesday?
That it's Twozday.

7)Weapon you'd prefer when RPing?
I've had great fun with a sword, a pole-arm, or even no weapon at all.

8)Are you awesome?

Delicious as pie?

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/31/2012 16:06:49 >
DF  Post #: 5
7/31/2012 9:07:50   

Ah Greetings oh AK I have yet to hear of (I'm still scared of TD even though I've never met 'em >.>...... <.<)
Hail and well met! Also, don't be scared, we dragons don't bite.

Anyways I actually have a number of qwuestions I've been meaning to ask someone.
I'm someone, and I like answering questions!

1) If, in an AQ-like setting, I charged at you with an oversized axe... would would you do?
Dodge out of the way of said bull-run and plant a dagger in your side. Good deterrent, isn't it?

2) Do you like Dr. Pepper?
Nay, I only drink Water and Tea.

3) I do wonder... what's the finniest comment one of your characters has made about something?
Likely a comment that my character for the EC last year, Leira, made to another character when they were in a ... compromising situation.

4) Whom would you support: Pirates or Ninja?
The Ninja Creed forbids me from taking any other side.

5) What would you ahve to say about a Darkness aligned demon skilled in light magic?
Interesting. I'd wonder about the process that formed said demon.

6) Have you ever RP'd a theif failing to pickpocket, creating an awkward situation?
No, but I still might. You never know.

7) Final question: Is there any RP you regret being a part of?
Hmm, though I've had some RPs with some bad GMs, I don't think that I regret taking part in any, no. They still resulted in the characters that took part in them.

And that's all from me so until I can be bothered to show my face around you again, adieu!

Come around again, you hear!

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/31/2012 16:38:10 >
Post #: 6
7/31/2012 9:31:08   
How We Roll Winner

Hello Ryu!
Hello Arthur!

Firstly, how are you?
Doing pretty well, thank you. You?

Now then...(cracks knuckles)
*Eyes Arthur and allows his hand to fall to the pistol holstered at his side*

What is your favourite animal?
Hmmm, not sure, maybe the Peregrine Falcon.

What is your favourite class?(Like mages, warriors, ninjas, etc.)
No particular favorite-all are fun to play.

Who is your favourite author?
I've quite a few, though I can mention George R.R. Martin, Paul S. Kemp, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Don Bassingthwaite, D.J. Machale, and many, many more.

Your most cherished RP Character?(Could be yours, or someone else's)
That's ... actually an impossible question for me to answer. I care far too much about each of my characters, and they're all so different.

Any tip for the younger and newer RPers of the RPA?
Just to never give up, keep trying, and always be ready and willing to learn, since even as an RPer in the main board or an ARPer, there's always more that you can learn.

That's all, cya around! And Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight.
Very many thanks, Sir Dragonlord!

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/31/2012 17:22:03 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
7/31/2012 16:06:42   

Hey there new AK!
Nice to meet you!

1)What's up brosth?
Nothing much, and you?

2)What is your favorite paranormal or supernatural TV series ever?(Mine's Lost Girl. <3 You MUST see Lost Girl! It received so many great reviews!)
Mmm, I'd likely pick an anime in the form of Ghost Hunt or Ghost Hound.

3)Have you ever RPed an anthro animal before?
No, no I have not.

4)Will be more active then the other AK knights that seem to get on once every 3 months or less?
Well I think I've been rather active since I've been AKed, and cut the others some slack. They're around.

5)Shall you be joining any of the RPs we have here in this lovely RPA?
After the EC concludes, that's a much stronger possibility.

6)What is your favorite story written by fellow user or user created story?
Mmm, from this forum, I really like some of the stuff that I've seen TD write.

7)Do you like orange soda?
As previously stated, no. Only water and tea. :P

8)What is your favorite band?
No one favorite, but I like English bands in the vein of Coldplay and American ones similar to the Reign of Kindo, as well as Japanese groups like Mr. Children, Bump of Chicken, and Radwimps. So a lot.

9)What's your favorite comic book story character from DC comics? Mine's Green Lantern!
Batman, of course.

10)What's your favorite comic book story character from Marvel comics? Mine's Spiderman! :P

11)Ok, this one is most important, have you EVER been to 6 flags?! :3
Indeed I have!

12)If so, what's your favorite ride from 6 flags?
Nitro. It's great fun to ride.

That's all I gotta ask! :P See ya around and congratz on getting AKship!
Thank ye very much!

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/31/2012 17:43:30 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
7/31/2012 18:08:57   

Well, let's git 'r dunn!
Yes, let's.

1. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Nothing, as I'm not a particular fan of them.

2. How are you better than Strider Hiryu?
In every way, of course.

3. You're trapped in a whale! Create an ingenious escape method using a crate full of duck tape, several paper clips, and a barrel of play-dough!
Let's see: I'll drop the hard play-dough down its gullet, then use the duct tape and the paper clips to create a tented insulation suit to protect me from its vomit when it throws up.

4. What's your best catchphrase to yell before killing someone?
"Ware wa Messiah Nari. Hahaha!" (To anyone who gets the reference, I salute you.)

5. Have you considered changing that answear to "BACCOOOON BITZ!!!"
Nope, not even the smallest bit.

6. Как вы делаете?
Етеалед ыв как

7. Who's the greatest Final Fantasy character? (Excluding Bahamut and the summons)

8. I'm out of ideas for questions.... For now! *scarry music*
I await your return ... and the end of the scary music.

Hope to see you around the RPA, man!
Hope to be seen around, so thanks!

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 7/31/2012 18:49:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
8/1/2012 9:49:19   


I haven't seen a new Archknight around here in...... well, I haven't.
I believe that the last one was superjars at some point back in 2011, though his was a quiet assumption of power. :3

Question Time. (6 about RPing, 6 totally random that I come up with as I write.)
Alright, let's go.

1. Out of all the RPs and characters you've made on these forums, has there ever been any RP or character that really stuck to you, one that you really liked?
Tough question, since once again, I really like a lot of my characters, but if I had to pick two, I'd probably say Leira Wainwright (EC 2011) and my namesake, Ryu Viranesh (EC 2007/2012). Both are very, very special to me.

2. Do you do better with human-like characters or completely different beast-like characters?
I usually tend to do better playing Human-like characters, so my experiences have taught me, though I'm not adverse to playing something more out there either.

3. Characters are going inactive, and your RP is about to close down. What do you do?
Try to figure out why people are going inactive. If it's a problem on my side, try my best to fix it. If the players are simply too busy, then consider halting it until they're not, bring in some new blood, or consider perhaps running something else while the first option is in play.

4. Have you ever played as a half-dragon? (It seems popular here, but I've never quite gotten it. I don't see how a child like that could come to be, even if the mother could get around the eat-your-face-off part.)
No, surprisingly enough I haven't, even though the first part of my name comes from a Breath of Fire character. xD

5. If you could bring back one dead RP, what would it be?
Probably "Crew of the Bacchus", since it had a lot of potential and was so much fun to play in.

6. The RP section is not very well known around the forums. Some newcomers say that they didn't know this existed until yesterday or something like that. Would you prefer to keep it that way, or would you find a way to draw in tons of new RPers?
I'd like to draw in more new people, but at the same time I'm not optimistic enough to think that they'd all stay. We'd gain just enough New Blood to boost activity, but likely not enough to flood the RP section.

7. Do you play a musical instrument of any kind?
I've played the Trumpet for just about a decade now.

8. Scholastic ability or sports?
I graduated near the top of my High School class.

9. If you could recieve 1 million dollars, but a random person in the world would go blind, would you do it?
No. I couldn't live with that type of guilt.

10. That random person was you. Are you okay, or did you do the selfish thing?
Perfectly okay!

11. Narwhals or unicorns?

12. Have you enjoyed these questions?
Yes, yes I have.

See you around!
Hope to see you too!

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 8/1/2012 19:01:31 >
Post #: 10
8/19/2012 20:53:54   


Congrats on Ak ship
Thank ye, kindly.

I`m late to the party aren`t I?
Tis better to be late than to have never arrived at all.

Favrite kind of rp?
I'm generally a fan of most, so I can't really name anything specific.

Fav game to rp in?
Toss-up between AdventureQuest and MechQuest.

While bye for now.
A fond farewell to you as well. :)

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 8/19/2012 21:02:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
8/20/2012 0:21:46   

Why hello there..................

You probably don't know me, I'm relatively new RPer here.
Well I do now. :) Welcome to the RP Forums and I hope that you'll enjoy your stay.

Anyways, it's time.
The time has come.

1. What's you favorite activity?
Probably reading, though writing, role-playing, and gaming are all close.

2. Have you ever gotten SO in character that you didn't want to get out?
Several times ... good times they were.

3. Many people when playing supernatural creatures choose a humanoid. Have you ever choosen a Non-humanoid as you character?
I have, although I believe that I play humanoid characters better.

4. Do you know when the Narwhale Bacons?
When the crow caws at midnight.

5. Before you answer that, SHHH! You musten't reveal the secret!
That was a secret?

6. I offer you 10 internets, for your soul. Where do we go from there?
My soul has already been claimed, so nowhere.

7. If you answered "A Call Center outsourced to India" then you Win!
I win, I always win!

8. I have no idea what I'm doing right now.
Does anyone truly know what they're doing?

Cya around the forums!

< Message edited by Ryu Viranesh -- 8/20/2012 15:34:28 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
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